COSM EE NG Co.,INC* -LAND SURVEYORS AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6418 56th AVENUE NORTH,*,MINNEAPOLIS 28, MINN..- KE 7- 3637 CIVIL ANIS MUNICIPAL ENOINEER/NG LAND SURVf PING LAND PLANNING SOILS TESTINrs z r ,, 9".+CST p, 'Broth nio vt,_)p"r..i.. EE`er T= 20-o "CU4 l gra F WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TItIS 1% ATRUE AND CORRECT REFRESEN'[ATION OE A SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES 0f SHE LAND ABOVE DESCRIBED AND OF THE LOCAa1a% OF ALL BUILDINGS, 1F ANY, 'SHEREON, AND ALL 111S19L'E ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, FROM OR 014 SAID I.Wt. MINDER ENGINEERING CG.,V lNC; OAZEO TF4t5 _DAY d; �"�sr��r+y--�.� A.O. 1961 el Land Planning u % 68173 Highway Ala.6S N.E. Land Surveying • h �'_1r�n Minneapolis, ' Solis Testing '�.L ' '�j�6�ie Minn. SS434 Civil Engineering' Telephone 794-6666 Municipal Engineering Engineers' & Surve` qrs Area Code 612 Mortgage Loan Survey for �'a���'caer,�b7c. . Soso LAI o 1h L ev 1 � I?UTr41 CIRCI E F O LUX ,5 51DI911VG 5ROOK: o4404917101V, AIV0K,q CO41 V7'Y This is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of; the land above 'described and of the location of all buildings, if any, thereon, and oll visible encroachments, if any, from or ion said land. This survey4s node only in connecdion with a mortgage loan now being placed on the property and no liability is assumed except to the holder, .of such with, or,ony other interest acquired by, the reason of such mortgage; It is - understood and agreed #pQ m�onuments hove been placed far the purpose of establishing. lot lines or boundary corners. Doted this�="`doy of ,-C A. D. 19_M 4 3211 SUBURBAN INGINEIA1146,.I14C. Enginee s Sur ars- / by