COSc6 c It t, (-� t i ` i, t W75 .�u�hs�,; _� a•�. ENGINEERING, INC. clyli ti, 1Lrrti'" 4' hila certificate of. ourvey irolp QN GARe I r- (41 I- W Lam a @lLocrc INSASSUCK S-rw Acornow AMOK^ COUNTY .w.: ......ter.-_ —+.. U E. 114-71'r E 5 1..}U;. A �' t 1 k*l E A N E A *ot ihl, is a true and av—n e :� crtr�r� =fit 'v 5trveq 40m rdjr-5 ab3w 06 , t d ive, �vd o 1kt#&W Of## Nff"15WNW d(l r6h(ve emrvuLb efdr , rC , * or ,or'r swot la7d..45 wrve yed shy OW 1&5- _ '�q MAY A.1 OUSU15(hQ8AN N6-1WRIN6, INC .� 1 4 ENG I NIEEP ING 1 '705 LAKEL/,ND AVLNL,: F6 Scale GEOTECHNiC') P 0 OSSF-3 N1W4.*-:ES0TA LAND SUl"I'VEYING PHC,'4E 612, 425-2181 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY It"N We hereby certifv 0---t thr-S fj tr;,;, ami of b-Dundarie.- �f ab,7,,,-e and cf tho (,-ccti-,n of fil! huddir�- rncr,�cic+-i if any, or -m said hand A; surveyed by me this ,,,Z U:) C> f 19-10 f r F,