COSMwn Otte u 571 60tib UnUMBAN 605 rlignwny Pru fi5 Pr E. 5543.7 890-6510 Mun—P111 E-91�11019 0 S,,u Fe.1;49 t—id SiSi-rymz# Lurid Piwanji I), c,", Head W"Swile, Wrimscia 66337 lay' rll Desavpno1v �,wi-77Cq for a00QC0 INVESTIV-EY7- REALTK I ]�NC. Alorlh e v .,qad Alo.lo, —97-0— '�S014S USING IN ruRposes Ak O QO V— PARCEL A �°` 3 PARCEL "The - �o u 1h /38,0 le"elt" o04 tholporfo,'Lall,Revised �7udilor's Subollv*41onAlo.lo 0, Anoka Courtly, Annm,la, o1e;cr1'beda;,1'b11ows-. 1;qinnin� art cylooinl on fh e norlb &7e Meru," cbs/ o*nl 642 jf2el CoVIII the norlhwepl corner Oi wbd ion ocro" of/'lo{ /C) oid r&19'ed gudilor,-; Wo.. /0 ; thence Cad) aloe ibe Alorik 11-ne thereon' 97,0fgee l; Meno u lb, gyrollel me oorrollel with Ae nork wl h Vhe Wed line 1hereZrlh l") 1hence ar,0111el wilh Mert 0/1we;lj line Ae ` C ,�ev, fiaol �46. Wo. lo, 9 7 IZe thence Mork arallel wilbi&' P7 Val 11i7e +Ikereo,('30 0 eel lo the oinl Ap map or there©� �Ae anal orregol ov, beot;qr) IV; aceoroli�7 lo I on ib lhe' olr'l'c or 1he 0 4 Irar Tilles In' 'anolj6r 17noka tounl Al/An e;o cy. ford Pct ro Ike sroulh 401'eel or roaolwoy loar pogerse. PARCEL tL7/ of Zol /, &Ireol 4 4 L�xlor s-Qdliv;vn Alo. /Or Onoka Lounl nn esrola -Y A A cie;oribd ay 4,1o'llows , 9 n ,Pnnln� of alqol�l on the lVorlh //* e lhereor LYWar2l W;eel fad �,Ihe 'norlhwegi come o�l' Lot /9 gold Avlseol Nydllor'� ;4 holivlsl`n No. /0; lhene� Cagl olon� ll�e Alorlh ll�e I&Xe,911' , 970/IW� 1henee �,,OUXI, orallelwilb ar(?I�el wl'lb* the � rIA,11i3e -the west Ithe I lherp'_o�t' Jog dor �egl 1hence We;t,,I Ile/ W//, 1here ol' 9 7 j, 'ej�� e Mps //�7e 1�ereol- 308 reel el, 1hence �h, Oro to The '00/6 �'�e fd ere on e Ord i`he 1 114 - 5�1 �rt P/,d or,", r�cord, e o r,, lho�011?hel 10'1he ma� 1< L7 jlle;' and or not (,'�q-r Cour? /yt, Me �oa /h Im. 0 eel There �u �j / lo n or 1h 10 ; �ee � _/ (9� ec A41�neo�q c e 2—r eoun ly 9, Not Published: All Rights Reserved COUN TK g040 0MOP call local arc+ dig til PARCEL BY 1Lj o (a �Y nch 2, c '()C",TIONS AND !ATIA IS FOR 1WF0,!-,.4AA—n1 .970 '�S014S USING IN ruRposes Ak O QO V— PARCEL A �°` 3 PARCEL "The - �o u 1h /38,0 le"elt" o04 tholporfo,'Lall,Revised �7udilor's Subollv*41onAlo.lo 0, Anoka Courtly, Annm,la, o1e;cr1'beda;,1'b11ows-. 1;qinnin� art cylooinl on fh e norlb &7e Meru," cbs/ o*nl 642 jf2el CoVIII the norlhwepl corner Oi wbd ion ocro" of/'lo{ /C) oid r&19'ed gudilor,-; Wo.. /0 ; thence Cad) aloe ibe Alorik 11-ne thereon' 97,0fgee l; Meno u lb, gyrollel me oorrollel with Ae nork wl h Vhe Wed line 1hereZrlh l") 1hence ar,0111el wilh Mert 0/1we;lj line Ae ` C ,�ev, fiaol �46. Wo. lo, 9 7 IZe thence Mork arallel wilbi&' P7 Val 11i7e +Ikereo,('30 0 eel lo the oinl Ap map or there©� �Ae anal orregol ov, beot;qr) IV; aceoroli�7 lo I on ib lhe' olr'l'c or 1he 0 4 Irar Tilles In' 'anolj6r 17noka tounl Al/An e;o cy. ford Pct ro Ike sroulh 401'eel or roaolwoy loar pogerse. PARCEL tL7/ of Zol /, &Ireol 4 4 L�xlor s-Qdliv;vn Alo. /Or Onoka Lounl nn esrola -Y A A cie;oribd ay 4,1o'llows , 9 n ,Pnnln� of alqol�l on the lVorlh //* e lhereor LYWar2l W;eel fad �,Ihe 'norlhwegi come o�l' Lot /9 gold Avlseol Nydllor'� ;4 holivlsl`n No. /0; lhene� Cagl olon� ll�e Alorlh ll�e I&Xe,911' , 970/IW� 1henee �,,OUXI, orallelwilb ar(?I�el wl'lb* the � rIA,11i3e -the west Ithe I lherp'_o�t' Jog dor �egl 1hence We;t,,I Ile/ W//, 1here ol' 9 7 j, 'ej�� e Mps //�7e 1�ereol- 308 reel el, 1hence �h, Oro to The '00/6 �'�e fd ere on e Ord i`he 1 114 - 5�1 �rt P/,d or,", r�cord, e o r,, lho�011?hel 10'1he ma� 1< L7 jlle;' and or not (,'�q-r Cour? /yt, Me �oa /h Im. 0 eel There �u �j / lo n or 1h 10 ; �ee � _/ (9� ec A41�neo�q c e 2—r eoun ly 9, Not Published: All Rights Reserved 9) C-1 e73- 0 6 # . a