01/25/2016 PH Charter Amendment Chapter 6 � . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Fridiey ()To aRnoint a designee to serve ' ' t � (Official Publication) in their absence when presence is �uncil has the option of lowest re- STATE OF MINNESOTA required. The name of the designee soonsible bid or best value bid as �SS Public Hearing Notice shall be forwarcled by written notice described in the Minnesota State COUNTY OF ANOKA Before the City Council to the Ci Council. on Proposed Amendment � t s. The Council may, how- to City Charter �pn 2:That Section 6.03 be ever,reject any and all bids.Nothing Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice is hereby given that there hereby amended as fopows: contained in this Section shall pre- StatCS or af�iTms that he/She is the Pub1iS11eT'S will be a public hearing of the Fridley Section 6.03. DEPARfMENTS vent the council from contracting Ci Council at the Fridle Munici � �F ADMINISTRATION. for the doing of work with patented Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known tY y � The Council may create stleh of- processes, or from the purchasing as: Center,6431 University Avenue NE, fices, departments, divisions and of paterrted appliances. Fridley, Minnesota, on Monday, burezus for the administration of the PASSED AND ADOPTED BY Jarniary 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. for City's affairs. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY SF Columbia Heights/Fridley the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the following amend- � 1�X OF FRIDLEY THIS _ DAY OF ment to the City Charter. alter the powers and organiration of 201_. with the known office of issue being located the same.It may enact,in the form ORDINANCE NO._ af an ordinance. an saeh admin- Scott J.Lund,Ma or in the county of: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Y ANOKA CHAPTER 6 OF THE istrative code for the City es-Fnay ATTEST FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER g�� and may amend with additional circulation in the counties of: EM'ITLED ADMINISTRATION the same f�am-timete-time. Debra A.Skogen,City Clerk ANOKA OF CITY AFFAIRS ���3:That Section 6.04 be public Hearing: be ow:as full knowledge of the facts stated Fri ley herebCy finds,�after re ew, h���O�6.04.a SUBO DINATE Second Re ding: examination and recommendation �FFICERS. Published: (A)The newspaper has complied with ail of There shall be a City Cle�lc.City published Janua t,s,�s and 22, by the Fridley Charter Commission �Y the LCqulrementS constituting qualifica- and staff,that the Fridley City Char- Treasurer, City Attomey and sueh 2016 in the legal edition of the Frid- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ter be hereby amended as follows: other officers subordinate to the ley SunFocus. by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. �� q; � ��y E�y City Manager as the Council may B This Public Notice was nnted and ub- Charter Section 6.02 be hereby Provide for by ordinance(s).reso�u- 1/1-1/22/16,3SF2,PHN � � P P tion or established by law.�he-GiEy City Charter Amendment,488822 amended as follows: lished in said newspaper(s) once each 61er1e 1'hese oificers shall be subject Section 6.02.POWERS AND DU- to the direction of the Ci Mana er week, for 4 successive week(s); the first 7�ES OF THE CITY MANAGER. � 9 insertion being on O1/O1/2016 and the last and shall have such duties in con- nection with keeping of the public insertion being on Oi/22/2016. records,the custody and disburse- �eBUr+eiF,tl�e City Manager �nt of the public funds,and gener- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES shall control and direct the admin- al administration of the City's affairs Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 istration of the City's affairs subject as shall be ordained by the Council. to the orovisions of this Charter and, The City Clerk may be designated to relating to the pubiication of mortgage act as Secretary of the counci�.The other reaulations ado to ed by the Council ma foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies y combine the duties of G� Council. The City Manager's �arious offices as it may see fit with the conditions described in §580.033, powers and duties shall be: subd. l, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's (�To�:����::;;�ensure tne Citv �'on a:That Section s.os be Charte, an�--the laws, ordinances hereby amended as foNows: known ot�ice of issue is located in a county Section 6.05.PURCHASES AND adjoining the county where the mortgaged and resolutions of the City r�e�n- Co►vrw�crs. fo��' The Ci Mana er shall be the premises or some part of the mortgaged (b)To appoint-w+�h�-eansent Chief Pu hasing Agent of the City. premises described in the notice are located, � rhe city manaaer may designate a substantial portion of the neWSpapei'S ���- an individual(s) through the estab- ployees 4n the basis of qualification circulation is in the latter county. iisnment of a policy that mav be and exrzsrience and provide written ��� as needed. Ail purchases notice of such actions to the Citv on behalf of the city shall be made, B �� n ncil• a�ail co9tracts �� � (c)To remove anysa�ardinate� ��let by the y; l.bt-� C' Mana er,., Designated Agent . �i�yt em�lovee • �ubject to law and provide written Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before notice of such actions to the city n il• �.q�l it contracts,bonds,and me on O1/22/2016 by Charlene Vold. �d) ro exeroise control over all instruments of every kind to which departments and divisions of the the City shall be a party shall be City administration created by this signed by the Mayor on behalf of � /� Charter or which may hereaker be the City,as well as the City Manager \ 1— 1)_ _ ! n �n f� ��� created by the Council; or documented designee.and shall �I«�y'��-�l N� �" � � Q� (e)To attend all meetings of the be executed in the name of the City. Notary Public Council,with the rigM to take part ��on 6:That Section 6.06 be in the discussions as an ex-officio hereby amended as foMows� :�����.�v��ti member of the city council without Section. 6.06. CONTRACTS, S voting rights. d :�,DAALENE MARIE MACPHERSONS bt�-tThe Council may at its discre- H�Wa��ases of contracts for the ;�+ Notary Public-Minnesota � tion exclude the City Manager from Purchase, renTal, or lease of iner- � My CanmleNon Expiros Jen 31,2019� meetings at which the City Manag- chandise, materials or equipment ers removal is considered; or for any kind of construction work (fl To recommend to the Council, undertaken by the City, which re- for adoption,such measures as may quire an expenditure of more than be deemed necessary for the wel- that which is set by the State Stat- fare of the people and the efficient utes,the City Manager shall adver- administration of the City's affairs; tise for bids by at least ten(10)days (q)To keep the Council fully ad- Published notice in the official news- vised as to the financial condition paper or other means authorized by and needs of the City;and to pre- state statute. In accordance with Rate InfoT[nation: pare and te submit�e-tH�6etlnei} �tion 3.06 of the city charter the the annual budget to the Council; (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users ciry council has the authority to for- for comparable spaCe: (h) To perfortn such other du- 90 this requirement to advertise for ties as may be prescribed by this bids.When a bid is required�it-shaH $25.40 pei column inCh Charter or required by orclinances or resolutions adopted by the Coun- Ad ID 488822 cil•an