Notice of Ord 1328 - Prevailing Wage �
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Fridley 9ram directed at reMal units con-
(Official Publication) ��ning eight or fewer units.
STATE OF MINNESOTA )SS ORDINANCE NO.�328 d. Any residential rehabiliration
COUNTY OF ANOKA AN ORDINANCE OF THE Project regardless of size, entirely
paid for with non-City funds.
CITY OF FRIDLEY,MINNESOTA, e.Any commercial loan program
Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE adopted by the Housing and Re-
states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's NOS.1095 AND 1315,me development Authority, provided a
PREVAILING HOURS OF �oan does not exceed$150,000.
Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known LABOR AND PREVAILJNG WAGE PASSED AND ADOPTED 8Y THE
SF Columbia Heights/Fridley The City Council of the City of RUARY 2016.
Fridley does ordain as follows:
Subdivision 1. Legislative Find- SCOTT J.LUND,MAYOR
wi th the known office of issue being located ings.The City of Fridley finds it to be ATTEST:
in the County of: in the best iMerest of its citizens that
ANOKA buildings and public works projects DEBRA A SKOGEN,CITY CLERK
constructed with City funds be con- public Hearing:January 25,2016&
with additional circulation in the counties of: �NCted and maintained by the best February 8,2ois
ANOKA means and highest quality of labor First Reading:February 8.2016
and h3s full knowledge of the facts stated �sonably available.That persons Second Reading:February 22,2016
below: worki�9 under contract on build- publication:March 4,2016
ings and public works constnicted �q��6,3SF2,
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of in whole or in part with City funds
the requirements constituting qualifica- should be compensated according ordinance No.1328,5144os
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided to the real value of the services they
by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. perform which,for purposes of this
Ordinance,is defined as the prevail-
(B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- ing wage and hours of employment
lished in said newspaper(s) once each as determined for the City by me
week, for 1 successive week(s); the first Minnesota �epartment of �abor
insertion being on 03/04/2016 and the last and Industry,pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes,Section 177.42,subd.6.
insertion being on 03/04/2016. Subdivision 2. Prevailing Wage
and Hours on Certain City-related
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. 580.033 a. wages paid for all work per-
§ fomied by contractors and subcon-
relating to the publication of mortgage tractors that is tnanced in whole or
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies �n part by funds obtained by bonds
with the conditions described in §580.033, issued by the city,including but not
subd. 1, clause 1 or 2 . If the news a er's limited to Industrial Revenue Bonds,
� � � � P P and all projects let after May 1,
known office of issue is located in a county iss�, financed by General Obliga-
adjoining the county where the morigaged tion Tax Incremerrt Bonds shall be
premises or some part of the mortgaged Paid in accordance with the prevail-
remises described in the notice are located, �ng wage and hourly rate.
P b. Wages paid for all work per-
a substantial portion of the newspaper's formed by contractors and subcon-
circulation is in the latter county. tractors on any project let after May
1,1997,that is financed in whole or
in part by City funds shall be paid
n�, /� in accordance with the prevaili�g
gy. U �,��, wage and hou�ly rate.
Desi nated A ent c. Wages paid for all woric per-
g g formed on any project for a Devel-
oper in conjunction with the Devel-
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before oper's devebpment of real property
me on 03/04/2016 by Charlene Vold. �n me city if tne�eveloper purcnas-
es said real property from the City
for less than its fair market value,or
if the City grants or loans mo�ey to
�� � �� (���� the Devebper for the development
� of said real property,shall be paid
Notar Public �n accordance with the prevailing
Y wage and hourly rate.
d.The term"City" shall refer to
the City of Fridley and to all related
agencies,including,but not limited
t to all Housing and Redevelopment
- �,i DARLEN�MARIE MACPHERSON`� Authorities and Economic Develop-
ment Authorities created by the City
_�� Notary Public-AAlnnesota of Fridley.
`' My Qommleeion F.xplres Jen 31,2019 Subdivision 3. Exceptions. This
ordina�ce shall not apply to the fol-
bwing circumstances:
a. Any project financed by City
funds or bonds authorized by the
City as provided in subdivision 2
that has a value of $25,000.00 or
less or a value equal to or less than
R3te InfotmatiOn: the amourrt required for sealed bids
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users by Minnesota Statutes, Section
for comparable space: 471.345,subd.3.
$25.40 per column inch b. Any housing project or pro-
gram within the City directed to or
marketed for owner occupancy.
Ad ID 514408 c. Any housing project or pro-