COSGERALD T. COYNE 300 BRUNSWICK AVE. S. GOLDEN VALLEY,.MINK. MINN. REG. NO. 4741 I INDUSTRIAL— JUDICIAL COMMERCIAL —TOPOGRAPHICAL CITY LOTS — PLAT TING &030 �, S7,1 ILYS10 AJ AYMOND A. PRASCH LOT SURVUSR COMPANY 6917 IAMO AVE. N. BROOKLYN PARK, MINN. LAND SURVEYORS 'MINN. REG. NO. 6743 ammanD. =DzR %Aws or sTATm or zmmm& rJCMNSED BY ONDUFANCE Or MTY OV UMNE"0116 5747 W. $roadway 533-9922 INVOICE NO. 1 3713 Minneapolis, Minnetota 56428 F.f6i.NO. 12,1-63 • SCALE 1 20 AMBER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0 Denotes ron \U Lot 2, Block 1, AMBER OAKS Revised to show foudation May 3, 1974 We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation J of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and the location of all buildings and Visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. 15tt August 72 Signed Surveyed by us this Uay of 19 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY GERALD T. COYNE 300 BRUNSWICK AVE. S. GOLDEN VALLEY, MINN. MINN. REG. NO. 4741 INDUSTRIAL — JUDICIAL COMMERCIAL — TOPOGRAPHICAL CITY LOTS — PLAT TING LOT SURVEYS COMPANY LANA SURVEYORS REOISTi31BED UNDER TAWS OF STATE OF mxNNESOTA LICENSED BY ORDIiNANC$ OF CM OF MUMAFOLIB 5747 W. Broadway 533-9922 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 urbeporo. Certificate AMBER CONSTRUCTION COMVANY RAYMOND A. PRASCH 6917 IDAHO AVE. N. BROOKLYN PARK, MINN. MINN. REG. NO. 6743 INVOICE NO. 3 713 F.B. NO. 121-63 SCALE 1" = 30* o Denotes Iron I Lot 2, Block 1, ATABER OAKS We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and the locatfon of all buildings and visible encroachments, If any, fmM or on said land. 15t4 August ` t 7-, Signed a Surveyed by us this my of 19 �' LOT SURVEYS COMPANY - `"e 800 9 7R$— va i I > LU CD or v ranage 04 ICN l I R 16 9 I Lot 2, Block 1, ATABER OAKS We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and the locatfon of all buildings and visible encroachments, If any, fmM or on said land. 15t4 August ` t 7-, Signed a Surveyed by us this my of 19 �' LOT SURVEYS COMPANY 4) 5' 295 .*v1oe1127 Cn/I /0 f L,6 4gr? " ev %".?- I 7/-0 /4-1 V/ C 1