COSLand Planning (4a&"6a1iL 075-Riorvay '`,'S NE. Land Survey. y Minneafwlis 2/, SoilsTesfiiiy ENGINEERING, INC. d�innesofa Civil 6- "UP/cipal I SUnsef 4-6066 £n�rneermy E/7y /neers Sur ve.l or5 certs„ficate of survamr ir®& E & M DEVELOPMENT CO. -atop �y - I Z, e, , ,Z, --- FA O DEMOTES IRoN 1a..71 5 EI, 6-7-4,o eD .4 -+ NGug e 1 DENaTES 1)TILITY 6 DRAINAGE EASEMEIV7S 1.. ELEVATIONS ARE PROPOSED Z. F 1 RST FLOOR ELENA-{' 101V -TO 8E. 2.5 FEET ABOVE GROUND E•I-eV. SHOW h1 LOT 8 %LOCH 2 MF- LOiSY MANOR !hereby cerh y that 6/.5 is a free and eorrecf rept-esenfafion ol'a survey ir* bounderaes o0be abore descr;hed !aged, and or& /or4lion 4'all burldinp , /hereon, and al! riseb/e encroochmenfs , !`any. from or on said land As surveyed by me flies - day a� 4p v dein d P r AS 1960. SU6 U28AN ENGlNEERINCI , INC. 1-agweeers E Su+reyors S c a L E I' 30' b ca. - Y.