COSLand Planning ; 68TS Ni9hWoc� ��5 a'f.. Land,Surveyiny �14inn2awahs ?l, SoilsTeslinq ENGINEERING, . Alinncsald Civil & klumc1pvl C tillns l $-x066 C £ngmeering n( inee r S e Sur veyor 5 certificate w E & M DEVELOPMENT CO. fo p, 9JAA. � ro,lG�ei E]e i• �i fie, � , �:. � o t � ,_.� _�.�. �.v' LJ p. o pa -NOTES TRoN __ ___ O1'cNoTES UTILITY &DRAINAGE EASEMENTS N•TE — 1. ELE.VATIOWS ARE PROt305E.0 Z. FIRST FLoOR EL.EVATIOW TO [3E Vii FEET AfSOVE GROUND ELEV. SHOWN( LOT BLOCK 3 MELODY MANOR- / AS[OR. l hereby c hpq fhaf &i is o Prue ano' carred represenfofoon o/'a srervet, q'the bovndo�oes of"ke abow desw;bed land, and 0'& lowlion o�oll buildrn9s , thereon, and all vis1'ble encrovchmenfs , honey, f om or ors.said /and As -surveyed by me this .. deq ®� sBP�em6er A.D�l1°. SUBUPBAN fN611V ERIN6, INC. Le.Yr5 A-. Su1-Y.SCA.L.E I"=3O' & � `" UUU