COSLand Planning b8?✓ -Highway 0415 #E.
Land SurverJing M�nr�eaPn1is32,
Sails ksfin9 ENGUNEERING, I NC. Mm,v5o1,a
Civil & Munioal SUnfel440"
Enyineeri7y --- Engineers Surveyors --
LoT 11 BLOM 4 , 1KtgS,%Rucx 5'Tw Aom-T i ora ANoVLA COUNTY, nnMN,
//rereby cern& #W tliis is a true and amd refrrrmdafion ofo survety e* bowmWies q('*e dwr Ascjvhffd lard, and
locafmn oral, bvrldi s, #men, a7d 0 risible mv�ochmerrfs , if vwr , fnw or &7 Aid /tom As surveyed hy me Pius �`�- abt�
Feb r u r.t A.D. t9.5S.. SUB URBAN ENCWNEE21NG , INC.
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