VAR 99-17CITY OF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER - 6131 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 - (612) 571-3450 - FAX (612) 571-1287 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE September 7, 1999 Dave Nelson 7395 Van Buren Street Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Nelson: On August 23, 1999, the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for variance, VAR #99- 17, to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 feet to allow the construction of a garage on Lot 23, Block 4, Shaver's Subdivision No. 1, generally located at 7395 Van Buren Street with the following stipulations: 1. No home occupations shall take place from this garage. 2. The garage and home shall have matching siding/color scheme. 3. The garage shall be built to meet all fire and building codes. 4. The garage shall not exceed 800 square feet. You have one year from the date of the City Council action to initiate construction. If you cannot begin construction during this time, you must submit a letter requesting an extension at least three weeks prior to the expiration date. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call me at 572-3599. ing Coordinator Please review the above action, sign below, and return the original to the City of Fridley Planning Department by September 21, 1999. SH:1s Concur with action taken THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 23. 1999 PAGE 13 will consolidated with the xisting Voight parcel (Parcel A). Proof of consolidation shall be filed with the City f Fridley, once processing has been completed at Anoka County. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, MAYOR JORGENSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DE K] ABUTTING AN ADJOMNG RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FROM 100 FEET TO 75 FEET tO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN TED A Mr. Hickok, Planning Coordinatoi building was such that the overheat designed to keep traffic and offensi` street. The building design has a I be required, and the civil engineers to satisfy the stipulation. Pa stated that the proposed orientation of the doors on the southwest side of the building are activities away from the neighbors across the vier emphasis on office space. A pond would r the Gonyea company are currently working Mr. Hickok stated that this variance w uld Central Avenue right-of-way rather th n industrial building is adjacent to a r gb standard M-1 setback would be 35 fe t, residential district, the Gonyeas are loo ii The hardship statement states that the w for the building location would serve to blo south and keep a uniform look to the oth Staff had no recommendation to the Plann was within previously granted parameters chose to grant the variance with stipulation allow the building to sit 90 feet from the the 100 feet that is required when an t -of -way and residential district. The Because of the overlapping 54 feet ig at a 100 foot setback for the project. the site plan was designed the variance k out truck yards to the neighbors to the �r ninety percent (90%) of the building. tg Commission due to the fact that this setback dimension. The Commission MOTION by Councilmember Wolfe to appro e the following four stipulations: 1) approval of of warehouse in conformance with the office/ and dated (revised) May 4, 1999; 3) Constructi the site in accordance with the site plan dated staff approval of a revised landscape plan prior this project. Seconded by Councilmember Bolkc the Variance Request, #99-08 with A Split L.S. #99-02; 2) Construction 'a -rehouse complex plans submitted 1 of warehouse in conformance with (revised) May 4, 1999; and 4) City �o issuance of a building permit for UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING WYE, MAJOR JORGENSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSLY. 19. VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #99-17. BY AVID NELSON, TO ALLOW A PRIVATE GARAGE TO EXCEED THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 23 1999 PAGE 14 DWELLING UNIT BY 12.6 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7395 VAN BUREN STREET (WARD 1): Mr. Hickok, Planning Coordinator, stated that the petitioner would like to replace his existing 440 square foot garage with a new 792 square foot garage. This would exceed the house area by 12 % feet. The code requires that the minimum side yard should be 5 feet and requires that the private garage not exceed the square foot area of the dwelling unit. The property is located at 7395 Van Buren Street and is surrounded by R-1 single family dwellings. The hardship summary stated that to move the garage completely in back of the house would greatly compromise the aesthetics of the back yard. The 12.6 square feet that would make the garage bigger than the house is so minimal that no one would notice without knowledge of the building code and the aid of a measuring device. The garage currently has an overlapping condition in which the house overhangs the garage overhang. Mr. Nelson, 7395 Van Buren Street N.E., stated this overhang would be eliminated with a new design. The petitioner indicated that he does not want to attach the garage to the home even though it was only 3 feet away from the house. A motion was made at the Appeals Commission to grant the variance for the side yard setback from 5 feet to 3 feet, and to deny the variance allowing the square foot area of the garage to exceed the square foot area of the home. The request to allow the square footage of the garage to exceed that of the home would set a precedence that the Appeals Commission wanted to avoid. Staff recommended denial of the variance to allow the square foot dimension of the garage to exceed the square foot dimensions of the home and has no recommendation on the request to decrease the side yard setback from 5 feet to 3 feet. Large garages have historically led to commercial appearance and have also encouraged home occupations. Staff recommended that if either of these variances be granted three stipulations should apply: 1) No home occupations shall take place from this garage; 2) Garage and home shall have matching siding/color scheme; and 3) Garage an home shall be built to meet all fire and building codes. The petitioner, Mr. Nelson, stated that his house is very small. It was built in 1951. Since then, houses have increased in size quite a bit. He stated that the 12.6 square feet is very minimal. He stated that he does not want to build a bigger house to have a bigger garage, and he does not want an attached garage. He stated that the neighbors would not be able to see it very well, and no neighbors have expressed any concerns regarding the variance. He stated that houses in the outer suburbs have three or four car garages, and he did not feel that anyone would object to it. Councilmember Billings asked Mr. Hickok what the ordinance for the maximum size of a garage allowed in Fridley was. Mr. Hickok stated that the maximum size for a garage, if it does not exceed the size of the dwelling unit, is 1,000 square feet. a THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 23,1999 PAGE 15 Councilmember Billings asked Mr. Knaak, City Attorney, what kind of a precedent would the City be setting by granting this variance. Mr. Knaak stated that similar applicants should be treated similarly. The result would be if another homeowner came in with the same size home asking for the same kind of variance, Council would likely be compelled to grant the variance. Councilmember Billings asked Mr. Hickok what his calculations for the size of the garage would be. Mr. Hickok stated that the size of the garage would be 792 square feet. Mayor Jorgenson asked what the size of the square feet of the house would have to be if more than fifty percent (50%) of the house was damaged and would have to be rebuilt. Mr. Hickok stated that it would have to be 1, 020 square feet. Councilmember Billings stated that by granting this variance, he felt Council would be setting a logical precedence, rather than a dangerous precedence. MOTION by Councilmember Billings to approve the Variance Request, VAR #99- 17, by David Nelson, to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 feet to allow the construction of a garage, and to allow the side yard setback variance request from 5 feet to 3 feet with the following four stipulations: 1) No home occupations shall take place from this garage; 2) Garage and home shall have matching siding/color scheme; 3) Garage shall be built to meet all fire and building codes; and 4) Garage shall not exceed 800 square feet. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, MAYOR JORGENSEN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS 20. (WARD 3): Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, explained thaton July 14, 1999, the project plans were made available to the public for the rem deling of the third liquor store. On August 18 the lowest bidder per the bid revi w was Lund Martin Construction. Staff recommended the award of the contract to and Martin Construction, Inc., for a total bid of $419,800. The bids were as follows: THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 23,1999 PAGE 16 DNR Construction Servi s Met -Con Metro, Inc. Hunerberg Construction mpany Parkos Construction Compny Meisinger Construction Co pany, Inc. Construction Analysis & M t, Inc. Loeffel-Engstrand Corporati n Merrimac Construction Com ai CM Construction Company, I c Rochon Corporation Thor Construction, Inc. Lund Martin Construction, Inc. Councilmember Billings asked if the the spreadsheets were added together Mr. Pribyl stated that the bid specifi cost from actual construction, but both , Inc. Bid Bond Total Bid $7,659 $445,061 4,200 443,800 7,200 472,000 4,300 462,400 5,000 454,000 6,700 465,000 8,000 469,000 4,688 442,116 4,300 412,000 6,300 560,000 6,638 442,500 4,157 415,643 of $415,643 and the bid bond of $4,157 on the total bid of $419,800. MOTION by Councilmember Bolkcom, to Lund Martin Inc., for the construction of by Councilmember Barnette. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VC DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 21. 1 ins called for separation of the bid bond components of the agreement amount. ive the bids and award the contract to Fridley Liquor Warehouse. Seconded IG AYE, MAYOR JORGENSON ANIMOUSLY. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, explained that thisesolution has three key points: It would increase the amount of the issuance up to $ 0,005,000; The interest rate was being adjusted so that it may not exceed eight p rcent (8%) per annum; and this issue would become non-bank qualified because it a ceeds a $10,000,000 cap. Councilmember Bolkcom asked what non-bank quabl Eying means. Mr. Pribyl stated that it has to do with how rea' y bonds can be marketed by banks for these types of bonds. There is a cap on all onds exceeding $10,000,000. This would not place the City at any risk for financial 'ability. Councilmember Bolkcom stated that there had bAen some questions about statements of compliance and issues about prevailing age with some of the work AGENDA ITEM CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1999_. CITY OF FRUXEY Date: 8/16/99 To: William Bums, City Manager From: Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Scott Hickok, Planning Coordinator Paul Bolin, Planning Assistant RE: Appeals Commission action on VAR #99 -17 INTRODUCTION M-99-188 Dave Nelson is seeking to decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3' and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 square feet. The petitioner would like to replace his existing 440 square foot garage with a new 792 square foot garage, which would exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by slightly over 12 square feet. The existing garage currently meets the code required setbacks, while the new garage would require a 2' variance to the setback. APPEALS COMMISSION ACTION At the August 11 th, 1999 Appeals Commission meeting, a public hearing was held for VAR 99- 17. After much discussion over the proposed project and Staffs recommendation, a motion was made to grant the variance for the side yard setback and deny the variance allowing the square footage of the garage to exceed the square footage of the home. While the sideyard setback reduction request was within previously granted dimensions, the request to allow the square footage of the garage to exceed that of the home, would have set a precedence that the Appeals Commission would like to avoid. The Appeals Commission re -iterated that the architectural style, siding, and colors of the garage match those of the home. The Commission also added a stipulation that the garage must meet all fire codes. PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Staff recommends denial of the variance to allow the square-, footage of the. garage. ,to exceed the square footage of the home, and has no recommendation on the request' to decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3. If approved, staff recommends the following stipulations: 1. No home occupations shall take place from this garage. 2. Garage and home shall have matching siding / color scheme. 3. Garage shall be built to meet all fire and building codes. City of Fridley Land Use Application VAR -99-17- August 11, 1999 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIAL INFORMATION Applicant: Dave Nelson 7395 Van Buren St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Requested Action: Variance Purpose: To decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3' and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 square feet Existing Zoning. 'Residential - 1 Location: 7395 Van Buren St. NE Size: 14, 875 sq. ft .34 acres Existing Land Use: Single Family Home Surrounding Land Use & Zoning: N: Single Family & R-1 E: Single Family & R-1 S: Single Family & R-1 W: Single Family & R-1 Comprehensive Plan Conformance: Consistent with Plan Zoning Ordinance Conformance: Sec. 205.07.03.D.(2).(b) requires a minimum side yard setback of 5'. Sec. 205.07.0I.B.(4).(a) requires a private garage not exceed the square footage of the dwelline unit Zoning ffistory: Lot platted in 1950. Home built in 1951. Lot23, Block 4, Shaffer's Sub. #1 Council Action: August -23, 1999 Public Utilities: - Home is connected Transportation: Home is accessed via Van Buren. Physical Characteristics: Lot is covered by grass, home and an existing earaee. SUMMARY OF PROJECT Dave Nelson is seeking the variances in order to construct a garage on his property. SUMMARY OF HARDSHIP "To move the garage completely in back of the house would greatly compromise the, aesthetics of the back yard..... The 12.6 sq. ft. that the garage is bigger than the house is so minimal no one will notice without knowledge of the building code and the aid of a measuring device. " (Full letter attached) SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS City Staff recommends denial of this variance request. No variances to allow the square footage of a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit have been granted. I (View of existing garage) Legal Description of Property: Staff Report Prepared by: Paul Bolin VAR -99-17 HARDSHIP STATEMENT • See attached letter from petitioner. ANALYIS Dave Nelson is seeking to decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3' and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 square feet. The petitioner would like to replace his existing 440 square foot garage with a new 792 square foot garage, which would exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by slightly over 12 square feet. The existing garage currently meets the code required setbacks, while the new garage would require a 2' variance to the setback. Fridley requires that the square footage of c dwelling unit in order to keep the principle u garages have historically led to a commercial home occupations. arages not exceed the square footage of the e of a residential property, residential. Large appearance and have often encouraged illegal RECOMMENDATIONS - City Staff recommends denial of this variance request. No variances to allow the square footage of a j rivate garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit have been granted. (Existing garage) (Home) STIPULATIONS Staff recommends that if these variances are granted that the following stipulations be attached. 1. No home occupations shall take place from this garage. 2. Garage and home shall have matching siding / color scheme. 3. Garage and home shall be built to meet all fire and building codes. APPEALS COMMISSION. .cTING, AUGUST 11, 1999 PAGE 11 Mr. Kuechle asked Mr. Holman if tl�e west side of his building was paved. Mr. Holman stated that the west sidk was mostly not paved. There are some driveways on the west side, but there is still quite a bit of gravel on the west side and also on the south. They intend to put additions o the building and that is why they asked for the five year extension for the paving, curs and gutter. Ms. Beaulieu asked if he was okay Mr. Holman stated he was. MOTION by Ms. Mau, seconded by Ms. the four stipulations. ;u to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A, CHAIRPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE HEARING CLOSED AT 8:36 P.M. MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu, seconded by M Mau, to recommend approval of Variance Request, VAR #99-15, to allow unscreened oading docks adjacent to the public right- of-way on Lots 1 & 2, Auditor's Subdivision o. 78, generally located at 5400 Main Street with the following stipulations: 1. The petitioner shall complete all of the pa ng, curbing, guttering, and landscaping to approval of City staff within five years of th issuance of the variance, or the variance shall become null and void in that a building would become a non- conforming use. 2. The petitioner shall grant a 17 -foot bikeway/ alkway easement across the easternmost edge of the property in the even that a bikeway/walkway is constructed along Main Street. 3. Alitemp shall pay any assessments associated ith future off-street bikeway/walkway path along Main Street. 4. The petitioner shall file the letter -of -intent to com lete the curbing and paving with Anoka County Recorder to provide future owners otice of the property. The proposed expansion is set back 75' from the nort m edge of the existing building. To the east, the residential properties will not be a le to see the loading docks. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 5. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUEST. VAR #99- 17. BY DAVID NELSON: Per Section 205.07.03.D.(2).(b) of the Fridley Zoning code, to reduce the required side yard setback from a property line from 56 feet to 3 feet, and Per Section 205.07.01 B.(4) of the Fridley Zoning Code, to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 feet, to allow the APPEALS COMMISSIOI _ETING, AUGUST 11, 1999 PAGE 12 construction of a garage on Lot 23, Block 4, Shaver's Subdivision No. 1, generally located at 7395 Van Buren Street. MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu, seconded by Ms. Mau, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN AT 8:37 P.M. Mr. Bolin stated that petitioner -Dave Nelson was seeking to decrease the required rear yard setback from 5' to 3' and also. to allow a part of the garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling -unit by 12.6 square feet. The petitioner= would like to replace his existing 440 square foot garage with a new 792 square foot garage. This would exceed the dwelling unit by slightly over 12 square feet. The City code requires a minimum side yard setback of five feet and also requires that a private garage not exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit. Mr. Bolin stated the property located at 7395 Van Buren is zoned R-1 as are all the surrounding properties. The lot was platted in -1950 and the home built in 1951. There is no record of the building permit for the existfng garage. The petitioners' hardship statement states that to move the garage- completely in back of the house would greatly compromise the aesthetics of the backyard. The 12.6 square feet of the garage exceeding the house is so minimal that no one will notice without knowledge of the building code and the aid of a measuring device. Mr. Bolin stated staff recommends denial of these two variance requests. No variance has been granted to allow the square footage of a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit. It is possible for the petitioner to remove one foot off the length of the back end of the garage. If a foot or two was taken off the back side of the garage, it would bring the garage to be less than the dwelling unit. Mr. Bolin stated staff recommends that if these variances are granted, the following stipulations be added: 1. No home occupation shall take place from this garage 2. The garage and home have matching siding/color scheme. 3. The garage shall be built to meet all ,fire and building codes. Mr. Kuechle asked if an accessory building was built on this lot, could the combination of the garage and accessory building exceed the -size of the house? Mr. Hickok stated that the first accessory building shall not exceed the first floor living area of the home. Fourteen hundred square feet is the total allowable combined total of the accessory building and the home. Mr. Kuechle asked if there are any fire codes they should be addressing in any stipulations and is the three-foot separation enough to meet the fire codes? APPEALS COMMISSION ...cETING, AUGUST 11, 1999 PAGE 13 Mr. Bolin stated that 3 feet is the breaking point. If it is any less than three feet, then you have the fire wall issues. Ms. Beaulieu asked if neighbors to the north had any concerns. Mr. Bolin stated that no neighbors have expressed any concerns. Mr. Kuechle asked if City staff had any problem with separating the two variances out so that they could choose to grant the variance for the three foot setback from the side yard but not approve the one exceeding the square foot of the garage from the dwelling unit. Mr. Bolin stated, yes. Mr. Dave Nelson stated that his house is a very old house. The garage is bigger and kind of takes the place as far as eliminating the need for a bigger house. He stated he thinks the house measurements could be wrong. It is a real small house and he has no desire to add on to the house. He has no desire to build a shed and feels adding on to the garage would be adequate. He feels 12.6 feet is not noticeable without a measuring device. Ms. Beaulieu asked Mr. Nelson if they approved the three feet but not the garage extension, could he consider making the garage a couple of feet shorter? Mr. Nelson stated that even if it is a foot smaller, he would still be charged the same amount for building. He asked if he could get someone from the City to measure the house and find if it is bigger than the garage. Ms. Beaulieu stated that it would be a bad precedent to set if they let someone have a garage bigger than a house. She stated that she understood why he would want to go from five feet to three feet and not cut the trees down in the backyard. Mr. Nelson stated thet he might not build at all if it does come down from V to 3'. He definitely would like to have the extra 12.6 feet. Ms. Mau asked if he had spoken with the neighbors to the north about putting in a garage that large. Mr. Nelson stated that he had told them he wanted to put in a bigger garage. He asked if adding a little porch would add on to the square footage of the house? Mr. Bolin stated that it would have to be living space. Mr. Kuechle stated that might be something he would have to consider because he is really close. He stated that he thought the garage looked like it should be attached to the house. Mr. Nelson stated he wouldn't want to attach the garage to the house to begin with. APPEALS COMMISSION ETING, AUGUST 11, 1999 PAGE 14 Mr. Bolin stated that he could possibly attach the garage to the house with a screened in breezeway to give him enough square footage. Mr. Nelson stated that he didn't want to attach to the house in case of fire hazards and protection for the house from smoke damage. MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu, seconded by Ms. Mau, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THEWOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED AT 8:54 P.M., . Ms. Beaulieu stated that she saw the hardship from 5' to 3' because she can see how he wouldn't want to move the whole structure to the back of.his house. She stated that granting the garage variance is a precedent that she wouldn't care to vote for; --- Ms. Mau stated that she agreed. She feels the garage is crying to be attached -to -the house. She has a problem with 3' rather, than 5' and doesn't feel comfortable with. the.,: precedent of the garage being bigger than the house. Mr. Kuechle stated that 12.6 feet doesn't bother him as much as setting the precedent for granting a variance for the primary accessory building being larger than the square foot of the house. He would recommend approval of the side yard setback from 5' to 3°, and -he -would recommend denial of the 12.6 extra square feet. MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu, seconded by Ms. Mau, to approve variance, VAR #99-17, by David Nelson to reduce the required side yard setback from a property line from 5 feet to 3 feet to allow the construction of a garage on Lot 23, Block 4, Shaeffer's Subdivision No. 1, generally located at 7395 Van Buren Street with the following stipulation: 1. No home occupations shall take place from this garage. 2. The garage and home shall have matching siding/color scheme. -3. The garage shall be built to meet all fire and building codes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu,. seconded by Ms. Mau, to deny variance, VAR #99-17, by David Nelson to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 feet to allow the construction of a garage on Lot 23, Block 4, Shaeffer's Subdivision No. 1, generally located at 7395 Van Buren Street. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Hickok stated that the City measured from an aerial perspective and suspects that Mr. Nelson's measurements are correct. It is unconventional for the City to measure houses, but it is a possibility with the building inspection staff. APPEALS COMMISSION aTING, AUGUST 11, 1999 PAGE 15 Mr. Kuechle stated that Mr. Nelson still has the option to receive the request for the extra 12.6 feet at the City Council on August 23, 1999. 7. UPDATE ON PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS: Mr. Hickok,provided an update :of past Planning Commission and City Council actions. Mr. Hickok stated that he:':wanted to -take a moment to introduce Lori Skotterud. He stated Lori in the second year of internship at the City of Fridley and is in a graduate program-at.the.University,of_Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the Planning Program. Lori has been A vohderfUt" dition'to the staff and will be with the City through the end of August. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Ms. Beaulieu, seconded by Ms. Mau, to adjourn the meeting. UPON°#VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KUECHLE DECLARED THE -AUGUST 11, 1999, APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:05 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, "; t � �__ ' — _­_ Sig4 Joh*n Recording Secretary City of Fridley Land Use Application VAR -99-17 August 11, 1999_ GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIAL INFORMATION Dave Nelson 7395 Van Buren St. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Requested Action: Variance Purpose: To decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3' and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 square feet. Existing Zoning: Residential - 1 Location: 7395 Van Buren St. NE Size: 14, 875 sq. ft. .34 acres Existing Land Use: Single Family Home Surrounding Land Use & Zoning: N: Single Family & R-1 E: Single Family & R-1 S: Single Family & R-1 W: Single Family & R-1 Comprehensive Plan Conformance: Consistent with Plan Zoning Ordinance Conformance: Sec. 205.07.03.D.(2).(b) requires a minimum side yard setback of 5'. Sec. 205.07.0l.B.(4).(a) requires a private garage not exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit. Zoning History: Lot platted in 1950. Home built in 1951. )escription of Property: Lot23, Block 4, Shaffer's Sub. #1 Council Action: August 23, 1999 Public Utilities: Home is connected. Transportation: Home is accessed via Van Buren. Physical Characteristics: Lot is covered by grass, home and an existing garage. SUMMARY OF PROJECT Dave Nelson is seeking the variances in order to construct a garage on his property. SUMMARY OF HARDSHIP "To move the garage completely in back of the house would greatly compromise the aesthetics of the backyard .... The 12.6 sq. ft. that the garage is bigger than the house is so minimal no one will notice without knowledge of the building code and the aid of a measuring device. " (Full letter attached) SUNEVIARY OF ANALYSIS City Staff recommends denial of this variance request. No variances to allow the square footage of a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit have been granted. (View of existing garage) Staff Report Prepared by: Paul Bolin VAR -99-17 HARDSHIP STATEMENT • See attached letter from petitioner. ANALYIS Dave Nelson is seeking to decrease the required side yard setback from 5' to 3' and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 square feet. The petitioner would like to replace his existing 440 square foot garage with a new 792 square foot garage, which would exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by slightly over 12 square feet. The existing garage currently meets the code required setbacks, while the new garage would require a 2' variance to the setback. Fridley requires that the square footage of garages not exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit in order to keep the principle use of a residential property, residential. Large garages have historically led to a commercial appearance and have often encouraged illegal home occupations. RECOMMENDATIONS City Staff recommends denial of this variance request. No variances to allow the square footage of a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit have been granted. (Existing garage) (Home) STIPULATIONS Staff recommends that if these variances are granted that the following stipulations be attached. 1. No home occupations shall take place from this garage. 2. Garage and home have matching siding / color scheme. 07fl(l/bl) kXl Utl:uw re -t d14U400411 r, - SUSSEL GARAZE10 ouoan.. tiwvvaat'."" ROOF: E R��E--.�7 .SE GABLE HIP EAVE OVERHANG: RAKE OVERHANG- SEAL VERHANG' SEAL DOWN SHINGLES WITH PLYWOOD OR 12 WAFERBOARD ROOF SHEATHING AND 15 LB. FELT. f400f Sheathing 15Z- 6 _ Seel Down shingles Manuflactur d Tf-jues 2" x 4" Triple Tap Plats NOTE; 1) Hoof approved by M IMM Meta State Buliding DQpt. as megng MInrulsoM State Code Raquiraments of 400 snow load. "sole st 2" % rs, 2" as ns 0 h 24'apa Brea tru AAFTERSt Trusiss 024" O.C. STUDS: 2" x 4" 16" O.C. WALL SHEATHING' _ '�, vie. Q 0 SIDING: L OVERMEAD DOOR HEADER: P60s*boXt,12or 2 - Micro Lams LTA x 14 2"x 4" cauda 1 Row 8" Concreto Blocks Sub on grade conshlotion apprcvYd per Mnneseta State Code. Rater to sullding Coon latter Number 11. - Breda 4-i 4w— ,6V w— ry 112" x 7" Anchor Soft � ??'t goo. G3 2" x 4" Treated B3otlom Plate 1 1, �L 1 Above Grade iii Trim 1"x4" Sub Fascia Soffit F=ta 314" Cove —2" x 4" Studs 41 ---Siding Breda 4-i 4w— ,6V w— ry 112" x 7" Anchor Soft � ??'t goo. G3 2" x 4" Treated B3otlom Plate 1 1, �L 1 Above Grade iii (17110/9O PAI OC -PA FAA 0120400J'l1 Jlls6®1 Vuryoratluu rz " 34�n• V4VUA ZS -O" I VC .. .. ?.� r � I I r i lit ► ► ; terry t L. p A62 V 14 V4VUA 07/15/99 THU 15:48 FAX 8128438371 Sussel Corporation Q 001 PLOT PLAN • .. ... � � ti � _ � B ..i._ a _.. 1 'al"'4.�.'''.i. ....,....err ... .. .....•. . ,_y, _ _.....•,._.,........ e._.. ._�.+�. •—,•.� _ e •—T--+.......•�..v.'._ awer�ws '• : 'S•' i J r r _,3. Mr. Dave Nelson 7395 Van Buren St. NE �;•. ; ..{. ;..,, a .,,� ...�.,.... .w.:.:.•... , - Fridley, MN 55432 CITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT; BLOCK: ADDITION:7. , LOTSIZE: HOUSE SIZE: , ..... r ... _.. . CROSS STREETS: _. . _._, AND '.... .. : ' Le DI RECTION 71i AVENU 73MENa RI - One FarMy Urft R 2 - Two Family Units M•1- Ught Indtww M•2 - I�Indushiat N Fridley Planning Z R 3 -General Multiple Units RA- R-4- Mobile Homs Parks M 3 - Intensive Heavy lrrdt�rial 0 P- Public Facflydes A Frk e'y' ay Anoka GIS LJJ PUD - Planned Unit Development s-1' Par* Nef I !=ds A-�iroads Land Use Permit Application, VAR #99-17 RR NMka � S-2. RedeveloMer t Dishict t� C-1- Last Business N Papel i W tires 7395 Van Buren 5t. NE J =I c2-GwralBusirvwEgg G3 - Genwat Shopping water Features David Nelson C•R1- General Office ft9/11 MO -O CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 (612) 571-3450 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR: ResidentialCommercial/Industrial Signs PROPERTY INFORMATION: site plan required for submittal, see attached Address: 732M llza gvreg, Property Identification Number. I/ 3® 2 q l 00 71 Legal Description: Lot 23 Block Tract/Addition Current Zoning: Square fo tage/acreage: I L�t 575- SF Reason for V riance: ` 6 Have you operated a business in a city which required a business license? Yes No .! If Yes, which city? If Yes, what type of business? Was that license ever denied or revoked? Yes No .r�..r.w.er.o.�r.►..........nsw.r........r........wr...+r....�....n....r.�.....ra.r..r-...w.+..r.r .......w.o FEE OWNER INFORMATION (as it appears on the property title) (Contracturchas rs: Fee owners must sign this form prior to processing) NAME: v ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: %YoY 7� SIGNATURE/DATE: �.V►�r,V1.�1AnVM�IwI�V,V�rMM�M�/ PETITIONER INFORMA ON NAME: ADDRESS: e DAYTIME PHONE.'-/� SIGNATURE/DATE: - Section of City Code: FEES Fee: $100.00 for commercial, industrial, or signs: Fee: $60.00 for residentialproperties: Receipt #: `�.�Received By. Application Number. `�-- `7 Scheduled Appeals Commission Date: Scheduled City Council Date: 10 Day Application Complete Notification Date: 60 Day Date: City Qf Fridley Land Use Application Process 60 Day Agency Action Law Application Date Planning Commission Meeting 60 Day Window Starts I I Recommendation to Council i i e Submit Complete Application .and Materials . 21-4� Day i i Application Complete i 10 Day Notice Public Hearings: Variance Vacations Lot Splits Plats Rezonings Zoning Amendments Wetland Replacements Comprehensive Plan Special Use Permits City Council Decision Approval or Denial -50-60 Days Approved, Action Taken Letter r . Tabled, 80 More Days r i Denled Public Hearings: Rezonings Zoning Amendments 4 A CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE BEFORE THE APPEALS COMMISSION TO: Residents within 350 feet of 7395 Van Buren Street CASE NUMBER: VAR #99-17 APPLICANT. David Nelson 7395 Van Buren Street Fridley, MN 55432 Petitioner or representative must be at meeting. PURPOSE: To reduce the required side yard setback from a property line from 5 feet to 3 feet and to allow a private garage to exceed the square footage of the dwelling unit by 12.6 feet to allow the construction of a garage LOCATION OF PROPERTYAND 7395 Van Buren Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 23, Block 4, Shaffer's Subdivision #1 DATE AND TIME OF Appeals Commission Meeting, Wednesday, August 11, HEARING: 1999, at 7:30 p.m. The Appeals Commission meetings are televised live the night of the meeting on Channel 35. PLACE OF Fridley Municipal Center, City Council Chambers HEARING: 6431 University Avenue HOW TO 1. You may attend hearings and testify. PARTICIPATE: 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to Scott Hickok, Planning Coordinator, or Paul Bolin, Planner, at 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432 or fax at 571- 1287. SPECIAL Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an ACCOMMODATION: interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 no later than August 4, 1999. ANY QUESTIONS: Contact Scott Hickok, Planning Coordinator, at 572-3599, or Paul Bolin, Planner, at 572-3593. Mailing Date: July 30, 1999 LUNDE GEORGE G SCHUTZ DIANE E COSS DONALD J & ROSEMARY 2735 A JENSSEN RD 3814 174TH AVE NW 4207 FILLMORE ST NE FREDERIC, WI 54837 ANDOVER, MN 55304 COLUMBIA HEIGHT, MN 55421 THOMAS J E & KOLODJSKI M E 5256 197TH AVE NE WYOMING, MN 55092 PEARSON RICHARD H & EURICE 7331 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 HANSON WENDY E 7341 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 LINDQUIST JONATHAN R & S B 7345 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 OLSON JEFFREY K & HALAMA A S 7358 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 KLINGL BERTHA L 7364 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MARAS RICHARD A & JOY A 7371 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 BOERGERHOFF ROBERTA C 7374 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 BENFORD THOMAS K & KATHLEEN 7330 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 SCHELLENBERG RICHARD C 7331 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MATSON MARION M 7344 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MEINEN STANLEY R & IRENE M 7351 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 YANG XANG & LOR MEE S 7361 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 CURRENT RESIDENT 7365 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 WOYTASEK WILLIAM.& JUDITH 7371 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 CURRENT RESIDENT 7379 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MCKUSICK CHARLES J & DIANNE 7330 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 THOMPSON WAYNE R 7339 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 HURT CLYDE E & SUSAN L 7344 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 RITTER TIMOTHY A & CYNTHIA K 7351 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 BECKLIN ALAN R 7361 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 KRONSCHNABEL ROBERT J 7367 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 HEFFKEN JOHN T & BARBARA A 7374 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 NOBLE LARRY G 7381 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FRENCH KEITH V & CHERRY L BIRCH TONY L CURRENT RESIDENT 7386 VAN BUREN ST NE 7388 ABLE ST NE 7389 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FRIDLEY, MN 55432 ANDERSON D L & KIRCHNER M D _ .JELSON DAVID A -)MARA DEAN R & DIANE M 7391 JACKSON ST NE 7395 VAN BUREN ST NE 7396 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FRIDLEY, MN 55432 CURRENT RESIDENT 7401 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 BUCHNER JOHN J & EILEEN E 7410 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 CURRENT RESIDENT 7417 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 SACKETT CLIFFORD J & ELIZABETH 7424 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MAYER MARVEY A 7431 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 HOFSCHULTE DAVID & LINDA M 7440 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MCINTOSH JOHN & PLUFF K H 7450 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FUECHTMANN TODD B 9824 YALTA ST NE CIRCLE PINES, MN 55014 SCHALWIG PETER 7401 JACKSON ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 MENKEN DANIEL J 7411 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 SCHOFFMAN JAMES F & NANCY G 7420 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 fes'? MAY STEVEN J & CINDY M t`�'`� 7430 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 BOHLMAN ALLEN J 7431 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 LEE DONNA K 7441 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 PACIOREK PATRICIA 1 7450 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 OETTERER STANLEY E & SUSAN 7410 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 FOSTER DENNIS R & NANCY J 7416 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 JOHNSON MATTHEW C & DAWN J 7421 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 JONES CHARLES J & MARY C 7430 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 SJURSETH DONALD GENE 7440 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 CURRENT RESIDENT 7447 ABLE ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 Peso dmf Pat - CHAVIE THOMAS A JR & SHIRLEY A 7451 VAN BUREN ST NE FRIDLEY, MN 55432