COSIs'�:6 -C)-S w Land Planningefa&"*m 6875 -Highway -ACS uE. Land Surveying Minneapo/is 21. SoilsTestin9 ENGINEERING, INC. Miflmmf° Civil & Municipal SUnset4--6066 Engineering En9 ineers Surveyors c esti,f icate of survey f o 3p H �;,' M D E V E1,- 0 P r1 E N T (- 0'. J U-1 cj-) f r d— - /34.96 - i - � I N '� 4 � ® o � o /hereby cerfiry 1hd biasis a five and aw7tct representation of e sralvey gClke baandorles e& aboiv o�scr�bed /and, and op#je lawbon of'all bQdAny3 , thereon , aced all risible rfuroadiinenfs , if aray. f n or w said land. As surveyed by me i/us _day °� SUB URBAN ENGINEERING , INC. 1� I ,_ 30 , Lq/ Ent ineers & Sud reyvrs 4LE10... . r � � ✓ � T � _ s'K� '~ - � � _may Land Planniny LQ7d Surm" SMS TesMy Civil b. mlmko/ E,7&ril7y 075-Ri hwy Acs VE. Milrw)Mlls 21, ENGINEERING, INC. Onm-vl,7 S#ftfef4co" Eny,r,eers c,I c Surveyors Mortgage Loan Survey for 22. SCALE� I"- id This 15 a free and carred repmswlahon e,7svrwy &r1behoundarle5 Y" lhe /and #bore dewyhed and PJW lowhm a/'a// bvlldmys, iP,wy, #mm&7, and all risible ewawchmrW5, 4rany, fon or ;n said /and. A% 5owy is made Ody 0 CAWVCt&7 PVd* a fflvrlqtow now hoWy pkwd w Ike properly ad no Go Wily,6 wwmdo ewepf k the /w*r #/'ux6 n7i4p zr.jfl&e51 ye or aw OA aTwrd byhi rwsw jr such mortgage. bn andu�taad aprd agreed �mancvnents Imre 6ren laced ,cr lfre �vrpase �'o/i%shm9 /of/nes crb�i�f arners. SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. P&W this dcj X -2,44c /7" . .0. 1$6,Z. fnyweers and Surveyprs 7-' 27.9 -N' A- SCALE� I"- id This 15 a free and carred repmswlahon e,7svrwy &r1behoundarle5 Y" lhe /and #bore dewyhed and PJW lowhm a/'a// bvlldmys, iP,wy, #mm&7, and all risible ewawchmrW5, 4rany, fon or ;n said /and. A% 5owy is made Ody 0 CAWVCt&7 PVd* a fflvrlqtow now hoWy pkwd w Ike properly ad no Go Wily,6 wwmdo ewepf k the /w*r #/'ux6 n7i4p zr.jfl&e51 ye or aw OA aTwrd byhi rwsw jr such mortgage. bn andu�taad aprd agreed �mancvnents Imre 6ren laced ,cr lfre �vrpase �'o/i%shm9 /of/nes crb�i�f arners. SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. P&W this dcj X -2,44c /7" . .0. 1$6,Z. fnyweers and Surveyprs 7-' Lend Plannin ,q 6B75-119bwey ACS N.E. Land Survey n' yMimxafx+lts 2/, Soils Testing EN G I NEE R I N G I N C. clVil f, municipal SL/ mf d-64:66 Evylfteeri�j Enyineers `Surveyors 3 D,lSurvey flox--� oxtgage loan U3 11,7 SCALE. I"- 27.9' This is o Prue and COMMI repreje.,,nlahm off surysurveyof1he houfVon'es y'theland eboye described and pj'Ae lowflan afellkildays, &erm, and olrisible a7aW4Wf715,;f6YI)rI-Om 01- on -Vidba. Ibis Su Wy rs470* any 117 WfX-Cfr Xil4 n7o,,ZgOqe IOWfXW bzx� 1r,.bced an ;fie properfy and no IWW,y 6 assumed except k Ihe ha/der afstKhmor/�we or an0t/ ylber b 1/7 -,,Y-es 4 �dh n,#-fan V O morl Wde-slmd d wcyreedmmwtw?efli5 fine h&flf1"d,,Gr 6e�vr?pse IrojolIsAy 1,Wlgzs gr'lwhdoy wraers. pqe. #/5 SUBURBAN EN61MEERING, !NG thisday cll---Z.1 '' �"-,117 A.91 -96Z- - fn9w7eer5 and 5ur ve 7rs b Y