COSGERALD T. COYNE , 31ID BRUNSWICK AVE S. GOLDEN VALLEY, MINN. MINN. REG. NO. 4741 INDUSTRIAL — JUDICIAL COMMERCIAL — TOPOGRAPHICAL CITY LOTS — PLATTING RUBEN PAULSCN i LOT SURVEYS COMPANY LAND SURVEYORS V"= LAWS OF WrA= OF 11INNESOTA L[MMO 8F OSDU"N= OF CUT OF t11l NNEAPOLlit3 5747 W. &oadway Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 533-4422 iW ars t�rri�f�rtt�r --1349 4 -- hots 28 and 291 � , 3*.��, Block 23, HYDE PARK f 2 %' - , �- ,J k No. 585/ We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above described land and the location of aft buOtdings and visible_ encroachments; if airy, from Or on said land. SIgIIed Surveyed by us this 26th _ day of July t47{: -- RAYMOND A. VAASW W17 IDAHO AVE., N, BROOKLYN PARK, MINN. MINN. REG. NO. U43 1tsNrlotcE F. t M 711 SCALE In n � d .- 0940TES tRON