COS0 THE E. B. McDONOUGH CO. 1953 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. ST. PAUL 55104 TELEPHONES 848-6855 SCALE: 1 INCH&0 FEET 742 BUILDERS EXCHANGE BLDG.. MINNEAPOLIS 55402 333-6476 5 ALAT F b"NUTTRNEY F PROPERTY OF%, •, ._% ,/–�.��.�____ DESCRIB ED AS FOLLOWS /_ ` i... � .I t` i•:5u c� h 3l" 1Ci2 (,A al i . � —7 T � to t i t t *j . CERTIFICATE OF LOCATIOti OF BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that an_% ry 19.� — I hereby certify that u1L—._—____ j 1 made it survey or the lccallu•1 of the buildint;(s) oil tho (; nbove &-cribed property and la:.t the location of sa;d I surveyed the propc-rty deecrihcd above and that the above !i building{.) ie correctly shown oo the above plat. plat is it correct repro.=enation Of said survey. [. F3. hlct]O77 iU SFr' F:vGi57'ER£C SURVEYOR. No. 1P90 PAUL J. C -QA JE. No. 4449 t JOHN J,.RYAN, No. 4469 « F—InNo. 133 2M MS Clih IfedmaD Sehuldt c". } ac ,A jo