VAR 02.66u APPLICATION TO $OARD OV. APP MS AND CITY COUNCIL FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, VARIANCE IN REQUIREMENTS OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY (Applicant to complete items 1, 2, 3) 1. Name and Address of Applicant 7)14 2. Legal Description ofProperty(also general location, such as;"north' east corner of 64th Avenue and 5th Street" or 6415 Fifth Street") 3. Describe the variance requested. (Attach Plat or Survey of Property showing location of proposed building, etc;, also adjoining properties a,��nerbhip within 200' of said property6) y 4. Comments by administrative official denying original request for building permit or other permit. (To be completed by administrative official. Avorooriate ordinances and section of ordinances to be cited.) �'l� • - 2 - • 5. Notice of Hearing appeared in Official Newspaper on the following dates: February 9, 1966 and February 16, 1966 (must be at least once 10 days before meeting -- copy of notice to 1 attached). 6. Board Members notified of meeting by mailing Of notice - 2-4-66 . (List Members, Date Notified, and "Yed" or "Nd' for plans to attend hearing). .A Name Date Plan to Attend _ % All members notified by mailing of notice 2-4-66 01 7. Person making appeal and the following property owners having property within 200' notified: By Phone Notified by Name Date or Mail (Initial) Robert Jaeger, 3610 Central Avenue N.E. M 2-4-66 William Huge, 5613 - 4th Street N.E. M 2-4-66 e -- Thomas Hillerans - 5519 - 4th Street N.E. M 2-4-66 Davla Peterson - 5600 - th street K.E. —M- 2-4-66 M. K. Burton - 5604 - 5th Street N.E. M 2-4-66 8. The Following Board Members 8nd interested parties were present at the Hearing: February 23, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Nawrocki Member Fitzpatrick 'WaVTes"iGCTT6bert Jaeger, Member Jankowski ab4ent Member Saunders - absent petitioners - present C 0 The City Manager showed the Council a site plan of the proposed dental laboratory and stated that Mr. Robert Jaeger was present if the Council had any questions. Councilman Wright asked if all the neighbors had received individual notices to the Board of Appeala Meeting. Mr, Wagner said that three of the five neighbors notified had been at the meeting. Councilman Samuelson asked Mr. Jaeger about the landscaping as pictured on the plan. Mir. Jaeger stated that three of the trees pictured were on the lot at present and he would do the beet he could to have.it landscaped nicely. Lotion by Cou lflman Wright to approve the Special Use Permit requested by Mrs Robert Jaeger to permit construction of a dental laboratory, subject to the recommendation of the Board of Appeals that there be a fence on the rear property line and that the drainage plan for the blacktop area be approved by the City Engineer. Seconded by Samuelson. The vote on this item was delayed while the City Attorney checked to see if a Public Hearing were required, at the request of Councilman Sheridan. The City Attorney reported later that he could find no requirement that a Public Hearing be held. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 3 - OTHER PARTIES: NAME Mrs. Huge Mrs. David Peterson ADDRESS 5600 - 5th street Northeast T!, I T� __ 9, Opinions and recommendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: February 23, 1966 Mr. Charles Jaeger and Mr. Robert Jaeger, the petitioners were present. Mrs. Huge, 5613 -4th Street N.E., Mrs. David Peterson, 5600 -5th -Street N_E.,, and Mr. M- K- Burton; 5604 -5th Street N_F. were present. The Board and the interested parties discussed the pro- ent was that they wanted the building and property kept neat, the parking area carexully plannea so tnat cars VMIUNIT 35 parxed a over the place, and that they wanted a fence on the rear property line. The Jaegers advised that they would accede to these wishes. Motion by Goodrl ch, seconded by Fitzpatrick, to recommend to the CounCil +hat the Special Use Permit be granted with the condition that a solid type ma.a, there being no nays airman Nawrocki declared the motion carried. 10; For Abbcwe,Recomi4n,i ..ons, Against Recommendations Unanimous 1. ction by tity onnc -arni Date• 14arch 7, �--`=' i�� er��resent L • .'>. .t.;:: Vii.^.•;!`': • �i �p Will i6 V$illkO�ii /t�,�yh�at Sawa ®�+�-A �8Q®f �4®�city of WW � In the co ,�,�y��p�u s of /fie l/��1 Y M��14M1{��at �O O DOclVIk POM6Q O p�/� •� 230 19"0 o G=W lder the following mattwee mWone d"IrIng to be howd with re to the above MfttAws Will be howd at , 1. 2. Ll • BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MNUTES - FEBRUARY 23, 1966 The Meeting was caked to order by Chairman Nawrocki at 7230 P.M. MDMRS PRESENT.- Hawrocki, Fitzpatrick, Goodrich NDIBERS ABSENTt. Jankowski, Saunders A REQUEST FOR A TO STREET NORTHEAST„ 1DY4YMINNESOTA AS PER CITY CODE OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA, 1963, REVISED DECEMBER 1.96 5., SECUON 45.OS (Sel. QUEST BY RCIERT JAEGER, 3610 CENTRAL AVEMTE NORTI LRAST. Dg -NNE US w IIINNE82 A➢ a* Lir. Charles Jaeger and Mr. Robert Jaeger, the petitioners dere present. Mrs. Huge, 5613 4th Street Northess_t, -a.. David Peterson, 5600 5th Street Northeast, and Pyr. H. R. Barton, 56M& 5th Street Northeast were present. The Board and the Interested parties discussed the proposed structure and site p Aan. The consensus of the people present was that they wanted the building and property kept meat, the parking area carefully planned so that caws would -40t be parked all over the place, and that they wanted a fence on the rear property latae. The Jaegergs advised that they would accede to these wishes. motion aby!.,ocdricie,, seconded X41 the Sp cin U�� SPe it ai�e _ ate be ca�natructed on the rear pr nays, ChairmenNawrockideclared to Upon a voice vote, ion carried. no Mr. Peterson: was present. No others were prevent either for or against the variance. Notion LFitzpatrick, seconded by GiRpdrich to _recoeaaad that the variance be Up= a voice vote, there being no nays, Chaim Nawrocki declared the mation carried. AD.7II►�N'�m There being no further business, Chairama Nawrocki declared the meeting adjourned at 5203 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Earl P. Wagner Secretary to the Board OFFICIAL RICE 1WIC6° is mmmy oxym that the Bomcd Of ' s Of the city Of FCMW wlU Mmt In fit.® eCQm¢ IX s of the City Hau ark i:IA o0clOcc P,*,, YJ sdaYO -webzvgW 238 IL9660 to emsidw the faxlcwblg matters a AWMS l'itg tO b® hGWd with refecome to the abava mattAws will be heard at s mmftSM9, Hwy Namock.i Publish: FObXUWY '90 1366 cahnumn Fabrufty 160 1966 BOM OP APPRAW I 1. 21 BOARD OF APPEALS nUTING WINUTES - FEBRUARY 23, 1966 The Meeting was called to order by Chatrazim Nawrocki at 7-.30 F-M HIMMS PRESENTe Nawrocki, Fitzpatrick, Goodrich NMWRS ABSENT-. Jankmeki, Saundem FOR A SLECL,,tL USE ln'RHXT TO -3 DISTRiCT 014 LOIS 16 AM 17 ANIOU CCUN'T!.'m".110KESUrA. SA14 kaNNEWTA AS PER CIN CODE of . SECNION 45 08 f8e). =-Oug 9NTRAI� AVENIM, Mr. Charles Jaeger and Hr, 'Robert Jaeger, the petitioners were present. lira. Huge, 561.3i 4th Street Northeas.t., Yr -g-. I)avid Peterson, 5600 5th Street Nartheastp Sad Mr. IL. 1". Berton, 5604. -r"t:h St-reet North,� ast were present. The Board and the lnterszted parties discussed the proposed structure and site P;AAn. The com.sia3us of the people present mae that they wanted the building aad property kept neat, the parking a-rc4a carefully planned so that care vauld?ilt be pzsrked all ever the place, and that they wanted a fence on the rear p:roperty line. The Jeegera advised that they tould accede to these 'Wishes. seconded b to recommend to the Council that pers"Ic .... .... b -arented with r.he coed tion that a solid type fence _he. ecastructed on the rear Property li-2e. Upon a voice vate, there being no nays, Chairman Hawracki declared, the motion carried. 3. 6 Mr. Pv;,ersonwas present. No others were prezez,: for or against the variance. Motion by FitzratrIck., oecoaded by Goodrich, to -read-read that the variance be Upm a voice -cte, -there being m nayv, Chalma. Havrocki declared the ,aotion carried, There being no furt'her buaiaess,. t7htirmAm Nawrocki declared the meeting adjourned at 8%1103 ?,-A, &m Earl F. Wagner Secretai- y to the ZoArd CITY OF FRIDLEY LEGAL NOTICES (official Publication) ,at 7:30 o'clockp m., Wednesday, February 23, 1966, to consider the following matters: 1. A request for a variance from. Section 45.24, City Code of Fridley, Minnesota 1963, Re- vised December 1964, by waiv- er of side, yard requirement from 5 feet to .3.67 feet to permit construction of as at- tached double garage on Lot 23, Block 3, Rice Creek -Ter. race Plat 7, Anoka County, Minnesota, same being 6872 7th Street Northeast, "dley, Minnesota. (Request by Har- vey Peterson 151 Glen Creek. Road F r i a 1 e y, Minnesota, 5543zi. 2. A request for a Special gg Permit to permit con of a dental laboratory in an R-3 Dist�ct on Lots 16 and i7I " lock 3, Hamilton's? Addi. tion to Mechanicsville, Anoka County, Minnesota, same be- ing 5601 - 4th Street Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota as ner City Code of Fridley, Minnesota 1963, Revised December 1964, Section 45.08 (8e). (Request by Robert Jaeger, 3610 Central Avenue Northeast, Minneapo. Hs, Minnesota). Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above mat- ters will be heard at this meeting. HARRY NAWROCKI, M OF OF APPEALS (Feb. 9, 16, 1968)—TC-2A K� D CENTRAL DENTAL LABOR TO Y4 5601 FOURTH STR E E T N.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA PHONE: 560.2230 BOX 4457 AUGUST 29, 1968 CITY MANAGER OF FRIDLEYe THE BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED TO BUILD A DENTAL LABORATORY AT 5601 4th STREET N.E., REQUIRED THE OWNERS TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE ON THE NORTH AND EAST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY OWNERS ABUTINC THE ABOVE PROPERTY NOW DO NOT WISH TO HAVE A FENCE. THE ADDRESSES AND SIGNATORES OF PROPERTY OMRS APPEAR BELOW. �d loo� 7 -A '�' - *e elg't4� ';�L' -'' — Ategular Council Meatiag ® April 4, 1966 regarding a code he ,could like the Pleading Commission to study. He stated that the Plaasaing Commission Le not enthusiastic about any of the codes suggested. Councilman Sheridan stated that he and Councilman Samuelson still plan to work over some of the stems For a housing code, and at the time the Health Inspector°s proposal Is presented, they will outUne what their general thinking to. :..SIG CM-NISSION tMTiJ -S s REWNTNG REQUEST-, ZOA #66-02 UNZ RIEDEL- Couacilman Samuelson asked how far bad City ttanager stated that he had given Attorney has -wade exp a Public Uearing that it has some flexibility, and will on Apra,14, 1966. this rezoolog request progressed. The this to the CUT Attorney and the City Votice for ithe Planning Comm.iasion so coma sap More the Planning Commission BUI.?.d3EIG ' Y.�. D METING IVVES n MARCH 30, 196Ga I The City Manager read the Building Board motion that any action on this item be takentby the Council. The City Attorney explained a letter he had written the Building,Board that a commercial dog kennel would be allowed in X -1 -but not In the residential rove ties. Lund is in, but he did not feel he should make the determination as to whather this is camc►erci.al or her own private kennel. Notion by;Councilman Samuelson that the Council deny the request for construction of a keuns�-. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, these being no Gaya, Mayor.Kirkham declared the motion carried. Iro. Fused arrivdd later in the meeting, and this item was discussed further under t4eZVLeltor®s section of the Council Meeting). UILD IG ZOARD Jlft'ES d CtiJ$1: T4TIA,TTON OF CONSTItiJCaZCiV OF A DENTAL WMLTORI AT 5601 - 4TH 91=,T NOi'w'CMST(LOTS 16 ,6ND 17 BLOCK 3 MI. LTON' S ADDIT,I(XI TO IXCCSO i 111 APPLICATION BY ROBERT JAEGER9 3610 CENTRAL AV ENM NOIt AST 1UTN Usg UMSOTA, 55421s Councilman .Samuelson expl ned to Mr. Jaeger, who wars present at the Council VAQting,Vthat- the -, ldin Board had recommended approval of the building, permit with'tba condition hat he build a Fence on the north and -east side and landscape to take'car of some of the height. He askod . Jaeger if he planned to -construct the videwalk as shown on the site plan. Mr. Jaeger stated he diet : riot know why that had been pant on, and whe r e would be required for wild it now.. Councilman Samuelson said the City could not require hila to build it. Councilman Wright said that there was just a queation" as it is shoran `'on City- land and they wondered if he was serious about it. the. Jaeger asked lum high the fence will have to be. Councilman Samuelson stated that he assumed &,60 standard height fence, and he recommended stained redwood as there 1s less maintenance. It was suggested he build the fence on the north aide just to 'Oe ��nt of the building and not all the way.to the front of the 1®t. There vas's discussion of a way to gain roam fora few move cars to park and attli have ":foie .1 ecapi*;. COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 • PAGE 13 reial 01La VX y15PYVAL CLINIC AT 5601 4TH STREET NORTHEAST: The City Engineer explained that it was a stipulation at the time Of the building permit, that a fence be erected. He said that a letter has been received from Central Dental Laboratory, dated August 29, 1968, signed by the abutting property owners stating that they do not wish to have the fence erected. MOTION by Councilman Harris to agree with the property owners request that the fence not be erected. Seconded by Councilman Lieblf Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham de- clared the motion carried. The City Engineer explained that Mr. Ratley is being sued for divorce by Mrs. Ratley. The letter in the Agenda it from Mr. Charles Mayo, Mrs. Ratley's father and he is the fee owner. The daughter and son-in-law are contract for deed purchasers. Mr. Gibbs said that he would recommend revocation of the building permit and stopping action on the lot split request until such time as they get their affairs in order. The City Engineer asked what was going to be done about the hole that has been dug there. Mr: Gibbs said that he has written to Mr. Mayo, saying that as it appears Mr. Ratley has disappeared, Mr. Mayo will be regaining the property, so he is to fill up this hole. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation of the City Attorney's office and revoke the building permit and amend any previous action on the lot split as may be necessary to return the land to it's original state before the request. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. DISC[TSSI�T OF ABLOMINOl115 LEA IRM U1�TIVIaRSITY AV�iVEa The Ci#y Engineer explained that this line would be moved from Main Street and University Avenue to the east side of the rail- road tracks and running parallel to the tracks. He said that they would be single wooden poles like there is on University Avenue now. He said that if the Council.agrees with this, NSP Will go to the railroad for their approval. He said that there were some minor changes made in the southwest corner to run the line along I. 694 which is different from their original plan discussed, but that the over-all plan was good. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 PAGE 14 MOTION by Councilman Harris to relocation of the 115 KV line. Upon a voice vote, all voting Notion carried. approve of the re-routing and Seconded by Councilman Liebl. aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the 029-1968 RF.9=39G NO PARKING SIGNS ON ONE SIDE J& SEM AT, 1050 —1170 52ND AVENUE N. E. s MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive Petition #29-1968. Seconded by Councilman Sheridan. Upon a voice vote, all voting -.aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The City Engineer said that this is a 30' road which runs between the 6kywood Mall Shopping Center and Robert Hall's and carried a lot of traffic. The problem is that there is not enough parking space provided by the apartment house owner. There is a lie parking space per unit required, but they may be being used by boats and trailers etc. Councilman Sheridan suggested the possibility of having 2 hour parking between certain hours, but that there cannot be 24 hour parking as this is against the City's ordinance. Mr. Paul Spears, 1050 52nd Avenue. N.E. said that he had measured Lincoln Street which has private residences on it, and there was 2" difference between that street and 52nd Avenue, yet they have no restrictions on them. The children who live in the apartment houses play in the back a great deal, and this is where all tie deliveries have to be made, and he said that th®se apartment dwellers feel that this is a hazard to the children, as the drivers are not aware of the many children which play behind the building. He said that if the no parking signs absolutely cannot come down, then he would at least like to have a 25 mile per hour speed limit, as he feels that the care take advantage of this clear street and go through this areatw fast. Councilman Harris said that he had looked at this and he felt that some of the problem was that the grading is such in the back that it will not accommodate a large amount of cars. He said that he also noticed that some of the cars were not parked properly and were actually taking up two Faces. 8e said that during the winter the snow plow cannot get down the street, as the cars are not moved for 24 hours ,in some areas. The City Engineer commented that apartment house people seem to have a tendency toward parking on the streets. Councilman Barris suggested limiting parking, such as iron 6:00 A.& to 6:00 PA. there would be no parking on the street, thersiby providing evening visitors a place to pag)%r DATE: August 29, 1996 MEMORANDUM PLANNING DIVISION TO: Fritz Knaak, City Attorney FROM: A=ele Hickok, Planning Coordinator McPherson, Planning Assistant SUBJECT: Miscellaneous Zoning Code Interpretations We have the following questions regarding staffs interpretation on two separate zoning issues. The issues are cellular phone (personal communications) antennae installations, building -mounted versus tower -mounted, and re -use of a building at 5601 - 4th Street which was issued a special use permit for a dental laboratory. Blease respond in writing with separate opinions regarding each item by September 11, 1996. Personal Communication Antennae Installations. Tower versus Building Mounted We are currently receiving multiple requests for the installation of personal communication antennae within the community. The City is considering a lease agreement for the installation of antennae on the water tower located on Highway 65. Scheduled for review by the Council on September 16, 1996, is a request by a separate company to install antennae on the St. Paul Waterworks Tower located on 75th Way. We have had numerous other requests for similar installations at various sites throughout the community. The M-1, Light Industrial District, Section, and the M-2, Heavy Industrial District, Section 205.18.01.C.(7), allow radio transmitters and microwave towers with a special use permit. Staff has taken the following interpretation: Building - mounted personal communications antennae will be considered an accessory use in the M-1, M-2, and P -Public districts. If the antennae are tower -mounted on a separate tower or mono -pole, they will only be permitted in the M-1, Light Industrial District, the M-2, Heavy Industrial District, and the P -Public District with a special use permit requiring Planning Commission and City Council approval. Is this a correct interpretation based on your review of the zoning ordinance? We are not prohibiting them outright as prohibited by the Federal Communications Commission. Miscellaneous Zoning Code Interpretations August 30, 1996 Paae 2 Re -Use of Property at 5601 - 4th Street N.E. In 1996, the City issued a special use permit for the above referenced property to allow a dental laboratory. The property is zoned R-3, General Multiple Dwelling. At that time the special use permit was issued, this use was permitted with a special use permit. Since that time, the zoning code has been changed to eliminate these special use permit provisions. The owners of the dental lab are nearing retirement and are attempting to market the property. The real estate agent has proposed several alternative uses and has requested an interpretation on what uses would be permitted under the special use permit provision (minutes attached). Some uses proposed by the real estate agent included day care, other minor offices, or laboratories, etc. Based on the motion to approve by the Council, staff has determined that the only permitted use of the building is for a dental laboratory. The owner could convert the building back to a residential use. Please confirm that this interpretation is correct. If you need any further clarification regarding these two items, please contact Scott at 572-3599 or Michele at 572-3593. MM:Is M-96-408 0 COUNCIL IaDTUTiS MARCH 7, 1966 PAGE 4 Councilman Wright asked if there was any evidence that the bidders get together and submit a single bid in rotation. The City Manager angered, 'No". Councilman Samuelson atated that it was his understanding that the City usually only receives once bid. The City Manager stated that two bids had been received last time, but these specifications dere for heavy cars and this might explain why some of the companies had not bid. Motion by Councilman alright to accept the bid -o£ River Motors, 656 E. Main Street, Anoka, Minnesota for two Dodge DP. 41 Poltaras, and trade in two 1965 Dodge police cars for a net cost of $3500. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion. carried. BOARD OF APMA%S IMET3NG MWTES, FEBRUARY 23, 1966; 3- 7 *�-G6- The City Manager showed the Council a site place of the proposed- dental laboratory. and stated taut Mr..- Robert Jaeger was p-reacnt if the CouncWhad any questifts. Councilman Wright asked if all the neigl4bors had received i aadividual notices to the Board of Appealg-Meeting. Mr.' Wagner- said-_ that. three of the five neighbors notified had been at the Meting. Councilman Samuelson asked 1x. Jaeger about the landscaping as pictured on the plan. 14r. Jaeger stated that three of the trees pictured were on the lot -at present and he would do the best he could to have it landscaped nicely. Motion by Councilman Wright to approve the Special Use hermit requested by Mr. Robert Jaeger to permit construction of a dental laboratory, subject to the recommendation of the.Board-of Appeals -that there be a fence on the rear property -line and that the drainage plan for the blacktop area be Approvedby the.City Engineer. Seconded by Samuelson. The vote on this item was delayed while the City Attorney checked to see if a Public Hearing were required, at the request of Councilman Sheridan. The City Attorney rep=tesilater that he -could find no requirement that a Public Hearing be held. 'Upon a voice vote,. there being no naps, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. Councilman Wright asked if there is a Certificate of Survey and letters from the affected neighbors. The City Manager explained that the petitioner also mms the neat lot. ..u.0 a puunc street as approved 9y the zoning administrator as adequate for the purpose. 3ecticn 5.1—USES PERMITTED, 3-1 DISTRICTS—ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICTS L. One Family Dwellings. ?. Agriculture, gardening, truck gardening, dairying, horticulture, stock, animal and poultry raising, and general farming, provided that the following buildings and uses shall not be located within 500 feet of the boundary line of any R-1, R-2 or R-3 District;— (a). Animal barns, pens or ken- nels, or feeding or grazing areas. (b) Fowl raising. (c) Slaughter of animals or fowl. Nurseries and greenhouses for the propagation, cultivation and growing of plants only. .. Sale on the premises, in season only, of farm products, truck gar- dening products and nursery and greenhouse products, produced on the premises. . Golf courses, country clubs, yacht clubs, tennis courts, swim- ming pools, and additional pri- vate recreational uses, all non- commercial. . Churches, parish houses, con- vents, child nurseries, nursery schocls, and private schools for educational purposes similar tb public elementary and secondary <ellools. Public buildings and uses of the fallowing kinds: elementary and -rondary schools, school nt.hletic f irlds, parks, playgrounds, librar- ies, museums, community centers •,nd recreation centers. One only sign not more than 12 square feet in area pertaining to the lease, hire or sale of land or a building on which located, one only outdoor bulletin hoard net more than 12 square feet in area for a church or school on the pro- ?erty on which located, and one only name plate of not more than 1 square foot in area pertaining to a home occupation or permit- ted use, provided none shall emit my flashing, flickering or glaring light, direct or reflected, none 35 feet of the street when there is no main building on the lot. 9. The following uses, but only after securing a use permit for the establishment, reconstruction, structural alteration, enlarge- ment, or moving of any such use, after approval of such permit by the Board of Appeals and the City Council, and subject to any condition imposed by such use permit, as provided in Section 10, or other section hereof; (a) Thansformer stations, electric substations, pumping stations, gas regulator stations, public drains, sewers, water lines, water stor- age, treatment and pumping fa- cilities and other similar public utility and public service facili- ties. (Item 9 enacted by Ordi- nance No. 107, passed September 11, 1958). Section 5.2—USES PERMITTED IN R-2 DISTRICTS—LIMITED MULTIPLE DWELLING DIS- TRICTS I. Uses permitted in R-1 Districts 2. Two-family Dwellings, multiple dwellings and dwelling groups. 3. Boarding and lodging houses. Section 5.3—USES PERMITTED IN R-3 DISTRICTS—GENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLING DIS- TRICTS 1. Uses permitted in R-2 Districts. 2. Multiple dwellings and dwelling groups. 3. Automobile courts, hotels, apart- ment hotels, motels and tourist homes, provided no business shall be conducted except as a service for guests thereof, accessible to customers from inside the build- ing only. 4. Resort transient cabins and housing accommodations and' the following accessory uses for the accommodation of guests; boat and motor storage and rentals, bait shops, dining rooms, soft drink and snack bars. 5. Colleges and Universities. 6. Fraternity and sorority houses. 7. Private clubs, lodges, libraries and museums, except any that are ' after securing a use permit for the establishment, reconstruction, structural alteration, enlarge- ment, or moving of any such use, after approval of such permWby MhD the board of appeals and the city council, and subject to any condi- tions imposed by such use permit, A_ as provided in Section 10, or other section hereof; (Item (a) Repealed by Ordinance No. 97, passed May 8, 1958). (b) Clothes cleaning or launder- f ing pick-up stations, clothes pressing and tailoring shops, and self-service laundries. (c) Flower, fruit and vegetable sales and stands. (d) Gasoline service stations and accessory greasing, servicing, cleaning and washing of automo- biles, including 'minor adjust- ments and repairs, but not general l repairs, overhauling, rebuilding, demolition or spray painting. e) Offices and office buildings for business and professional i uses, including banks, medical i 'and dental clinics. f) Public offices and office t buildings, policearid fire stations, post offices. (g) Public utility offices and of- fice buildings, telephone ex- changes, transformer station% electric substations or pumping stations. (h) Restaurants, refreshment stands, but not any selling or serving of alcoholic beverages. Section 5.4—USES PERMITTED AND EXCLUDED, P DISTRICTS — PUBLIC FACILITIES DIS- TRICTS P Districts include such land areas, waterways and water areas as are owned, controlled, regulated, used or proposed to be used by the City of Fridley or other public body. A. "USES PERMITTED: 1. Public buildings and uses. 2. Public parks, plitygrounds, ath- letic fields, golf courses, airports, parking areas. 3. Public streets, alleys, easements and other public ways, highways and thorbughfar-es. r• 4. Public drains, sewers, water public utility and public service facilities. 5. Temporary public housing re- quired and designed to relieve a critical housing shortage. 6. Dwellings or dwelling units for employees having duties in con- nection with any premises requi+•- ing them to live thereon, includ- ing families of such employees when living with there. 7. Other public purposes and uses, except any excluded hereinafter. B. USES EXCLUDED: 1. Dwellings or dwelling units ex- cept those enumerated under Lases Permitted. 2. Private trades, businesses, or industries, except any that are only accessory uses and necessar- ily incidental to permitted uses. 3. Any uses which are objection- able because of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, vibration or noise, or because of subjection of life, health or property to hazard. 4. Dumps, junk yards. Section 5.5—USES PERMITTED AND EXCLUDED, C-1 and C -1S DISTRICTS—LOCAL BUSINESS AND SHOPPING CENTER DIS- TRICTS A. USES PERMITTED: I. Uses permitted in R-3 Districts, except auto camps and trailer courts. 2. Retail stores and shops anri small service businesses stirl, ;Is. nrt shops; professional studios; clothing, drug, grocery, fruit, meat, vegetable, confectionery, hardware, sporting goods, str,- tionery, music, variety and notion stores; household appliance, fix- ture and furnishing stores and repair shops in connection there- with; stores and shops for bar- bers, beauticians, cabinet makers, electricians, jewelers, watchmak- ers, locksmiths, painters, plumb- ers, shoemakers, tailors, dress- makers, clothes pressers, job printers, blueprinters, photogra- phers. 3. Advertising signs, appurtenant to the use of the property on