COSLand Planning ta7d Sirveyhy Soils Testing Civil & munidpal Minneapolis 5 A I t'7fAw)xl ENGINEE PUISG, INC. milmewla, Engineering Engineers Surveyors cemptilicate:oEOURVOIFfat e y effir @r;05 q(7h6 #bole d6C is a bw and mmed represwtalivi cod /fv* cerAry Old *15 /&4#o7 67ffMlWm, Akrem, andel! risible axmrhmmlr, trmm), frm orWA d/ate As surveyed w#bi day A n a/u. SUBUR8M ENGINEERING , INC. La Surveyors ip �7 4; 0 its a hL "Cle" 0- 12 el z6 A&4j N -4 296 ? L va 1.0 IN An r, g1w i Jz That part c -r T-tt 29 Iide llar'f'.- J.tr V1.9, l,(!`t7,1 of 'i ''A "Lu"I I foot 'JCrIF'pf arld that'rn'rt C, 5c"'� 1 A."Onlie (formorl-,r knc.,*tr-, c,.s orrdrerT7.4 Lal �-Vf_r-,Up 15-InFr, South c -,f 1,1cck ;' ---tennetit-�-almer Add;ticrl anti _, nJ.'� ' 'p St linc lyi!-,,f, betweenji-,_c T,_S4 - 7 ,- -1 s cl' sain 1,ct. I extended 'Jortbo e y effir @r;05 q(7h6 #bole d6C is a bw and mmed represwtalivi cod /fv* cerAry Old *15 /&4#o7 67ffMlWm, Akrem, andel! risible axmrhmmlr, trmm), frm orWA d/ate As surveyed w#bi day A n a/u. SUBUR8M ENGINEERING , INC. La Surveyors ip Lond Plonniny Lond 'Surverin9 Soils Testing Civil b Municipal Enyineenng 4;875-Hiyhwoy 00 NE. MinneoPn/is32 ENGINEERING, INC. Minneio}a SOnfet4--6066 i Engineers certificate or sows; T sure yarn for MILAN p ROZCNY If Souk.. line e} lay 5, Clock 4 I:enne4 Palmer 11,)IS N g'v LU jj or I':,e v}, Lai 1, F,- loc.L r / _I LO A. :rucL` �f ;; SCI\L.0 1 30 52v�r�i line a}' lam# i(?ocl� z9, H�d� Pc.�K i ,�4 >/�E/►��'�DN.T ` V� o D e "Q T c 4� I Za W may, pz_°2/ y iso � That part of Lot I,Block 29 Hyde Parka lying Horth of the kScuth 1 foot there' and that part of vacated 58th Avenue (formerly know ae Comrcial. Avenue) lying South of Lot 5, Mock 4 Bennett .,Palmer Addition and lye between the But and gest lines of said lot 1 extended Forth. l hereby c 4#y' that lhis is a Prue and correct representation ord survey qr#x bamderres of & abome Asaybod land, end op#r laaghon vpa// twildiys , *reon , and all risible b rroorhm.-nfs , trany, fnyrr or oo said land. As surveyed by me IIusZ`'_ doff. of � A'� 196 SUBUQBAN ENG/NEE2/NG /NC L!9`74 rs fi" Sv�r ors • . L azl/IC 7