COSLand Planning 370MississippiSW Land Surveying Mmlwgpo/s 21, Saes 1esling E N G I N E E R I N G, I N C. Minnesota Gwl b Mumcol tUnsel "W" En5weenny En yineers c Sur vectors r certificate of survey - I_ k v I fv v -i1 �°', r / ha* certipy *af ibis is a fi ue and earacf representafran o� a _%rusty eAe bwndories e4e above AscNA d land, and oF'h /oaahon 4rall buildla , thereon, andall risib/e nwnachmenfs , if'oey. fnrn or a► so d /ond As sw-veyed 6y me fhrs - a6t, o� 'larch A.Ol9. E-4. SUBURBAN ENG/NEER/NG , INC. Fr► neer_ fr Surr rs AYt,