PRE 2010 DOCS3 City of Fridley, Minn. 114 3 6 6431 University Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 BUILDING PERMIT Date: _X" 15,_1972 Ronald Sanetra Builder Same Address 5626 - 5th Street N.E. Address Same LOCATION OF BUILDING 1% 5626 Street 5th Street N.E. Part of Lot %t 4 5 Block - __ Addition or Sub -Division Ram ilt:on I a_Addnn _ t Q STP ch a n i c sv i l l e Corner Lot Inside Lot - X Setback _ __ Sideyard Sewer Elevation Foundation Elevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be Used as: Re -side house Front Depth Height _ Sq. Ft. _ Cu. Ft. Front Depth Height ___ _ Sq. Ft. _ Cu. Ft. Type of Construction _ Namoni-f-a Est. Cost ._ 00 __ To be Completed .Tiny,�1 972 In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set rth and in compliance wi all provisions of ordinances of the city of Fridley. \ - J .50 St to Surcharge In consideration of the payment of a fee of *--1. 00 , permit is hereby granted th Ronald Raua= to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and workmen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects -to the ordinances of Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildbW .Within the city limits and this permit may be revoked at any time upon violation of any of the provisions of said Inspector SOLD= CT ARENCE RFT ISLE NOTICE: This permit does not cover the construction, installation for wiring, plumbing, gas heating, sewer or water. Be sure to see the Building Inspector for separate permits for these items. s APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL, ALTERATION, OR ADDITION BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA OWNER'S NAME 4 ���IJP 5�Q/ ��%�rl BUILDER: Se -4 y�� ADDRESS: S-6 Q G DRESS : NO:. SO c?- (O STREET: LOT: `7 .5 BLOCK: ADDITION: elf CORNER LOT: INSIDE LOT: SETBACK: SIDEYARD: Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To Be Used As: 36 V Front: Depth: Height: if Square Feet: 93 �5_ Cubic Feet: Front: Depth: Height: Square Feet; Cubic Feet: Type of Construction: 127Zcaln"iQ1 Estimated Cost: 77 To Be Completed: The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in stfict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE: �_ J- , �'/'% SIGNATURE : (See Reverse Side For Additional Information.) City of Fridley SUBJECT PE ®13'753 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS PERMIT f BUILDING ECWNO.3) 16 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. 1 = , '` CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY L"" A., ,�� 612-560-3450 910-F15 9/13/76 JOB ADDRESS 5626 - 5th Street N.E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 415 3 1Hamilton's Addn. to Mech. SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Ronald Sanetra 5626 - 5th Street N.E. 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Sussel (Partially) 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 6 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK QA NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Construct a 24' x 24' Detached garage 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS PROVIDE A HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY G -IN In�r •R�►�Cp�uRe blNi$1QN 'REMOVAL ANO RjA.ACEMENr SERERATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR �lYIRlt�GR v ° vtwlAv ° � NEATINk PU MBING AND QNB.w" NINC'! dwn ca kal U610 TWHOME • ELEC W -GAS Etc. REQUIRED BYLAW SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. Wood Frame THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SO. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT R-1 576 A 5760 ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 ISTALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED. $4,262.40 $2.13 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- $23.04 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK FEE TOTALFEE JI $25.17 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTORAUTHORIZED AGENT IDATEtHNPROPERLY VALIDATEDTHIS IS YOUR PERMIT9f BLDG ,NSP DATE TUBE OF OWNERR BUILDER, IDATEI CITY OF FRIDLEY APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION, ADDITION, OR REPAIR BUILDING PERMIT OWNER'S NAME • )6� BUILDER: J ADDRESS : %"° & t S` ADDRESS: NO :. <-& L r STREET: 5�X LOT:, BLOCK: ADDITION: CORNER LOT: INSIDE LOT: `' SETBACK:' SIDEYARD: Applicant attach to this form Two Certificates of Survey of Lot axid proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To BeUsed As: / / /j Front: --::PC/ Depth: C/ Height • Square Feet: . r�6� Cubic Feet: Front: Depth: .Height: Square, -Feet; Cubic Feet: C/ Type of Construction:j/tL-e-j-����rn� Estimated Cost: $ �� y� .To Be Completed: ��� The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE: SIGNATURE: (See Reverse Side For Additional Information.) VISION Of TKE SEMMES MES SUSSELICOMPANY, INC. Permit by Legal Description Lot Blk Add'n Value Type Const. SLAB: ❑By SUSSEL ❑ By Owner Approx. ❑In 2-STARTINGS POINTS ONLY S. P. L. S. S. P. L. R.P.L. Alley House F. Street Other ❑ Square With ❑ Rods ❑ Mesh ❑ Sod Rem. - By ❑ 5 -Bag Mix ❑ 6 -Bag Mix ❑ Tamping ❑ No Tamping ❑ A.B.U. Q ®Grade Point O Conduit. ❑ Blocks ❑ By Owner ❑ By Sussel ❑Maintain 8' Total Wall Height including Blocks ❑Maintain 8' Wall Height on Top of Blocks ❑ Other ❑ O.H. Dr Offset ❑ S.D. Location ❑ Windows ❑ Att Gar Roof Tie-in Drawn on attached pictures Existing garage: No O ❑ Detached ❑ Attached Yes ❑ Size of existing:— x — Existing garage will be: • ❑ Left as is ❑ Converted to L.S. - By owner ❑ Removed By: Owner ❑ Sussel D Junk Must Be Removed By Owner ❑ Specify removals by Sussel or owner - trees, bushes, etc. ❑ Show approx. dist, garage to house and all prop. lines Stakes visible - L 1, Yes _� No Survey available - Ll Yes f I No ❑ Special instructions from owner: l WORK ORDER ,t HOME PHONE - NAME %' /�0 1 _� %�k 1 e Al BUS. PHONE: JOB ADDRESS BLDG CODE AREA SALESMAN CONTRACT DATE SIZE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY [CONTRACTOR JOB ;# PURCHASER'S INITIALS: fi�►i►.rrr.'.�crr.���•.r O r 1 { r1' Z6 f SUBJECT City of Fridley 14899 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS BUILDING PERMIT(/* CEIPT NO. ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. INSPECTION r PROTECTIVE SEC. q� 1 CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY ---- �'� 612-550-3450 910-F15 9/5/78 JOB ADDRESS 5626 -5th St. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 4,5 3 Hamilton's Addn. to Mechanicsville SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Ronald Sanetra Same 3 CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Lloyds Home Improvement, Inc. 4911 4t1i St. NE 560-4857 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 6 USE OF BUILDING 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION 29 REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reroof; 2 exca a windows 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Roof must be first or second roof only TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED. $1,700 0.85 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- 12.00 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK FEE TOTALFEE $12.85 SIGWTuRt OFCONTRACT RORAUTHO AGE (DATE) E ERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PER IT M114;x e " s BLDG )NSP ATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER IIF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) CITY OF FRIDLEY APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS (NEW, ALTERATIOtJS, ADDITIONS, OR REPAIRS) r71- OWN>;R:_ --BUILUE11: e- OF Address: 9-6 ;;��'���� Address : . Tel. No.:C— L1�S •�% No. S` 6 2 LOT: CORNER LOT: Street: • 11 y BLOCK: _ ADDITION: fiM&MVS INSIDE LOT: SETBACK.: SIDEYARDS: Applicant attach 'to this form avo Certificates of Survey of Lot and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. To Be Used As: i DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING , Front: Depth: Height: Square Feet: Cubic Feet: 'Front: Depth: Height: Square Feet: Cubic Feet: Type of Construction: Estimated Cost: $ 11 t e To Be Completed: t Alt. A ' Alt. B Proposed Driveway Width If New Opening Is Desired $ $ (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF SHEET) The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. 'See reverse side for additional information. DATE: — SIGNATURE: Stipulations: Ct) M--0 - a7vr*v We the property owners on the South side 57th Avenue who border the right-of-way between 4th and 5th Streets, do hereby declare our intent to have 176 feet of this right-of-way blacktopped by a private contractor. We the undersigned, will be responsible for the financing of this improvement as per agreement between us. We will also be responsible for the maintenance of this portion of the right-of-way and it is agreed that this alley will not be posted as a private drive. We the undersigned, do reserve the right to solicit an appropriate portion of the cost for this improvement to the property owners along this right-of- way who make major improvements (such as garage, shed, parking area, etc.) or constant usage of this alley due to our improve- ments. 5G y/ y24s/r/�E Signed: 1. _ _ - -70_ b Date 2. il�t G�; 1' �� 3 9-5� s X ( . 3 4. 5. SUBJECT NO. City of Fridley 7M47 1 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS BUILDING PERMIT r ` RECEIPT NO. � • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. ______ 1 L C/ C, r PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. NUMBER REV DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY 11L. 1A CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 �,•J A 612-571-3450 910-F15 9/5/97 / / JOB ADDRESS 5626 5 Street NE 1 LEGALLOT NO. BLOCK TRACTOR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 4,5 3 Hamilton's Addn to Mechanicsville SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Ronald Sanetra 5626 5 Street NE 574-9467 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Same 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 8 USE OF BUILDING Reroof House & Garage 20 S Tear -off 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION L)l REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING. HEATING. TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SO. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED $1,668 $.83 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- $54.00 Fire SC $1.67 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE $56.50 SIG TUR�RACTOTHO/RIZEDAGENT IDATEI WHEN PROPERLY V DATED THIS IS YOUR PERMIT BLD INSp gaTE SIGNATURE OF OWNERUF OWNER BUILOERI IDATEI NEW [ I Effective 1/1/97 ADDN [ J CITY OF FRIDLEY ALTER [ ] SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 :Q5q-7 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ConstructionAddress: C;l(o zz- /u E. Legal Description: % Owner Name & Address: 2 ® ty 5-4ti c7-/2/1 Tel. # 57 7 q Contractor: ' /� j AA S,C/ /y �?'� �i MN LICENSE # Address:_ S L, S- a� �.7 A. Tel. # y f C/ �- LIV ,NG AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECK AREA: OTHER: Construction Type: Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT Length q ® Width 30 Height Length JL y Width 21— Height Length Width Hget/Ground _ r Driveway Curb Cut.Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = DATE: ¢� Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Estimated Cost: $ / ( 625 00 (Fee Schedule on Back) Ft x $ _ $ APPLICANT: Tel. # Permit Fee $ , DO Fire Surcharge State Surcharge $ j SAC Charge $ License Surcharge $ driveway Escrow $ erosion Control $ Park Fee $ Sewer Main Charge $ TOTAL >'r[1>ULAT1ONS: CITY USE ONLY Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1/10th%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $950 per SAC Unit $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] ,S' ? V 'F meermg WATER AND SEWER Permit No.: --0 763-6-72-3551 PERMIT APPLICATION Received By: 763-571-1287 fax CITY OF FRIDLEY EFFECTIVE 6/9/09 APPLICTATION DATE: Z LA b 5 YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS: THIS APPLICANT IS: O OWNER CONTRACTOR JOB ADDRESS: S-6 Z (- ,� S' -r WC - NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OF APPLICABLE): PROPERTY NAME:a y- p - OWNER/ TENANT ADDRESS:Z- i'' S'P' R/ CITY �rLr , � STATE�[P -r,$73 z PHONE: 2 6 3 -'.ice/ 6� - 94,e47 CONTRACTOR NAME: mow• h, ns C G r - SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE ADDRESS:_2� ?, d Ge n/�Gf7 " Ile- ,Q CITY 44 L C�W�A STATOk �J/ 7 LICENSE WITH PHONE -76 3 —W `% 3 Z 76 CELL PHONE: APPLICATION STATE LIC # &67—Y9 h. STATE BOND: ? 0 2 / i .rr EXP DATE: D 1. Narrative/written description: 2. Please attach sketch showing curb line, utilityline, building, etc. with distances. "-4 PERMIT TYPE �7 ❑ SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT $50 i 1 ❑ WATER CONNECTION PERMIT $50 ,j)c.� ❑ WATER LINE REPAIR $40 SEWER LINE REPAIR $40� ❑ ADD STATE SURCHARGE $.50 ' ❑ SAC CHARGE @ $2000 = 0 Efl3.5 OTHER CHARGES (IF APPLICABLE) PAY TO UTILITY BILLING NEW WATER METER COST - SEE UTILITY BILLING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - SEE FINANCE WATER TAP - SEE ENGINEERING NOTE: WATER METER REPAIR, INSP OR SHUT-OFF / WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS $125/HOUR-BILLED THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT -NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a water or sewer (new connection or repair) permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley. I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PRINT NAME:A&/L leu ly DATE: ./�.,,�®�,.�--�..�_a.�=�.__.-.a.�, ... DATE: / L APPROVED BY: COPY GW IM eel I ITY BILLING (only if new meter) ❑ PUBLIC WORKS ❑ ENGINEERING City of Fridley Engineering Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-3551 FAX: 763-571-1287