COSLand Plommy 370MVsissffiYA/E Land Surv,63,09' 21, Soils Te5hiy ENGINEERING, INC. mi#,wsol-a Civil 6- kfumcipal MIMI 44066 bpeermq Engineers E Surveyors certificate of survey, 2c ow 1 71 - Ai J hereby cerhiry fhvf lki is a kue and co -ad representation o.Pa swvey qC#m boundar4s e& ahoor o6crykd /and, and ,OW /Ocqft,7,7 bildwq5 , hkemon, and -ad asIble evamchme,71s, �,rxy, fnwn orAnsaid /and. As survetyed ly me day A.D. f-9Lr-,-. SUB URBAN ENGINEERING , INC. [Iinws Fr 5urreyor-1