VAR 10.78r CITY OF FRIDLUY, Mli Nr=5 0TA iannr 1 mr_av orwis toll' SUBJECT COMMISSION APPLICATION REVIEW Id umber 1 Iter t'ago Approved �y FILE.NOI/`A,DDRESS FILE COMPLETE REVIEW CHECKLIST G�%�� RETURN TO PLANNING l3 13 Due o ��� 7e. Coe/..V • � ueFEv �io,P �er/W75 City ®f Iirialey AT THt= TOP 0P THE TWINS 4� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. 1, PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 --�-.3��� �•�' 612560-3450 ' SUBJECT J* APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS •REV. NUMBER 910-F23 1 DATE PAGE OF .. 3/21/75 X ,2 APPROyED.By C, 4'IGO ` / Name ( Add es"s Legal iLot No. x Description / 71': 6 AW C� P _ .._ Variiance Request{'s); including= stated hardships (attach plat or survey of property showing Y uii'ding:,, variances-, etc: ,, where applicable) 1A.4 AO W T. .t . �� &2164 -7% wt Ag,� gel/ I-v l( T BeLTC,,---.13a^•e4-- rr.,ri - Ar eis Wed;-' Date �eeti.ng'Date Fee 5D. Rec6ipt No. Signature 9� omments &Recommendations 'by heBoard of Appeals e 7 City Council Ac- tion'and Date City of Fridley AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS SUBJECT APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS r �4 _----- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. 1 L PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. 1 . I 1 = I---1 CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 612-560-3450 (Staff Report ) NUMBER 910-F23 REV. 1 DATE 3/21/75 PAGE OF 2 2 APPROVED BY 800 Staff Comments Board members notified of meeting by �� `' (� `' �� List members, date notified, and "Yes" or "No" for plans to attend hearin . . Plan Date To Attend Name Pearson making appeal and the following property owners having property within 200 feet notified: By Whom City. of Columbia _Heights 540 40th Avenue N.E.-Col. Hts. 55421 Alfred Hassler :Allan Mattson, Date AtV - v �C Phone or Mail Notified 10301 University,,Avenue N.E. Mpls 55434 M/M Bernt Westeiren-5222 Pierce St. N.E. Hildagard Lindberg, 5216 Pierce Street N.E. M/M Donald Ward75231 Fillmore St. N.E. Dean E. Bliss _.1413 46th Avenue N.E. Col Htgs M/M George Boomer -5200 Fillmore M/M Douglas White -5211 Fillmore M/M Carl Rundquist-5221 Fillmore Marjorie Krebs -5210 Pierce M/M Donald Fuecher-5206 Pierce M/M Jon Brunsvold- 2201 Highland Place N.E. Mpls 55421 DeGardner Realty, 10301 University Aveue 55434 M/M John Burmis-5240 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M Gary Cirks-5230 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M Richard Sherry -5220 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M Sidney Dahl -5210 Buchanan St.N.E. M/M Robert Herrmann -5200 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M Maynard Edson -5190 Buchanan St. N.E. Joyce Akerlund-5201 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M Stanley Johnson -5211 Buchanan St. N.E. John Emerson -5221 Buchanan St. N.E. M/M William Young15231 Buchanan St. N.E. Dale Hadtrath-5285 N.E. Taylor St. N.E. M/M Donald Fredrickson -1301 52nd Avenue N.E. M/M Ll... ..-1 A..t., coni M/M Francis Job -5209 Taylor St. N.E. Naeem Qureshi. -8033 Thomas Lane Mpls 55431 CITY OF FROOLIM8431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 66.432 TELEPNONE ( 012)671-3460 IjOTICE 01' PUBLIC HE•ARIN"G • c iven that the Appeals Cv:imiission of the City of F•r�idley ho�:'�ce is hereby J will conduct a public hearing in tf,e City Council Cf�a.mLc�r 1at 9713, in regard toy Avenue Northeast at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, October -l0, t1le f of l ovii ng : Requests for variances pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of five -new dwellings at: 1311, 1315, 1335, 1345 52nd Avenue N.E. and 5207 Pierce Street'N.E..with the front yard setback''reduced from the required 35 -feet td 25 feet: Notice is hereby given that all persons having an interest therein will be coven an opportunity to be heard. a� • VIRGINIA SCHNAQEL CHAIPWOMAN APPEALS COMMISSION note: The Appeals Commission will have the final action on this request, unless there are objections from surrounding neighbors, the City Staff, or the petitioner does not agree with the Commission's decision. If any of these events occur, the request will continue to the City Council through the Planning Com miission with only a recommendation from the Appeals Commission. ' T" APES CONMISSION MEE'T'ING, OCTOBER 10, 1978 - PAGE 17 Mr. Mattson stated that there's a hill going .up from the back of these lots,, and the County has 5'storm drains going through those hills. W. Mattson stated that there are two houses there With a variance for 25 foot setback and Mr. Mattson felt it would look better for the City if all the houses"had the 25 foot setback instead of his four having a 35 foot setback. Also there vas.a problem of the drains. Mr. Mattson suited that he had talked to Darrell Clark and Mr. Clark quggested. that he•ask for a. variance. Mr. Mattson stated that the lot. on 5207 Pierce presented a hardship because the back of that lot drops straight down. Ms,: Gabel asked about easements. Mr.. Holden stated that there are 5 easements for the storm sewers. Mr.. Matt'son'stated that the variances on these lots were previously granted, but, bad' expired. W.,Plemei asked if the other houses on that street had a setback of 25 feet. Mr: Holden stated that the houses across the street'had a setback of _35,feet, but. as long as --the houses were uniform on each side. of the street, it wouldnit lo& - bad . Mr.: Holden stated that variances for these lots Were granted in 1969; but only one=of`.'tht houses were built. W OU -by Mn. -Kemper, seconded by Mr. Plemel to close the pitlic hearing. UPON°A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING 'AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HE"ARIXG CLOM AT 10:30 P.M. W.Xemper'stated that he had m objections, the hardships and advantages are cbviouaY Ms. Gabel, Mr. Plemel'and Mr. Barna agreed. MOTION hY Mi.—Kemper., seconded by Mr. Plemel to approve request for variance pursurant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley.City Code, to allow the construction of five new dwellings at -1311, 1315,, 1355 and'1345.- 52nd Avenue N.E.'and 5207 Pierce Street N.E. with the front yard setback reduced from the required 35 feet to 25 feet'. (Request by Alfred Hassler and Ali= C: Mattson, 10301 University Avenue N.E.) Minneapolis, Mu. 55434).. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Gabel informed Mr. Mattson that he could get his building permit. COIMSION M=TINGn OCTOBER 10:L..:= W. Xwper.otatsd that he felt the addition to the house vauM be ,an imoovea t Vx. Plaml agreed,9 considering the house was small and the room neededg and th@ Fact £zhat tTaexe vas no neighborhood objection. ,M0 TION by Mr. Plezel, seconded by Mr. Berna to approve the request fco Tariwoo "i0suant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley `City Code, to allow an addition to an exiating house et 610$ East River Road vith a uaw confo$�in&-z�e y setback .of.12 feat9 inches Instead of the required 25% of the lot whit is 32 feet md Inches. (Request by Roger Welter, 6105 East River Road,, Frldleyy Ino 55432) UPON A VOICE VOTED ALL VOTE AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION L IED UNANDO iSZZ. 6: nQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUAK TO CMUxTER 205_ OF TO FRIDZEY CITr CODE, TO 10&91J'VV.FJAeo b 81 V1•1 1611-0 m1I:9q,•�V�9d6e•-••" �� m' .-..-.i iv' �'�/ 8 JJdri . �m�V6�.aFv u' W ./� cs�o.ma a... �ses6gvwmneao 9, �d Man C. ttsong 103A Mvera Avenue N.E., eapolisgMn.. 55434). MDTION by Imo". Kempers seconded by Mr. Plemel to open the public hearing. UPOK A VOICE VMEs.ALL VOTIM AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL 30EMAMM THE PUBLIC ISG OPEN AT 10:20 P.M. As. Gabel asked Mr. lkttson to cow fai%4rd. Eft. Catel read the Administrative Staff Report as follows - ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 1311 52nd-Aireeaiue N.E. 1315 52nd Avenue N.E. 1335 52nd Avenue N.E. 1345 52nd Avenue N.E. a' 5207 Pierce Street N.E. ' A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: 205.053 (0) FRONT YARD SETBACK OF NOT LESS THAN 35 FEET Pudic purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off-st0eet parking without encroaching on the public. right of way and also for aesthetic 'consideration to reduce'the °building line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard: 0. > STATED HARDSHIP: We request a change in the setback from front lot line to 25 feet hack instead of 35 feet, in orderto. conform with existing homes. Also we have a hill full of stem sewers: Also to get.a better back yard for hew home owners. C. .ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The accompanying surveys show that,-'a'n1av-erage setback of'25 feet in the Pierce Street area. The quick dr:dp'in.the area necessitates the lesser setback to save filling a -great deal. The petitioners will have to provide specific..lot situations and topographical information at the public hearing. -77 F" SU R VE Y Ef -J A 11.11 A ri irv)) s) e. -D n v ni n r"M#rV, MAM OP ".`M-Wr WAS mrremmm my W. It art VINWER mv C)InwItups, _CT, L MIMIC" "rom'. ---Cn I GTA' -'9: 06, Mimmmnom. ot rJATE7,.-- ECA IRON NIOMUKIENT f4r"T REG I f� W700H tjO. !s,�.,R 0 Poo 14, _00 JJ 4t T n (% -Ur f v Li f )fl (Y Ify 914-06 vu -1 1B T SCJ r MEETING DA 'T Lot Block. I Mar ian Hi 17 tion 0 a County, Minnesota i I'd A . ...... ... v A 5 3 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 1311 52nd Avenue N.E. 1315 52nd Avenue N.E. 1335 52nd Avenue N.E. 1345 52nd Avenue N.E. 5207 Pierce Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Item #5, October 10, 1978 205.053 (4A) FRONT YARD SETBACK OF NOT LESS THAN 35 FEET Public purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off-street parking without encroaching on the public right of way and also for aesthetic consideration to reduce the "building line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. B. STATED HARDSHIP: We request a change in the setback from front lot line to 25 feet back instead of 35 feet, in order to conform with existing homes. Also we have a hill full of storm sewers. Also to get a better back yard for new home owners. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The accompanying surveys show that an average setback of 25 feet in the Pierce Street area. The quick drop in the area necessitates the lesser setback to save fil-ling a great deal. The petitioners will have t -o provide specific lot situations and topographical information at the public hearing,