LS 65-06Plana C�aiasi�a : aetimQ - ?un 24 1955 Page 2 gid 0.1 HIHiF�kwey L`ELrS =e l:arth_75D feet of :Ea of i"r.L of Section u, �aeneQt thcs Eget 720 :e;t 4nd that Vrt of t -e 1'ssth 750 feat of hN of_Z > of SceLiea 12 lvi„ 3�-t_�_ hLo czav 5_ _sad that the P t beyeferred is Cnuacil Aa ge�:��t�d ti -+ch the setbscl. line as tate 1, 2t 3il�r S mmd 6 be tine ea +_sa tea Virsn bu_ild� an_c'�tbe�balaa�e�% the lots have a fraat�$a3 seYaae� o� 3a feet nQetiaa ear yard 8eeasried. ,nest of 10 feta IIpjn a v:.iee vete, all voting cry '8'A'UEev- L -S, #CiS-OG> 1. L. tTIIJ.7AL5•, Lot 3. Block 1 City tOT e r Gid �d3fioaa-- - yx. A. L. $11illiams vas present and explained bis request for the lot split. 1 nW. by Joissaaaar secanded by Hughes, that the Planning COCMLBsion _ece7ase d_L the �ur_1 q Loi Solt i5=gk L. Nillisass i,�.�; 81:ei 1. Citr Gio3 Adiit&Pa as e:Lac�ee� by saTeta, but thata certificate of survay be Pre,1.arad for Ca�:acil- UPOn a voice vote, mll vatieg 6760 the matin earriad. 4o AN08D�i17CE HEGIIi�AYlle n-ICTI 9 COg,T•iitYJCTi0i7 OF SIGt�T d BiL1.BQ.41tBs a Ms Cmdssi'a r©yia"d the cerrected ordir ace making Dore chsnges^ So WnOH by WZhes, seconded by Be n. that the Planning Caaaisaioa n�AinMnew 8a•aule i a a voice vote, Tat CC=MjggjQ3 telt they w=ld likes the opinion of the Planning Consultant an this propos d ordinc=e so that there would be no conflict with the new plaantna prnTCs: and the s=bers would like Cora tins themelves to work on the ordinance. 1'•°M011 by Johaasan_ sacs :dad by Ha&Gs, that the Planning Comissian refer thio Qrdicsmce, Amending Chapter 45 of City Code Helsting to Cla�t fieatioa of Ad.litianal Z.aning iul- Districts to rx. Wdne, the Planning da further sorb tb�aselves. upon a vafte tent for an opinion, and to vitro, all voting aye, the ration carried. 6. BDUS114 AM. SHDZKET-MMh'r AITP.HMI1YI a seconded by Berg, that the Planning Comaission 1�'rihe by Hughs , t Authority to send the ,embers of • recu�at the Sousing and Redaysl�n the rlv=ing L•ax=fission copies <.. tt..ir minutes. Rad that the �MMi�nt Corrsiaeiou vauld be Blcd to recipascate if the E.iusiag Authnity felt be Plsrsiag COVm1 sea minutes would be helpful. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye•, the watiou ca.wied: Y/ f r 1 "+t jV Councilman Wright stated that he does not babe," the ph„ _ aeV apace with sufficient frontage for Vablicity of the Lnft=tXL^X firms locating an the property,, nor does the proposed plat prOVIA8 sufficient access for trucks to provides Lege to the Property. Mica rmutson stated that the firm. of Sedt 11 and Madam did not conteaaaplates that trucks would be =load while parked an the street, He stated further that be ees with the 2f a n mdatio®s of the Planning Comsaaltant and favors the use of col-de-sacs in the plot plan to provide =once usable laead0 1'he City Atter stated that if the C it wishes to provide for the setbacks and if the subdivider. is agreeable to the setbacks., covets could Sas filed to establish.the setbackso These 'covenants would d be City and by the mortgage company, The —' City Attorney sec o however, thai.the covenants include soap provision far altering the setbacks as zeeds requireo lotion by Kirkham to aec®pt the 9coposei preliminary plata P,S, #65-02s conditional upon the ace3eptanc a by the ividet of the modifications led by the Planubg Commission for Fridley Industrial Parks Plat 20 same being the southeast corner of Osborne Road and Highway #65, the math 750 feet, of the of the M% of Section 12 except the east ' 720 fit Haat part of the north 750 feet of the WAW of the Hog of 93 1. 12 lying east of Highway --, #65, the setback line on lots 1, 2, 3# , S. and 6 being the samm as the Visan building and the balance o the lots to have a front yard set back of 30 fact and a rear setback of 10 feeto Seconded by Thomason for the purpose of discussianc. Upon a voice votes there Ming no nays, the notion czxried mealy, C�� �AE�IT�IO�s The City Msnagac read the reco i of the Planning Coat mission, Mr, Williams was prewmt at the Council Mingo Mayor Hest asked 1 lace William whethow he accepts the cacc atians of the Planning Commission coag the lot split shmu on the map, mr, o Williams argamwede "Yes". Motion by meson to eoeaesar with the tions of the Planning Comission and approve the lot split re q%estr #65-06, of ava� A,L, Willia3ms, of Lot 38 . aloeak Is City View Addition as shown on the Certificate of SuzVeey to the o Seconded by WrLshte upon a voice vote, there. being no nayea the motion dried mnanimously,