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Transmittal 7300 France Ave. S. • Suite 202 • Minneapolis, MN 55435 (612) 832-5882 TO: 'Phomas Blazina Chief Building Official City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 DATE: 7/13/93 FILE NO: 9JU9' PROJECT: Fridley/New Brighton Booster Station Enclose opy/Copies: one Originals: DESCRIPTION: Material Safety Data Sheets on Sodium Hypochlorite, and additional information from the Manufacturer. My FAX "screwed up" The first four sheets of the fax should be OK. THESE ARE (as checked below): ® As requested ® For your review Q For your distribution ® For your files Q For your approval Q Approved REMARKS: Please call if you have any questions. COPY TO: [-1 Approved as noted Q Not approved Q Returned for revision Correct and resubmit Q Not for construction p Other Data & Trans. Trans. Only Q Q Q Q BY JUL 13 '93 09 : 08AM FEED RITE TESSHO 1�_B 1 . . I C)&-- MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MEDS) • SECTION I IDENTIFICATION ADDRESS: 3100 East Hennepin•Avenue TELEPHONE: (612) 331-6910 M nneaplis MN 55413 CHEMICAL NAME: Sodium Hypochlorite ........ Chemical Abstract Services SHIPPING NAME: DOT: Hypochlorite Solution LABEL: DOT Corrosive SECTION II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/MIXTURES MATERIAL or COMPONENT CAS No. PERCENT HAZARD. DATA UN/NA Ng, BY WEIGHT Sodium.Hypochlorite 7681-52-9 7.5-12.5% _ UN 1791 DANGERI Corrosive Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 and Irritating to skirl, LIN 1823 0.8% eyes, respiratory, and digestive system. . May be extremely irritant if over-exposure No TLV (ACGIH) or PEL occurs. See Section (OSHA) has been established Health Hazard 4— Cr.•.rlh i. U.#--- Infnrmntinn_ Carcinogenicity Status NTP IARC OSH) No NQ Na SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point, 760mm Hg: Melting Point: NA Grnnvinn Prsint- -1 F;°F f 9.5%1 Solubility In Water omglgte ,, Vappr._Qensity (,811 = 1): N Specific Gravity (Water - 1) pH (as is): 12.5 - 13.5 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Varic plus products of decomposition Percent Volatile By Volume: Variable -water plus v.,U......v ^^. 17..116.4 r1nnm- - iEMIRITE CONTROLS 1 3040 EST H[NNEPIN AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS k,51 9100TA $5411 P.15/ 19 . . JUL 13 '93 09:09AM FEED RITE TESSMAN IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA FLASH POINT NA AUTO IGNITION ...... FLAMMABLE LIMITS UPPER NA SPECIAL FIRE Use National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) FIGHTING certified gas mask with canister for chlorine or use self-contained UNUSUAL FIRE Material is strong oxidizer; contact with combustibles may initiate AND EXPLOSION or promote combustion. Acid and heat accelerate decomposition. HAZARf2 Decomposition products may include chlorine , -.- V HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION F30UTES QE EXPOSURE Inhalation - Fumes from spills are very Irritating to mucous membranes. Very little hazard from properly stored solution. Skin Contact - Severe Irritant, reddening of skin, skin damage Skin Absorption- Same as skin contact Eye Contact - Severe irritant; corrosive Ingestion - Causes irritation of membranes of the mouth, throat, and stomach pain and possible ulceration. LD50 (oral, rat) for Acute Overexposure Swallowing - See "Ingestion" under Routes of Exposure Skin Contact Irritant, corrosive Inhalation - Fumes from spills are very irritating to mucous membranes. Eye Contact - Extreme irritant, corrosive Chronic Overexposure - Eye - Can cause damage Skin - Can cause damage - chemical burn No aggravation of a medical condition has been found to be caused by Sodium Eyes - Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Skin - Remove soaked clothes; wash with.soap and water for at least 5 minutes. Inhalation - Remove to fresh air. Call physician, if exposure is severe. E P. 16/19 .. JUL 13 '93 09:10AM FEED RITE TESSMRN P.17i19 Ingestion - If conscious, drink large quantities of milk or gelatin solution, or If these are not available, drink large quantities of water. Do not give vinegar or other acids. Do not induce vomiting. Get-r_amnt medical_ attention.. __— SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY Light, heat, fire, low pH, metallic impurities; naturally decomposes with age. Material Is generally stable. INCOMPATIBILITY Acid, ammonia, amines, cyanides, chlorinated isocyanurates, combustibles, detergents, reducing agents, oxidizable materials, corrosive to most metals. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Contact with acid releases chlorine gas; natural decomposition product is oxygen. Thermal decomposition, or burning, may produce HC1. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION None SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Material Is toxic to fish. Contain in diked area. Neutralize with sodium sulfite, sodium �isulfi a or ferrous salt solutionsDIIut o ip . -ly with water. NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS WASTE DISPOSAL Contain in plastic tank or similar container; use sulfur dioxide gas, sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite or ferrous salts. Discharge of treated effluents into lakes, streams, or public waters requires a valid discharge permit. Contact Federal, State, County, and SECTION Vlll SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS Local exhaust is desirable. 3 JUL 13 '93 09:10AM FEED RITE TE98h9AII SPECIFIC'PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Resptratgry: Use National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) certified gas mask with canister for chlorine if fumes present. Eyes: Use chemical goggles Gloves: Use rubber gloves Other: Use rubber splash apron. Safety shower and eye wash fountain shwW be.1w0d nearby. SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING Proper handling of sodium hypochlorite solution requires safety requirements (as described above) and as stated on the labels. Full protection as described above should be provided when handling bulk shipments of concentrated, Industrial sodium hypochlorite solutions. PROPER HANDLING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Store in vented, closed, clean, non -corrosive containers in a cool, dry location, away from direct sunlight and not adjacent to chemicals which may react with the sodium hypochlorite solution if spillage occurs. If, shipped, must comply with DOT, etc. shipping regulations. If closed containers become heated, the containers should be vented to release decomposition products (mainly oxygen under normal decomposition). Do not mix or contaminate with ammonia, hydrocarbons, acids, alcohols, ethers, or isocyanurates. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Strong oxidizing agent. Mix only with water according to label directions. Store upright in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight and excessive heat. Do not store near other incompatible swimming pool products such as chlorinated isocyanurates or muriatic acid. Rinse empty container thoroughly with plenty of water. Do not contaminate food, feed, or water by storage, disposal or cleaning of equipment. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Discard contaminated shoes. ADDITIONAL REGULATORY CONCERNS EPA: May not be used for disinfection or sanitizing without prior approval by EPA. TSCA: Included In the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory of chemical substances. 4 P. 18/19 JUL 13 '93 08:53AM FEED RITE TESSMAN P.1/19 .= ON i PANEL Hypocnlc;'itr coluti_n AZ��NE (Rog. U.S. Pat. Off.) DISINFECTANT , GERMICIDE SANITIZER NA 1791 ACTIVE iKREDIENT. ; Sodium Hypocnlcrite. 10.0% INERT INGREDIENTS . . . . . .M St:.EP OUT S;F REACH QF CHILDRE-I1 DANGER STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT (FIRST AID) ..�a C C:: ,� ^r at i2R.S _ i = mittu '� t 0i.1TACT ,WITH EYES CCURS, flush i water f tes •'s prcmpr +nodical attention. lr CONTACT WITH SKIN OCCURS, wast, .wits-, plenty of soap and water. :F SWALLOWED, drink large quantities of water. DCS NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control canter immediately. (See additional precautions ©n Side panel.) Net Contents! HAWKINS CHEMICAL, M 3100 East Hennepin Avenue . Minneapaiis, MM !9413 EPA. Reg. No. 7370-1 EPA. Est. 7370—MN--1 Authorized for use in federally inspected meat, poultry, and food egg plants. JUL 13 '93 0e:53AM FEED RITE TESSMAN SIDE ;ANEL P. 2/19 �pECAJT;C'•"dRRY STATE:11ENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DQMES'"IC ANIMALS DANGER: Corrosive, may cause severe sF in and eye ir`ritatinn or chemi[31 burns to broken skin. Causes eye damage. 4 -;ear safety glasses or go-9leS and rubber gloves when handling this product. wash after handling. Avoid breathing vapors. Vacate poorly ventilated areas as soon as Possible- Do noir return until strong odors have dissipated. ENVIRONMENTAL 'HAZARDS This product is to::ic to fish and aquatic organisms. Db not discharga pTfiUent containing :his proCuct into lakes, streams, pends, estuaries, oteans, or public waterways unless this product is 5Pecifically identified and addressed in an NPL`ES Permit. Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sswer systems without Previously notifying the sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance contact your State Wat,ea ?-card or Regional Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS STRQN15 OXIDIZING Al--- tNT Mix. only with water according to label. directions. Mixing this product with chemicais (e.g. aQtmonia, acids, detergents, etc.) or organic matter (e.g. urine, feces, et_.) will release chlorine gas touch ` is irritating to eyes, lungs and mucous membranes. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store this product in a cool dry area, away from direct sunlight and heat to avoid deterioration, in case of spill, flood areas with large quantities of water. Product or r'.nsates that cannot be used should be diluted with water before dispzsal in a sanitary sewer. Wastes requiting from the use Of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Do not Contaminate food or meed by storage, disposal or cleanin3 of equipment. Do not reuse Container but place in trash collection. Rinse empty container trioroughly with water and either return to manufacturer or discard by placing this container in trash c©ilection or burying in an approved landfill. JUL 13 '93 08:54AM FEED RITE TESSMAN SIDE PANEL' DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of federal law to use this product in inconsistent with its labeling. P. 3/19 a manner NOTE This product degrades with age. Use a chlorine test kit and increase dosage, as necessary, to obtain the required level of available chlorine. -------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------- SANITIZATION OF NONPOROUS FOOD CONTACT SURFACES RINSE METHOD - A solution of 100 ppm available chlorine may be used in the sanitizing solution if a chlorine test kit is available. Solutions containing an initial concentration of 110 ppm available chlorine must be tested and adJusted periodically to insure that the available chlorine does not drop below 50 ppm. Prepare a 100 ppm sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 1.5 az. of this product with 10 gallons of water. If no test kit is available, prepare a sanitizing solution by thoroughly miring 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 200 ppm available chlorine by weight. Clean equipment surfaces in the normal manner. Prior to use, rinse all surfaces thoroughly with the sanitizing solution, maintaining contact with the sanitizer for at least 2 minutes. If solution contains less than 50 ppm available chlorine, as determined by a suitable test kits either discard the solution or add sufficient product to reestablish a 200 ppm residual. Do not rinse equipment..with water after treatment and do -not soak equipment overnight. . Sanitizers used in automated systems may be used for general clearing but may not be reused for sanitizing purposes. IMMERSION METHOD - A solution of 100 ppm available chlorine may be used in. the sanitizing solution if a chlorine test kit is available. Solutions containing an initial concentration of 100 ppm available chlorine must be tested and adjusted periodically to insure that the available chlorine do¢s• not drop below 50 ppm. Prepare a 110 ppm sanitizing solution by thorou blig mixing 1.5 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water. If no test kit.is' available, prepare a sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 200 ppm available chlorine by weight. Clean equipment in the normal manner. Prior to use, immerse equipment in the sanitizing solution for at least 2 minutes and allow the sanitizer to drain. If solution contains less than 50 ppm available chlorine, as determined by a suitable test kit, either discard the solution or add sufficient product to reestablish a 200 ppm residual. Do not rinse equipment with water.after treatment. Sanitizers used in automated systems may be used for general cleaning but may not be reused for sanitizing purposes. FLOW/PRESSURE METHOD -' Disassemble equipment and thoroughly cl•aan ;rfter use: Assemble equipment in operating position prior to use. Prepay,- e. voluv-v-6f 200 ppm available chlorine sanitizing solution equal to lie. bf vglLtjBj capacity of the equipment by misting the product in a ratite of 3 oz. produE.Ll with 10 gallons of water. Pump solution through the system until ,full flow is obtained at all extremities, the system is completely filled with•.the sanitizer and all air is removed from the system. Close drain valves dnt9 hold under pressure for at least 2 minutes to insure contact with a'.Y internal surfaces. Remove some cleaning solution from drain valve and tet• with a chlorine test kit. Repeat entire cleaning/sanitizing process _f effluent contains less than 50 ppm available chlorine. JUL 13 '93 08:55AM FEED RITE TESSMAN P.4/19 CLEAN -IN-PLACE METHOD - Thoroughly clean equipment after use. Prepkra•"A volume of 200 ppm available chlorine sanitizing solution equal to 110% ref ". volume capacity of the equipment by miring the product in a ratio .of .S' product with 10 gallons of water. Pump solution through the system vr0.1 full flow is obtained at all extremities► the system is compl•atsly fjp ed with the sanitizer and all air is removed from the systpctw-' Close rraia valves, and hold under pressure for at least 10 minutes to insure cci.tect with all internal surfaces. Remove some cleaning solution froRi rivain and test with a chlorine test Exit. Repeat entire clearing/sanitizing process if effluent contains less then 50 ppm available chlorini. ' SPRAY/FOG METHOD - Preclean all surfaces after use. Use a 200 ppm available chlorine solution to control bacteria, mold or, fungi and a 600 ppm solution to control bacteriophage. Prepare a 200 ppm sanitizing solution of sufficient size by thoroughly mixing the product in a ratio of 3 oz. product, with 10 gallons of water. prepare a 600 ppm solution by thoroughly mixing the product in a ratio of 8 oz. product with 10 gallons of water. Use spray or fogging equipment which can resist hypochlorite solutions. Always empty and rinse spray/fog equipment with potable water after use. Thoroughly spray or fog all surfaces until wet, allowing excess sanitizer to drain. Vacate area for at least 2 hours. Prior to using equipment, rinae all surfaces treated with a 600 ppm solution with a 200 ppm solution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANITIZATION OF POROUS FOOD CONTACT SURFACES RINSE METHOD -- Prepare a 600 ppm solution by thoroughly mining B oz. of this! Product with 10 gallons of water. Clean surfaces in the normal' man,iwr: Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with the 600 ppm solution, maintaining co6fn-t; with the sanitizer for at least 2 minutes. Prepare a 200 ppm sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water. Prior to using equipment, rinse all surfaces with a 200' PVr, available chlorine solution. Do not rinse and do not soak equipment overnight. IMMERSION METHOD - Prepare a 600 ppm solution by thoroughly mixing, in an immersion tank, 8 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water. Glean equipment in the normal manner. Immerse equipment in the 600 ppm solution for at least 2 minutes. Prepare a 200 ppm sanitizing solution by thoroughly Mixing 3 oz, Of this product with 10 gallons of water. Prior to using equipment, immerse all surfaces with a 200 ppm available chlorine solution. Do not rinse and do not soak equipment overnight. SPRAY/FOG METHOD - Preclean all surfaces after use. Prepare a 600 ppm available Chlorine sanitizing solution of sufficient size by thoroughly mixing the product in a ratio of 8 oz. product with 10 gallons of water. Use spray or fogging equipment which can resist hypochlorite solutions. Always empty and rinse spray/fog equipment with potable water after use. Thoroughly spray or fog all surfaces until wet, allowing a%cess sanitizer to drain. Vacate area for at least 2 hours. Prior to using equipment, rinse all surfaces with a 200 ppm available chlorine solution_ Prepare a 200 ppm sanitizing solution by thoroughly miring 3 or. of this product with 10 gallons of water. JUL 13 '93 08:56AM FEED RITE TESSMRN F.5/19 SANITIZATION OF NONPOROUS NON-POOD CONTACT SURFACES RINSE METHOD - Prepare a sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 200 ppm available chlorine by weight. Clean equipment surfaces in the normal manner. Prior to use, rinse all surfaces thoroughly with the sanitizing solution, maintaining contact with the sanitizer for at least 2 minutes. Do not rinse equipment with water after treatment and do not soak equipment overnight. IMMERSION METHOD - Prepare a sanitizing solution bg thoroughly mixing, in an Immersion tank, 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 2001 ppm available chlorine by weight. Prior to use, immerse equipment in the sanitizing solution for at least 2 minutes and allow the sanitizer to drain. Do not rinse equipment with water after treatment. SPRAY/FOG METHOD - Preclean all surfaces after use, Prepare a 200 ppm available chlorine sanitizing solution of sufficient size by thoroughly mixing the product in a ratio of 3 oz. product with 10 gallons of water. Use spray or fogging equipment which can resist hypochlorite solutions. Prior to using equipment, thoroughly spray or fog all surfaces until, wet, allowing excess sanitizer to drain. Vacate area for at least 2 hours. - Y` DISINFECTION OF NONPOROUS NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES _. RINSE METHOD - Prepare a disinfecting solution by thoroughly mixing 8 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide, approximately 600' ppm available chlorine by weight. Clean equipment surfaces in the normal manner. Prior to use, rinse all surfaces thoroughly with the disinfecting solution, maintaining contact with the solution for at least 10 minutes. .Do not rinse equipment' with water after treatment and do not soak equipment overnight. IMMERSION METHOD - Prepare a disinfecting solution by thoroughly mixing, `6 an immersion tank, 8 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 600 pen, available chlorine by weight. Prior to use, immerse equipment in the disinfecting solution for at least 10 minutes and alloy: ' thb, sanitizer to drain. Do not rinse equipment with water after treatment. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SANITIZATION _----------------- - y �.ww• SANITIZATION OF POROUS NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES RINSE METHOD - Preparea sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing g oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide approximately 600 available chlorine by weight. Clean surfaces in the normal manner. Prior to use, rinse all surfaces thoroughly with the sanitizing solution, maintaining contact with the sanitizer for at least 2 minutes. Do not rinse equipment with water after treatment and do not soak equipment overnight. IMMERSION METHOD - Prepare a sanitizing solution by thoroughly mixing, in an immersion tank, 8 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water„to P%4de approximately 600 available chlorine by weight. Clean egt'ipt-oe,t in 'ths normal manner. Prior to use, immerse equipment in the sanitizing so?utibn for' at least 2 minutes and allow the sanitizer to drain. * Dd"._not"rinse equipment with water after treatment. SPRAY/FOG METHOD - After cleaning, sanitize non-food contact,..aftrface+s , with 600 ppm available chlorine by thoroughly mixing the product in a ratin'o,°' 8 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water. Use spray or fr)ggipg equipment which can resist hypochlorite solutions. Always empty and rinse Spray/fog equipment with potable water after use. Prior to using equipment, thoroughly spray or fog all surfaces until wet, allowing excess sanitizer to drain. Vacate for at least 2 hours. --------------------- -------------•------------ ---------------------------- s. o. JUL 13 '93 08:56RM FEED RITE TESSMRN F.6/19 AGRICULTURAL USES FOOD EGG SANITIZATION - Thoroughly clean all eggs. Thoroughly mix 3 nx., of this product with 10 gallons of warm water to produce a 200 ppm avallatile chlorine solution. The sanitizer temperature should not exceed 130° T. Spray the warm sanitizer so that the eggs are thoroughly wetter'. At Iol1 the eggs to thoroughly dry before casing or breaking. Do not app)ij a pbtatie water rinse. The solution should not be reused to sanitize eggs. FRUIT & VEGETABLE WASHING - Thoroughly' clean all fruits and vegetables in a wash tank. Thoroughly mix S oz. of this product in 200 gallons of waver 'to ' make a sanitizing solution cf 25 ppm available chlorine. After draining -the tank, submerge fruit or vegetables for 2 minutes in a second wash, tark containing the recirculating sanitizing solution. Spray rinse vegetables with the sanitizing solution prior to packaging. Rinse fruit with potable water only prior to packaging. PROCESSING AND CHILL WATER FOR POULTRY PROCESSING - Follow guidelines of local water authority for water potability treatment. Continuous feed= Using automatic metering device, continuously feed this product into the water to obtain and/or maintain a level of available chlorine that is in accordance with USDA guidelines. Confirm target chlorine level with either a chlorine test kit or an automatic testing device. When the available chlorine level reaches 20 ppm, notify the USDA plant inspector. Intermittent feed: Start up by adding 1.2 oz. of this product per 1400 gallons of water for each 1 ppm of available chlorine needed. .For. subsequent doso%j check chlorine level with a chlorine test kit, add eno:sti of, this product to maintain the target chlorine level, and confirm this level with a chlorine test kit. Do not pour this product directly on poultry product in the water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FARM PREMISES Remove all animals, poultry and feed from premises, vehicles and enclosures. Remove all litter and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of barns, Pons, stalls, chutes, and other facilities occupied or traversed by animals or poultry. Empty all troughs, racks and other feeding and watering appliances. Thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. To disinfect, saturate all surfaces with a solution of at least 1000 ppm available chlorine for a period of 10 minutes, A 1000 ppm solution can be made by thoroughly missing 12 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water. Immerse all halters, ropes and other types of equipment used in handling and restraining animals or poultry, as well as the cleaned forks, shovels and scrapers used for removing litter and manure. Ventilate buildings, cars, boats and other closed 5paces. Do not house livestock or, poultry or employ equipment until chlorine has been dissipated. All treated feed racks, mangers, troughs, automatic feeders, fountains and waterers must be rinsed with potable water before reuse. JUL 13 '93 08:57AM FEED RITE TESSYtAN P.7/19 • AQUACUL.TURAL USES FISH PONDS -- Remove fish from ponds prior to treatment. Thoroughly mix 108 oz. of this product to 10000 gallons of water to obtain 10 ppm available chlorine. Add more product to the water if the available chlorine level is below 1 ppm after 5 minutes. Return fish to pond after the available Chlorine level reaches zero. FISH POND EQUIPMENT - Thoroughly clean all equipment prior to treatment. Thoroughly mix 3 oz. of this product to 10 gallons of water to obtain 200 PPM available chlorine. Porous equipment should soak for one hour. MAINE LoPSTER PONDS -- Remove lobsters, seaweed, etc. from ponds prior to treatment. Drain the pond. Thoroughly mix 79750 oz. of this product to 10,000 gallons of water to obtain at least. 600 ppm available chlorine. Apply so that all barrows, gates, rocks and dams are treated with product. Permit high tide to fill the pond and then close gates. Allow water to stand for 2 to 3 days until the available chlorine level reaches zero. Open gates and allow 2 tidal cycles to flush the pond before returning lobsters to pond. CONDITIONING LIVE OYSTERS - Thoroughly mist 6.5 oz. of this product to 10,000 gallons of water at 50 to 70•F to obtain 0.5 ppm available Chlorine. Expose oysters to this solution for at least 15 minutes, monitoring the available chlorine level so that it does not fall below 0.05 ppm. Repeat entire process if the available chlorine level drops below 0.05 ppm or the temperature falls below 50°F. CONTROL OF SCAVENGERS IN FISH HATCHERY PONDS - Prepare a scjlution containing ' 200 ppm of available chlorine by misting 3 oz. of product with 10 gallons of water. Pour into drained pond potholes. Repeat if necessary. Do not, plct desirable fish back into refilled ponds until chlorine residual has dropped to zero, as determined by a test kit. ------------ _-- -----;------------------------------------...._------------- - BOAT BOTTOMS To control slime on boat bottams, sling a plastic tarp under boat, retdinipq •�;; enough water to Cover the fouled bottom but not allowing water to enter enclosed area. This envelope should contain approximate14 500 gallongm*oj water for a 14 foot boat. Add 22.5 oz. of this product to this water to obtain a 35 ppm available chlorine concentration. leave immersed for 9 to 12 hours. Repeat if necessary. Do not discharge the solution until the free chlorine level has dropped to zero, as determined by a swimming pool test kit. ------------------------------•---------_--------------------------- ARTIFICIAL SAND PEACHES To sanitize the sand, spray a 500 ppm available chlorine solution containing 6.5 oz. of this product per 10 gallons of water at frequent intervals. Small areas can be sprinkled with a watering can. •• ..----- --------- ------------------------------------------ ASPHALT ----_--_..-------------------'----------- ASPHALT OR WOOD ROOFS AND SIDING To control fungus and mildew, first remove all physical soil b�! brushing dnd hosing with Clean water, and apply a 5000 ppm available chlorine solutto,1. Mix 6.5 oz. of this product per -,gallon of water and brush or• spr ay root 'or siding. After 30 minutes, rinse by hosing with Clean water, --------------------- ----------------------------------------- JUL 13 '93 08:58AM FEED RITE TESSMAN P.8f19 DISINFECTION OF DRINKING WATER (PUBLIC/INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS) " PUBLIC SYSTEMS - Mix a ratio of 1 oz. of this product to 100 gallta;is,: rif water. Begin feeding this solution with a hypochlorinator until a...fupe available chlorine residual of at least 0.2 ppm and no more than 0.6 'FFM 35 ..:•.: attained throughout the distribution system. Check water fri claently 41th'.a chlorine test kit. Bacteriological sampling must be con6ucted.:at'.a frequency no less than that prescribed by the National Interim PYiftxry ��• Drinking Water Regulations. Contact your local Health Ar-pailtment tor further details. INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS! DUG WELLS - Upon completion of the casing (lining) uauh the interior of the casing (lining) with a 100 ppm available chlorine solution using a stiff brush. This solution cart be made by thoroughly mixing 1.5 oz. of this product into 10 gallons of water. After covering the well, pour the sanitizing solution into the well through both the pipesleeve opening* and the pipeline. Wash the exterior of the pump cylinder also with the sanitizing solution. Start pump and pump water until strong odor of Chlorine in water is noted. Stop pump and wait at least 24 hours. After 24 hours flush well until all traces of chlorine have been removed from the water. Consult your local Health Department for further details. INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS= DRILLED, DRIVEN & BORED WELLS - Run pump until water is , as free from turbidity as possible. Pour at 100 ppm available chlpripe sanitizing solution into the well. This solution cats be made by thoroughly mixing 1.5 oz. of this product into 10 gallons of water. Add 5 to 10 gallons of clean, chlorinated water to the well in order to force .the sanitizar into the rock formation. Wash the exterior of the pump culircier with the sanitizer. Drop pipeline into well, start pump and pump 'wattyr until strong odor of Chlorine in water is noted. Stop pump and wait "at least 24 hours. After 24 hours flush well until all traces of chlorine hove! , been removed from the water. Deep wells with high water levels may " necessitate the use of special methods for introduction of the sanitizer into the well. Consult your local Health Department for further details. INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS! FLOWING ARTESIAN WELLS - Artesian wells generally do not require disinfection. If analyses indicate persistent contamination, the well should be disinfected. Consult your local Health Department for further details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS RESERVOIRS., ALGAE CONTROL - Hypochlorinate streams feeding the reservoir. Suitable feeding points should be selected on each Stream at least 50 yards upstream from the points of entry into the reservoir. . MAINS -- Thoroughly flush section to be sanitized bg discharging from hydrants. Permit a water flow of at least 2.5 feet per minute to continue under pressure while infecting this product bu means of a hcgpochlorinator. Stop water flow when a chlorine residual test of 50 ppm is obtained at the low pressure end of the main section after a 24 hour retention time. When chlorination is completed, the system must be flushed free of all heavily chlorinated water. JUL 13 '93 08:59AM FEED RITE TESSMAN P. 9.x'19 NEW •TANKS, l'AS1NS, ETC. - Remove all physical soil from surfaces. Place 25 oz. of this product for each 5 cubic feet of working capacity (500 ppm available chlorine). Fill to working capacity and allow to stand for at least 4 hours. Drain and flush with potable water and return to surface. NEW FILTER SAND - Apply i00 oz. of this product for each 150 o 200 cubic fest of sand. The action of the product dissolving as the water passes through the bed will aid in sanitizing.the new sand. NEW WELLS - Flush the casing with a 50 ppm available chlorine Solution of water containing 5 oz. of this product for each, 100 gallons of water. The solution should be pumped or fed by gravity into the well after thorough mixing with agitation. The well should stand for several hours or overnight under chlorination. It may then be pumped until a representative raw water sample is obtained. Bacterial examination of the water will indicate whether further treatment is necessary. EXISTING EQUIPMENT - Remove equipment from service and thoroughly clean surfaces of all physical soil. Sanitize by placing 26 oz. of this product for each 5 cubic feet capacity (approximately 500 ppm available chlorine). Fill to working capacity and let stand at least 4 hours. Drain and place in service. If the previous treatment is not practical, surfaces may be sprayed with a solution containing 6 oz. of this product for each 5 gallons of water (approximately 1000 ppm available chlorine). After drying, flush with water and raturn to service. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOLING TOWER/EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER WATER SLUG FEED METHOD - Initial Doge: When system is noticeably fouled, applg 54 to 1@B oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water in the system to obtain from 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Repeat until control 1c achieved. Subsequent Dose: When microbial Control is evident, add 12 oz. of this Product per 10400 gallons of water in the system daily, or as needed,to maintain tontrol and keep the chlorine residual at 1 ppm. Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. INTERMITTENT FEED METHOD - Initial Dose: When system is noticeably fouled', apply 54 to itl8 oz. of this product per 109000 gallons of water in the system to obtain 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Apply half (or 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of this initial dose when half (or 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of the water in the system has been lost by blowdown. Subsequent Dose: When microbial control is evident, add 12 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water in the system to obtain a 1 ppm residual. Apply half (or 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of this initial dose when half (or 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of the water in the system has been lost by blowdown. Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. CONTINUOUS FEED METHOD - Initial Dose: When system is noticEably foulauv apply 54 to Joe oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of, water ;in the . system to obtain 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Subsequent Dose= Maintain this treatment level by startind'. a continuous feed of 1 oz. of 'this product per 1,000 gallons of mater los* by blowdown to maintain a i ppm residual. Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun, JUL 13 '93 08e59AM FEED RITE TESSMAN EMERGENCY DISINFECTION AFTER FLOODS WELLS - Thorbughlg flush contaminated casing with a 500 ppm ava 1,.03le Chlorine solution. prepare this solution by mixing 6.5 or. of this prc,dtct with 10 gallons of water, Backwash the wel•1 to increase yield and reduce turbidity, adding sufficient chlorinating solution to the backwash to produce a 10 ppm available chlorine residual, as determined-6y'a chiuri+,e test kit. After the turbidity has been reduced and the casa„g has "bt+on treated, add sufficient chlorinating solution to produce a 5M "rrm avei'.ahle chlorine residual. Agitate the well water for several hours and take a representative water sample. Retreat well if water samples are bi.ologira% y unacceptable. RESERVOIRS - in case of contamination by overflowing streams, establish hypochlbrinating stations upstream of the reservoir. Chlorinate the inlet water until the entire reservoir obtains a 0.2 ppm available chlorine residuil, as determined by a suitable chlorine test kit. In case of contamination from surface drainage, apply Sufficient product directly. to the reservoir to obtain a 0.2 ppm available chlorine residual in all parts of the reservoir. EASINS, TANKS, FLUMES, STC. - Thoroughly clean all equipment, then apply 2 oz. of product per 5 cu. ft. of water to obtain `300 ppm available chlorfnn, as determined by a suitable test kit. After 24 hours drain, flush;• drd return to service. If the previous method is not suitable, spray or flush the equipment with a solution containing 6.5 oz. of this product for eAch 5 gallons of water (1000 ppm available chlorine). Allow to stand for 2 io 4 hours, flush, and return to service. FILTERS -- When the sand filter needs replacemant, apply 100 oz. of this product for each 150 to 200 cubic feet of sand. When the filter is sever Ely contaminated, additional, product should be distributed over the surface at the rate of 100 oz. per 20 sq. ft. Water should Stand at a depth of 1 foot above the surface of the filter bed for 4 to 24 hours. When filter beds can be backwashed of mud and silt, apply 100 or. of this product per each 50 sq. ft., allowing the water to stand at a depth of 1 foot above the filter sand. After 30 minutes, drain water to the level of the filter. Atter 4 to 6 hours drain and proceed with, normal backwashing. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - Flush repaired or replaced section with water. Establish a hypochlorinating station and apply sufficient product until a consistent available chlorine residual of at least 100 ppm remains after a 24 hour retention time. Use a chlorine test kit. ~ EMERGENCY DISINFECTIONAFTER FIRES --y '_—A----------- CROSS CONNECTIONS OR EMERGENCY CONNECTIONS - Hypochlorination or gravity feed equipment should be set up near the intake of the untreated water supply. Apply sufficient product to give a chlorine residual of at least 0.1 to 0.2 ppm at the point where the untreated supply enters the regular distribution System. Use a chlorine test kit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . JUL 13 '93 09:00AM FEED RITE TESSMAN P. 11/19 EMERGENCY DISINFECTION AFTER DROUGHTS SUPPLEMENTARY WATER SUPPLIES W Gravity or, mechanical hypochlorite feeders should be set up on a supplementary line to dose the water to a minimum chlorine residual of 01.2 ppm after a 20 minute contact time. Use a chlorine test kit. WATER SHIPPED IN BY TANKS, TANK CARS, TRUCKS, ETC. - Thoroughly clean all containers and equipment. Spray with a 500 ppm available chlorine solution and rinse with potable water after 5 minutes. This solution is made by mixing 6 oz. of this product for each 10 gallons of water. During the filling of the containers, dose With sufficient amounts of this product to provide at least a 0.2 ppm chlorine residual. Use a chlorine test kit. EMERGENCY DISINFECTION AFTER MAIN BREAKS *-- MAINS - Before assembly of the repaired section, flush out mud and soil. Permit a water flow of at least 2.5 feet per minute to continue under pressure while injecting this product by means of a hypochlorinator. Stop water flow when a chlorine residual test of 50 ppm is obtained at the low Pressure and of the new main section after a 24 hour retention time. When chlorination is completed, the system must be flushed free of all heavily chlorinated water. PULP AND PAPER MILL PROCESS WATER SYSTEMS ^ SLUG FEED METHOD - Initial Dose= When system is noticeably fouled, apply 54 to 108 oz. of this product per 10,001a gallons of water in the system to obtain from 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Repeat until control is achieved. Subsequent Dose'. When microbial control is evident, add 12 oz. of -this product per, 10,000 gallons of water in the system daily, or as needed }o maintain control •and keep the chlorine residual at 1 ppm. Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. INTERMITTENT FEED METHOD - Initial hose: When system is noticeably fouled,: apply 54 to 108 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water in ti,e system to obtain 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine. Apply half (or 1/3,.lf4;, or 1/5) of this initial dose when half (or 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of the water"' it the system has been lost by blowdown. Subsequent Dose'. When microbial control is evident, add 12 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water in the system to obtain a 1 ppm residual. Apply half for 1/3, 1/4, or 1/5) of this initial dose when half (or 1/3, 1/4, fir 1/5) of the water in the system has been lost by blowdown. Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. CONTINUOUS FEED METHOD - Initial Dose= When system is noticeably fouled, apply 54 to 1013 oz. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water in the system to obtain S to le ppm available chlorine. . Subsequent Dose! Maintain this treatment level ht+ s.tartlni .'a continuous feed of 1 oz. of this' product per 1,000 gallons or wager lum.1- by blowdown to maintain a 1 ppm residual. Badly fouled systems must Abe cleaned before treatment is begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I V I . .. •J. JUL 13 '93 09:06AM FEED RITE TESSMAM SEWAGE & WASTEWATER EFFLUENT TREATMENT The disinfection of sewage effluent must be evaluated by determinir-�..'file total number of coliform bacteria and/or fecal coliform bacterib,..`;as determined by the Most Probable Numbor (MPN) procedure, of the rhlorir.Gted effluent that has been reduced to or below the maximum permitted bg, the controlling regulatory Jurisdiction. On the average, satisfactory disinfection of secondary wastew;A+q'- efflvopt can be obtained when the chlorine residual is 0.5 ppm after 15 minutes contact. Although the chlorine residual is the critial factur in disinfection, the importance of correlating chlorine residual with bacteriGl kill must be emphasized. The MPN of the effluent, which is directly related to the water quality standards requirements, should be the final and primary standard and the chlorine residual should be considered an operating standard valid only to the extent verified by the coliform quality of the effluent. The following are critical factors affecting wastewater disinfection. 1. Mixing! It is imperative that the product and the wastewater be instantaneously and completely flash mixed to assure reaction with every chemically active soluble and particulate component of the '• wastewater. 2. Contacting! Upon flash mixing, the flow through the system must he maintained. 3. Dosage/Residual Control: ' Successful disinfection is extre'm9ly dependent on response to fluctuating chlorine demand to maintain a predetermined desirable chlorine level. Secondary effluent should contain 0.2 to 1.0 ppm chlorine residual after a 15 to 30 minute contact time, A reasonable average of residual Chlorine is 0.5 ppm after 15 minutes contact time. ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- SEWAGE & WASTEWATER TREATMENT EFFLUENT SLIME CONTROL -- Apply a 100 to 1000 ppm available chlorine solution at a location which will allow complete mixing. Prepare this solution by mixing 11 to 109 oz. of this product with 100 gallons of water. Once control is evident, apply a 15 ppm available chlorine solution. Prepare this solution by mixing 4 oz. of this product with 100 gallons of water. FILTER BEDS SLIME CONTROL — Remove filter from service, drain to a depth of 1 foot above filter, and add 90 ox. of product per 20 sq. ft. evenly over the surface. Wait 30 minutes before draining water to a level that is even with the top of the filter. Wait far 4 to b hours before completely draining and backwashing filter. JUL 13 '93 09:07AM FEED RITE TESSMAN F. 13'19 SWIMMING POOL WATER DISINFECTION For a new pool or spring start --up, superchlorinate with 54 to 108 oz. of product for each 10,000 gallons of water to yield S to 10 ppm available chlorine by weight. Check the level of available chlorine with a test kit. Adjust and maintain pool water pH to between 7.2 to 7.6. Adjust and maintain the alkalinity of the pool to between 50 to 100 ppm. To maintain the pool, add manually or by a feeder device 12 oz. of this Product for each 10,000 gallons of water to yield an available chlorine residual between 0.6 to 1.0 ppm by weight. Stabilized pools should maintain a residual of 1.0 to 1.5 ppm available chlorine. Test the pH, available chlorine residual .and alkalinity of the water frequently with appropriate test hits. Frequency of water treatment will depend upon temperature and number of swimmers. Every 7 days, or as necessary, superchlorinate the pool with 54 to 108 oz. of product for each 109000 gallons of water to yield 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine by weight. Check the level of available chlorine with a test kit. Do not reenter pool until the chlorine residual is between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm. At the end of'the swimming pool season or when water is to be drained from the pool, chlorine must be allowed to dissipate from treated pool water before discharge. Do not chlorinate the pool within 24 hours prior to discharge. WINTERIZING POOLS -- While water is still clear and- clean, appig 4 oz. of product par 1000 gallons, while filter is running, to obtain a 3 ppm available chlorine residual, as determined by a suitable test kit. Cover pool, prepare heater, filter and heater components for winter by following manufacturers' instructions. SPAS, HOT -TUBS, IMMERSION TANKS, ETC. : SPAS/HOT-TUBS -- Apply 6.5 oz. of product per 1000 gallons of water to obtain a free available chlorine concentration of 5 ppm, as determined ty .'a, Suitable chlorine test kit. Adjust and maintain pool water pH to between' 7.2 and 7.S. Some oils, lotions, fragrances, cleaners, etc. may cause foaming or cloudy water as well as reduce the efficiency of the product. - To maintain the water, apply 6.5 oz, of product per 1000 gallons..ot water over the surface to maintain a chlorine concentration of.5 ppm. -••�.� After each use, shock treat with 10 oz. of this product per 500 gallons of water to During gallons of control odor and algae. extended periods of disuse, add 4 oz. of product daily per 1000 water to maintain a 3 ppm chlorine concentration. HUBBARD AND IMMERSION TANKS - water before Patieht use to determined by a suitable test between 7.2 and 7.6. After bucket of water and circulate for 15 minutes and then rinse dry with clean cloths. Add 6.5 oz. this product per 200 gallons of obtain a chlorine residual of 25 ppm, as kit. Adjust and maintain the water pH to each use drain the tank. Add 6.5 ox. --to., a this solution through the agitator u;; the- IMA out the solution. Clean tank :thur?3ughl!; 4A HYDROTHERAPY TANKS - Add 2 az. of this product per 1000 gallons of waver to obtain a chlorine residual of .1 ppm, as determined by a suitable chJoebie test kit. Pool should not be entered until the chlorine residual. is below 3 ppm. Adjust and maintain the water pH to between 7.2 and 7.6. Operate coal filter continuously. Drain pool weekly and clean before refilling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..JUL 13 '93 09:08RM FEED RITE TESSMRN LAUNDRY SANITIZERS' Household Laundry Sanitizers IN SOARING SU09 - Thoroughly mir, 3 oz. of this product to 10 r4allons or il8,�h water to provide 200 ppm available chlorine. Wait 5 minutes, then add acdp or detergent. Immerse laundry for at least 11 minutes prior to starting .tha wash/rinse cycle. IN WASHING SUDS - Thoroughly mix 3 oz. bf this product to 10 o-. •OR.5h water containing clothes to provide 200 ppm available chlorine. Wait 5 minutes, then add soap or detergent and start the wash/rinse cyz1e. Commercial Laundry Sanitizers Wet fabrits or clothes should be spun dry prior to sanitization. Thoroughly mite 3 oz. of this product with 10 gallons of water to provide 200 ppm available chlorine. promptly after mixing the sanitizer, add the solution to the "prewash prior to washing fabrics/clothes in the regular wash cycle with a good detergent. Test thelevel of available chlorine if solution has been allowed to stand. Add more of this product if the available chlorine level has dropped below 200 Ppm. ---------------------------......-_-------M------------•-----------------------•-- SANITIZATION OF DIALYSIS MACHINES rlush equipment thoroughly with water prior to using this product.., Thoroughly mix 8 oz. of this product to 10 gallons of water to obtain -at least 600 ppm available chlorine.. Immediately use this product in the hemodialysate system allowing for a minimum contact time of 15 minuter"' t'. 20°C. Drain system of sanitizing solution and thoroughly rinse with water.' Discard and DO NOT reuse the spent sanitizer. Rinsate must be monitar=*O'• with a suitable test kit to insure'that no available chlorine remains in the . system. This product is recommended for decontaminating single and multipatient hemodialysate systems. This product has been shown to be an effective disinfectant (virucide, fungicide, bactericide, pseudomonicide) when tested by AOAC and EPA test methods. This product may not totally eliminate all vegetative microorganisms in hemodialysate delivery systems due to their construction and/or assembly, but can be relied upon to reduce the number of microorganisms to acceptable levels when used as directed. This .product should be used in a disinfectant program which includes bacteriological monitoring of the hemodialysate delivery system. This product -is- NOT recommended for use in hemodialysate or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. Consult the guidelines for hemodialysate systems which are available from the Hepatitis Laboratories, CDC, Phoenita, AZ 85021, P.14/ 19