COS' LAND SUR VEYORS Liar S lohnsoil !L sarveyers certificate sso�iales Vp&weq 9*t: Pa&o bwe�Copmerit Co„tpa" 1OBz1 FRANCE AVE. ®OUTH i if i N NEAPOLIS 20, MINNESOTA TU71E D0 5.8100 r, HARRY S. JOHNSON 'f ROBERT 8. MEREDITH CNA $3,�' 1 _�n '=3Q� 5cA t c r q 4 dw to le. 83L 4. idP k 9 he"by ceir Jq tJwt xhi& pbat i& a c444emt 4x4awAzatation of a Bey of the Gowuk4i" of colt 1, 11loek 29 F U H �' 9 C KS 0 N k 9 U F R M H N 0 9, R oka Coxmtq, lliv at 14 4wwe yed G y we thio 20tH daq of `1u're, 196 !. r ,Id' Mme° keg. No. 5065