COSi Land Planniny 687'5-f/oxzy a6S u.E. land Survetyiny Minnrwpfi 21, �Sails Tes tin ,q EN G I NEE R I N G, INC. �nx-w/4 6-Vil & MunirMI stivotd- " 'r n9i — Engineers Sur vectors �ejrtificate of suswe�- E r�c0 l 77 Iran ti � 6'[Ifib and oroaWJC 6vse,,,Qn t. rd � w 44 � PROPOSED ^^ � I i I t LOT 3, 3LOCtL 1. /n: 40' VAE ADOWL &W D S Ai» ITIOs1 l-/ bavby c!4irPy #mMo is a true and wrmcf representation a f e swvey eAr bavndornes i'& &4ow Asemkd /and, and a�fl� far &n i/' ff MM s , fvean,.and al/ risible avwa hmmis , irawy, fn wn or anA id land. As surveyed 6y im f/as _ a c �roi3G AS rye$, SUBURBAN ENG/NEERINB, /NC. e EMears fr Surrtyars �✓— 2 Gt r� .---�. -el-, �. __