COSII i Land Planhiny 6893-H KGs A/E. Lord Survey��y MinnoeoPo/s 2/, Soi15Testin� ENGINEERING, INC. Civil & "fid Pal SUnset4 6066 i En9ineerrt�9 — En9ineers Surveyors — . i ce*tificate of sutve dos �Y sw�t�sow T Idi \071 _ 1 c W („ Cz Goi i� I' vd(s LOT ! ,', '? , CLQ► �-��� !T ►;� CA. LE 1,,.3D' l hereby wliry #ld is a true and mnmcf fepvmda ;w o�'a survey O'ft Am dales o('/lne 4&&- deserr&d /&d, mid! /k4/yon ofa// bw/dmys , f mon , and all rislbfe owm6menf; , if ay. fmn or *7.w of laved. As surveyed 6tJ.me 1bs�-dot,, �7e A.D OIL SUB URBAN ENGINEERING , 1141C. En9ineers E Sur eyors ., 1 J