COSLand Planning Land Sure 3my Sails Testing Civil b, Muniapal En9ineer�n9 370MWIsslodfN.E. Minneapolis 21, ENGINEERIN , INC. Owmmla SUnsef 4-606& Engineers Sur vectors cer tidicaie ®f survey -T WE- L �. �X, f�f''JS ,-" :.., �'�j�..-C•r; q syr �� "..i��1 ) / l i i � 11 i i -- Ex. 4 '2..39 / hereby :erbry fhaf lhis .!S a brae and mrred represenfafion 01'a survey e#m hw ndories o�'!he above desavkd 1&7d, and of'�l1p /ocofion o�'al/ buildin�s , ilrereon , and all risible cKmvdimenfs , �/'xq, �mn or ortsoid land. As surveyed by me 11uS -`"'� do .SU5 URBAN ENGINEERING, INC. Cn neers 6- Surpryors � 1, sr AO r ♦ �