COSG Land Plonrnn9 Land Surveying Soils Testing ENGINEERING, INC. Civil & Municipal Eapeerinq Enyineers f Surveyors ceetificate ®f sumovey r .370M1m1s' 5PpiSt. Nf MinneoPolis 21. Allnesola SUnse746066 /her'eby cerhPY tbal lbn is a E-ue and carred re)Ve5en/7lior) ol'a >urvety 4offie boundaries ol'dbe obdw described /and, and 4)V r loco%on of al/ buildlay> , dhef-can , and all rsible enawchmeals , iZ any . ��&n or on said land. As surveyed by me fii5 _ kil A.D !9 SULIUP8" ENGINEEIZINCa , INC. nc/ineei _s �- Surreyors �{