LS 81-067 REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 PAGE 3 MOTION �by Co cilwoman Mos s-Martifl'to authorize he May amity anag�r to ente into this agreement of cooperation with he Fridfiey Housing and Redevel pm�nt Authority for tha''administration of community develop nt block gr pt funds. Seconded Councilman Schneid Upon a voice v te, all votfn aye, Mayor Nee_,dec d the motion cirri d unanimously4" NEW BUSINESS: �. RECEIVING PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 1981: 1� CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST,CL-3: #0146 TO SPLIT OFF NORTHERLY 208 FEET OF PART OF LOT 1, A. S. #10 REVISED, PETITIONED BY ROBERT AND BARBARA ANDERSON, 1360 69th AVENUE: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this parcel of property is located just to the east of Siverts Lane and the request is to split off the southerly 100 feet -to make a 100 x 97 foot lot. Mr. Flora stated the problem with this particular lot split is the question of how to handle access to the other lots since there is no way, at the present time, to service them. Mr. Flora suggested possibly an easement be provided by all the property owners which would allow a private drive for access. Mr. Flora explained, if it were a private drive, it could be a narrower street than normally would be required of a regular City street, and it would probably be less expensive. Mr. Flora felt, if the lot split were to be granted, consideration should be given on how to service the remaining lots. Mr. Anderson, the petitioner, stated, as far as putting a road through the back, he was certain everyone would not want it. He stated the only reason he is splitting his property is that he borders Siverts Lane and has easy access. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he recognizes Mr. Andreson does not want to put a road through, but asked if anyone else was present that had lots east of Mr. Anderson's property. Since there was no one at the meeting, Mr. Qureshi felt these property owners should have the opportunity to voice , ther comments as to whether or not they want access provided to their properties. Councilwoman Moses -Martin felt no decision should be made on the lot split until the other property owners have the opportunity to attend a meting in order to determine if they want access for a future road and discussion on where a future road might be constructed. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated there are also properties to the west of Siverts Lane which do not allow for easy access to Old Central, therefore, he felt whatever considerations were given to the property owners on the east of Siverts Lane should also be given to the properties on the west side of Siverts Lane. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses -Martin to call for an informal meeting for next week with the residents on the east and west of-Siverts Lane regarding this lot split and discussion on future access to their properties. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated the decision on the lot split will be tabled until the meeting next week. 1;44b REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 PAGE 4 REQUEST. LS rtuu�rti �rti�naun: Mr . Flora, Public Works Director, stated this requst is to split Lot 6w` )kuditor's Subdivision o. 89 in order to make two ilding sites each 65=1/2 b 133.97 feet for t construction of two duplexes Mr�lora stated t e area is zoned R-3 and surrounde to a degree, ,lSy apartment houses some quads, and duplexes. ti Mr. Flo stat d, in conjunction with the lot split, var nces h e also been requ to to reduce the lot areas and widths, and the pp s Commission has recomme ed approval of the variances, and the Planning o ission recommends.a roval of the lot split. Mayor Nee askedMr. or Mrs. Caldien were present at theDeet gas they had some ohJectio s when this item was before the PlanningCommi ion; however, there was,no response from the audience. Councilman Schneider uestioned the comments made at the Planning C ission meeting regarding the arking problem.. Mr. Flora stated there were discussions, at the C ission level, regarding this problem, however the commission probably felt is use would be a better -'use of the property rather than a larger unit hich could add additional parking problems. MOTION by Councilman Schnei r to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Lot Split Req st, LS #81-07. Seconded by Councilwoman Moses -Martin. Up n a voice te, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una imously RECEIVING HUMAN RESOURCES N MINUTES REGARDING FUNDING OF Mr—Qureshi, City Manager, stated the Human Res urces Commission has made rec mendations to the Planning Commission rega ding funding of various orga izations. He stated their recommendation as to fund Southern Ano Count,\Assistance and the Well Senior Citizen C1'nic, with no restrict ons, which would amount to 100% of the bu get request r $2,500 for Southe n Anoka County Assistance and $2,000 for t Well Senior itizen Clinic. Mr. Qureshi stated they furthe recommnded that the'�entral Cent for Family Resources and the Cre ive P1ay�Center be funded to some 'egree, as determined by the Counci , and that the Family Life enter n be funded due to overlapping servi s, they do not operate on a siding fee scale, and the amount requested' seemed excessive. Mr. Qureshi stated %R a Council also had the opportunity t ar from some of these groups at,44ir conference meeting. Mr. Qureshi staffed the'%following funding is proposed, ich is' ssentially what is recommended by the Human Resources Commission $2,500 r Southern Anoka County ,,/Assistance;%$2,000 for the Well Senior itizen Clini ; $4,000 for the Central Center ford Family Resources; and $1, 00 for the Cre tive Play Center, fdr a total of $10000. Mr. Qureshi pointed out the ouncil has provide only $5,000 for ser 'ce groups and if they desire to ommit the above ounts, additional fun woul•'d have to be provided when the 1982 budge is adopted. Councilwoman Moses -Martin stated0she realiz another $5,000 will have t be provided in order to provide t e fundin�of these organizations, but pointed out the Central Center forNFamily resources has applied for a grant next year and stands to receive thi grant if the communities still support this organization to the level they hikve in the past. v THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:35 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Councilwoman Moses -Martin, Mayor Nee, Councilman Schneider, and Councilman Barnette MEMBERS ABSENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1981: MOTION by Councilwoman Moses -Martin to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Mayor Nee requested the following items be added to the agenda: (1) Request for a Temporary On -Sale Beer License, Bob's Produce Ranch; and (2) Discussion Re: Liquor vs. Food Sales Ratio for Two Establishments in Fridley. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses -Martin to approve the agenda with the above two additions. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience under this item of business. OLD BUSINESS: x CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS #81-06 TO SPLIT OFF NORTHERLY ono Ercr nc oeor nr inr e�mrrnR�c SIIRnTVTSTnN #1n RFVISFD_ 1360 - Mayor Nee stated this request for a lot split was tabled at the last meeting in order to give the Council an opportunity to discuss this item with residents in the area. Mayor Nee stated this is not a formal hearing, but an informal meeting to hear from neighboring property owners concerning the affect of this lot split. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property in question is one lot just east of Siverts Lane, and the owner is requesting to split off the bottom 100 feet of the parcel to make another 100 x 97 foot lot. Mr. Flora stated, if the lot split is granted, and the other property owners to the east wished to split thier lots, there may be a problem in the future in providing access and utilities to service these parcels. Mr. Flora stated consideration was given to placing a street midway between the lot splits, tying into Siverts Lane and the access road to the future County park. i 26 �, REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 2 He stated, however, the County indicated this could not be done since the property was obtained strictly for County park purposes with Metro funds and it would also seriously effect the development and security for the park complex. Mr. Flora stated another consideration was to provide a road between the property being split which would require a cul-de-sac at the end, if a City street were to be constructed. He stated the cost of this plan would be considerable because the front properties already have a street and sewer and water, therefore, any properties being split would have to bear the full burden of the cost of the street and utilities. Mr: Flora stated another possibility is to require an easement, for a possible future street and utilities, in the event the property owners to the east, as well as to the west of Siverts Lane, wish to split their lots. Mayor Nee stated the question the Council wishes to explore is if the property owners want provision made for access to the back of their lots, or if it isn't the tention of the owners to split off the back of their lots. Mr. Ron Genmundson, 1390 69th Avenue, asked if there would have to be a road between the houses or on the south end. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated access would have to be provided, if they wished to develop their property any more than it is now. Mr. Germundson stated he didn't want anything to do with it and to leave it as it is now. Councilman Schneider clarified, for the record, it was Mr. Germundson's position that he didn't intend to split his lot and wouldn't have any problem if access, in the future, wouldn't be available. Mr. Harry Nelson, 1370 69th Avenue, indicated he was against putting in a road and against the lot split. Councilman Schneider stated they are not talking about putting in a road, the question right now, assuming this lot split is approved, is should an -'easement be provided for the eventual future access to the rear portion of the four remaining lots in case the owners would want to split their properties at some future date. Councilwoman Moses -Martin stated when 1r. Anderson splits his property, and depending on where a person builds who purchases this lot, it may prohibit obtaining access to these other properties. Mr. Erickson, 1380 69th Avenue, stated he was not in favor of a road. Mr. Germundson stated, in listening to further discussion, he believes property is getting scarce, and if he is requested to make a statement, he would like to see an easement provided on the south for a possible future roadway. A realtor, representing Mr. Anderson, stated he is sure the taking of property for an easement would affect the sale price of the house. He also pointed out they have a proposed buyer for the lot which is to be split. Mr. Tikkanen, 1400 69th Avenue, stated the easement didn't make any difference to him right now. L6 REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 3 Councilman Schneider pointed out if the easement isn't required at this time, he may not be able to split his property in the future, depending on where the house is built on the lot requested to be split. Mr. Tikkanen stated on that basis, he would go along with requiring the easement. Councilwoman Moses- Martin stated she realizes some of the property owners don't envision splitting their property while they are living there, but if they do decide to sell, she felt it would be economically feasible for them to split off the rear portions of their lot. Councilman Barnette stated all the Council is asking right now is for an easement on Mr. Anderson's property in order to make a corridor in the event the other property owners want to split their properties at some future date. Mr. Nelson, 1370 69th Avenue, and Mr. Erickson, 1380 69th Avenue, both indicated they would then be in favor of requiring the easement on Mr. Anderson's lot split. Councilman Bal^nette asked Mr. Anderson how he felt about giving the 40 feet easement on the back of the lot for potential future access. Mr. Anderson stated, when Siverts Lane went through, both he and the Bacon's were told one of the benefits was they would be able to split their lot and no one else would have this advantage. Mrs. Anderson stated they were told, by putting in the sewer and water, the privilege they would get would be to split their lot. She felt if the easement is required, it would affect the sale of the house and the proposed lot. Mr. Anderson stated when he filed for the lot split, he was told there wouldn't be any problems. He explained they have made committments and monies have changed hands, as they bought a business in Wisconsin, and was counting on the sale of the house and lot. He stated, if the lot split isn't granted, it may affect the sale and they would be out the back door with nothing. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City has a responsibility to all the property owners in the area. He felt Mr. Anderson has the privilege of splitting his lot, but the City wants to make sure other property owners are given the same opportunity. Tie realtor, representing the Anderson's, stated he came to the City Hall when he listed the property and asked about the lot split and was told there would be no problem. Mr. Qureshi explained the only body that can authorize the lot split is the Council, and they may attach some conditions, if they so choose. Councilman Schneider stated the Planning Commission in their recommendation for approval of the lot split asked the Council to make a determination on the road access to service additional lots. Mayor Nee asked if anyone was present who lived on the west side of Siverts Lane. Mr. Ed Widzinski, 1320 69th Avenue, indicated he was opposed to the easement as he didn't want to split his lot. Mrs. Lois Aasland, 1330 69th Avenue, stated there is no possible wady of having an easement for a road because of the location of the homes on the lots and the terrain, and indicated she was not in favor of it. 2.62 REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1981 PAGE 4 Mrs. Joy Logid, 1340 69th Avenue, stated she enjoys her lot the way it is and felt if she ever sold her property, the selling factor would be the size of the lot. Mr. Darrel Bacon, 1350 69th Avenue, stated he didn't think he would sell his lot and liked it as it is now. The realtor, representing the Anderson's, stated by requiring the easement, it woul& take away from the value of the property and felt the other properties should have to pay for the amount the Anderson's lose. Mayor Nee stated by obtaining the lot split, it also increases the value of the land. He stated the Council has some responsibility to the other property owners and that is what they are trying to fulfill. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated he would suggest if the majority of the property owners want an easement provided, that 40 feet be given to the south, with the understanding that these property owners to the east will pay the full cost of the roadway and sewer and water, if the majority of the people want the improvements when the properties are split. Mr. Qureshi stated, as far as the property owners on the west of Siverts Lane, all present have indicated they were not in favor of the easement. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Lot Split Request, LS #81-06, with the stipulation that a 40 foot easement be given at the south side of the property, with the exact dimensions to be worked out between the petitioner and staff somewhere between 93 or 100 feet. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 740 ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1982: Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated an adjustment has been made to increase the contributions to service organizations from $5,000 to $10,000. MOTION by Councilwoman Moses -Martin to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 740 and adopt it on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MayoriNee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 3 FIRST READING OF A14 ORDINANCE Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, pointed out on Page 3D, Section 506.12 that the way the ordinance is written is to only prohibit truck tractors, semi -trailers, buses, mobile home and house trailers, or trucks having a licensed gross weight over 12,000 pounds, from parking on public streets in a residential district. Mr. Qureshi stated the ordinance would not restrict recreational vehicles. He stated there could be an interpretation that a bus couldn't be on the street and if they want to make it more clear, an addition would have to be made that this doesn't apply to any licensed recreational vehicle. Mayor Nee stated he had a call from a school bus driver who takes the bus home at times and parks it in the driveway. Mr. Qureshi stated the ordinance would allow for this, however, it couldn't be left on the street. CITY OF FRI®LEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571-3450 Robert & Barbara Anderson 1360 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE October 9, 1981 On October 5, 1981 the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for L.S. x-06, to split Part of Lot 1, Rev. A.S. #10 with the stipulations listed below: in -to -two buil-ding sites. Provide 40 foot access easement on the South property line. Work with the City to determine and find lot line locations: $500 park fee to be paid at time building permit applied for on new lot. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Community Development Office at 571-3450. Sincerely, ERROLD L. BOAR N JLB/de City Planner Please review the noted stipulations, sign the statement below, and return one copy to the City of Fridley. Concur with action taken. CITY OF FRI®LEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 Robert and Barbara Anderson 1360 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Anderson, TELEPHONE ( 612)571-3450 Octoher 15, 1981 It has been determined by the City of Fridley that your lot split request L.ST81-06 would result in the South 138 feet being split from the total property you own. We have discussed this will Mr. Rollie Goodroad of Goodco Investment Realty, Inc. With the 40 foot access easement on the South property line, this would leave a 98 foot by 97 foot lot. This is acceptable to the City. The address of the new lot will be 6865 Sivert's Lane N.E. Sincerely, ERROLD L. BOARDMAN CITY PLANNER JLB/de