COSVeda ^s Land Plonning (4a&tr6u1iL 6875-Hiyhwoy ACS AT Land Surveying Minneapolis 2/, sai/sTesling ENGINEERING, INC. Minnesota CGwI & IJU17icipal Stlwt4--0066 In�ineerm9 Engineers E Surveyors certsficate of survey For 7)F6kv-�� 74b AVENUE N. E. klb,00 E & M DEVELOPMENT CO. EL. 843- o pENOTES 1 I v 9 GROUND ELEV, 866.8 (M 14OU15E COkt� EL 844.3 JTiL- T`( F - DRAINAGE EASEMENTS 1. ELEVATIONS ARE PRoPOS£fl Z. FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION TO BE %.5 FEET ABOVE GROUND ELEV. SHOWN LOT , E5,IrOC K 5 MELODY . M A -N O R- 1 hereby cerbly' that this is a true and mrmect representation or'o survey etbe bovnderies of & obarr a6cr kd land, olid oF%tXl lacgiiop Or, and oU risible aia chmeRh , If my . from or on said /and. As surveyed b me this _ oby 0 �S'eo_embe� A.Q19SL. SU5U28AN ENGINEERING, INC. Ln9ine E Surr ors SC a, LE --30'