VAR 91-031CITY OF FR MLEY 6431 M41VERSITY AVENGE N.E. FAMLEY, HN 55432 (612) 571-3450 a. n ii_ 7 , i7. 3-A i7zn- .=17 D s.,. .Lai.=�� VARII= APPIL'LCA' CK FOM PROPE[UY DIATION - site plan required for submittals; see attached Address: 446 9-�- !a7/_ legal description: lot �' Block / Tract/Addition] "/c° Current zoning: / , / Square footage/acrnage Reason for variance and hardship: ip: � d 8iyoW Ar ka e g e? L re Section of City Code: • "I LD1• • •, Wj M•7 (Contraaat.&e',O,,9 P'u]J��r(//ch(y/aser©�/s%J:: y�FFe�e Owneyrs mist ///J(ysign y this form prior t/o processing) wM/ /� IIeI !!A�/ASf/R3-�5 �///L //A111,164,0 [i •�Al/YA�I�I,�J�/ ✓' 3'`'-/¢2,7 ON r i; CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicants for vacations must submit the legal description of the parcel (easement, street, etc.) to be vacated. Complete site plans, signed by a registered architect, civil engineer, landscape architect, or other design professional, to include the following: A. General: 1. Name and address of project 2. Legal description (certificate of survey may be required) 3. Name, address, and telephone number of applicant, engineer, and owner of record 4. Date proposed, north arrow, scale, number of sheets, name of drawer S. Description of intended use of site, buildings, and structures including type of occupancy and estimated occupancy load 6. Existing zoning and land use 7. Tabulation box indicating: (i) Size of parcel in sq. ft. (ii) Gross floor area of buildings (iii) Percent of site covered by building (iv) Percent of site covered by impervious surface (v) Percent of site covered by green area (vi) Projected number of employees (vii) Number of seats if intended use is a restaurant or place of assembly (viii) Number of parking spaces required (ix) Number of parking spaces provided including handicapped (x) Height of all buildings and structures and number of stories B. Site Plan: 1. Property line dimensions, location of all existing and proposed structures with distance from boundaries, distance between structures, building dimensions and floor elevations 2. Grading and drainage plan showing existing natural features (topography, wetlands, vegetation, etc.) as well as proposed grade elevations and sedimentation and storm water retention ponds. Calculations for storm water detention/retention areas. 3. All existing and proposed points of egress/ingress showing widths of property lines, turning radii abutting rights-of-way with indicated center line, paving width, existing and proposed median cuts, and intersections of streets and driveways 4. Vehicular circulation system showing location and dimensions for all driveways, parking spaces, parking lot aisles, service roads, loading* areas, fire lanes, emergency access (if necessary), public and private streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, direction of traffic flow, and traffic -control devices 5. Landscaping Plan 6. Location, access, and screening detail of trash enclosures 7. Location and screening detail of rooftop equipment 8. Building elevations from all directions 9. Utility plan identifying size and direction of existing water and sewer lines, fire hydrants, distance of hydrant to proposed building ot. ffi/Old - Po � uy9�