COSHARVEY A. CARTWRIGHT ANOKA COUNTY SURVEYS HENNEPIN COUNTY SURVEYS MINNEAPOLIS SURVEYS 8410 SHADY OAK LANE N.E. SUNSET. 8-0079 OWNER INDUSTRIAL — JUDICIAL BUSINESS — TOPOGRAPHICAL CITY LOTS — PLATTING CA IG ®LSO LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER LAWS ,OF STATE OF MINNESOTA LICENSED BY ORDINANCE OF CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS 345 PLYMOUTH BUILDING LINCOLN 8721 6urbepor'g Certiticatt �i IRON COtAb!NING THE RECORDS OF J. E. HILL, CIVIL ENGINEER ESTABLISHED 1898 C. F. SANDHOFF CIVIL ENGINEER ESTABLISHED 1908 JAMES NELSON SURVEYOR ESTABLISHED 1822 METROPOLITAN LAND SURVEYORS. ESTABLISHED 1951 Invoice 191:31 6E.7-7 dike Gideo T — L•SC%/TH C //%1,17of the N W ,q f the /VE %a of $ec. 12 71,.p. 3'a> /Pyr. 24- I hereby certify that this i; n true and c,-Irrect tlat of a survey of that part of the 'vortnwest 1/4 of the 'Icrtheast 1 4 of section 1 ) Township 30, range 24, Anoka C�,unty, "inn sota, k.escribed r,s follows: Commencing at the ::nutheast corner of said Ncrthwest 1/4 of ',ortheast 1/4; thence vest along the `"outh line thereof a distance of 110 feet; thence North Farallel with the East line thereof a dist-Ince of 161, feet; tt,ence Fast arallel with L(.uth line thereof a distance of 11) feet; ti.ence south alorP :.%st line thereof a ;-iirtance of 165 feet to } oint of beginning. -ubject to en easement for road rurpoFe; over the Fast 30 fect tt.ereof -3-,c; also over the South 30 feet thereof as surveyed by me this lst day of ,,:ay, 1958. SIG WRIGHT AND OLSON