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rl CR5U76431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N. E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450
Reith Harstad
Harstad Construction Company
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, MV 55112
RE: Non -Compliance of the Fridley City Code at 5539 Matterhorn Drive.
Dear Mr. Harstad:
On March 26, 1987 it was conf irmed by an on-site inspection that the property
at 5539 Matterhorn Drive N. E does not meet the minimum standards necessary
to maintain a pleasant and prosperous suburban environment. While major code
requirements are satisfied, the following item does not comply with the
performance standards of the City Code:
1. Plastic garbage bags, steel bracing, Christmas tree, piles of leaves and
other debris stored in the open on vacant lot.
I understand that there may have been some extenuating circumstances for this
to have occurred, however, your quick action to correct this situation would
be a great improvement for your property and the entire conenunity as well.
An inspection will be conducted on or about April 13, 1987 to determine
If you have any questions or concerns,
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450.
Si cereal
Daryl 't
Planning Assistant
please feel free to contact me at the
,1 ir
April ' -16, 1987
Keith Harstad
Harstad Construction Company
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
RE: Second Notice of Non -Compliance of the Fridley City Code at 5539
Matterhorn Drive N. E..
Dear Mr. Harstad:
On April 13, 1987 a second inspection of your property at 5539 Matterhorn
Drive N. E. revealed that it still does not comply with the performance
standards established within the City Code. 11he following items still do not
comply with the City Code:
1. Chunks of concrete, steel bracing, Christmas tree, piles of leaves and
other debris stored in the open on vacant lot.
Regardless of extenuating circumstances, this situation must be corrected
promptly to maintain a pleasant and healthy environment. A fourth inspection
will be conducted on or about April 27, 1987 at which time it is expected
that this item will be in compliance. If corrective action cannot be
completed by this time, please submit a schedule indicating when this
deficiency will be corrected. If you have not contacted me before the
inspection date or abated the problem then I will submit all records
regarding this matter to the City Council who can approve legal action.
If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact me at the
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450. 7hank you for your prompt attention to this
Daryl Morey
Planning Assistant
C-87-166 (C-87-119)
Augjst 3, 1987
Kei th and Diane Harstad
c% North East Realty
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, M 55112
RE: Final Notice of Non -Compliance of the Fridley City Code at lot 8, block
7, Imnsbruck North Addition, on Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harstad:
On July 30, 1987 a second inspection of your property at Lot 8, Block 7,
Innsbruck North Addition confirmed that the following item still does not
comply with the City Code:
1. outside storage of fill/dirt at site.
An inspection to determine compliance will be conducted on or about August
10, 1987, or complete an approved plan for compliance before that date.
Should this inspection confirm that these deficiencies still exist, legal
action will be approved. If corrective action cannot be completed by this
time, contact me to coordinate a schedule to complete this requirement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450.
Lisa Campbell
Code Enforcement
C-97-347 (C-87-33-1)
July 17 1987
Keith and Diane Harstad
c/o North East Realty
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, M, 55112
RE: Non -Compliance of the Fridley City Code at Lot 8, Block 7, Innsbruck
North Addition, at Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Mr. and HIrs Harstad:
On July 15, 1987 it was confirmed by an on-site inspection that the property
at Lot 8, Block 71 Innsbruck North Addition does not meet the minimum
standards necessary to maintain a pleasant and prosperous suburban
environment. While major code requirements are satisfied, the following
items do not comply with the performance standards of the City Code:
1. Outside storage of fill/dirt at site.
Please remove from site or screen site effectively from right-of-way and
adjacent property. Your immediate action to correct this situation would be
a great improvement for your property and the entire community as well. An
inspection will be conducted on or about July 27, 1987 to determine
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450.
Lisa Campbell
Code Enforcement
+ 9 r
August 21, 1987
North East Realty
Paul Harstad
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
RE: Compliance of Fridley City Code at Lot 8, Block 7, Innsbruck North
Addition, Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Mr. Harstad:
On August 20, 1987, a reinspection of your property at Lot 8, Block 7,
Innsbruck North Addition, Matterhorn Drive N.E. has revealed that the past
violations have been corrected. The timely manner in which this violation
was corrected is greatly appreciated by the City of Fridley.
Thank You,
Lisa Campbell
Code Enf or cement
C-87-390 (C-87-269)
r Y?F
August 12, 1987
Paul Harstad
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, MN 55112
RE: Non -Compliance of Fridley City Code at lot 8, block 7, Insbruck North
Addition, Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Mr. Harstad:
I am writing as a matter of follow-up to our phone conversation on August 6,
1987, in which we discussed the removal of a dirt pile and from the above
referenced lot. You stated that you were in the process of of securing a
contractor to remove similiar material from other sites.
Once this contractor has been secured, please notify the undersigned. In the
meantime, please supply this office with documentation of your "Good Faith
Effort" toward correcting this violation. Such documentation could include
estimates fran contractors. I will be contacting you on or about August 19,.
1987, to further discuss the above.
Lisa Campbell
Y • T
CITYOF � °f C�`►�`.
FRIDLEY ��10 7
August 3, 1987
Keith and Diane Harstad
c/o North East Realty
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Brighton, M 55112
RE: Final Notice of Non -Compliance of the Fridley City Code at lot 8, block
7, Innsbruck North Addition, on Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harstad:
On July 30, 1987 a second inspection of your property at Lot 8, Block 7,
Innsbruck North Addition confirmed that the following item still does not
comply with the City Code:
1. Outside storage cf fill/dirt at site.
An inspection to determine compliance will be conducted on or about August;
10, 1987, or complete an approved plan for compliance before that date.
Should this inspection confirm that these deficiencies still exist, legal
action will be approved. If corrective action cannot be completed by this
time, contact me to coordinate a schedule to complete this requirement.
If you have any questions or conoerns, please feel free to contact me at the
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450.
Sinoer ely I
Lisa Campbell
We Enforcement
C-67-347 (C-87-311)
T • i
FORM 30025
Keith and Diane Harstad
North East Realty
2191 Silver Lake Road
New Bri ton, MN 55112
RE: wrr-lf Coi ce othe Fridley City Code
North Addition, at Matterhorn Drive N.E.
Dear Fir. and Firs Harstad:
at Lot 8, Block 7, Innsbruck
111187 it was confirmed by an orrsite inspection that the property
?tot 8, Block 7, Innsbruck North Addition does not meet the minimum
standards necessary to maintain a pleasant and prosperous suburban
environment. While major code requirements are satisfied, the following
items do not comply with the performance standards of the City Code:
1. Outside storage of f ill/dirt at site.
Please remove from site or screen site effectively from right-of-way and
adjacent property. Your immediate action to correct this situation would be
a great improvement for your property and the entire community as well. An
inspection will be conducted on or about Z -al -y -2-7t 1987 to determine
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the
Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450.
Lisa Campbell
Code Enforcement
June 20, 1995
Gabriel Castaneda
5555 Matterhorn Drive
Fridley, MN 55432
(612) 572-1348
Barb Dacy & Kurt Schneider
City of Fridley
Municipal Center
6431 University Avenue NE
Fridley, MN 55432
(612) 572-3595
Dear Ms. Dacy and Mr. Schneider:
The reason for this letter is to address the City of
Fridley's inability to resolve the problem between Mrs. Silvia
Castaneda and Mr. Keith Harstad concerning the adjacent vacant
lot to 5555 Matterhorn Drive [hereinafter "vacant lot"]. Mrs.
Castaneda has been asking the City of Fridley to intervene for
over four years with no avail. As a result, Mrs. Castaneda is
growing wary of the situation and is considering litigation.
Before making the expense, we decided to attempt to resolve the
problem once again by presenting the City of Fridley with certain
legal theories and city ordinances applicable to this situation.
In this manner, the City of Fridley can exercise it power and
prevent an additional unnecessary waste of time and money.
The main issue is whether Mr. Harstad's vacant lot is a
nuisance entitling Mrs. Castaneda to a legal remedy. The
following analysis will demonstrate that Mr. Harstad is not only
liable at common law but also liable for being in violation of
several city ordinances.
First, the following is a brief recitation of the facts.
Mrs_. Castaneda purchased a lot from Mr. Harstad under the
agreement that she was to maintain her lot in accordance with
city zoning regulations. To date she has maintained, not only
the exterior of her home, but also the landscaping to an
impeccable level of quality. In return, Mr. Hardstad assured her
that the other neighboring lots would be kept in the same
Mr. Harstad, however, has failed to keep the vacant lot
to the same standards of maintenance as the rest of the
neighborhood. As a result, the condition of the vacant lot has
deteriorated to a hazardous and economically damaging condition
for the entire neighborhood. Evidence of the hazardous condition
is the broken hand Mrs. Castaneda's son suffered while walking
�( down the hill on the vacant lot. The overwhelming growth of
�\ weeds and shrubs made it impossible for her son to reasonably
assure his footing. Mr. Hardstad's failure to cut the weeds or
even place warning signs clearly indicates the negligent state of
the lot.
Similarly, one need only look at the photographs to see
bthe�unkempt condition of the vacant lot which translates into
�� vl
,onomic loss. Evidence of this loss can be seen by Mrs.
CPf '`' Art,tiI� -
Castaneda's attempt to sell her home upon her divorce only to
that her property value had decreased due to the vacant lot's
appearance. Her realtor mentioned on many occasions that the
prospective customers where turned off by the vacant lot's
appearance and lack of a guarantee for its repair.
• -mentioned roblems are a basis fcir a nuisance
The above p
suit. A nuisance is an unreasonable interference with the use or
enjoyment of land without there being a trespass or physical
invasion. Robert R. Wright, Land Use, 3rd ed. at 17. There is
three types of nuisances; public, private, and per se. Id. Mr.
Harstad can be held liable under each of the three theories of
nuisance law.
A public nuisance is an activity or a failure to conduct
an activity that adversely affects the health, morals, safety,
welfare, comfort or convenience of the public in general. Id.
The aforementioned injury sustained by Mrs. Castaneda's child
indicates that the vacant lot affects the health and safety of
the community, because any child may enter the premises and
suffer a similar injury. Mr. Harstad may claim that the vacant
lot is private property and that children should not enter the
premises, and if they do it is at their own risk. However, a
massive amount of case law dictates that a landowner is liable
for injuries sustained by trespassing children where it is
reasonably foreseeable that injury may occur. A physical
inspection of the vacant lot shows the obvious foreseeability of
injury to an unsuspecting child.
In addition, the "Attractive Nuisance Doctrine" also
imposes liability on a land owner for injuries to a child where a
visible amusement attraction exists on the land. The slope of
V the hill and jungle -like qualities, coupled with it being the
V �
only ap_
access to the pond without upsetting a homeowner, indicates
f t
inherent attractiveness of the vacant l Case law supports
Castaneda's contention that the apparent hazardous condition
vacant lot presents a public nuisance that affects the
th and safety of the entire community.) The City of Fridley
not allow
e to go unattended becaus G
the next injury may be more significant than a broken hand.
Vo Unlike a public nuisance, a private nuisance does not
require a widespread adverse negative impact on the community.
1 V' Private nuisances normally occur when one neighbor
another neighbor from quietly enjoying her land: This ranges
/ anywhere from a tree obstructing the solar rays to loud noise
emanating from a house. In addition, a private nuisance does not
have to be strictly an affirmative act. Robert R. Wright, Ind
Use, 3rd ed. at 18. It can result from a failure to maintain the
property in a easonably suitable condition; his is normally
referred to as "non -feasance". I
�,��� 601 T/18L-F
Mr. Harstad may not be committing an
��Uaffirmative act, he is liable for non -feasance. Evidence of this
non -feasance is the failure to put up warning signs to prevent
injury and the failure to enclose the lot to prevent the dumping
of aste that frequently occurs. The waste frequently thrown
down the hill ranges from trash to Christmas trees and from metal
poles to wooden fences. This waste is not only visible to the
naked eye but can also serve as a hazardous element to add to the
public nuisance analysis. As a result, Mrs. Castaneda is
prevented from enjoying the fruits of her labors in improving her
land to raise her property value in anticipation of a sale. In
addition, she is deprived of her basic property right to enjoy
her property, without having a trash and weed infested jungle for
an adjacent lot. It is evident that Mr. Harstad's failure to
maintain the property in a reasonably suitable condition has
deprived Mrs. Castaneda her right to enjoy her property, which
indicates that the vacant lot is also a private nuisance. po—i
A nuisance per se di ers from a public and private /�JM
nuisance in that it results normally from a statutory violation."
Robert R. Wright, Land Use, 3rd ed. at 18. The attached
summarized outline contains several statutes and city codes that
Mr. Harstad has violated. The purpose of the Fridley City Code
is to protect and promote the health, safety, comfort,
convenience, prosperity and general welfare of Fridley. Chapter
205.01. More specifically, the Fridley City Code attempts to
promote sound land management, Chapter 205.02(2), in an effort
to conserve and improve the economic value of land and buildings
in the community, Chapter 205.02(7). The following violations
contravene the goals of Fridley and allow the City to seek legal
action against a non -conforming landowner.
�r Chapter"105.01 states that is is unlawful for an owner
of land in the City of Fridley to maintain or permit the growth
of weeds, grass, brush or rank vegetation to a greater height
than ten inches on the average. The photographs indicate that
the height of the weeds and brush clearly reaches far beyond the
prescribed ten inches. Chapter 105.02 further goes on to say
that the owner has a duty to cut and remove such weeds, grass,
brush or other rank vegetation. Mr. Harstad cuts the weeds on
the vacant lot twice a year. It is not reasonable to believe
that vegetative growth can be maintained within the requirements
of the ordinance with only two cuts per year. Therefore, Mr.
Harstad clearly violates the Fridley City Code, set forth in
Chapter 205.01.
Furthermore, Chapter 205.08.06(4) states that all
"vacant" lots, tracts or parcels shall be properly maintained in
an orderly manner free of litter or junk. As previously
mentioned, the vacant lot frequently is subjected to littering.
Thus, Mr. Harstad has violated several Fridley City Codes which
indicates that the condition of the lot can also be considered a
nuisance per se.
The aforementioned analysis clearly indicates that the
vacant lot owned by Mr. Harstad can be classified as either a
public, private or per se nuisance. It is also apparent by both
the condition of the vacant lot and the hopeless efforts of real
estate agencies other than his own that Mr. Hardstad has given up
hopes of ever selling the to s. Castaneda has offered to
cU pur-bias �the�aant lot from Mr. Harstad to improve it and make
it safer for the community. Mr. Harstad, however, has rejected
\' any of Mrs. Cas ne a s offers. Therefore, Mrs. Castaneda is
\� respectfully requesting that the City of Fridley intervene in
v this matter to either encourage Mr. Harstad's cooperation in
selling the lot to her or to force him to continuously maintain
the vacant lot at an acceptable and safe level.
Respectf lly,
abriel Castaneda
Chapter 205.01:
The purpose of,the Fridley City Code is to protect and
promote the health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity and
general welfare of the City of Fridley.
Chapter 205.02:
This section specifies the purpose of the city codes and
the following directly relate to the issue at hand.
(2)To promote sound land management and the
orderly development of the community.
(7)To conserve and improve the economic value of
land and buildings in the community.
(9)To maintain the City's image.
Chapter 205.08.03:
This section relates to the lot requirements of an R2
�l "Two Family Dwelling District Regulation". It has the following
_� (A)A minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet.
(B)The width shall not be less then seventy-five
feet at the required set -back.
(C)Not more than 30% of the area shall be covered
by the main building.
Chapter 205.08.06:
This section relates to the landscaping requirements and
the following sections apply:
Uo�/tq (2)A11 open areas of any site shall be soded,
'7� seeded, or have vegitative cover.
13)Every yard and all structures, walls, fences,
walks, steps, driveways and other exterior
developments shall be maintained in an
attractive well kept condition.
(4) A11 tracts or parcels shall be
ained in an orderly manner free of
litter or junk.
Chapter 105.01:
It is unlawful for an owner of land in the City of
Fridley to maintain or permit growth of weeds, grass, brush or
rank vegetation to a greater height than ten inches on the
Chapter 105.02:
It shall be the duty of any such owner to cut and remove
all such weeds, grass, brush or other unlawful vegetation as
often as may be necessary to comply with the ten inch