06/16/2017 Adv for Bids Oak Glen Creek Project No 17-446 Page 1 of 1
Affidavit of Publication
Sealed bids will be received and
publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Description:
Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office Oak Glen Creek Pond Expansion
of the Director of Public Works, 6431
University Avenue N.E., Fridley,Minne- Dlsa McClellan being duly sworn on oath say she/he is and
rota 55432 (Tel. 763-571-3552) on during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the publishers designated
Thursday, the 6th day of July, 2017 at
10:00 a.m., for the furnishing of work agent in charge of the newspaper known as
and materials for the OAK GLEN Finance and Commerce (MN)
NO. 17-446. 222 South 9th St,Suite 2300,Minneapolis,MN 55402
11,500 SY Salvage&Respread
Existing Topsoil and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
30,000 CY Conunon and Muck (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements to constitute a
Excavation qualified newspaper under Minnesota law,including those requirements found in
300 LF 24"-60"RCP Storm Sewer
4 EA Manholes Minnesota Statute Section 331A.02..
35 CY Random Riprap (B) She/He further states on that the printed
100 LF Concrete Curb and Cutter Construction
225 CY Premixed Iron/Fine
Filter Aggregate 11359307
260 CY Coarse Filter Aggregate
330 LF Slotted and Solid PVC
Pipe and Fittings hereto printed as it was printed and published there in the English language;that
7,000 SF 45 Mil EPDM Liner it was first so published on
Along with additional ancillary work
items, including selective demolition, .lune 16, 2017 for I time(s):
pavement patching, curb replacement, the su Sequent ates of publications eing as follows:
Traffic Control, Erosion Control, and
Turf Restoration.All in accordance with Fri,June 16,2017
plans and specifications prepared by
Wenck Associates, 1800 Pioneer Creek
Center,Maple Plan,Minnesota.
Contract documents are available for
purchase via the following options: And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,
1. QuestCDN for afee of$25.00. both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type
2. Paper copy including electronic used in the composition and publication of said notice,to wit:
format(CD)for a fee of$75.00.
3. Or electric format(e-mail or CD)for X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz
a fee tract do. abcdefghil77cclmnopgrstuvwxyz
Contract documents may be examined
at the office of the Director of Public Mortgage Foreclosw-e Notices(effective 7/1/2015).Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§580.033
Works, 6431 University Avenue NE, relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper's known office of
Fridley, MN. Contract documents may issue is located in Hennepin County.The newspaper complies with the conditions described
be obtained by check, cash, or credit in§580.033,subd. 1,clause(1)or(2).If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in
card. Please call 763-572-3552 or email the county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged
Jeannie.Benson@fridleynuLgov to view premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's
or purchase contract doetnnents. circulation is in the latter county.
Bids shall be on the forms providedk/--�
and must be made on the basis of cash
payment for work,and accompanied by a
cash deposit, certified check (on a
responsible bank in the State ofubscribe and
Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made Sworn to before me this 16th day of June,2017
payable without condition to the City of
Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not
less than five (5%) percent of the total
amount of the bid.
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids and to waive any
informality in any bids received without
explanation. 1al Seal) Notary Public, Hennepin Coun ,Minnesota
No bid may be withdrawn for a period
of sixty(60)days. ,
A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be .,�ra�.. JILL MARIE EROLIN
held at the Fridley City Hall at 1:00 pm
�� Notary Public-Minnesota
on June 27,2017. �I M Commission Expires Jan 31,2022
Dated this 16th day of June,2017.
+'ices Y
James P. Kosluchar
Director of Public Works RATE INFORMATION•
(Published in
Finance and Commerce 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000
June 16,2017) commercial users for comparable space:
2. Maximum rate allowed bylaw for the above $ 0.64657
3. Rate actually charged for the above matter: $ 0.5878