PRM 11/03/2014
Chairperson Solberg called the November 3, 2014 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order
at 7:01 p.m.
Members Present: Tim Solberg, Greg Ackerman, Michele Barrett, Mike Heintz, and Dave Kondrick
Others Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Parks and Recreation
Jim Kosluchar, Director of Public Works
MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2014
Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
MOTION by Mr. Ackerman, seconded by Ms. Barrett, to approve the agenda for the November 3,
2014 meeting.
a. Program Update
Mr. Kirk stated that one of the Department’s biggest events of the year is the annual Pumpkin
Night in the Park at Springbrook Nature Center. This year was a record breaking attendance
with 4,620 people. It was a great night. Staff works very hard on the event and we rely on
many volunteers to make this a success.
Mr. Kirk stated that a relatively new program at Springbrook is the Discovery Dinner series.
The first one of the fall was held in September and the presentation was on the International
Wolf Center in Minnesota. The second dinner was this past Saturday and featured
photographer and author Stan Tekeila talking about the photography of birds. The 45 people
in attendance really liked the presentation and suggested bringing the speaker back again.
Mr. Kirk stated that the elementary school after school activities have been going well and the
middle school age ZONE program is drawing some good numbers each night after school.
The ZONE sponsored two Halloween parties at the end of October with over 150 participants.
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Mr. Kirk further stated that the Senior Program had a Fall Kick-Off event in September with
150 seniors participating. The program featured some live entertainment and a pie social.
The event was the first opportunity for seniors to register for many of the popular fall and
winter activities such as the Veteran’s Day Celebration and the Lion’s Club Holiday Party.
b. Park Maintenance Report
Mr. Kirk stated that Operations Manager for Parks and Streets Jeff Jensen has provided a
parks maintenance report for activity in September and October. The workers have been
busy with fall clean up activity and with preparation for the winter programs.
c. Springbrook Nature Center Report
Mr. Kirk stated that the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation is working with Fox
Advancement, a local consulting company, on a feasibility study related to the fundraising for
the SPRING project. One sizeable donation has already been received from an individual
toward this project for $100,000. The donor is a retired Medtronic employee and the
Medtronic Foundation has indicated it will match the gift with another $100,000.
Mr. Kirk further stated that there have been some nice improvements to the Lawraine K. Beery
Meditation Garden at the nature center. A volunteer group of Xcel Energy employees spent a
day clearing back some overgrown vegetation and weeding the area. Our park maintenance
workers installed some landscape edging, installed some mulched garden beds, repaired the
water feature and planted some new spruce trees.
Mr. Kirk further stated that Xcel Energy made a $10,000 grant to the nature center to improve
our volunteer program. Budgeted with the grant monies is some volunteer management
software, some tools and equipment, and limited funding for a seasonal volunteer coordinator.
a. Proposed 2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule
Mr. Kirk stated that he has presented the Commission with a schedule of proposed meeting
dates for 2015. The schedule generally has the meetings on the first Monday of each month
starting at 7:00 p.m. The meeting in September would be on the second Monday because of
the Labor Day holiday. Also, there is not a July meeting scheduled which has been the
practice for the past several years.
MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to approve the 2015 proposed Parks and
Recreation meeting schedule as suggested by staff.
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b. 2015 Adult Softball League Fees
Mr. Kirk stated that staff has proposed the adult softball league fee schedule for 2015. We try
to get the fees established in the fall of the year, as the office starts getting inquiry phone calls
regarding the next year’s softball program. He has a memo from Program Supervisor Cleve
McCoy with the recommended fees for 2015 and he supports that recommendation.
Mr. Kirk stated that the fees would go up slightly from 2014. The recommendation for softball
fees for 2015 is as follows:
The Sunday Men’s League would be $706.
The Monday through Thursday night Men’s Leagues would be $775 each.
The Co-Rec League on Fridays would be $481. The Co-Rec League is co-sponsored with the
City of Blaine.
MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Ms. Barrett, to approve the 2015 Adult Softball League
Fees as proposed by staff.
c. Detachment of Park Property
Mr. Kirk stated that staff has had some discussions with the City of Spring Lake Park about
the Emmanual Christian Center’s interest in purchasing a small tract of land in Fridley, located
at 315 Osborne Road. The Church would like to expand their parking lot and landscaped
area at the campus on the corner of University Avenue and Osborne Road. Their current
church property is all in the City of Spring Lake Park and this small parcel would be in the City
of Fridley. A conclusion of the discussion was that it made sense for the City of Fridley to
detach this land and have it annexed by Spring Lake Park.
Mr. Kirk further stated that, at the same time, staff started some discussion about another
small parcel of land that would seem to make more sense being in Spring Lake Park, rather
than in Fridley. That parcel was formerly known as John Erickson Park and was part of our
Fridley park system. We used to operate a swimming beach on Spring Lake at the park, but
needed to close it do to recurring problems with broken glass. There are no Fridley homes on
the north side of Osborne Road where this land is located, so it was not easily or safely
accessed by Fridley residents for park use. In the late 1980’s, the Parks and Recreation
Commission voted to remove this park from the parks promoted in our City parks and
recreation inventory. While it remains City of Fridley land, it really does not get used at all. It
would make more sense to be part of Spring Lake Park, which has other properties on this
same north side of Osborne Road.
Mr. Kirk stated that this land was originally donated to the City of Fridley by some land
developers. There were stipulations that the City name this John Erickson Park and operate
this property as a park for ten years, which the City did. Once again, this is the only parcel of
Fridley in this area that is on the north side of Osborne Road. The adjacent properties are
either in Spring Lake Park or Mounds View. It would be his recommendation that the City
allow the detachment of the property from the City of Fridley and be annexed by the City of
Spring Lake Park.
Ms. Barrett stated that she has assumed that this property already was in Spring Lake Park.
She did not know it was part of Fridley.
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Mr. Ackerman asked when this property was operated as a park and a swimming beach.
Mr. Kirk stated that was in the mid to late 1970’s and early 1980’s. It has not been included as
one of our parks since the late 1980’s.
Mr. Ackerman stated that he sees no downside to our taking action to have this property
detached from Fridley and annexed by Spring Lake Park.
Mr. Kondrick agreed that there was no downside with this action.
Mr. Solberg stated that the fact that you have pointed out to them what they are getting is
important. He did not see any problems with moving forward on this.
MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Ackerman, to support the detachment from the
City of Fridley of property formerly known as John Erickson Park and annexation of this
property by the City of Spring Lake Park.
d. Public Works Project at Summit Square Park
Mr. Kirk stated that City of Fridley Public Works Director Jim Kosluchar is at tonight’s meeting
to discuss an upcoming project with the Commission that may affect Summit Square Park. He
is not asking for any final decision tonight, but he felt it was important that the Parks and
Recreation Commission know what is happening.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that he is looking for advice from the Commission on this project. The
City has a long range street rehabilitation plan. The 2016 2015 street project work will be
between Main Street and University, south of I-694. They will be looking at resurfacing all the
local streets in this neighborhood.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that as part of the project, they are required to manage the storm water
in the area. They are expecting that there will be a need to do some underground water
storage in the area to meet the requirements for storm water management. There initial plan
is to put the underground water storage chambers in the street. The problem difficulty with
this plan is that there are utilities under the street, including sanitary sewer down the middle,
storm sewer on one side, water main and gas main on the other side. This doesn’t leave
much room for the stormwater chambers.
Mr. Kosluchar further stated they are looking for a relatively large area, about a half an acre in
size, for some underground water storage. One area they have looked at is part of Summit
Square Park, the area that would be under the skating rink.
Mr. Solberg asked what the purpose of a storm water storage chamber was.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that it is to detain water. It is essentially a pond that is underground.
Storm water flows into drains and the pipes carry the water to what is a big underground
holding pond. The water then slowly filters into the ground.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that these underground storm water storage chambers are strong
enough to go under parking lots. Once installed, park amenities could be placed on top of the
area. The skating rink could remain or the Commission could look at another amenity like a
tennis court. A project such as the underground water storage is a little more expensive than
digging a pond, but does allow for other uses above the ground. Maintenance can be more
difficult because you can’t see everything, but there are inspection ports to help with this.
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Mr. Kosluchar stated they are going for a grant to help cover some of the costs with the storm
water management. There first option is to place the water storage under the street. If that is
not possible due to the utilities situation, then they would look at alternate water storage areas
including the Summit Square Park. It will take some analysis to determine the best locations
for the water storage with this project. The area at Summit Square Park that is used for a
winter skating rink is a fall back area for us, if we can’t find enough room in the street for the
water storage chambers.
Mr. Kondrick asked for some dimensions on the proposed water storage area. How many feet
deep by how many feet long? This information would be helpful.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that the usable space there where the rink is currently located at Summit
Square Park is about 4,000 square feet. In that area, they would be looking at a volume
storage depth that was about 5 feet on average. The pipes would likely be 6 to 7 foot
diameter pipes. There would likely be about an 8 foot excavation that would include removal
of material from the site. When the chambers were installed, material would then be
backfilled and the surface restored to whatever use the City would like to have there.
Mr. Kondrick asked if there would be a situation where there was too much water for the
storage capacity and it would start to create water problems for the park and street in the
Mr. Kosluchar stated that there would not be that problem, because they would install a
hydraulic bypass system. When that chamber filled up in a big storm, the system would
bypass it and move water to another location.
Mr. Kondrick asked who was mandating that we handle the storm water with this road
reconstruction project.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that the Federal Clean Water Act that was passed in the 1970’s is
actually driving this. An evolution of that has led to the standards that are required today.
Mr. Kondrick asked if all of our neighboring communities were facing similar challenges and
undertaking similar projects.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that yes, to a degree, all of them are affected. Some communities are
being more aggressive to meet the requirements and others are less so. To a certain extent,
it is the right thing to do. It should help with future flooding problems as well.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that this proposal is not a for sure thing at this point. They have put in
an application and hope to get State funding which could cover 80% of the project costs.
They won’t know until December whether or not they are funded.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that if the Parks and Recreation Commission doesn’t have any
reservations on this proposed project, one thing that they can do now is to install some _____
piezometers, which are small diameter pipes driven into the ground, in the park that monitor
the ground water level. There will be other locations in the neighborhood that will be
monitored as well.
Mr. Kondrick asked if the water storage chambers were installed in the park, how much of the
park would be affected and for how long?
Mr. Kosluchar stated that it would just be the skating rink area and it would more than likely be
done in the summer months.
Mr. Heintz stated that if the project could be held off until August or September, the
neighborhood would still have access to this open play area during the summer months.
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MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to support the installation of monitoring
pipes in Summit Square Park to determine ground water levels.
e. Metropolitan Council Sewer Project Impact upon Community Park and Plaza Park
Mr. Kosluchar stated that Metropolitan Council is doing a lot of sanitary sewer system
rehabilitation work in Fridley. Our City is the site of some very large sanitary sewer pipes and
large junction points. Met Council will be doing three major projects in our community next
year. The City wants to support the Met Council in completing these important projects.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that one of the projects is going to affect the Community Park and Plaza
Park area. This is going to be a major project involving some very large diameter pipes. The
project area is close to the railroad tracks and in the same area as two large natural gas
pipes. These utilities are on the east side of the railroad tracks and there is very limited room
to work in the area.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that digging up and replacing the pipe is much more expensive than
what they are proposing to do, which is re-lining the pipes. To accomplish this, they need a
fairly large staging and materials area. This pipe lining material is so large that they are
essentially bringing the factory to the site so the work can be completed. They are proposing
to use some areas of Community Park and Plaza Park as staging areas. They will also need
to construct a temporary access road to get some large trucks in and out of the area.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that he and Mr. Kirk have met with the project representatives on site to
look at some alternatives. The latest plan would involve completely taking out one of the
Community Park ball fields and using it as a materials and staging area. The construction
road would come in along the existing county regional trail just south of Community Park, and
Plaza Park would have some areas affected as well. To provide a large enough working area,
they will also need to cut into the large berm that is on Anoka County property just south of the
Community Park.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that they would surround the entire work area with an eight foot high
chain link fence, so the area was secure and would not be a safety concern. They would also
pay for any restoration that was needed to the park and trail facilities. We talked with them
about paying the City of Fridley a lump sum to restore the ball field at Community Park. He
also stated that he thought that they would be willing to pay the City for some loss of use of
the City park facilities. What that number is, he did not know at this time.
Mr. Heintz stated that perhaps we should consider other amenities or projects for the
Community Park that we should ask them to pay in exchange for having our facilities impacted
for two years. Do we need another open air shelter, play equipment, new fencing, lighting, or
safety netting that would improve the park?
Mr. Kosluchar stated that some of that may be possible and we will find out more as we
continue discussions with the Met Council project representative. He does think it is a good
idea that the City get something beneficial for the park and the neighborhood as a result of
dealing with this project.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that he expects some good communication being provided to the
residents in the area, so they know what the project is all about and what they can expect as
the work progresses.
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Mr. Kirk stated this item will be coming back to the Commission for a recommendation on what
action to take. It is likely that this will be on the December Commission meeting agenda.
Mr. Kosluchar stated that the Met Council needs to work out some things with Anoka County
as well because this would impact the regional trail and some County park land. He would
like the City to cooperate and be good partners with Met Council on this important project, but
he recognizes that this will have an impact on the area residents and the use of some of our
park facilities. He expects that we will bring back more detailed information at the next
Commission meeting.
f. SPRING Project Design Team
Mr. Kirk stated that the Springbrook Nature Center SPRING Project continues to move along.
The official grant agreement between the State of Minnesota and the City of Fridley for the $5
million Bonding Bill money was approved by the City Council at the October 13 Council
meeting. Also, an agreement with a Construction Management firm named EDS Builders was
approved at the October 27 Council meeting. We have begun our work with the
Construction Manager, who will be assisting us from design through the construction phase.
Mr. Kirk stated that one of the key next steps in the process is to assemble a local Design
Team to work closely with the Architects and Engineers as plans are finalized for the building
renovation and expansion. He would like to invite the Parks and Recreation Commission to
have a member or two be part of this local Design Team. The Design Team will include
representation from City staff, representation from the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation,
from the Parks and Recreation Commission and possibly a City Council member.
Mr. Kirk further stated that this Design Team will work over the next several months on this
project. He expects that the Team will review proposals from the Architect and Engineering
Firms and be part of the interviewing process as we select these design professionals. After
selection of the company, the Design Team will work closely with this firm as the design plans
for the facility take shape. We had a similar group that worked closely with the Pre-Design
process on the SPRING plan four years ago. He would expect a similar process with this
project Design Team.
Mr. Kondrick stated that he would be interested in serving on this local Design Team.
Mr. Heintz stated that he would also be interested in being on the Team.
MOTION by Ms. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Ackerman, to name both Dave Kondrick and Mike
Heintz as Parks and Recreation Commission representatives to the Design Team for the
SPRING project.
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MOTION by Mr. Ackerman, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to adjourn the November 3, 2014
meeting at 8:40 p.m.