PRM 09/12/2011 CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING – SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Sibell called the September 12, 2011 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Marcy Sibell, Dave Kondrick, Mike Heintz, Michele Barrett Others Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Parks and Recreation APPROVAL OF August 1, 2011 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Barrett, to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2011 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 MOTION by Mr. Heintz, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to approve the agenda for the September 12, 2011 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. 1. STAFF REPORT a. Program Update Mr. Kirk stated that there is a Program Update included in the Commission meeting packet with information on Department programming over the past month. He wanted to call attention to a few of the items in the report. The Senior Program has a new Chores and More Coordinator. Her name is Jean Penn. She is a Fridley resident who has been active for a number of years at the Senior Center. She founded the JAMS group and is a Board Member of the Senior Advisory Council. We are glad to have her and are looking for her to do good things with the Chores and More Program. Mr. Kirk further stated that the Program Update listed a number of groups that have had outings to the Springbrook Nature Center. These groups pay our staff to lead a nature educational program. We continue to draw these groups on a regular basis throughout the year. th Mr. Kirk stated that Moore Lake Beach closed for the season on August 14. There were a good numbers of swimmers and sunbathers at Moore Lake Beach during this season, but the numbers are still much lower than when the City provided lifeguards at the beach. Also, the e- coli bacteria readings were very low at the beach throughout the swimming season this year. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting – September 12, 2011 Page 2 Mr. Kirk stated that there were several special events with the summer recreation programs, including the Nickel Jamboree which was attended by just over 250 people this year. Margo Prasek does a nice job coordinating this event for us which has a number of carnival type games and entertainment for the kids and families. Mr. Kirk stated that some of the fall programs like the adult fall softball and the 4 Person football league are underway, as well as many of the fitness programs. The after-school activities for the students start this week. b. Park Maintenance Report Mr. Kirk stated that Mr. Lindquist is not able to be at the meeting this evening, but has submitted a written report of park maintenance activity over the past month. They have done a nice job with preparing facilities for the recreation programs. With less staff this year and the additional burden of mowing the University Avenue corridor, they have still been able to keep the parks in pretty good shape. Mr. Kirk showed the Parks and Recreation Commission the new Tobacco Free sign that is being installed throughout our park system. There will be about 70 signs that will be installed in Fridley Parks. c. Springbrook Nature Center Report Mr. Kirk stated that a nature center gazebo was burned down last spring due to arson and work has now begun to rebuild the structure. It should be completed and ready by use some time next week. Mr. Kirk further stated that Centerpoint Energy discovered some corrosion in a pipe along the nature center western border during a routine inspection last week. The have begun the work to repair the problem and it will require some restoration work to nature center land when the work is complete. Mr. Kirk stated that he and City Engineer Jim Kosluchar met with Coon Creek Watershed District personnel to discuss the condition of the flood control weirs within the nature center. The weirs are in poor condition and need some repair work fairly soon. There will likely be some more discussion before a final solution to solving the problem is reached. Mr. Kirk also stated that the nature center staff started a new program last month, a photography interest group. There were 65 people that attended the initial meeting. d. Pumpkin Night in the Park Mr. Kirk stated that the annual Pumpkin Night in the Park at Springbrook Nature Center is nd scheduled for Saturday, October 22. The Pumpkin Night is a non-violent, family oriented event with fun costumed characters and a trail lined with hundreds of carved and lighted pumpkins. Mr. Kirk further stated that the activities scheduled for Pumpkin Night include an indoor trail, a dance with a DJ, the enchanted outdoor trail, the Roadkill Café and a special Elvis live performance. The Springbrook Nature Center Foundation will have a concession stand and there will also be Spooky BINGO. He invited the Commission members to attend this very popular community event. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting – September 12, 2011 Page 3 2. NEW BUSINESS a.Concussion Policy for Youth Activities Mr. Kirk stated that the State of Minnesota passed a law regarding concussions and how they are handled by agencies organizing youth activities. Staff has put together a policy for dealing with concussions and would like to present it to the Parks and Recreation Commission this evening. Mr. Kirk stated that the policy being recommended by staff outlines what the City of Fridley Parks and Recreation Department will do to address this state law. Mr. Kirk further stated that the City of Fridley will do the following: 1. Make information accessible to all participating youth leaders, coaches, officials, youth athletes and their parents or guardians about the nature and risks of concussion, and the protocols and content, consistent with current medical knowledge from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, related to:  the nature and risks of concussions associated with athletic activity;  the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with a concussion;  the need to alert appropriate medical professionals for urgent diagnoses and treatment when a youth athlete is suspected or observed to have received a concussion; and the need for a youth athlete who sustains a concussion to follow proper medical direction and protocols for treatment and returning to play. 2. Require all participating youth leaders, coaches, and officials to receive initial on-line training through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site, and to continue this training at least once every three calendar years. 3. Require that a youth leader, coach or officials shall remove a youth athlete from participating in any youth athletic activity when the youth athlete:  exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; or  is suspected of sustaining a concussion. 4. Require that when a youth athlete is removed from participation because of a concussion, the youth athlete may not again participate in the activity until he/she:  no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; and  is evaluated by a provider trained and experienced in evaluating and managing concussions and the provider gives the youth athlete written permission to again participate in the activity. Mr. Kirk stated that the reverse side of the handout that the Commission members have on this policy is a more detailed procedure on how the Parks and Recreation Department will implement this policy. It specifies that staff will work with the Fridley Youth Sports Association on this policy and help by providing information to that group. The training to meet the requirements of this policy is available on-line through the Centers for Disease Control. That is where coaches, leaders and staff can be educated on what to do in dealing with Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting – September 12, 2011 Page 4 concussions in youth. There are on-line quizzes to insure that the information is being learned and a certificate of completion is awarded when a person finishes the required coursework. Mr. Kondrick recommended that this information on youth concussions be provided to all youth groups or organizations that use our facilities for their programs. Mr. Kirk stated that the Recreation Office could attach this youth concussion policy with the field reservation form, so that any youth group or team using the facility is being made aware of the requirements. Mr. Kirk stated that the leaders hired by the Recreation Department to work with youth activities will be directed to take the on-line course and exam. The certificate of completion will be placed in their personnel file. The certificate is good for a three year period of time. Ms. Sibell asked about having a lap top at the next meeting to show Commission members some of the on-line tutorial for the youth concussions. Mr. Kirk stated that he would look into having that available. MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to approve the staff recommended policy on concussions resulting from youth activities. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. b. Sand Dunes Park Trail Mr. Kirk stated that Commission member Barrett had been contacted by a Fridley resident about the future plans for a trail at the Sand Dunes Park. He expected the resident to be at the meeting this evening but she is not in attendance. He thought that Ms. Barrett could tell a little about her conversation and that the Commission may wish to table this item to a future meeting when the resident is able to attend. Ms. Barrett stated that she had a phone conversation with Ann Teskey back in April or May about the Sand Dunes Park. Ms. Teskey had heard something about the City not accepting a grant for installing a new path at the dunes park. She was disappointed in that, because she would like to visit the park and would like a trail system installed. Ms. Barrett further stated that after this conversation, she found out from talking with Mr. Kirk that the City had not turned down a grant that was approved, rather the City decided not to apply for a grant for a trail in the Sand Dunes Park. Ms. Barrett relayed this information to Ms. Teskey, but she was still interested in something being done at the Sand Dunes Park in terms of a trail system. Ms. Barrett stated that Ms. Teskey really likes the natural appearance of the dunes area and would like to use it, but because she doesn’t walk real well she would like to see an accessible path installed at the park. Ms. Barrett invited her to this evening’s meeting to share her concerns with the entire Commission, but apparently she was unable to be here. Perhaps she will be able to attend a future meeting. Mr. Kirk stated that it is true that the Sand Dunes trail was one of several trail areas that was considered for grant applications this past spring. The estimated cost for the sand dunes trail was approximately $80,000 and would have required some matching funds from the City. The City Council decided to apply for some other trail segments at this time that would help with bicycle or pedestrian movement in other areas of the City. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting – September 12, 2011 Page 5 MOTION by Ms. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Kondrick to table this item until the next meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. c. Tree Preservation Ordinance Mr. Kirk stated that the City recently made some modifications to the tree preservation ordinance. The suggested changes were brought to the Parks and Recreation Commission for discussion and then were moved on to the Planning Commission and City Council. The original ordinance was very restrictive regarding tree removal on public land and it had actually been enacted around 40 years ago to prevent a golf course from being built at Springbrook Nature Center. Mr. Kirk stated that the recent changes to the tree preservation ordinance will make it easier to complete future projects in the parks. Mr. Kirk further stated that because the ordinance reads public land, it affects more than just parks. There has been a recent remodeling and landscaping project around the Sam’s Auto rd parts site off Old Central and 73 Avenue. There are some trees on the boulevard that should be removed with this project, but due to the ordinance any removal has to wait until the project is reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission and the City Council. All three boards would have to approve the project before it could move ahead. This situation and others like it raised the question of whether or not the ordinance is really needed at all today. Mr. Kirk stated that City staff has recommended that the City repeal the Tree Preservation ordinance. This was discussed with the City Council in a pre-Council meeting conference session this evening. The City Council wanted the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission to weigh in on this before they took further action. Mr. Kirk stated that they would like to act on this as soon as possible, which is why he added this item to the agenda this evening. Mr. Kondrick stated that he had no problem with the staff recommendation to repeal this tree preservation ordinance, as long as we can still review the impact of projects that affect park land in the community. Mr. Heintz stated he agreed that the Commission should still have the opportunity to discuss tree removals and replacements in the park system. MOTION by Ms. Barrett, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to support the City Council repealing the existing tree preservation ordinance with the request that the Parks and Recreation Commission continue to have the opportunity to review projects in the park system that will impact tree removal. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Heintz, to adjourn the September 12, 2011 meeting at 8:05 p.m. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SIBELL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2011 MEETING ADJOURNED.