P W MEMOS. w _ From the desk d _ NASIM QURESHI CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE . � DATE: Se tember 28 1983 TO SUB,IECT: John F ora RUSTY WATER COMPLAINT BY DAVID DAYTON 6435 HIGHWAY 65, 571-3877, THROUGH COUNCIL- MAN SCHNEIDER ��/ � /' 7�/iF�/f/ MEMORANDUM JF-211 ACTIQPJ I INFO Mr. Dayton called Councilman Schneider indicating that they are at the end of a water line and they have been having a rusty water problem. His wife is a nurse and she can't even keep her uniforms white. He complained to the City and we flushed the line. Please see what other action we can take to help the situation and also advise them if their hot water heater might have a problem. Thank you for your assistance. NMQ/ms Sept�nber 29, 1983 We have been c anmunicating with Mr. Dayton. This is a dead-end line, but we had not received any complaints in this area previously. We are currently flushing this line approxi.mately once each week which should alleviate the proble�n. There has been plans to develop the vacant propesty t,o the north. We have looked at this arxi have proposed to loo�jv this line when the property is developed. JGF/mh DATE FROM SUBJECT PUBLIC WOR� M�iINTFNANCE 1983 Vollanan ]h�sty Water at 6435 Highway 65 IOAEMORANDUIIA rintendent TO John Flora. Director x David Dayton is the new owner of the property at 6435 Highway 65, since June of this year. We have a record of goin� to his home on two separate occasions. The first time was on July 18, and the second time on August 16. iiis complaints were that his water has a bad smell in the morning, the water is discolorecl from time-to-time and the staining of the porcelain fixtures in his home. tiVe gave him some possible solutions for his problems. The staining of tlie porcelain fixtures could be correctecl by using a product calleci Rover, wliich he could purcliase from the City. The other remedy was to flush this dead-end line approximately every week. The only permanent solution would be to loop this dead-end line. 0 IONI INFO CITY OF FRI�LEY 8131 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55�132 October 12, 1983 TELEPHONE ( 612)571•3450 Mr. David M. Dayton 6435 HighWay #65 N.E. Fridley, I�] 55�32 Re: "Black Hills FireWood" sign at 6�35 Highxay #65 N.E. Dear Nr. Dayton: It rras confirmed by an on-site inspection on October 5, 1983 that you xere displaying a business sign� advertising your home occupation, at the above listed address. Although the City Zoning Code does permit certain home occupations, the City Sign Code does not permit the displaying of any advertising signs in a residential neighborhood. Therefore, the City must require that you remove and discontinue displaying any advertising signs at this address. It Would be expected that the sign Will be removed on or before October 24, 1983, at Which time a reinspection Will be conducted to determine complianee. �le are confident in your cooperation on this matter and if any questions or problems result from this letter, please feel free to call on me at 571-3450. Sincerely, _ � � STEVEN J. OLSON, R.S. Environmental Officer SJO/mh TMa c�Tv os FRI L Y DIF�ECTORATE OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE October 26, 1983 FROM D.P,W. John Flora SUBJECT Rusty Water, 6435 Highway #65 N.E. M EM O R A N D U M TO Nasim Qureshi, City Manager Ralph Volkman ACTIONI iNFO• Councilman Schneider requested information on the rusty water complaint from David Dayton of 6435 Highway #65 N.E. at the Monday night Conference meeting, October 24, 1983. Previous complaints about rusty water from Mr. Dayton, who purchased the property in May when he moved from southern Minneapolis, resulted in the Water Department initiating a weekly hydrant flushing schedule. The home is located on a dead-end waterline and it was felt that by flushing the line any rust particles would be removed. I visited the property with Merle Longerbone on Tuesday, October 25, 1983. It appears that Mr. Dayton is concerned with the iron traces left in the plumbing facilities by dripping water. I explained that this is a natural phenomenon of our water and it can be eliminated by replacing the fixture washers so the faucets will not drip. There was an exessive build-up of rust on the outside faucet. This probably has occured due to our excessive flushing of the hydrant. The house service is between the hydrant and the dead-end. Accordingly, any debris released in the line will find its way into the house system. We will stop flushing this hydrant and wait a few weeks for the line to settle and see if we have reduced the amount of suspended material in the service. If we can obtain an easement from the adjoining property to the north we will extend the line thereby looping the system with our in-house forces. The work will be scheduled for this fall if its possible. If not, as a temporary solution of this dead-end problem, we will install a service line valve at the end of the line an� use this to remove all the suspended matter in the line. Through this procedure we should be able to flush out all of the current dead water until such time as the �vater line is looped. JGF/de,. —_`-� cc: Address File�