SP01-11 CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE FRIDLEY, MN 55432 (763) 572-3592 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Residential Second Accessory Others PROPERTY 1NFORMATION: (site plan required for submittal, see attached) Address: /��' f��rrrm,��{/ ���,rc L� r Property Identification Number: Legal Description: Lot /Q' Block_� Tract/Addition Sf��v�tfu�Ps?"_� Current Zoning: Square footage/acreage: /oo X �35� Reason for Special Use: G'i.�a,�A�;F Have you operated a business in a city which required a business license? Yes No � If Yes, which City? If Yes, what type of business? W�s that licens� ever denied or revoked? Yes NQ rV/V/V/V/V/V�V�V�rAr/V�Vti/�//V/V/V�V rr^/�rAr�VtiArti/V1V/V/V�V�VA/NAr/VAr/V iV�V/V�rti/r/V/V/V�V/VNAr/VMti/�/1V/V/V/V/VM/V Nti�VAr/�r/o1r�VIV�rAr�V�V r�r FEE OWNER INFORMATION (as it appears on the property title) (Contract purchasers: Fee owners must sign this form prior to processing.) - NAME: 5 E — � ADDRESS: / QAYTI,ME PHONE: 7f,3-3�/- �G/o___ SIGNATURE/DATE , ' .1 i. �. � ' '..� � • r ! �.� !" �.'.J �t%� �7,F:�-��� °�%d -`f�''G f-> c;�i�?5.�����7r;+� rY-�ir_<` Yi /Y) �C� � ...............................r.......................................r.............................��.................................�........................................�...................r..................�..... PETITIONER INFORMATION NAME: �19Yn� ADDRESS: DAYTIME PHONE: SIGNATURE/DATE: J ����__��_�������_����������_������������������������������..����������������� Section of City Code: _ FEES Fee: $100.00 � Residential Second Accessory $400.00 Others Application Number:..� C}�// Receipt #: . �33� Received By: Scheduled Planning Commission Date: f��,�vv/ Scheduled City Council Date: p�,V�, .v' .���oC�/ 10 Day Application Complete Notification Date: �`� _�n � �T��a/ 60 Day Date: °�� � r� � �. � �� SPECIAL USE PERMIT PROCESS � ,�._.:,�r,�:::..t�� . ';��,}� ' �F:�riv�. \`:�_ '- .����::,°.` se: A specicrl use permit allows the City with the discretion to : �,���>�{ �=� deternune the suitability of certcun uses on the general health, �;���?`�:.�. ,���,�`�� welfcu�e cmd public sc�ety. >....., :;;'� ." '�.�`>,� ��� ��� �' Considerations: The City may consider the following to determuie the _ �� �� '..:Y., suitability of a certcdn use: � . �:. � � -- 1. the nature of the lcmd on which the use is to be located, 2. the nature of the adjacent lcmd or buildings, 3. the effect on trc�fic into%ut of the site, or on adjacent roads, 4. cmy other factors the City shall identify as crppropriate to determine the effect of such use. The Special Use Permit process begins by filling out a SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION. This, with a site plcm, cmd other appropricrte drawings, must be submitted to the Plcmning stc�f. A fee is associated with the application; $100 for second accessory building applications, $400 for all other applications. Fees cu�e non-refundable. Once the application is received, the application is reviewed by stc�f from the Plcmrung, Engineering, Assessing, Fire, cmd Police Depcu�tments. The impacts to adjacent properties cu�e discussed, cmd stipulations cu�e developed. Simultcmeously, a mcriling list of all properties within a 350 foot radius of the properiy is generated. Notices of the request are sent to these properiy owners. There is approximately four weeks between the application due date cmd the Plcmning Commission meeting. Prior to the meeting of the Plcmning Commission, a stc�f report is written, cmd the petitioner called regcQding the stc�f recommendation. The Plcmning Commission is made up of seven residents of the community. The meetings a�e held the first cmd third Wednesdays of the month at 7:30 pm in the Council Chcunbers in the Municipal Center. The Plcu-uiing Commission is cm advisory commission to the City Council. It is the responsibility of the Plcmning Commission to conduct a public hecQing, gather testimony cmd make a recommendation to the City Council regcu�ding all special use permit requests. Additional information regcsding the Specicrl Use Permit Process may be obtcdned by calling the City of Fridley Plamning Depcu�tment at 572-3599 or 572-3593. 26 - s:i.nr.n.�..� �, �..... uy .� � "�NI 'JN11J33NI9N� NH9?Jn 9nS '�6�a�d .r��-���� J°; liil°Q c-G ��ui�Pa`i���ns sd pu°/P!os uc.�o u�•Fwo j�`s�u�wy�na�cn a�q�su�p�aav'caa�ay{,`s6uiq�9/lo��y�/��.. PuO`P�l P�!'n"P a�v90 ay�r� sa��opu�►aq�ry�b fia�.�ns n�n uni.�o�uas��».��a�o�pero ait y o si sulf f°SbF �.��f����9�� ' ' � � • . . . I _ f i � ��1 . �`' i �j � ----- • --. ! l-- , . L , �- _t"--_. . ___. _.,, � �� � �� _..�- � ----. _-- _--- - . ..._ ,---- . � r. _ , ��L �` __ .._. __.. -- ; t��, � ,� �--=x-�-- _ . � (� I .�i� � OP� 1 ; + �_ 1 _� ' �•.i��• ta-'a�'�� F o��, L�. � .. 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'��n s�s ho,uy6�f�-S�tT.� �iiiiuun���Pt�o� / ;, _ _ CIIYOF F'RiDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIP.�L CENTER •6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(763)571-3450•FAX(763) 571-1287 September 21, 2001 Stanley John Cupryna 128 Hartman Circle Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Cupryna: Per Minnesota Statute 15.99, local government units are required to notify land use applicants within 10 days if their land use applications are complete. We o�cially received your application for a special use permit on September 14, 2001. This letter serves to inform you that your application is complete. Your application hearing and discussion will take place at the City of Fridley Planning Commission Meeting on October 17, 2001 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers at 6431 University Avenue. Final action on your request will be taken by the City of Fridley City Council at 7:30 P.M. on November 5, 2001. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the process, please feel free to contact me at 572-3599. Sincerely, � / ' �; �� U� � �Paul Bolin, AICP Planning Coordinator PB C-01-125 -r---. _ �_ ��._ � lC��-��, � ��� ��c,� � _ / City of Fridley PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given ihat there will be a public hearing of the Fridley Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Wednesday,October 17,2001,a17:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideratioh of a Special Use Permit,SP #01=t1, by Stanley Cupryna, for a second accessory structure (garage), legally described as Lot 10, Block 1, Sandhurst Addition, generally located at 728 Hartman Circle. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. Any questions relat- ed to this item may be referred to Paul Bolin, Planning Coordinator at 763-572-3599. Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an interpreter or other per- sons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 763- 572-3500 no later than October 11, 2001. The TDD number is 763-572-3534. DIANE SAVAGE CHAIR PLANNING COMMISSION (October 4, 11, 2001) Columbia Heights, Fridley,Hilltop Focus News � PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing of the Fridley Planning Commission at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 7 :30 p.m. for the purpose of : Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #O1-11, by Stanley Cupryna, for a second accessory structure (garage) , legally described as Lot 10, Block l, Sandhurst Addition, generally located at 128 Hartman Circle. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place . Any questions related to this item may be referred to Paul Bolin, Planning Coordinator at 763-572-3599 . Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 763-572-3500 no later than October 11, 2001 . The TDD number is 763-572-3534 . DIANE SAVAGE CHAIR PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: October 4 , 2001 October 11, 2001 CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO: All property owners/residents within 350 feet of property generally located at 128 Hartman Circle. CASE NUMBER: S ecial Use Permit, SP #01-11 APPLICANT: Stanley Cupryna Petitioner or re resentative must attend the Plannin Commission meetin . PURPOSE: For a second accessory structure (garage). LOCATION OF 128 Hartman Circle PROPERTY AND LEGAL Lot 10, Block 1, SandhurstAddition DESCRIPTION: DATE AND TIME OF Planning Commission Meeting: HEARING: Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. The Planning Commission Meetings are televised live the night of the meeting on Channel 17. PLACE OF Fridley Municipal Center, City Council Chambers HEAR/NG: 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN HOW TO 1. You may attend hearings and testify. PARTICIPATE: 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to Paul Bolin, Planning Coordinator, at 6431 University Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432 or FAX at 763-571-1287. SPECIAL Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an ACCOMODATIONS: interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 763-572-3500 no later than October 11, 2001. The TDD # is 763-572-3534. ANY QUESTIONS: Contact Paul Bolin, Planning Coordinator, at 763-572-3599 or Stacy Stromberg, Planner, at 763-572-3595. Publish: October 4, 2001 October 11, 2001 � City of Special Use Permit Request Fridley #01 -11 , � ; � 69th Wa -- �� -a ,� c� �j � \ � � � � � > U � c co � � ca = Locke Lake R rt ' �,�.;_:��:� �r�% ; �k.+.: .:,. 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M � ' ?��-wx�:•7�;" � � V �� 'C�. � V � ��C.OV �/► U « y .S�� ���n �s � �P �� �u s� � �{�St�l� �V S /d e °� Ske�' City of Fridley Land Use Application SP#01-11 October 17, 2001 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIAL INFORMATION Applicant: Physical Characteristics: Stanley Cupryna Typical suburban landscaping. 128 Harnnan Circle Fridley MN 55432 SUMMARY OF PROJECT Requested Action: The petitioner,Mr. Cupryna is seeking a special use Special Use Perniit to allow a second pernut to allow the construction of a 676 square accessory structure over 240 square feet. foot accessory building. Exi�ir�g 7�oning: SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS R-1 (Single Family Residential) City Staff recommends approval of this special Location: use permit, with stipulations. 128 Hartman Circle Second accessory buildings over 240 square feet Size: are a permitted special use in the R-1 zoning 13,500 sq. ft. .30 acres district,provided the total square footage of all E�sting Land Use: accessory building doesn't exceed 1,400 square Single family home. feet. The current two-stall garage is 425 square Surrounding Land Use&Zoning: feet and the e�sting shed in 110 square feet. The N: Single Family&R-1 proposed accessory structure is 676 square feet. E: Single Family&R-1 The total of all accessory buildings e�sting and S: Single Family&R-1 proposed is 1,290 square feet. W: Single Family&R-1 CITY COLTNCIL ACTION/60 DAY DATE Comprehensive Plan Conformance: City Council— 11/5/O1 Consistent with Plan 60 Day— 11/13/O1 Zoning Ordinance Conformance: , � . .� � .,�,.: ,� ,�, � Sec. 205.07.1.C.(1)requires a special use : � �'" ��,. t�� � �`� � ���� � �r �� permit to a11ow accessory buildings other :`"���� ���= ��� �'� '� � than the first accessory building,over 240 '' �� square feet. ��`����� Zoning History: " ���r 1955—Lot is platted. 1958—Home and Garage are built. � , , � ,� , ��� a 1969—Variance granted to reduce the side ' �� � ''"� yard setback to 2 ft. for a garage addition. 1980—Addition to home. Legal Description of Property: Lot 10,Block 1, Sandhurst Addition (Location of Proposed Garage) Public Utilities: Home is connected. Staff Report Prepared by: Stacy Stromberg Transportation: The east portion of Hartman Circle would provide access to the proposed garage. 12 SP #01-11 REQUEST The petitioner, Stanley Cupryna is seeking a special use permit to allow the construction of a 672 square foot second accessory building. The building will be used for vehicle parking. ANALYSIS The property is located on Hartman Circle, with the home being "squared up"to and fronting on the north side of Hartman Circle. The existing home and single stall garage were built in 1958. A variance was granted in 1969 to reduce the side yard setback to two feet for a garage addition. . . . ��k.A. . �.rx �.�f�� nw� �'��. t . tt+� M�o - . n . . <.. � � .. , y; � ,# rp'r �g . I�M � �•II4��I � .. � �.�4 ��� ��` ,, t�������, � r � � w �, �€a � -� d .�l r � . �.� �:. �� ��;.� , .�r � +�,� " � ,��, ��� _ � «� � � b p# i -y(i'�lk '�x. �`"� , t;.3 .'�,x �..%.»" .T . .r,r.a.. . . 1.. � . "%� oae�oS: �f � � +^�.s'.�., .. '.:' . . . .. �. .... : ..... �... . .:. . "'�'y` m}3tz ,���f ��'.s���,R �` .�ptr.r. . ��a` �� 4. � � � � _ , . �� ^.. , , ,> '., �'�cu' ��� ;�,:i�,'� _�.�^# aL�wk:: � '"�3 t� � i� { ��m Yl � �. } R� .i# �a .r �.� � �3'�'.^v Existing home and attached garage Accessory structures over 240 square feet are a permitted special use in the R-1 zoning district. The existing garage is 504 square feet, the existing shed is 110 square feet and the proposed accessory structure is 672 square feet. The existing garage and shed, plus the proposed accessory structure are a total of 1,290 square feet, which is 110 square feet less than the total allowed by Code. The proposed garage location meets all setbacks and lot coverage requirements. City staff has received comments from two neighboring property owners. Their concerns were that an additional garage may cause an increase in traffic patterns, may harbor a possible home occupation and may change the character of the neighborhood. 13 Staff has not identified any adverse impacts on the neighborhood from the granting of this special use permit and construction of the garage. The primary use for this structure is to store cars collected by the petitioner. The petitioner plans to keep the privacy fence intact around the property, with a gate that will open to the proposed garage in the rear yard. �,� � ,.ra � �� � �< <��V 'r�� � � �� � ��.• a f � a� � �� �: ,�, f � � ���� � � Y�`�� ��� .'r �A ti # � ��� A�R��� n � � �� - � =�� ° �.;a �; �'_`�` �. . ,� :> . � � . � �U, _ . <, , , r,.- � � ,' �M� � i'�i. ' I € - — tir 4 � �',� - � � � r '� � � i�i� II i I� Ilil I �I ,, . � Proposed Garage Location in Rear Yard of the Property RECOMMENDATIONS City Staff recommends approval as second accessory structures are permitted under special use permit in the R-1 Single Family District. STIPULATIONS Staff recommends that if the special use permit is granted, the following stipulations be attached. 1. Petitioner shall install Code required hard surface driveway within 12 months of issuance of the building permit. 2. Petitioner shall obtain all necessary building permits prior to construction. 3. The structure shall not be used for a home occupation or living area. 4. All vehicles shall be stored on a hard surface as approved by the City. 5. Total square footage of all accessory structures must not exceed 1,400 square feet. 6. Garage shall be architecturally compatible with existing home and finished with same siding and color scheme. 14 L . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2001 PAGE 4 Ms. Savage stated t�f5is will go to City Council on November 5. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #01-11, by Stanley Cupryna, for a second accessory structure (garage), generally located at 128 Hartman Circle. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED AT 7:48 P.M. Ms. Stromberg stated the petitioner is seeking a special use permit to construct a 676 square foot accessory building at his residence. The accessory building would be primarily used for vehicle parking. Code requires a special use permit to allow accessory buildings other than the first accessory building over 240 square feet. The total square footage of accessory structures shall not exceed 1,400 square feet. The total square footage of the existing garage, shed, and the proposed accessory structure is 1,290 square feet. The proposed garage will be accessed frorrm the east side of Hartman Circle. Staff recommends approval with the following stipulations as second accessory buildings over 240 square feet are a permitted special use in the R-1 zoning district: 1. The petitioner shall install a Code-required hard surface driveway within 12 months of the issuance of the building permit. 2. The petitioner shall obtain all necessary permits prior to construction. 3. The structure shall not be used for a home occupation or living area. 4. All vehicles shall be stored on a hard surface as approved by the City. 5. Total square footage of all accessory structures must not exceed 1,400 square feet. 6. The garage shall be architecturally compatible with existing home and finished with the same siding and color scheme. Mr. Kondrick asked if any neighbors objected. Ms. Stromberg stated that some neighbors expressed concerns over an increase in traffic or a possible home occupation or change in neighborhood character. Staff didn't identify any adverse impacts on the neighborhood due to the granting of this special use permit. The petitioner plans to use this structure for the storage of cars he collects. Mr. Oquist asked if the entrance to the garage would be on the east and it would be a short driveway. Ms. Stromberg stated that is correct. The petitioner, Mr. Cupryna, stated he has three cars total along with his sons, and he just needs somewhere to store them. He has no problems with the stipulations. Ms. Greshik, 121 Hartman Circle, stated that Mr. Cupryna would like to put stucco on the garage and upgrade the house to stucco in the next two to three years. The house is wood siding now. Ms. Savage stated they wanted the garage to be architecturally compatible with the house. � 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2001 PAGE 3 Mr. Johnson stated his conce n is if tractors hooked onto these trailers wouid be running all night. Mr. Avery stated they would ot be. It is like a temporary warehouse for just the trailers. Mr. Johnson asked if it would go exactly 75 days at a time. Mr. Avery stated that it could a little over or under 75 days one time per year. They do not want the trailers any longer tha they have to. The trailers are set back as far as they can get them in the parking lot. Mr. Johnson asked if it would be fr February to mid-April. Mr. Ziegler stated that is correct. Mr. Avery stated the distribution daily ould last from about 8:00 a.m. to about 5:00 a.m. Mr. Johnson asked if the phone book di tribution went on inside the building. Mr. Avery stated that people deliver the p one books door to door. It is only the distribution center. MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. quist, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, AIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEAR NG WAS CLOSED AT 7:40 P.M. Ms. Savage stated the special use permit does t state it is just for temporary use. Ms. Stromberg stated that is correct; but when the Knights of Columbus contacted the City, it was only for the Qwest distribution which would be emporary. Ms. Savage stated they could have another request t at would not require temporary use and would be permitted. She just wanted to clarify that. Mr. Kuechle stated that they should add a stipulation of e 75 day period. MOTION by Mr. Kuechle, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to re ommend approval of SP#01-10 with the following stipulations: 1. The number of trailers shall not, at any time, exceed th ee (3). 2. The trailer size shall not exceed Minnesota Department f Transportation standards for enclosed trailers. 3. The trailers shall be the enclosed-type allowing contents t be screened on site and from adjacent properties. 4. The trailers shall be stored on site no longer than 75 days pe year. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAG DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � o PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2001 PAGE 5 Ms. Greshik stated it wouid match the house and have the same roofline. She built an extra garage last year, and she has a stucco garage and house. Mr. Kuechle stated the concern with that stipulation is that they do not want a house that looks good and then put a tacky storage building next to the house. Mr. Cupryna asked if it would be okay. Mr. Kondrick stated it would be as long as the house is upgraded to stucco within the next few years. Ms. Savage asked if any neighbors had any problems with this. Mr. Cupryna stated only one neighbor had questions. Mr. Steve Ling, 120 Hartman Circle, stated that he wanted to know if the fence was going to stay up. Mr. Cupryna stated it would. Mr. Cupryna stated his fence is a six foot high privacy fence' and, basically, you cannot see back there. Ms. Savage stated that stipulation #6 could be changed to: "The garage shall be architecturally compatible with the existing home." Ms. Stromberg stated that would be acceptable. MOTION by Mr. Kuechle, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED AT 7:50 P.M. Mr. Kondrick stated that it is fine with him. It would look great as stucco and adding a garage would be okay. Ms. Savage stated that she has no problem with this either. MOTION by Ms. Johns, seconded by Mr. Kuechle, to app�ove SP #01-11 with the following stipulations: 1. The petitioner shall install a code-required hard surface driveway within 12 months of issuance of the building permit. 2. The petitioner shall obtain all necessary building permits prior to construction. 3. The structure shall not be used for home occupation or living area. 4. All vehicles shall be stored on a hard surface driveway as approved by the City. 5. The total square footage of all accessory structures must not exceed 1400 square feet. 6. The garage shall be architecturally compatible with the existing home. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 2001 PAGE 6 Ms. Savage stated that this would go to Council on November 5. RECEIVE JU Y 17 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY & ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by M . Johns, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the minutes. UPON A VOICE OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRI UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr. Kond ick, seconded by Mr. Kuechle, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, LL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SAVAGE DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AN THE OCTOBER 17, 2001, PLANNING COMMISSION WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:55 P. . Respectfully submitted, �. ��-x.-a.�� Signe . Johns ;� Recording Secretary � AGENDA ITEM � CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 2001 CffY OF FRIDLEY Date: November 5, 2001 � To: William Burns, City Manager �l� From: Scott Hickok, Community Development Director Paul Bolin, Planning Coordinator Stacy Bulthuis, Planner Subject: Special Use Permit Request, SP#01-11, Stanley Cupryna M-01-159 INTRODUCTION Stanley Cupryna is seeking a special use permit to allow the construction of a 676 square foot second accessory building at his residence at 128 Hartman Circle. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION At the October 17, 2001, Planning Commission meeting, a public hearing was held for SP #01-11. After a brief discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the special use permit, SP#01-11, with a minor modification to the stipulations as presented. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING STAFF RECOMMNEDATION City Staff recommends concurrence with the Planning Commission. STIPULATIONS 1. Petitioner shall install Code required hard surface driveway within 12 months of issuance of the building permit. 2. Petitioner shall obtain all necessary building permits prior to construction. 3. The structure shall not be used for a home occupation or living area. 4. All vehicles shall be stored on a hard surface as approved by the City. 5. Total square footage of all accessory structures must not exceed 1,400 square feet. 6. Garage shall be architecturally compatible with existing home. 11 FRIDLEY CITY COU�iCIL �LEETING OF NOVEMBER 5,2001 PAGE 2 APPROVED SPECIAI. U PERI�IIT REQUEST, SP #01-10 WITH THE FOLLO��'IrG FOLR S IPUL.ATIONS: 1. THE NL�IBER OF TRaII.ERS SHALL NOT, AT �� " TIl�1E, EYCEED THREE (3); 2. THE TRAILER SIZE SHaLL YOT EXCEE �IIti�IESOTA DEPART:�IENT OF TRANSPORTATION STArD�RDS FOR �CLOSED TRAILERS; 3. THE TRAILERS SH.-�I.L BE ErCLOSED-T�C"P aLLOWIrG CONTE�iTS TO BE SCREENED ON SI�'E �ND FRO�I ADJaC ."T PROPERTIES; AND �3. THE TRAILERS SH.�I.L BE STORED ON S E � �L-�XI�IU�I OF SEVENTY-FIVE DAYS (7�) PER Y�E�R. 3. SPECI_�L USE PER�IIT REQUEST, SP #01-11, BY ST�rLEY CUYPR�C�i a, TO :�LLO�`� THE CO�STRL'CTIO�i OF a SECO�D aCCESSOR�' STRL'CTtiRE (GaR�GE), GE�ER.-�LLY' LOC:�TED �T 123 H�RT�1_-�� CIRCLE N.E. (`�'aRD 3): �[r. Bums. City �1ana�er, stated that is a request to construct a 676 square foot accessory� buildin� at 128 Hartman Circle. Staff recommended concunence with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve subject to si�c stipulations. �PPROVED SPECIaL USE PER��IIT REQUEST, SP #01-11, `VITH THE FOLLOW�ING SIX STIPULATIONS: l. PETITIONER SHALL INST�LL CODE REQLIRED HaRD StiRFACE DRI`'E`�'AY `VITHI�I 12 �IONTHS OF ISSli:�rCE OF THE BL'ILDING PER�IIT; 2. PETITIONER SHALL OBTAIN ALL �ECESSARY BUILDING PERl�1ITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; 3. THE STRt;CTURE SH:�LL NOT BE USED FOR A HOME OCCUPATIOv OR LIVI`G AREA; =�. ALL VEHICLES SHALL BE STORED ON A HARD StiRF:�CE AS APPROVED BY THE CITY; �, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ALL aCCESSORY" STRUCTtiRES MUST NOT EXCEED 1,400 SQtiARE FEET; ArD 6. GARAGE SHALL BE ARCHITECTLTR.ALLY' COMPATIBLE `VITH EYISTIrG HO�IE. 4. RESOLUTI r NO. 59-2001 ELECTI�IG TO CONTI�LTE PARTICIPATING Ir THE LOCAL OtiSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRANI U�1DER THE �IETROPOLIT ' LIVABLE COi�IMUi�iITIES ACT: NIr. Burns, City Mana, r, stated that Metropolitan Council asked if we could renew the City's commitment to pro ide affordable housing. The Metropolitan Council provides to each community an A rdable and Life-Cycle Housing Opportunities Amount (ALHO a). The ALHOA is e minimum amount of local discretionary expenditures to assist with the de�•elopment preservation of affordable and life cycle housing. Fridlev's 2002 ALHOA figure is 6. There are pragmatic reasons for continuing such as the Livable Communities Act gr �vhich is looking for money to clean up polluted sites. Staff recommended Council's app val. ADOPTED RESOLtiTION NO. �9-2001. � _ CITYOE FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER•6�i31 UNIVERSITY.-��'E. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(763)571-3450•FAX(763)571-1287 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE November 6, 2001 Stanley Cupryna 128 Hartman Circle Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Cupryna: On November 5, 2001, the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for a Special Use Permit, SP #01-11, to allow a second accessory structure over 240 square feet, legally described as Lot 10, Block 1, Sandhurst Addition, generally located at 128 Hartman Circle. Approval of this special use permit is contingent upon the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner shall install Code required hard surFace driveway within 12 months of issuance of the building permit. 2. Petitioner shall obtain ail necessary building permits prior to construction. 3. The structure shall not be used for a home occupation or living area. 4. All vehicles shall be stored on a hard surface as approved by the City. 5. Total square footage of all accessory structures must not exceed 1,400 square feet. 6. Garage shall be architecturally compatible with existing home. You have one year from the date of City Council action to initiate construction. If you cannot begin construction in time, you must submit a letter requesting an extension at least three � weeks prior to the expiration date. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call me at 763-572-3590. Sinc rely, i % � S ickok / Community Development Director SH/jt cc: Special Use Permit File Address File Mary Hintz Action Taken Letter- Stanley Cupryna Page 2 November 6, 2001 Please review the above, sign the statement below and return one copy to the City of Fridley Planning Department by November 16, 2001. Concur with action taken. C-01-142 1 ' � � � 5 3o ac.�_� � .�c�37 . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL USE PERMIT COUNTY OF ANOKA ) CITY OF FRlQL�Y } In the Matter of: A Special Use Permit, SP #01-11 Owner: Stanley J. Cupryna The above entitled matter came before the City Council of the City of Fridley and was heard on the 5'h day of November, 2001, on a petition for a special use permit pursuant to the City of Fridley's Zoning Ordinance, for the following described property: To allow the construction of a second accessory structure (garage), legally described as Lot 10, Block 1, Sandhurst Addition, subject to easement of record, generally located at 128 Hartman Circle NE. IT IS ORDERED that a special use permit be granted as upon the following conditions or reasons: Approved with six stipulations. See City Council meeting minutes of November 5, 2001. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COU�!TY �F P.NQKA ) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF FRIDLEY ) , , . w I, Debra A. Skogen, City Clerk for the City of Fridley, with and in for said City of Fridley, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy and Order granting a special use permit with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand at the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in the County of Anoka on the ��h day of ,IV�n-v.�.�,��..e� , 2001. DRAFTED BY: City of Fridley I � 6431 University Avenue N.E. �-- Fridley, MN 55432 Debra A. Skogen, City C rk 1.�'�" ' �,ra� , �,�"�'� • � • �'• :��, d � � �{�EALr .. . : � ,{ . i �'. � , � h � ��.�. ,i � f�:. _ �, 1 s'�z ��f f•�'•.,� � ',. `'� il,�l� •y•••i�.��,•" w�,, t": ��+ � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5,2001 PAGE 2 APPROVED SPECIAL U PERMIT REQUEST, SP #01-10 WITH THE FOLLOWING FOUR S IPULATIONS: 1. THE NUMBER OF TRAILERS SHALL NOT, AT A TIME, EXCEED THREE (3); 2. THE TRAILER SIZE SHALL NOT EXCEE NTINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS FOR NCLOSED TRAILERS; 3. THE TRAILERS SHALL BE ENCLOSED-TYP ALLOWING CONTENTS TO BE SCREENED ON SITE AND FRONI ADJAC T PROPERTIES; AND 4. THE TRAILERS SHALL BE STORED ON S E A MAXIMUM OF SEVENTY-FIVE DAYS (75) PER YEAR. 3. SPECIAL USE PERVTIT REQUEST, SP #01-11, BY STANLEY CUYPRY�IA, TO ALLO`V THE CO�STRUCTION OF � SECOND ACCESSORY STRU�TURE (GAR�GE), GENERALLY LOCATED AT 128 HARTMAN CIRCLE N.E. (WARD 3): Mr. Bums, City Manaaer, stated that is a request to construct a 676 square foot accessory building at 128 Hartman Circle. Staff recommended concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve subject to six stipulations. APPROVED SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #01-11, WITH THE FOLLOWING SIX STIPULATIONS: 1. PETITIONER SHALL INSTALL CODE REQUIRED HARD SL'RFACE DRIVEWAY WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT; 2. PETITIONER SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY BUILDING PERMITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; 3. THE STRUCTURE SHALL NOT BE USED FOR A HOME OCCUPATION OR LIVING AREA; 4. ALL VEffiCLES SHALL BE STORED ON A HARD SURFACE AS APPROVED BY THE CITY; 5, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ALL ACCESSORY STRUCTURES MUST NOT EXCEED 1,400 SQUARE FEET; AND 6. GARAGE SHALL BE ARCHITECTURALLY COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING HOME. 4. RESOLUTI4 NO. 59-2001 ELECTING TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN THE LOCAL OUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITA LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT: Mr. Burns, City Mana r, stated that Metropolitan Council asked if we could renew the City's commitment to pro ide affordable housing. The Metropolitan Council provides to each community an Af rdable and Life-Cycle Housing Opportunities Amount (ALHOA). The ALHOA is e minimum amount of local discretionary expenditures to assist with the development preservation of affordable and life cycle housing. Fridley's 2002 ALHOA figure is 6. There are pragmatic reasons for continuing such as the Livable Communities Act gra which is looking for money to clean up polluted sites. Staff recommended Council's app val. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 59-2001. . THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 5 , 2001 The Regular Nieeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order by Mayor Lund at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Lund led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Lund, Councilmember Barnette, Councilmember Bolkcom. Councilmember Billings, Councilmember Wolfe. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION by Councilmember Billings to approve the Proposed Consent Agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilmember Bolkcom. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, MAYOR LUND DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: City Council Meeting of October 22, 2001. APPROVED. OLD BUSINESS: 1. RECEIVE THE MINUTES FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 2001: RECEIVED. 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, SP #01-10, BY NORTH AIR HOME ASSOCIATION/KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, TO PARK LARGE TRUCKS BEHIND THE BUILDING, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6831 HIGHWAY 65 N.E. (WARD 2): Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this would allow trailers to park in the rear portion of the property. Staff recommended approval subject to four stipulations. ABSTRACT Receipt#��, a. U`� ❑ Certified Copy ' . Date Mailed � Date/Time:�,a,�/ !7"d� DOCUMENT N0. 1624114 . 0 ABSTRACT ❑ Tax Liens/Releases Doc.Order � of � ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA Q.�.. ❑ Multi-Co Doc Tax Pd ✓by: Pins: 1'� i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE W�THIN INSTRUMENT WAS FILED IN THIS OFFICE Recordability/Delqs: '1 ' ❑ Transfer FOR RECORD ON NOV 2 9 2 0 01 ❑ New Desc. qT 5 : 0 0 PM Filing Fees: AND WAS DULY RECORDED. ❑ Division ❑ GAC FEES AND TAXES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2 O . O O PAID. Well Certificate ❑ Status ❑ Def.Spec Received this Date: RECEIPT N0. Anoka County Recorder ❑ Other �No Change �������3 5 ANOKA COUN7Y PROPER7Y TAX ADMINISTRATOR/RECORDER/REGISTRAR OF TITLES Notes: a av HAD !�i bS�-�^Q,,,�,.`�' Q M�`� DEPU7Y PROPER7Y TAX ADMINISTRATOR/RECORDER/REGISTRAR OF TITLES