1974 April Lf� 'AT THE TOP OF
Fridley's 1st Police Sergeant Retires
Q Fridley's 25th
Linus Fritz
l=J CJ
anniversary Silver _ Steps Down After V
Jubilee Celebration
21 Years of
EEED Dedicated
June 17-23 City Service
The week of June 17•23 has
been proclaimed ''49er DaysLinus Fritz's police career with Fridley's newly formed department began
CEE ('1949 Village incorporation) by in the Fall of 1953. Starting in juvenile work, many citizens of Fridley still
the Jubilee Steering Committee. remember "Fritz", as he was then called, as friendly but firm when he dealt
A variety of events..are scheduled with their juvenile problems.
for that week including parades, Linus Fritz attended the Juvenile Institute in 1956 which furthered his in-
dances, town meeting, speech con volvement with the young people of Fridley. He and his wife Stella were then
raising two boys and a girl and seeing them through the Fridley education system.
test, open houses, softball games,' Linus followed his children through their
g young years by becoming actively in-
aquatic events, theater produe volved in the PTA and Scout groups. While a member of the Hayes PTA, he
tion, ice show, Locke Park camp- started Fridley's first School Patrol and was actively involved until 1969 when his
rv� in, special sales, picnics, ice cream duties necessitated assigning another officer.
L--1 socials and much more. Always safety conscious, Linus Fritz became deeply involved with the Na-
C1 Commemorative coins and but tional Safety Council and for many years was the representative from the Fridley
tens will be sold. Operating com- Police Department and also responsible for the many statistical reports necessary
' to participate.
mittees have been appointed
Linus Fritz received his promotion to sergeant in August of 1959 becoming
ri ey s frsF_Police Yergeant. His duties were greatly expanded as this also
and social organizations to plan made him number two man in the department. Among these duties was the task
the various events. It is hoped of breaking in new police officers. Fritz's most impressive quality was his straight-
that the result of this cerebration forward manner in handling any situation and his enviable ability to deal with
will be an enriched atmosphere people under any circumstances. He was,and still is, greeted everywhere as a man
of community spirit in Fridley. who can listen to both sides of the story and take action which is fair. If
physical force was necessary, as it often was during the early days, it was a
The Jubilee Steering Commit- very comfortable feeling to know that your partner was Sgt. Fritz.
tee wishes to involve as many During his years in the department he was directly associated with the
Fridley citizens as possible in Anoka County Law Enforcement Association, holding all offices including Presi-
the event. 'If you, ;or your local dent.This group was the first effort by police officers in Anoka County to upgrade
organization would like to par- the knowledge they felt necessary for their job. Sgt. Fritz was actively involved
in instructing and his knowledge of firearms was of assistance to a number of
++ ticipate in some way, please con- officers.
tact Leon Madsen, Executive Sec-
retary of the Jubilee Steering While with the Fridley Police Department, his concern for people who were in
trouble was always obvious. His association with Mrs. Betty Bacon and the
Committee, for information, at Friendly Neighbors group continually provided food, clothing, and other necessi-
u the Fridley City Hall, 560.3450. ties to families who had problems and the sight of ever-smiling Sgt. Fritz arriving
a day or so before Christmas with a basket of groceries and toys can only be
described by the recipient.
(Continued on page 2)
1974 Spring Construction
Construction is scheduled to begin late in April or early in May in the
following areas:
1974 City Street Improvement Projects
1. Arthur Street (Mississippi Street to Rice Creek Road)
2. Camelot Lane (Arthur Street east to Cul-de-sac)
3. Squire Drive (Mississippi Street to Rice Creek Road)
4. McKinley Street (75th to Lakeside Road)
5. Rainbow Drive (Service Road to Jupiter) Q
Fridley's New 6. Sunrise Drive (61st to Service Road) DON
7. 7th Street (67th Street to 68th Avenue)
Ctt Manager 8. 68th Avenue (7th Street to Rice Creek Terr.)
1 Avenue) PARDON
Y g 9. 73/z Avenue (Highway x#65 to Central Ave u ) �N�QtV
Mr. Nasim M. Qureshi is our new 10. 5th Street (64th Avenue to 63rd Avenue)
City Manager. Mr. Qureshi was aP 11. Bacon Drive (Onondaga to.75th Avenue)
pointed to this position on January 6,
1974. He replaced Mr. Gerald Davis, 12. Alley between Elm and Main (78th to 79th)
who resigned August 16, 1973, after 13. 78th Avenue (R.R. R/W east to alley)
-moo years with the City.
Nasim has been with the City's en- 1974 State Aid Street Improvement Projects
gineering department as City Engineer 1. 7th Street (Mississippi Street to 67th Avenue)
for the past ten years. Prior to that
he spent some time working with a 2. 79th Avenue (Railway R/W to alley)
variety of architectural firms. Nasim Extra caution around construction areas is urged. Your patience during the
was married last fall, and he and his temporary inconveniences will be appreciated. If you have questions concerning
wife Halima are building a house in the improvements noted above, please feel free to call our Enginering Department
Fridley at this time. for specific details.
� Mississippi Street
Recently the M.T.C. installed three bus shelters in Fridley o0
iAas part of a continuing program in upgrading service along
their north suburban routes. The shelters are located as >
�..: ix >
,» shown on the map at University and MississippiStreet, Q
Mississippi Street and East River Road, and on East River o
„ Road near the Georgetown Apartments. If there are any
suggestions for other shelter locations lease, feel free toGeorgetown -'
call the Fridley Engineering Department and we willpasson Cour
City Police Using
the information to the M.T.C.
Versatile Moving Radar
The Fridley Police Department now
have in operation a new radar unit, FRITZ RETIRES (Continued)
which allows the Police to monitor
vehicle speeds from a moving police He was actively engaged with Judge Elmer Johnson and the Fridley Municipal
car, or from a stationary position. The Court in counseling persons in an effort to effect their return to society as useful
new radar called the MR-7 can be pre- citizens. He unselfishly gave of his own time to help young people meet their
set to a certain speed limit when ap- "first offense" and also to many families to help them resolve their problems and
proaching vehicle exceeds that limit, get back together. He became "the man" to call for help of this type and his
the unit omits a beeping sound. This current involvement in the "Island of Peace" project is typical of his community
will enable the Police Officer to com- minded attitude.
plete other tasks while also watching
for speeders. Linus B. Fritz has given unselfishly of his time and occasionally his personal
From the moving police car, the new funds to further the chances of many; devoted 20 years of his life to serving the
radar can calibrate the speed of the citizens of Fridley as a police officer; and sustained an enviable record while a
police car and the subject car, com member of Fridley's department. Linus Fritz has served the past 20 years with a
pute the difference, and show the ac- friendly smile for everyone and no desire or overt effort for personal gain or
curate speed of the subject car. This recognition, doing the job because it had to be done, giving of himself because
radar unit allows the Police Officer someone could use help.
greater flexibility in patrolling and Retirement Dinner Tuesday, April 16, 1974, 6:30 p.m. Holiday Inn—Brooklyn
frees the patrol unit for other tasks Center. Tickets available at the Fridley Police Department. For ticket information
while still checking speed areas. call 560-3450, Fridley Police Department.
"Turn Your Family On"
Each year, thousands of pedestrians
are injured or killed while walking or
biking along roadsides after dark.
Eighty-five percent of the drivers in-
Bike Safety LEFT TURN volved in nighttime car-pedestrian ac-
cidents don't see the victim until it's
too late.
1. Obey all traffic laws, signs and
signals. They apply to bikes as Over the next four or five months,
well as automobiles. many families will be doing more walk-
2. Use proper hand signals for turns ing and biking at night. And each mile
and stops. they walk or bike along roadways at
night is five times as dangerous as
3. Keep to the right and close to the
curb or side of road. (Never ride the same mile walked during daytime.
against the traffic). You can protect your family with
4. Drive in a single file at all times. reflective tape on their clothing, bikes,
bags and soforth. Reflective trim can
5. Always stop when coming out of RIGHT TURN reflect oncoming headlights 200 times
driveway or alley into the street.
brighter than white. It has been shown
6. Dismount and walk across danger- that 41is square inches of reflective
ous intersections. Do not turn or tape can make your child visible at
cross unless it is safe. 800 feet. That's eight times the safety
7. Never squeeze into narrow places margin he or she has without reflec-
between two automobiles. tive material.
8. Keep both hands on the handle
Be Safe—Be Seen
bars, except to signal a turn or
9. Carry only the number of persons
for which a bicycle has seats.
10. Keep brakes, steering mechanisms,
and other safety devices in good
order. TAX
11. Always drive with caution and
Just a reminder that the appraisers from the City Assessor's Office have
started their'inspections of real estate' to determine 'current market values.
Spring This process will continue well into 1975.
Clean Up Important Note (New Residents)
Persons purchasing and moving into a home after January 2, 1974 but
This year's spring yard clean up
before June 1 1974-if this home was not eligible for homestead classification work must include new garbage cans on January 2—a mid year homestead classification can be had, but application
with tight fitting covers. Plastic sacks must be in by June 14, 1974 if above criteria is met. This could amount to a
alone are easily torn and are not ap- tax saving up to $245.00. If you have a new neighbor that may not receive this
proved for storage of household gar- letter, ;please inform-him of this'credit. One day late forfeits the right to this
bage and refuse. classification.
Leaves, grass clippings and other
materials intended for removal, must important Note (Senior :Citizens)
not be placed at the curb for scheduled
garbage pick up. Numerous people Persons 65 years of age or older, widows and widowers are entitled to real
have made it a practice of placing estate tax reductions based upon <their total income if it is less than $6,000. '
their garbage cans curb side on gar- They may also benefit in the event their real estate taxes, excluding special
bage pick up day. This practice is pro- assessments, are higher than the tax paid in 1973.
hibited and customers should leave Additional benefits on real estate taxes are also available to disabled persons
their cans in the rear yard or side yard
if it is properly screened. owning and occupying their homes. These persons must be recipientsofsupple-
Resident cooperation on this matter mentary social security income for the disabled.
will be appreciated by the City staff, The deadline for filing benefit claims is June 15. For more information, call
and certainly by the neighbors. The Anoka County Treasurer's Office, 421-4760.
DID YOU KNOW . Flood Insurance
Now Available
CITY OF FRIDLEY Flood insurance is now available at
As soon as spring comes, so do dog federally subsidized rates. The insur-
Water Flushing Program complaints. As the snow begins to ance may be purchased from local
We would like to inform the Citizens melt, the City receives an increasing property and casualty agents and brok-
of Fridley that the Water Department number of complaints on dogs running ers for all existing and new structures
will soon be starting their water flush- at large and dog waste deposited on built prior to the identification of the
ing program, to help eliminate rusty areas of the special flood hazard, in
water problems. You will receive noti- lawns, boulevards, and City parks.
fication the day before your area is to Every effort is being made to enforce an amount up to $17,500 for a single
be flushed. You may experience a little City Ordinances to prevent dogs from family structure, and up to $32,000 for
rust in the water on the day we are becoming a nuisance, but the coopera- any other residential and non-resi-
flushing in your neighborhood. tion of all dog owners is needed. dential structure.
We suggest that you flush your hot All dogs over the age of six months The rates on structures, depending
water heater periodically, if you are
having problems with rust in your hot must have a license, which is $5 a upon their value, are from $.25 to
water lines. Following is-_a procedure---year and must be renewed by April --"6 _Mr__$100 of insurance,--and the
you can follow: 30 of each year. A license is required contents may be insured up to $5,000
1. Turn water off by meter. whether the dog is confined to the with rates ranging from $.35 to $.45
2. Turn gas down to "PILOT". owner's premises or not. The City's per $100 of insurance on the residen-
Turn electric heaters to "OFF". Animal Control Service is B&E Patrol, tial properties. Insurance purchases do
3. Hook up water hose to faucet at and their telephone number is 633-6533. not become effective immediately, but
bottom of water heater and place require a 15 day waiting period.
other end of hose by floor drain—
open faucet at bottom of heater. STORM SEWER POLLUTION Owners of property subject to flood-
4. Open hot water tap and let drain REMINDER ing are encouraged to contact their
out completely. The City's Engineering Department local agent or Mr. Jerrold Boardman,
5. Turn water back on by meter. Let would like to remind Fridley residents, Planning Assistant for the City of
tank fill until it starts coming out Fridley, at 560-3450, for information
of hot water tank. Let run for a and its businesses, once again to be
while. extra careful with pollutants that may regarding flood insurance.
6. Shut water off by meter and let be washed into our storm sewer Besides providing coverage against
tank drain again. system. loss, the federal flood insurance pro-
7. Repeat procedure (2 or 3 times) if Petroleum products such as motor gram helps promote sound flood man-
necessary until water is clear. oil, gasoline, some cleaning fluids and agement and land use control. The
8. Shut faucet off at bottom of tank other petroleum distillates are especi- City of Fridley has adopted land use
and remove hose. Turn gas back up ally harmful since they do not readily control measures designed specifically
to "ON". Be sure water is turned
back on by meter (or turn electric dissolve in storm water run off and for the type of flood threat of our
heater on). end up polluting either the river, the community. Again, further informa-
9. Flush all hot watertaps throughout creek or land locked storm drainage tion concerning flood insurance can be
the home. areas within the City. obtained from Mr. Jerrold Boardman.
The Fridley Police Department is 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.
still actively involved in Operation FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432
Identification. The City's crime watch ITY COUNCIL
program is still in effect, and the City's
Mayor y ......... ....... .. ...Frank G. Liebl
Police Department is prepared to fur Councilman at Large .. .- .Everett F. Utter
nish-information and material to en- RL: Councilman-1st Ward ...............::........Tim Breider=
able you to be part of the Operation Councilman-2nd Ward ......`........°.W. R. "Walt" -Starwalt
Identification ,program, Councilman-3rd Ward .......`...............William J. Nee
If further information is needed, CITY MANAGER............................ ...Nasim M. Qureshi.
please 'contact our crime prevention CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY
officers. Administrative Offices—Civic Center.....................560-3450
Police (24 Hours-Non Emergency).......`................"560-3457
Office Hours.......8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ......:'Monday through Friday,
POLICE EMERGENCIES ...... .'........................4271212
FIRE EMERGENCIES .....................s...............560-1500