1974 July 'AT THE TOP OF
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Voter Registration
E�E Say
;3ic vcie sa e'y tt ll cont hues Don't forget about the coming elections. The Primary Election Day, if
to _bo a pro ,-eta scheduled, will be September 10, 1974, and the General Election Day is scheduled
;c, c ,i , i rite, It, is the re- for November 5, 1974.
�;ponsil,ihty of the 3 ar ? ts, Voter registration can be made at the Fridley Civic Center at 6431 University
childre-n, and all cy clisft• to rc Avenue N.E., from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and also at the Anoka County
member the rules of the roads Auditor's Office in the Anoka County Court House from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
as far as bicycles are con-
cerned.d. It would be a shamie to
have a crackdown once a seri- IF A PRIMARY ELECTION IS HELD SEPTEMBER 10, 1974,
ous accident occurs, but the
throughout the comanunit,y
continue to operate ,.ehicies
,vith little concern for anyone Friday August 16 . ..:. ..... .. .............8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
else: Saturday August 17 . .10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Bicycles,are to br r(Men on Monday and Tuesday August 19 and 20. ................. .8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
the right side of ,he .o:A, the Registration for the Primary Election will close 20 days before an election to
same din-
as th( cars, allow for processing of all new registrations. Registration will open again on
-nd the n o,* i nportan point Election Day for the convenience of anyone who was unable to register before
of all while cycling is to re- the deadline.
toember that thi> cyclis, is to
❑ obey all traffic !awl, signs and
4irale the sa,.W as auto Remember'..To Avoid Long Wait$ On ElediOn Day,
rnR�I-:ilei The catelesisness and
*nti cmnOcte ;is be ? i- Register In Advance!
cv(,?es have for tr tft'.c laws
,r€ y o, only a inenace to them-
selves, but. to other cyclists. In order to register at the polls you must meet one of the following requirements:
and last of all, the au~o no)ile 1. Have a valid drivers license with you.
(.river. 2. Have a valid non-qualification certificate issued by the Minnesota Department
Traffic laws are for the safe- of Safety.
of the cyclist. and nrosf of 3. Bring someone who lives in your precinct to sign an oath stating you reside
he time the cyclists' oiggest
in the precinct where you are voting.
c.emy is not the auto, ob."le, General qualifications for voting include:
but himself or another 1. U.S. Citizenship.
less bicyclist. So ig_cin we will 2. 18 years on the day of election.
a -" •rl of you to be zw•are of 3. Resident of Minnesota for Twenty (20) Days.
tho, f i-iffic .a;a•s and errin i You must register if you have not registered or voted in Fridley during the
your children to condcrc9 them last four years, have reached age 18 since the last election; have changed your
Rr t�1 selves on a bicycle in such a name by marriage or otherwise since the last election; have or will become a
way that you would feel safe naturalized citizen within thirty days of the election.
if they were on the road with Filings for office open July 8 and close August 7 at 5:00 p.m. for the offices
you. of Mayor and Councilman at Large. Both of these terms are for three years,
and petitions for filing may be obtained from the City Clerk at City Hall from
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The filing fee is $5.
(ouncil Initiates Two Part
�w Recreation Plan St
The Fridley Planning Department has been directed to carry out a two part
study program for the completion of the Comprehensive Parks & Recreation
They are:
1. A detailed study for establishing a Bicycle-Pedestrian System in the
City of Fridley.
Ilk The purpose for this study is to set up a program for the development
FRIDLEY'S of a bicycle-pedestrian system in order to provide safer access for the bicycle
user and the pedestrian in the City. The study calls for the establishment of
Naturalist-Resource a citizen coordinating committee to assist the Planning Department in the
Coordinator development and the implementation of the plan. The committee will act
as an information source to the public as well as a citizen channel for
Mr. Dan Huff is our new Naturalist- response. The committee will be directly involved in the establishment of
Resource Coordinator. Mr. Huff was the study guidelines and the setting up of a working system.
appointed to this position on May 6, 2. A detailed plan for the development of Parks & Recreation programs
1974. This position is new and Mr.Huff and facilities.
has started this position on Jul 1
1974. a recreation s u-3y Kai §—heen se up m offer mor the aP rks and Recre
Mr. Huff has been employed by the ation Commission and the Fridley City Council to help determine what
University of Minnesota as an Assist- type of recreation programs and facilities are required to serve the changing
ant Professor of Wildlife. Dan has a needs of the citizens. The study calls for a review of the existing programs
Ph.D. and M.S. in Wildlife from the and facilities in order to determine their usage and relate this information
University of Minnesota, and a Bache- to the public demand for facilities.
for of Science in Biology from the There will be a survey conducted early this summer by the Planning
University of Lamaur in Beaumont, Department in order to gather the information needed for the two studies.
Texas. Mr. Huff and his wife Betty It is important that we receive good response on these questionnaires in
Lynn and his daughter Rebecca Lynn order to better determine your recreation needs.
presently reside in St. Paul at 2365 If you have any concerns or questions about these programs, please feel
Valentine Avenue. free to contact the Fridley Planning Department at 560-3450.
Animal Control
Starting August 1, 1974, the City will be making some changes in its animal
control service. Effective August 1, the Metropolitan Animal Control Service, Inc. `
will become the City's animal control service. Patrolling of the City will be
supervised more closely through our Police Department. Also, an impounding fee
will be charged to the animal owner of $10 in addition to the boarding charges
required by the animal control service.
The Metropolitan Animal Control Service, Inc. will also be issuing violation
tags to owners of dogs and cats for violating our City ordinances, and this is
primarily the leash law and the requirement for a dog license. The animal control
service will also sell City dog licenses to dog owners of impounded dogs, which °
will be a requirement before release of the animal. The new animal control service
---vAW alsorovide 24-hour-dive answering rmg service for -all-con plaints-g'here--will—
also be a vehicle assigned to respond to calls on an emergency basis after hours.
It is the hope of our City staff that these improvements in our animal µ
control service will help eliminate some of the problems that are caused by stray
animals. It is also our intention in noting this in the newsletter to bring to the
attention of all our citizens to be a responsible dog owner.
All dogs over the age of six months are required to have a license, which is
$5 a year, and must be renewed by April 30 of each year. This license is required
whether the dog is confined to the owners premises or not.
A special message to cat owners—cats also cause problems in the neighbor-
hood by killing birds, dirtying sand boxes, biting, scratching and howling in the
evening. According to animal experts, cats do not need to go outdoors and can
live their entire lives inside, and in fact, are better off if they stay inside. A cat
that is allowed outdoors has a life expectancy of two years, whereas, a cat kept
in the house lives 12 to 18 years. Cat experts also state that cats are much :"i
better pets and less offensive to neighbors if they have been neutered or spayed.
Female cats do not need to have even one litter (and in most cases should not),
and males stray less.
As an animal owner, you know the companionship and pleasure an animal ANIMAL COMPLAINTS?
adds to your life. But there are many individuals who own dogs and cats who do Call
not realize or accept the responsibilities of ownership. Your dog or cat does not
have a sense of civic responsibility, so you have to have it for him. Put yourself Fridley Police Department
in your neighbor's place and try to imagine how your dogs' or cats' habits affect
560- 3450
•slrelap og?Dads ioj •uuag4 NDOI pus 'S3I30I
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113AI I S anal s, Ael p!ad
lv�l 41A
July 27-August 2. ............Minnesota State Babe Ruth
Baseball Tournament
July 27-August 7....... .. .. .F.Y.F.A. Football Registration e "`•
for both boys and girls
August 10-August 11. .... .. ..Minnesota Men's State Open
Slow Pitch Softball Tournament
(both at Commons Park)
August 25....... .. .Moore Lake Beach closes for the Season
p > Permit No.2886
o Minneapolis, MN
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a ae
N- e
UrThe Fridley Police Department is UNI1lERSI % AyENUg
still actively involved in Operation . RIDLEY, 14 tE'1AswR543�. ���
Identification. The City's crime watch ® �
a "a
program is still in effect, and the City's
lf � ..: l=ank aye
Police Department is prepared to fur- V
.. <� � �� Everett F U*
nish information and material to en- C c � .T �
able you to be part of the Operation 1t N
Identification program.
If further information is needed,
lease; contact our crime prevention ® R E II EC ORY
p P �� W
Y 560-3457
thp�tfjh Frtd