APRIL, 1982
I/ NO. 34
With the delivery of the equipment for Phase I (Text Production) and
Phase II,(Broadcasting"Canned"Materials)of Fridley's Civic Cable TV
Channel and activation by Northern Cablevision's technicians, the
development of the new civic channel is underway.
Our new Apple II Microcomputer and related hardware and software ;
increases the text production potential of the Civic Channel from four
pages composed of ten 24 character lines to 30 pages made up of nine 18
character lines,an increase of more than 400%.As a result,we will be able -
to add City Council agenda highlights, city job announcements, civic
center hours of operation, emergency weather notices, polling place
locations and other emergency announcements to the existing program of I
information about governmental activities and services.
With the activation of Channel 30, the City Council meetings will be
broadcast on Monday evenings over it rather than the Local Origination
Channel 3.An eleven part video-course on the U.S.Constitution has been
made available to us by the Department of Independent Study of the
University of Minnesota.It will also be broadcast over the Civic Channel. Microcomputer that serves as Channel 30's Text
The course can be taken for credit. Producer.
Using the existing facilities of the Public Access Channel, it's studio
and porta-pak, we have produced a videotape version of the Fridley,
Minnesota/Fourmies,France AV presentation,a case study of Cable TV
in Fridley,and a program dealing with the creation,function and grand
opening festivities of the Springbrook Nature Center.These will also be
incorporated into our programming schedule.
The Civic Channel's initial broadcasting schedule consists of:
Monday: Expanded Textual Messages as previously outlined in-
cluding City Council Agenda Highlights.
City Council Meetings—Evening.
Tuesday: Expanded Textual Messages.
U.of M.Independent Study Course—Afternoon.
Wednesday: Expanded Textual Messages.
Special Program (Fridley/Fourmies or Springbrook or Program being taped in the
CATV Case Study)—Afternoon.
access studio.
Thursday: Expanded Textual Messages ®w
U.of M.Class Rebroadcast—Afternoon. �E-
Friday: Expanded Textual Messages.
Special Program—Afternoon.
Saturday: Expanded Textual Messages.
Sunday: Expanded Textual Messages.
We are currently working on a means of using our Apple II micro- IM
computer to run our video tape recorder at night and on weekends.This
will enable the Civic Channel to attract a larger and more diverse $ `
audience than our current schedule allows. Also in the works is an
expansion of our tape library of offerings and the purchase of our Phase
III equipment(porta-pak and accessories)for the production of our own
programs. Videotape recorder/player for broadcasting taped
". April 18 through the 24th has been
designated "Recycling Week" by Gov-
ernor Al Quie.The designation is a part of
the "Keep Minnesota Beautiful Month"
which is from April 24 to May 22.
On April first,a five day packet will be
Events Begin on June 22, 1982 delivered to the schools in Fridley to
suggest activities for each day of the
The Fridley'49ers is an organization which was developed to commemorate the 25th week. A poster contest will be held and
anniversary of Fridley.From that group a number of individuals under the auspices of judged by Mrs. Quie. The activities in-
the Fridley Chamber of Commerce formed the nucleus of the organization that clude grades Kindergarten through twelve.
developed the first'49er Days held June 26-29,1975. In response to the "Governor's Re-
The choice of the name "Fridley '49ers" was intended to observe three important cycling Week," Mayor Bill Nee has pro-
events:the drafting of the Charter of the City of Fridley in 1949;the designation as a claimed a Fridley"Recycling Week"dur-
territory in 1849 of the area which is now the State of Minnesota;and also in 1849,the ing the same week.The Fridley Environ-
start of the Gold Rush Days in the West.The logo of the'49er Days,the covered wagon mental Quality Commission and Energy
and oxen,was to combine each of these ideas. Commission along with members of SORT
The responsibility of the '49ers is to organize and develop an annual community (SaveOur ng possible clable Trash) are con-
ties to coordinate
celebration and to implement plans to carry out these celebrations. Individuals mayschool districts during this week.
become involved in the'49er organization by attending the meetings scheduled for the Starting with the scshooApril 18, ridley's recycling cen-
ter Wednesday of each month at the Fridley Civic Center. ter will be accepting used motor oil.
All residents are urged to bring their
recyclable trash and oil to the SORT
Recycling Center during the week of April
Scheduled Celebration Highlights 18 through April 24th. The Recycling
Center will be open 10:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m.
FRIDLEY'49ER DAYS JUNE 22-26TH on Saturday and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tentative Schedule)* Monday through Friday.If residents have
any questions,feel free to call Bill Deblon
Tuesday—June 22nd or Connie Metcalf at 571-3450.
GREAT SKATE................ e .................2 3rd....................... Evening NATIONAL YEAR
Wednesday—June 23rd
MISS FRIDLEY FASHION SHOW............................................ 11:30 A.M. OF DISABLED
BEARDJUDGING............................................................ 6:30 P.M.
SENIORS' DANCE ........................................................... 7:00 P.M. PERSONS
JAYCEE'S VARIETY SHOW ................................................. 8:00 P.M.
Thursday June 24th The Congress of the United States has
Y— designated 1982 as National Year of Dis-
SENIORS' BOWLING TOURNEY ............................................. ALL DAY abled Persons in response to the mo-
CHAMBER LUNCHEON......................................................12 NOON mentum established during the Inter-
KID'S BALLOON RELEASE .................................................. 4:00 P.M. national Year of Disabled Persons(IYDP).
HOLLY CENTER FAIR ....................................................... 6:00 P.M. The National Office on Disability has
BAND CONCERT AND MO VIE .............................................. 8:00 P.M. been established to continue the work of
Friday—June 25th the U.S. Council for the IYDP, and the
SOFTBALL GAME ........................................................... 6:30 P.M. IYDP advertising campaign is being
SQUAREDANCE ............................................................ 8:00 P.M. continued.
FIREWORKS DISPLAY...................................................... 10:00 P.M. The City of Fridley also renewed its
Saturday—June 26th commitment to reaching the goal of the full
LIONESS' 10K RUN .......................................................... 8:30 A.M. participation of disabled persons in our
GRAND PARADE ........................................................... 10:00 A.M. community. On February 1, 1982 Mayor
LION'S BEACH SPECIAL .................................................... 7:00 P.M. William Nee proclaimed 1982 as National
'49ER CELEBRATION DANCE ............................................... 8:45 P.M. Year of Disabled Persons. Mayor Nee
'Watch the June issues of Fridley Sun for final schedules. called upon the citizens of Fridley to observe
the year through activities in support of the
Pre-celebration registration is required for the following events: long-range goals of and for disabled persons
BEARD CONTEST ............................................. RON'S BARBER SHOP promoted during the IYDP.
PARADE ENTRIES ................................................. 571-3450, EXT. 137 IYDP Chairpersons Lynn Boergerhoff
MISS FRIDLEY CANDIDATES...................................... 571-3450, EXT. 137 and Barbara Terpstra are continuing to
JAYCEE'S VARIETY SHOW ....................................... 571-3450, EXT. 137 serve as the committee leaders and urge all
LION ESS' 10K RUN ................................................ 571-3450, EXT. 137 interested citizens to participate in activities
planned for 1982.An accessibility survey of
public buildings and facilities will be con-
NOTICE TO ducted throughout the spring and summer.
Additional volunteers are needed for this
effort. Results of the needs assessment
survey conducted through the City News-
If you are 62 years of age or older or ment for information concerning Sen- letter last fall are presently available upon
disabled and your combined yearly for Citizen water and sewer rates.Call request.For further information about the
income is $11,228.00 or less, please 571-3450,Extension 135. accessibility or for a copy of the report on
contact the Utility Billing Depart- the needs assessment, call 571-3450, Ext.
171. .
Page 2 City of Fridley Spring, 1982
News From The
Fridley Police Department
What i ( 'roe "I �.' SOME WORDS OF ADVICE
Causes • Use a deadbolt lock on all outside doors. If your door has glass panels use double-
Bike 0 1 cylinder locks requiring key inside.Install door guards such as chain locks.Remember
—42%of all home break-ins by burglars are made by forcing inadequate front door
Accidents? locks)
• Do not leave important keys"under the mat"or other obvious places.If keys are lost,
change the locks.
If you don't want to be involved in a • Maintain a list of the serial numbers and descriptions of portable items such as
bike accident we suggest that you obey television,hi-fi,typewriter,etc.
the following rules: Before going on vacation take these simple precautions:
1. STOP FOR STOP SIGNS. 1. Leave a key with a trusted neighbor or friend and ask him to keep an eye on your
2. STOP AND LOOK before you enter house.
the street from a driveway or alley. 2. Arrange to have someone keep your lawn cut.
3. LOOK BOTH WAYS AND SIG- 3. Instruct the postoffice to hold all mail and stop all other deliveries such as milk
NAL before you cross from one side and newspapers.
of the street to the other. 4. Install timing devices on several lights in your home which will automatically
4. DON'T RIDE AT NIGHT unless turn the lights on during the evening hours. This will give your home the
you have a white light to the front, appearance of being occupied.
and one or more reflectors to the
rear and sides. PROTECT YOUR CAR
5. STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF • Always lock doors,ignition,trunk and windows.
THE STREET next to the curb and * Never leave valuables or packages on a car seat in clear view—hide them in the
ride in single file when riding in p g
groups. glove compartment,under the seat,or in the trunk.
6. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN HOW • Don't leave your license, registration certificate, credit cards, or other identifying
TO RIDE SAFELY and be sure credentials in your car.If the car is stolen,the thief will have additional credentials
they are on the proper size bike. to defraud others.
7. WALK YOUR BIKE across high- • Don't have your car keys identified with your license number.If they are lost,it's an
ways and busy intersections. invitation for the finder to steal your car.
TRIANS, especially on sidewalks * Never leave your car parked for prolonged periods at airport parking lots.
or crosswalks. * Fasten your car tape deck securely to the dashboard.The frequency of theft of this
9. BE SURE YOUR BIKE IS IN type of equipment is very high.
10. WATCH THE STREET AHEAD • BEFORE YOU GO OUT AT NIGHT: eave word with the family or a friend as to
OF YOU for holes, missing man- your destination and estimated time o eturn.
hole covers,etc. • WHEN DRIVING:Look inside the car before entering—an intruder may be hiding
For the children on trikes,WATCH and on the floor in the rear. . .keep doors locked and windows up. . . blow the horn if
teach them to stay out of the streets, as followed or curbed by another car. . .raise hood if car breaks down but remain in car
they are small and low to the ground and with doors and windows locked.If unidentified stranger offers help,don't open door,
very difficult to see by motorists. just lower window slightly. . .stay a car length away from the car in front of you
Also remember,YOU CAN RECEIVE when you stop for a light.That way,you'll have room to"take off"if if someone should
A TRAFFIC TICKET for driving viola- try to enter your car.
tions when riding your bike, just as the • WHEN DOOR BELL RINGS:Always check visitor's identity.Keep chain catch in
drivers of automobiles who violate the place until certain about credentials.
Let's have a SAFE summer on your you only suspect that something may be wrong.Don't encourage a"breather."Say
bikes.Adults,please teach your children hello twice and then hang up if you receive no answer.If crank calls persist,ask your
HOW to ride safely so that they may live telephone company representative and the Fridley Police Department for advice and
to enjoy more biking. assistance.
DAVID SALLMAN On April 30th,1982,Lieutenant Rick will be retiring from
Dave Sallman was named"Police Officer of the Year"at the the Fridley Police Department after 21 years of service.
Tenth Annual Knights of Columbus Dinner and Dance on Lieutenant Rick joined the Police Department on May 1st,
January 16, 1982. 1961.He had previously been with the University of Min-
Officer Sallman joined the Fridley Police Department in nesota Police Department.
September 1977.He attended the University of Minnesota and While in the Fridley Police Force,Howard Rick served as
received a Bachelor's Degree.He is currently working towards a Patrol Officer, Investigator, Shift Sergeant, Detective
a Master's Degree at the College of St. Thomas. Officer Sergeant and Police Lieutenant.
Sallman has received commendations from both his depart-
ment and the public.On September 8th,1981,Officer Sallman Thank you,Lieutenant Rick,for your unselfish devotion to
was instrumental in the apprehension of a bank robbery duty,your dedicated service,the untold amount of assistance
suspect in our community. The individual was later linked rendered to the public and the giving of 21 years of your life
with many other Twin Cities bank robberies. for the protection and service of your community.
Congratulations Officer Sallman! Best wishes from all of us.
Spring, 1982 City of Fridley Page 3
Again this year, the Fridley's water utility crews will be
flushing the City's entire water system during the month of
April.This is required to remove sediment in the lines which
-- builds up over the winter,and to check the serviceability of the
STREET FLOODING fire hydrants within the City.
Due to the high cost of printing and delivery, individual
In the early spring when the ice is starting to melt and the homeowner notices will NOT be distributed providing time
winter debris has not yet been cleaned away,street flooding and location of area flushings.
can occur.The City's street sweeping program is scheduled Duringthe month of April,
to start in April and will take a p you may experience some
p approximately 30 working discoloration of your water during the flushing period.If this
days to complete.In the interim,you can assist in ensuring should occur and it does not clear up within an hour,residents
that your street or driveway is not flooded by removing the are asked to call the Public Works Department at 571-3450,
snow, ice or other debris that accumulates at each storm Ext.157,from 8:00 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.Monday through Friday.
sewer catch basin,located at the curb line of the street.A
few minutes of your time to pick up the sticks, leaves or
paper that has built up along the curb will allow the water HOT WATER HEATER FLUSHING
to pass and enter the storm sewer system,without flooding
your property.Thank you for your assistance and patience. Once the spring water main flushing program has been
completed, the Public Works water personnel would like to
suggest that residents flush their hot water heaters. Many
sediments such as iron,magnesium and calcium may build up
in the bottom of your hot water heater,causing discoloration
or rust in the hot water taps. (Calcium appears as sand
particles in the hot water system.)In most cases,this can be
eliminated by flushing the hot water heaters.Please contact
the Public Works Department, 571-3450, Ext. 157, for the
.O N LY simple procedure you can follow to flush your hot water heater.
By flushing your hot water heater,not only will the tank be
cleaned out, but also the heater will run more efficiently and
LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN help conserve energy.
With the increasing amount of vehicular traffic, it is YOUR BASEMENT
becoming extremely difficult to pass through or enter many j
of our intersections. As a means of eliminating the prob-
lems and providing for safe traffic flow,wherever sufficient A reminder to homeowners or residents—drain tile hooked
space is available or whenever we can incorporate street into the sanitary sewer line is against the law. This also
widening with other improvements, we are providing for applies to any type of storm sewer diversion into sanitary
left and right turn lanes.This spring,we will be painting sewer lines. Excessive storm water entering the sanitary
lane lines and arrows identifying left turn,straight ahead sewer lines may cause sewer line back-ups into homes.If you
and right turn lanes. have any question regarding proper drain tiling or storm j
water diversion,please call the Protective Inspection Division
On the more congested intersections,we will be establish- at 571-3450,Ext. 164.
ing these lanes: the left turn lane and the straight ahead
and right turn lane.We will be coordinating with the State
and County in using similar markings on their streets
within the City, whenever possible. This system will pro- SANITARY SEWER BACKUPS -
vide for left turns wit-hout imposing the straight-through or
right-turn traffic flow.The intersections will be striped,the If the sanitary sewer in your residence ever begins to back
pavement marked and signs posted.Your observation and up into the basement,please notify the Public Works Depart
compliance with these changes will provide safe and time- ment-Maintenance Division immediately.An inspection will
saving traffic movement. be performed by our sewer personnel to determine if the
problem is in the homeowner's sewer service or the City sewer
line. This quick action could prevent unnecessary water
ON-Are If your sewer backs up or you have further questions,please
Rl�;l�r �roC� call 571-3450,Ext.157.After hours call the Police Department,
RENEW YOUR DOG LICENSE Also during this time of year,it is a good idea to pour a small
pail of water into the floor drain(s)in your home.The water in
The City's animal control ordinance requires that all the drain's trap may have evaporated over the winter months,
dogs over the age of six months must have a license which allowing minor offensive odors to escape into the basement.
must be renewed by April 30th each year. Although cats As an additional measure to ensure the sanitary sewer lines
will not be required to have a license,the owners of cats are remain open,it is requested that you notify the Public Works
held responsible for them. Maintenance Division,571-3450,Ext. 157 whenever you have
See page 7 for the license application form. your home service line roto-rooted. We will inspect the main
line to ensure that any roots or debris freed are removed from
To prevent dogs or cats from becoming neighborhood the system and will not catch or block the line at another
pests,all dogs or cats not confined within an enclosure such location. Your assistance in this precautionary measure is
as a yard or fence should be on a leash securely fastened or desired and your down stream neighbors will appreciate this
held so that they cannot run loose. assistance.
Page 4 City of Fridley Spring, 1982
• e e
What you do first can mean life or
-���`• death for you and your family.
ai w Ul
c �r j- 1 `� I! " ' �r I P .iL
J. • Go to your storm cellar, vegetable
aa� a ! cellar or fallout shelter.If you have
" '1XI,o�" no special shelter,go to the basement
A corner nearest the tornado (usually
W _ E /T"�IIiJ AREA 3 ,I - r the southwest corner). If you have no
basement, crawl under heavy furni-
ture in the center of your house.Stay
S 1 ARE 2 �._. in your shelter until you are certain
the danger has passed.
a�I ; -- _ ��—� - • Leave windows open on the side of
1,Il L I i __�� ` 1 u Fe o
the house away from the tornado.
This will equalize the air pressure
inside your house.
,► i �,^ - -
nn • Stay away from windows.
r _ n �� �l� I��; I ;l� • If you are in a car,move away from
the tornado path at a right angle.
fv 1E A � - l �� • If you are in the open,lie down flat
in the nearest depression—a ditch,
' : o,•• �- /� - ravine or culvert. Stay there until�f j danger from flying objects has ceased.
M as
c- ISM 6�_�
, _I I..— _ 0J1` � ASSESSOR'S
�o rr r�
b - _- We are at that time of year when we are
�s,� finishing the January 2, 1982 physical
I �"�i _. �� appraisals and starting the January 2,
i� 1d,- R 1983 area.
FLUSHING SCHEDULE The area appraisers will be working for
I - the January 2, 1983 assessment is basic-
MEA s �-;I� i The City of Fridley will flush hydrants ally east of Burlington Northern Rail-
- 'Li during the month of April. No flushing road, between Mississippi Street and
i will be done on Saturday or Sunday. 57th Avenue.
The flushing may create a disturbance , When the appraiser stops at your home
Tin the watermains and may cause dark, and no one is there,he will leave a pink
I colored water.Although the water is safe slip with our phone number on it.Please
- p for human consumption, there is the call immediately to set up an appoint-
danger of staining clothing if you are ment while he is still in the area.This will
O washing clothes.Please make note of the save tax dollars,time and fuel.
week the maintenance crews will be flush- K Don't forget to pay your first half of
Ding your area. this year's tax on or before June 1. The
I If you have any questions, please call penalty on June 2nd,according to law at
T _ - 571-3450,Ext: 157. the time of this writing, is 3%for home-
TN *SCHEDULE stead property and 7%for other property.
AREA 2 APRIL 12-16
AREA 3 APRIL 19-23
AREA 4 APRIL 26-30
*Estimated Dates
Spring, 1982 City of Fridley Page 5
1 7:30 p.m. 2 3
Parks and Plannin Housin and
City Council g. Redevelopment
Meeting Recreation Commission
7:30 m. Commission 7:30 p.m. Authority
4 5 P 6 7:30 p.m. 7 8 7:30 p.m. 9 10
Appeals Commission Charter
7:30 p.m.
Community Commission
11 Development 14 15 730 P.m
12 13
Commission 7:30 p.m. 16 17
City Council Qualit Planning CATV
Meeting Commission Commission Commission
18 19 7:30 p.m. 20 7:30 p.m. 217:30 p.m. 22 T45 p.m. 23 24
Energy Commission
7:30 p.m.
Commissi28 29 30on
25 26 277:30 P m.
MAY 1982
Parks and Human
City Council Recreation Planning Resources
Meeting Commission Commission Commission
2 3 7:30 P.m. 4 7:30 p.m. 5 7:30 p.m. 6 7:30 p.m. 7 8
Community Development Housing and
Commission 7:30 p.m. Redevelopment Authority
Appeals Commission 7:30 m.
9 10 11 7:30P m 12 13 Meet go7:45 p.m. 14 15
Environmental Quality
City Council Planning Charter Commission
Meeting Commission Meeting Commission Meeting
7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
City Council Energy Commission
Meeting 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
23 24 Appeals Commission
30 31 HOLIDAY 25 7:30 p.m. 26 27 28 29
JUNE 1982
Parks and Human
Recreation Resources
Commission Commission
1 7:30 p.m. 2 3 7:30 p.m. 4 5
Community Development Planning Housingg and
Council Commission Commission Redevetopment Authority
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. 7:30 m. CATV Commission
P 10 Meeting 7:30 p.m. 11 12
Environmental Quality
Commission Meeting
7:30 p.m.
13 14 15 lealmCommissi rr 16 17 18 19
City Council Energy 'Planning
Meeting Commission Commission
20 21 7:30 P.m. 22 7:30 P.m. g " P.m. 24 25 26
27 28 29 7:30 p.m. 30
Page 6 City of Fridley Spring, 1982
A BURNING QUESTION Although the use of portable heaters continues to
consumer must be made aware of the dangers that can result
from the improper use of this form of heat producer. The
manufacturers and salesmen must take every precaution to
Serious questions have surfaced regarding portable kero- make sure that you,the buyer,know how to safely operate,fuel
sene heater usage.With the sudden use of such heating units and place the heater in a safe area. Remember, the most
as a result of a search for more economical methods of heating common danger is due to the carelessness or negligence of the
one's home,these heaters can be both a blessing and a curse. operator.
While the Federal government provides tax relief for those If you have any questions about your portable heater or the
who insulate their homes, more and more citizens seek future purchase of a heater, do not hesitate to call the Fire
alternate sources of heat. There now exists a serious lack of Department 571-3450,Ext. 177.
knowledge about the heaters themselves such as how they
function and their fire and life safety. CITY EMPLOYEES RECEIVE
A recent fire in this city caused considerable damage to both C.P.R. CERTIFICATION
the house and contents and caused second degree burns to one
of the occupants.No matter how safe a manufacturer builds or Basic Cardiopulminary Resuscitation(C.P.R.) was offered
designs his unit,if it is used improperly serious repercussions
may result to both the user's life and property. to all city employees this winter.The main objectives were to
make employees aware of the signs and signals of an onset of a
Some of the reported unsafe practices are: use of improper heart attack,what to do if they occur to themselves or another,
grade of kerosene, using gasoline, storage of fuel inside, how to assist a choking person and certification as a Basic
problems with transportation of fuel and anoxia because of Rescuer per American Heart Association standards.
oxygen deficiency. Over seventy full time city employees, not counting all
Poor education about portable kerosene heaters continues to Fridley Police and Fire Department personnel, have taken
be the main cause of fires.Owners must be aware of the proper advantage of this opportunity to acquaint themselves with
procedures when filling and using these heaters.All kerosene rescue procedures and have been certified.
used must be of a water-clear type;#1 fuel oil cannot be substi-
tuted for kerosene.Kerosene must be stored and transported in Most were surprised with the effort and skills required to
a metal container and clearly labeled with the name of the correctly perform and continue C.P.R. Everyone expressed
product contained. The filling of portable heaters must be that they were happy with the effort and results they had to
done outside to minimize the spilling of fuel.Special care must put into the course,which included passing a written exam.
be used in the placing of heaters in order to avoid contact with This course was conducted and taught by Richard Larson,
combustible material such as draperies,or placing fabrics on Deputy Fire Chief, and assisted by Del Zentgraf, volunteer
or near the stove to dry. firefighter,and Robert Aldrich,Fire Chief.
THE CITY CODE PROVIDES THAT:No person shall own,keep or harbor any dog over the age of six(6)months,within the City of
Fridley unless a permit therefore has first been secured.A compulsory system of permit and registration is established whereby the
City will issue City owner permits and animal tags to owners of dogs over six months of age upon proof of rabies vaccination within the
preceding year.(Sec.302.041)If at time of initial registration a dog is due to be vaccinated within the next six month period,then a
new vaccination shall be required before permit is issued.(Sec.302.042)Permits and animal tags must be applied for and obtained and
animal tags affixed on dogs requiring tags before they attain the age of six months.(Sec.302.041)
1. Fee:$5.00/yr.Non-Neutered/Non-Spayed
$2.50/yr.Neutered/Spayed(Proof required)
2. Please PRINT all information on this form.
3. Return this form and a copy of the certificate of rabies vaccination to the City of Fridley,6431 University Ave.N.E.,Fridley,MN
4. Your license,certificate and tag will be sent to you upon approval.
License period from May 1, 1982 to April 30, 1983
FRIDLEY,MINNESOTA 55432 (leave blank)
Fee: $5.00—NN;N-S Vaccination Date: Age: Approx.Weight
Pet's Name Color: Sex: Breed:
Applicant: Address:
City: Telephone No.
For Office Use
Spring, 1982 City of Fridley Page 7
This newsletter is an effort on City Manager's Office ❑Very informative
the part of the City to provide 6431 University Ave.N.E. ❑Worthwhile
CITY I civic information to the citi- Fridley,MN 55432 ❑Of Little Value
0o I zens of Fridley.We would like
to know what you think of the COMMENTS:
contents. Are we covering
HALL areas of interest to you? Are
I we missing items that would I
be helpful to you? Sugges-
This can be returned with your water bill. DATE
Q. A number of times when I've tried
calling City Hall, I've heard the tele-
phone ring 20 or 30 times without any I NAME
(optional) I
response.Why doesn't the City answer
its phone? i
A. The City's telephone system is de- ADDiona S
signed to receive ten incoming calls at one --------
time,however the switchboard operator is
able to answer only one call at a time. SPRING NEWSLETTER
Waiting callers hear the telephone ring
until the operator is able to respond.The CITY OF FRIDLEY
City has studied adjusting the system so 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.
that the waiting callers hear a busy signal, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432
but this was found to be costly, and the
system was not changed. CITY COUNCIL
Usually the operator can answer and Mayor ................................... William J. Nee
forward many calls quickly, and those Councilman-at-Large ..................Robert Barnette
next on the line will only have to wait a Councilman 1st Ward ............... Edward Hamernik
few rings for a response.However,during Councilman 2nd Ward ...............Dennis Schneider
peak hours or emergencies, more callers Councilman 3rd Ward............ Edward J. Fitzpatrick
may be unsure which department they CITY MANAGER ........................ Nasim M. Qureshi
wish to reach,or may ask questions of the Editor ......................................Robert Penaloza
operator.This can cause a greater delay in
The City asks that waiting callers be Administrative Offices— Civic Center ............571-3450
patient: your call will be answered. But Office Hours—8 a.m.to 5 p.m. ... Monday through Friday
you may wish to call back in a short time, Police(24 Hours— Non Emergency) .............571-3457
when your call is likely to be answered FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCY...........427-1212
immediately. For more efficient service
when calling City Hall, state briefly the
nature of your concern, and the operator In This Issue . .
will connect you with the appropriate de
partment. The switchboard is answered • 3 Month Calendar of Public Events
during City Hall office hours:8 a.m.to 5:00 • Cable TV-Information
p.m.Monday through Friday. • '49er Days Schedule of Festivities
• Home and Personal Security Advice
• And Much More . . .
TELEPHONE: 571-3450 P A I D
Minneapolis, MN
Permit No.2886