1983 January CITY OF FRIDLEY
January, 1983
No. 37
ProjectCenter CityFridley MovesOn
. .........
a ,
Proposed 33,500 square foot office building. Ground being prepared for Office—Columbia Park Prop-
erties Clinic being constructed in background.
Construction has started on a three-story,33,500 square foot office building as a part of the Fridley Center City Project.The 1.4
million dollar Fridley Plaza Office Building is the newest addition to the district established in 1979.The building,which will be
located SE of the Fridley Civic Center and North of 64th Avenue NE,will be completed by the end of June, 1983.Ground breaking
Ceremonies were held on November 8, 1982.
Earlier this summer,construction began on the two-story,28,000 square foot Columbia Park Medical Group Clinic.The Clinic is also
scheduled to be completed by the end of June, 1983.
r �
Foreground left to right: Nancy Hendrickson, President
Fridley Chamber of Commerce; Duane Prairie, HRA; Foreground left to right: Councilman Dennis Schneider,
Lawrence Commer, Chairman HRA; and Walter Rasmus- Councilman Ed Fitzpatrick,State Representative Sharon
sen,HRA. Colman,and Mayor William Nee.
On September 13,1982 the Fridley City Council acted to take CHARGES ON YOUR CREDIT CARD
advantage of a$278,297 increase in Lake Improvement Grant- Credit card holders can be taken in by dishonest store clerks
in-aid from the United States Environmental Protection when they charge a purchase to their credit cards.Here's how
Agency under Section 314 of the Clean Water Act. This will it happens:
help fund Phase II of the Moore Lake Restoration Project
which involves removal of sediment from the bottom of East A customer purchases some clothing for,say,$60 and charges
Moore Lake. it to his credit card.The clerk imprints two charge slips instead
At its meeting of October 4 the City Council approved an of one.The customer signs one of the slips presented to him,and
the clerk later forges the customer's signature on the other
operating budget for City departments of$6,307,659 for 1983. charge slip, using as a guide the customer's signature on the
This represents an increase of 3.9%over the 1982 budget. store's copy of the legitimate slip.
CHAMBER NOTES A few weeks later,the clerk fills out the forged charge slip for
$60 and removes$60 from the cash register so that the daily
cash and credit card slips agree with the day's total sales.The
A new hotline for small business has been established by the second charge appears on a statement following the one the on
Small Business Administration(SBA).Businesspersons may which the first charge appeared. Usually, the customer has
call the hotline with questions about their business and the forgotten that he already paid the store— and pays for the
complexities of government policies and regulations; those purchase a second time.
callers whose inquiries cannot be answered directly will be Here are the steps you can take to prevent such multiple
referred to the appropriate government office in Washington. credit card charges:
The "SBA Answer Desk" hotline is open to Minnesotans 1. Try to watch the store clerk when he imprints the charge
Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; the number is
1-800-368-5855. slip.
2. Retain your copy of all credit charges and compare them
with your monthly statement before paying it, paying
November 2, 1982 General Election particular attention to your signature. (Many people are
careless about these slips and discard them.)
The voter turnout was very good for the November 2, 1982 3. If you have misplaced some of the cardholder copies,check
General Election.Approximately 73%of the registered voters your prior month's statement to make sure that the same
voted. The total persons voting, including those who regis- purchase did not also appear there.
tered on election day, was over 75% of the total number of Note:Maintain further control over your credit cards by(1)
registered voters. not giving out your credit card number to someone you don't
The turnout of persons registering and voting was also very know and(2)not permitting anyone to photograph your credit
good.As many as 274 in one precinct,191 in another precinct, cards.
shows that many of our citizens are taking advantage of the
registration on election day.
The total votes castfor the Ward 2 Councilmember position for Free Ener Handbook for Homeowners
the City of Fridley was 2,616 votes for Dennis L.Schneider and Energy
1,312 votes for Mike Daly. No homeowner should be without NSP's Energy Saving
The total number of ballots cast was: Handbook for Homeowners. This book is presently free and
Ward 1 —Precinct 1 ...................... 898 will tell you how you can have a comfortable home winter and
Ward 1 —Precinct 2 1,402 summer while conserving energy and saving money.The book
Ward 1 —Precinct 3 ............ 533
contains information with illustrations on "how to do"
Ward 1 —Precinct 4 ................... weatherproofing oofing ranging from weatherstripping and caulk-
Ward 1 —Precinct 5 •.. ....... 1,201 ing to insulating and venting. For a free copy of the book,
Ward 2—Precinct 1 ........... 891 residents are urged to call 330-6000 and request one be mailed.
Ward 2—Precinct 2 "'.' 825 If a resident has any questions regarding this book,feel free to Ward 2—Precinct 3 ...................... 1,205 call Bill Deblon at 571-3450,ext. 168.
Ward 2—Precinct 4 ...................... 1,411
Ward 3—Precinct 1 ...................... 815
Ward 3—Precinct 2 ...................... 1,123
Ward 3—Precinct 3 ...................... 920 ASSESSOR'S CORNER
Ward 3—Precinct 4 ...................... 1,030
TOTAL ............................... 12,869 This is your annual reminder to be sure to sign and return
your homestead declaration card, which should be coming
from the Anoka County Assessor's office around the first of
BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR the year.Also,if you moved into your home this year,be sure
you have filed for homestead classification.This can be done
KEEP FIRE HYDRANTS at your Fridley Assessor's office as soon after your closing as
CLEAR O F SNOW! possible.Failure to do this could cause your property tax to be
_ over$1,000 more than necessary.
Your Fridley Assessor's office conducts an on-going study of
property sales in Fridley throughout the year.This is done to
Protect Our Children! help maintain the taxable property assessment at statutory
Know and Obey School Bus Laws levels.These studies also yield a good picture of the local real
estate market. As a matter of information to Fridley home-
owners,here are the results of current and recent past studies:
In 1980,314 homes sold with the average price at$70,300. In
Flashing amber lights are a pre-warning that the bus is 1981, 211 homes sold with the average price at$75,800.Sales
preparing to stop. through September of 1982 are averaging$74,300.
Flashing red lights and extended stop arm means that The average home that sold in Fridley in 1981, was a
• the bus is stopped to either load or unload school rambler with full basement, 1,034 sq.ft.in size,had a double
children. attached garage,and was built in 1965.
Page 2 City of Fridley Winter 1982
WORDS OF WARNING Should Include . . .
ICE STORM, FREEZING RAIN, FREEZING DRIZZLE 1. bTwo or lankets ore blankets,
availasleeping bags, or newspapers if
mean a coating of ice is expected.
SNOW means a steady fall; HEAVY SNOW means four to 2. Two 1-gallon cans with plastic covers (empty 3 pound
six inches expected in the next 12 hours,or six more inches in coffee cans)to be used for toilet facilities.
the next 24 hours. 3. Supply of matches and candles or solid fuel in one can.
SEVERE BLIZZARD means winds of at least 45 miles per 4. Extra clothing,such as winter caps,mittens,overshoes,
hour,dense snow and temperatures of 10 degrees or less. face mask,etc.
COLD WAVE means a rapid fall in temperatures within a
24-hour period that will require emergency protective action. 5. Supply of high-calorie, non-perishable food, can opener,
WATCH:A winter storm is approaching. 6. Transistor radio or car radio.
WARNING:A winter storm is imminent. 7. Compass and maps.
BE PREPARED.Check battery-powered equipment(radio, g Pocket knife.
lights) and food stock(items that do not require cooking or
refrigeration),first aid kit and other supplies. 9. First Aid Kit.
DRESS FOR THE SEASON.Layers of protective clothing 10. Shovel.
are more effective and efficient than single layers of thick 11. Large box of facial tissue,safety pihs.
clothing.Mittens are warmer than gloves.Hoods should cover 12. One small sack of sand.
mouth to protect lungs from extremely cold air.
BE CAUTIOUS SHOVELING SNOW.It is extremely hard 13. Flashlight and/or signal light,spare batteries.
work and can bring on a heart attack,a major cause of death 14. Plastic scraper.
during and after winter storms. 15. Coins for telephone.
IF A BLIZZARD TRAPS YOU. . .Avoid overexertion and
exposure,stay in your vehicle(but keep it ventilated),exercise,
turn on dome light at night,stand watch and don't panic.
Some Suggestions For Survival
1. KNOW THE WEATHER.Listen to forecasts,road reports BUY MUNICIPAL
and storm warnings.
2. MAKE IT EASY TO BE FOUND. Tell someone of your Why not patronize stores that return their profits to the
route and when to expect you.If stalled,tie a colored banner City?Fridley has two municipal liquor stores,one in the Holly
(from your kit) on your antenna. Turn on the dome light in Center north of Mississippi Street and west of University
darkness.Keep one person on watch.Don't all rest at the same Avenue, and the Highway 65 north tof Intersther(The ate 694.They arottle Shop) on e bothsopen st side ix
days a week:
3. STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE. Walking in a storm can be y Monday through Thursday . 9:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.
very dangerous.You can lose your way,wander out of reach, g . . 9:00 a.m.to 9:30 p.m.
become a casualty. Friday.............. ........ .
Saturdays and the day
4. AVOID OVEREXERTION.Attempting to push your car, before most holidays ................9:00 a.m.to 10:00 P.M.
trying to jack it into a new position or shoveling heavy drifts
take great effort in storm conditions.Take it easy.
5. DON'T PANIC.(1)Calm down and think.The storm will
end.You will be found.(2)Don't work so hard you get hot and
perspire,but conserve body energy and heat.Wet clothing is a
poor insulator.
6. KEEP FRESH AIR IN YOUR VEHICLE.Freezing-wet or Penny-Wise, Dollar-Foolish
wind driven snow can seal your shelter into a coffin.DO NOT With today's energy crisis serious problems can arise from
RUN THE ENGINE — unless you are certain that exhaust some intended solutions.The soaring cost of oil,electricity,and
with the deadly killer carbon monoxide cannot enter.Open a natural gas has made central heating ekpensive.In an attempt
window away from the wind for fresh air. to lower heating costs, more and more people are installing
7. KEEP WARM WITHOUT FUEL.Clap your hands.Move auxiliary heating systems such as fireplaces, wood and coal
your arms and legs to keep circulation going.Exercise at least stoves,and portable heaters using electricity or kerosene.
10 minutes at a stretch to get these benefits. Change body Unfortunately,some of these solutions have been penny-wise
position.Cuddle each other to share heat.Keep feet elevated if and dollar-foolish.It makes no sense to save money on heating
possible to increase circulation. costs if a home and its contents go up in flames because of
COLD CAR CARE improper use or installation.
Winter is tough on automobiles. Cars are more difficult to A few simple guidelines can help avoid most problems. A
start and are much harder to control on slippery streets. yearly inspection and a thorough cleaning of creosote and soot
Drivers are encouraged to allow additional time for all trips. buildup in chimneys and flues is a must.Liquid fuels need to be
Cars should be inspected and tuned prior to cold weather stored and handled with extreme care. The greatest danger
comes from using gasoline as a heating fuel.Portable heaters
setting in. must be kept away from papers, curtains, and other com-
Using jumper cables to start cars can cause serious injuries bustibles.They should be kept out of the normal walking path
and damage the vehicle. People "jumping" automobiles and away from areas where children play. Kerosene heaters
should be aware that an improper connection may destroy an should only be used where good ventilation is provided by
alternator or battery.Also,the spark created by final connec- opening a window slightly to admit fresh air.
tion can ignite gasses which are present over all batteries,
causing the battery to explode.The final connection should By following these guidelines it is possible to enjoy comfort
always be made to "ground" at a point remote from the with safety while using auxiliary heating during the winter
battery,such as the bumper. months.
Winter 1982 City of Fridley Page 3
CLOSED Commission
2 3 4 5 6 7:30 p.m. 7 0
City Council Community Planning Housing and O
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Development Commission Redevelopment
Parks&Recreation Commission 7:30 p.m. Authority
Commission 7:30 p.m. 11 7:30 p.m. Cable TV
9 10
12 13Commission 7:30 p.m. 14 15
Appeals Commission Planning Commission Charter
Environmental 7:30 p.m. Commission
Quality Commission 7:30 p.m.
16 17 187:30 p.m. 19 20 21 22
City Coun. Energy
Park&Pec. Commission
7:30 p.m. Council 7:30 p.m.
23 30 24 31 °;3 p.m 25 26 27 28 29
Human Resources
7:30 p.m.
1 2 3 4 5
Community Planning Housing&
City Council Development Commission Redevelopment
Meeting 7:30 p.m. Commission 7:30 p.m. Authority
6 7 7:30 p.m. Cable TV
8 9 10 Commission 7:30 p.m. 11 12
Appeals Commission Charter Commission
Environmental 7:30 p.m.
Quality Commission
13 14 15 7.30 p.m. 16 17
18 19
CLOSED 7:30 p.m.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
City Council
27 28 7 30 p.m.
MARCH 1983
Human Resources
7:30 p.m.
1 2 3 4 5
Development Redevelopment
Commission Authority
7:30 P.M. Cable TV
6 7 9 1 0 Commission 7:30 p.m. 11 12
City Council Environmental Planning Charter
Meeting Quality Commission Commission
7:30 p.m. Commission 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
13 14 15 7.30 p.m. 16 17 18 19
Appeals Commission
Energy Commission
7:30 p.m.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
City Council Meeting Planning
Park&Recreation Commission
Commission 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
27 28 29 30 31
News From The
Fridley Police Department
diapering,bedtime,bathtime and general discipline.
Baby Sitting Clinic Every student who successfully completes the eight hours of
training will be awarded a card certifying their attendance at
To Be Held Again all the required sessions.
Due to a limited enrollment of 25 students, we encourage
In January interested participants to register as soon as possible by
calling Community Education at 571-6000,ext. 223.There is
no charge for the Babysitting Clinic.
The Special Operations Unit of the Fridley Police Depart-
ment in cooperation with Fridley Community Education is Neighbors Are Best Bet
again sponsoring the Babysitting Clinic for both boys and g
girls in grades 4-6.The four sessions will be January 11,13,18 To Stop Home Burglars
and 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Community Education
Center. The old-fashioned nosy neighbor may be thwarting more
The first session,an introduction to the babysitting course, burglaries than those sophisticated locks, alarms and other
will include a film and a discussion on child development. protective devices—even watch dogs—according to a survey of
First Aid is the topic of the second session.The students will police departments.
learn by demonstration and practice the first aid procedures In a Burglary Prevention Committee survey released July 27,
for artificial respiration,bleeding,choking,poisoning,shock 55 percent of 630 police chiefs responding said reliance on
and burns.We will wrap up the discussion of first aid during neighbors to report suspicious activity was the best way to catch
the first hour of the third session. The second hour of that a burglar.Forty percentthoughtthe nextbest way was an alarm
session will be a visit from a Fridley police officer and fire
fighter.They will discuss the appropriate action to take in case system.
of an emergency.The fourth session of the Babysitting Clinic Only 15 percent thought the best way to scare a burglar away
will be a discussion on child care.This topic includes mealtime, was to fence the yard and keep a guard dog in it.
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Winter 1982 City of Fridley Page 5
News From The
FIRE PREVENTION TIPS The earliest way to extinguish cooking fires is to turn off the
stove or appliance and cover the pan with a metal cover.If the
fire is in the oven or grill,close the door.Never use water on
this type of fire as it will only spread the fire.If an electrical
Prevention of fires in your home is primarily your responsi- fire should start,unplug or turn off the appliance if possible
bility.With the return of cold weather and shorter days,more and use a dry chemical extinguisher.Again,do not use water
time is spent indoors raising the possibility of fires starting because of the danger of electrical shock.
within the home.
seconds, a home catches fire within the United Generally speaking,a clean house makes it harder for fires
Every 35 sec
States,killing ands people and making the home a number 1 to start and spread.With the holidays ahead,a little common
sense and judgment can make them safe and enjoyable.
fire hazard.Sadly,statistics and facts show that the majority
of these fires are caused by carelessness on the part of the
occupants. Carbon Monoxide —
There is no big secret to fire prevention;the known fact is to
keep burnable items away from anything else that can ignite The Silent Killer
them and make sure all appliances are in good repair.
Improper storage of combustibles would include: keeping The most common cause of inhalation poisoning death in
rubbish inside, storage of old paints and solvents,clothing, the U.S. is due to carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a
rags and papers in the house.An added danger is the storage colorless,odorless,tasteless gas that is produced by incomplete
of any of these items under stairs that are an exit out of the burning of materials such as gasoline,wood,paper,coal and
room or area. natural gas.Substantial amounts of carbon monoxide may be
present when there are poorly maintained heating systems
With the greater use of woodburning stoves and fireplaces and inadequately vented fireplaces and wood stoves.
this year, problems can be avoided by checking chimneys, An automobile left running in a closed garage can produce a
pipes and flues for cracks, rusting and creosote build-up.
Remember,a deposit of one fourth inch of creosote presents a lethal concentration of carbon monoxide in 15 to 30 minutes.
strong possibility of a chimney fire. If in doubt, have a Any large fire produces significant amounts of this by-
qualified expert inspect and clean it. The ashes from wood product, and because it is entirely odorless it is a "silent
burning appliances should never be placed in paper bags or killer."
boxes.Ashes can contain a hot spark or ember for up to one The victims of accidental exposure usually have no idea that
week.All ashes must be put in a metal container and stored they are being poisoned by a toxic gas, and even with the
outside. development of symptoms they do Trot understand what is
With the use of live Christmas trees,a number of problems happening to themselves. Thus, the exposed victim will
are present. The tree should be set in water if possible, to remain in the exposure environment and perhaps suffer fatal
prevent excess drying of needles, and the use of non- inhalation of the gas.
combustible decorations is encouraged.Check lights forbreaks The signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning
in cords,plugs or connections, and turn off tree lights when depend on many different factors such as the amount of gas,
you are leaving home.The use of candles should be carefully the amount of time exposed,age of victim and size.Generally
watched,and no candles should be placed on or near the tree. speaking,with low amounts of carbon monoxide present you
Electric window decorations should be checked for breaks in will experience a tight feeling in the head,and as the amount
the cord and plug and kept away from curtains. increases,a throbbing headache,nausea,vomiting,dizziness,
A plan forfamily escape should be practiced and all possible drunk behavior, confusion, and in extreme exposure, coma,
escape routes known. If you or a family member should seizures and rapid death.
become trapped, don't jump from a second story or higher The treatment of the victim is to remove them from the area
window unless absolutely necessary.The best action to take is and supply them with oxygen immediately.
to close the door to separate you from the fire and smoke;open The problem of carbon monoxide poisoning occurs most
the window top and bottom to let fresh air in and any smoke in
the room out;hang a sheet out the window and yell"fire." often in the winter because houses are closed tight to conserve
heat,and if the gas furnace or water heater is malfunctioning
If the fire or heavy smoke is not blocking a normal escape the possibility of the poison getting into the house instead of
route,crawl out to avoid high heat and smoke conditions,close going up the chimney or flue is greater. In addition, if a
all doors and windows behind you if possible,gather outside at fireplace or wood burning stove is used, this can reverse the
a predetermined location,and call the fire department from a flow of the furnace or water heater vent and draw the carbon
location other than your house. Remember, don't re-enter a monoxide into the house. It is a good idea to open a window
burning or smoky building. about one inch to allow fresh air to enter the house when using
Although most fires start out small,they can spread quickly. a fireplace or wood burning stove. This assures a supply of
But, if you determine it is small enough and you have the combustion air to feed these fires.
proper fire extinguisher, you might want to fight the fire. If there is any doubt about the operation of a furnace, it
These steps should be followed:make sure everyone is out;call should be checked and cleaned by a competent furnace
the Fire Department at once;keep low and aim the extinguisher cleaning firm. This should be done especially if any of the
at the base of the fire. Once the fire is out,you will want to signs or symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are
ventilate the smoke by opening windows and doors. observed.
Page 6 City of Fridley Winter 1982
The Fridley Public Works Department is engaging in a Winter is full upon us and the City asks its citizens to assist
continuing effort to provide improved snow removal services our employees in improving the speed and quality of snow
in order to ensure clean and safe streets,sidewalks,alleys and removal services.
bus stops throughout the City. The City of Fridley has an ordinance which states that there
To achieve the kind of snow removal program that everyone will be NO PARKING on the streets during and immediately
can appreciate,requires the right equipment, sufficient and after a snowfall.This NO PARKING BAN exists until snow
motivated manpower,a strong enforcement of snow removal removal has been completed. Vehicles in violation of this
ordinances and,particularly,cooperation from citizens,resi- ordinance will be TOWED AWAY WITHOUT NOTICE,with
dents and motorists. the cost of the towing and storage borne by the owner of the
Fridley utilizes a variety of equipment to accomplish the vehicle.
awesome task of snow and ice removal, including dump The City considers the use of this ordinance the least
trucks, graders, front-end loaders, pickup trucks and a desirable method of obtaining cooperation of its citizens.The
sidewalk snowplow.This equipment is called into action when time used reporting illegally parked cars and going back to
there is an accumulation of two or more inches of snow or a replow a street is wasted time and money. Every citizen's
formation of ice on City streets.If a storm lasts unreasonably cooperation is needed and will be appreciated.Our time is your
long, snowplowing begins when driving conditions become money.Please help us in making the best use of it.
bad.Whenever ice or slippery conditions develop,sanding and
salting crews are dispatched.
When snowplowing begins,pre-established snow emergency
routes are plowed first. It takes approximately two to four t
hours (depending upon the snow storm) to complete these \\),
routes which have been declared snow emergency routes
because they allow emergency vehicles faster and better
access into all areas of the City. After the snow emergency
routes are plowed,the City crews move into eight snowplowing
districts. It takes approximately 10 to 12 hours to complete 4
snowplowing operations on the remaining streets.This results
in providing clean, safe streets for City residents within 12 1 Y
hours after a snow storm. Zi
In each district,there are four alternating starting points.
This procedure elimintes the feeling that a street always gets
plowed last. Of course, if you live on or near an emergency %
designated street, that street will always be plowed early in >"
the operation.After each snow,the starting point changes in j
each district to equalize the snow removal to all residents.
Violation and Towing When fighting a fire,every second is critical.To minimize
the potential for loss of life or property,all residents are urged
During the winter months,from the first day of November of to keep fire hydrants near their home or business clear of
any year to and including the first day of May of the following snow.
year,it shall be a violation for any person to stop,park or leave After a snowfall, hydrants should be cleared five feet on
standing a vehicle on any street or highway in such a manner either side as a routine part of your snow removal procedure.
as to impede the plowing and/or removal of any snow,ice,or
waste on such street or highway. If the nearest hydrant is not on your property and has not
Whenever it shall be found necessary to the proper direction been cleared by the responsible homeowner, please consider
control,or regulation of traffic or for the plowing and/or the doing it yourself.The time you save the Fire Department could
removal of snow,ice or waste,maintenance or improvement of mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.
any highway or street to remove any vehicle standing on a The mailbox located along the street curb is the home-
highway or street in the City, then any police officer is owner's property and responsibility. While the city snow-
authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle and have plowing crews attempt to clear the snow off the streets to the
the same removed to the nearest convenient garage or other curb line,the amount accumulated and moved will not always
place of safety.Any vehicle stopped,parked or left standing on allow this to be accomplished.It is certain that a windrow of
any highway or street in violation of law and removed as snow will be left on the boulevard area.Therefore,it is your
provided therein above,may be removed upon order of a police responsibility to remove sufficient snow from in front of your
officer and the cost of removal and storage of the same mailbox to allow the mailman to pull up in his vehicle and
charged to the owner of the vehicle, as well as the person deposit your mail. Your prompt effort in this matter will
causing such violation.(Ref.583) ensure timely mail service throughout the winter months.
Winter 1982 City of Fridley Page 7
6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. The new 911 emergency phone number system is now
FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 operational.There are several important advisories regarding
CITY COUNCIL the new 911 system that you should be aware of.They are:
Mayor ....................................William J. Nee 1. If you need a police officer, fire truck, rescue squad,
Councilman-at-Large................... Robert Barnette ambulance, or other public safety response unit sent some-
Councilman list Ward.................Edward Hamernik where, you should merely dial 911 and tell the dispatcher
Councilman 2nd Ward................ Dennis Schneider where they should be sent and the nature of the event.Use 911
Councilman 3rd Ward Edward J. Fitzpatrick only if you need or want an IMMEDIATE response from the
public safety department.
CITY MANAGER..........................Nasim M. Qureshi 2. If you have business with the public safety department
Editor ...................................... Robert Penaloza (police or fire) that does not require our sending a unit to a
CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY location, or if you have a question or want to speak to
somebody, do not call 911. In those instances, call 571-3450,
Administrative Offices—Civic Center ............. 571-3450 ext. 100 or after hours,571-3457.
Office Hours—8 a.m.to 5 p.m. ..... Monday through Friday 3. Under state law, it is illegal to install any device on a
Police(24 Hours—Non Emergency) .............. 571-3457 telephone that automatically dials 911 oranyotheremergency
FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCY ................ 911 police/fire number and transmits a pre-recorded taped mes-
sage.Devices that dial 911 but require the caller to personally
speak with the dispatcher are permitted.
In This Issue . . .
• Three-Month Calendar of Public Events NATURE CENTER HALLOWEEN
• Fridley Center City Project Update PROGRAM ATTENDED BY 1,000
• Seasonal Energy and Safety Information
• Cable TV Information Twenty-four people volunteered 200 hours of time to help
• And Much More. . . present the Halloween Night Program at Springbrook Nature
Center this fall. The hour-long presentation was repeated 8
times and included a hike on the nature trail,an audio visual
Workshops Scheduled for January program inside the building and a nature oriented halloween
skit at the Nature Center's Rooftop Amphitheatre. One
at Fridley's ETC 12 thousand local residents attended this free family program
You still have time to make your New Year's Resolution—to with many adults,youth and entire families coming costumed
learn to write, direct and even star in your own television to increase the enjoyment for everyone.
program at Fridley's ETC 12,Everyone's Television Channel. For information about Springbrook Nature Center's winter
Production skills workshops offered to the public in January programs and events, see the Park and Recreation Depart-
are as follows: ment's flyer.
Introduction to Studio Production,Part 1,Jan.8,10:30 a.m. r
2:30 p.m.Learn to operate cameras,audio board,switcher
and video recorders through hands-on experience in the ETC REPLY CARD
12 studio. i
Introduction to Portable Video,Part I,Jan.8,3-6 p.m.Learn DETACH AND MAIL TO: BACK TALK: i
to operate portable video equipment and become certified to City Manager's Office This newsletter is an effort on i
use ETC 12's portapak. 6431 University Ave.N.E. the part of the City to provide
Editing,Jan. 15, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. For those who havei
i Fridley,MN 55432 civic information to the Citi- t
completed Studio ProductionIandII.Emphasisoncontinuity, zens of Fridley. We would like
producing and editing skills. to know what you think of the
Studio Production Skills, Part II, Jan. 15, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 r THIS NEWSLETTER IS: contents. Are we covering
� i
p.m. Skill building for those who have completed Part 1. areas of interest to you? Are i
Introduction to theories of pre-and post-production planning. ❑Very Informative we missing items that would 11
Participants will produce a program and have a critique El Worthwhile be helpful to you? Sugges i
session on their production. ❑Of Little Value tions,comments,criticism?
Portable Video Skills,Part II,Jan.15,3-6 p.m.Skill building i
for those who have completed Part I.Introduction to theory of
single portable camera production.Participants will produce i COMMENTS:
a program and have critique session.
The workshops,sponsored by the Anoka County Communi- i
cations Workshop, Inc. (ACCW), will be held at the ETC 12
studio at 350 63rd Ave. N.E.,Fridley.The cost is$6 each for i
ACCW members,$15 for nonmembers,or six hours'volunteer
time for members or nonmembers. Annual ACCW member- i
ship is $12; persons wishing to join may do so when they DATE
register.For more information or to register,call 571-9144.The
workshops will be repeated in February. This can be returned with your water bill.
ETC 12 is Fridley's public access cable television channel,
specially designated for use by individuals or organizations to
present programs for their community.Any Fridley resident, NAME
or group of people with a Fridley resident, may use ETC 12 (optional)
studio facilities free of charge to produce programs. ACCW
members may use the facilities regardless of place of resi-
dence. A non-profit organization, ACCW provides training ADDRESS
and technical assistance to persons using ETC 12 facilities (optional)
and equipment. L__________________ ,