1987 Summer W1 CITY("j"4FTRIDLEY Summer Newsletter 1987
No. 58
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49er Days..... ..........front page,pg.3
�. A Family Carnival .................pg.2
49er Schedule....................pg.2,3
An Unusual Job:Fireworks .........pg.3
Parade Route ..... ..... ......... ..pg.3
Work Study Program ..............pg.4
Assessor's Column.................pg.4
Riverfront Park ...................pg.5
HazMat Fire Truck ....... .........pg.5
City Calendar ......... ............pg.6
Summer Recreational Events ........pg.7
Street Repairs .....................pg.7
Historical Highlights ...............pg.8
Historical Society .................pg.8
Photo Contest ...... ........... ...pg.8
49er Days Celebrates Fridley
Fridley can't claim a history steeped Days celebrates that early past with its Civic clubs and area businesses
in legends or stretching back 1949 beginning. combine to help plan events. This
centuries. It's a youngster by most Forty-niner Days started in 1975 as year's celebration was organized by
standards, having become a village in a result of Fridley's 1974 25th the Jaycees, who began planning
1949. But there were people living in Anniversary. Since then, it has evolved almost a year ago.
this area in the 1800's and Fridley 49er into a community-wide celebration. (Celebration, cont'd on pg. 3)
Scheduled Events
Wednesday, June 17
Chamber of Commerce Royalty
Reception, Skywood Inn, 4:30-6 pm.
Grand Parade, starts at High School,
7 pm
Sock Hop, T. R. McCoy's, 9 pm-
Carnival, Columbia Arena.
Thursday, June 18
Seniors Bowling Tournament, Maple
Lanes, 10 am & 1 pm.
Chamber of Commerce luncheon with
presentation of Pageant candidates,
Sandee's, noon.
Hershey Track meet for ages 9-14,
High School track field,
Grandchildren of Jack Thompson: Melissa, age 6, 2:30-4:30 pm.
holding Michael Jack, age 3 months, and peeking beneath the horse, Early childhood fun run, High School
Jesse, age 4. track, 6:30 pm.
Band concert, puppet show, movie, at
Carnival I s A Family Affair he Fun RunEducation Center after.
Jaycee's Talent Show, High School
M aybe it's the carousel music that Lutheran Church of Fridley so that auditorium, 7:30 pm.
Carnival, all day at Columbia Arena.
pulls you near, or the sight of the church might obtain a school bus.
the giant double Ferris wheel spinning It's that kind of charity that's Friday, June 19
skyward, or the salty-sweet-smokey associated with Thompson Shows.
odors of pizza and hot dogs and Carnival, all day at Columbia Arena.
caramel corn all rolled together. But Connie Thompson Featherston, his Queen's Fashion Show, Skywood Inn,
whatever the lure, you come. Because daughter who is now running the show noon.
Helicopter Rides, Locke Park next to
it's the carnival: a place where the with her husband Mike, said "All of
exotic blends with the familiar; a place our sponsors get a percentage. We Columbia Arena, o pm.
which guarantees the unexpected. help out churches, civic clubs like the Celebrity Softball, Community Park
Ball Field, across from Columbia
Lions and the Jaycees, and
Arena, 6:30-9 pm.
This years 49erDays carnival is a organizations like the Fraternal Order Seniors Dance, American Legion Hall, ;
first class show. Its the Jack of Police. They get the place and the 1-4 pm.
Thompson Shows and it's been in the permit and we do the rest." Street Dance, outside Columbia Arena,
business for four generations. Its 8 pm-midnight.
trademark is the Skywheel — a giant It's not an easy life and from the
double Ferris wheel which few business side of the tent, Featherston j
Saturday, June 20
carnivals own. It's a big carnival with noted the hazards: from the logistics
Kiddie Events at Locke Park: balloon
over twenty rides (including a Merry- of moving heavy equipment to the
go-Round and Tilt-a-Whirl) and unpredictable, such as weather. launch, Minnesota Zoomobile, kiddie:'
concession stands. "Weather can drive you nuts," she carnival, scavenger hunt, and more.
said. "Rain and wind rip up canvas 10 am-4 pm.
real fast." Arts and Crafts Show, inside Columbia;
Thompson Shows is home-grown Arena, 10 am-6 pm.
material. They're from Coon Rapids, Yet it's an interesting life and one Radio controlled airplane show, Locke
but from February to the end of she wouldn't trade. Park, 1:30 pm-4:30 pm.
November, they tour the southern Carnival, Columbia Arena, all day.
states, beginning with Louisiana and Thompson Shows have played at Helicopter Rides, Locke Park,
making their way back to Minnesota. numerous fairs — including last year's 10 am-8 pm.
Minnesota State Fair — as well as in Treasure Hunt, Locke Park, all day.
Its reputation as a first class show shopping centers and small, "down Veen King and the Princes, live rock 'n
comes from the rides, the clean country" towns. Wherever they've roll band, inside Columbia Arena,
atmosphere, the family-like image, and played, that warm family feeling is 7:30 pm-midnight, admission.
from the reputation of Thompson evident from the carnival people who Kenny Byrd and friends, ventriloquist,
himself. Shortly before he died in work with them year after year as well inside Columbia Arena, will perform
November, he donated a weekend's as from crew members who work for at 6:00 and 9:00 pm.
worth of proceeds to the Redeemer just a few shows.
-- (Celebration, cont'd from pg. 1)
Sunday, June 21 Scott Lund, current President of the use the soccer field behind the Arena
Arts and Crafts Show, inside Columbia Jaycees, has seen to it that most of the as a runway.
Arena, 10-5 pm. events are free, family oriented, and
Radio Airplane Show, Locke Park, of
new event is a treasure
of top quality. hunt. Clues will be provided to find
1:30-4:30 pm.
Carnival, Columbia Arena, all day. In addition to the traditional the hidden 49er button with a prize
Rides, Locke Park, Show,
Miss Fridley Pageant, Talent for the finder. Also planned is a two-
noon-8 Rides,
Show, and carnival, new events day Arts and Crafts Show inside
Treasure Hunt, Locke Park, all day. scheduled include helicopter rides at Columbia Arena. Proceeds from this
Queen's Pageant, crowning of Miss Locke Park for five miles or five will go to the Epilepsy Society.
Fridley, High School auditorium, minutes. Cost: $10 per person. On Fridley 49er Days will run from
7-9 pm. Saturday morning, June 20, the June 17 through Father's Day, June
Fireworks, Community Park Ball Field, Minnesota Zoomobile will be on hand 21. Most of the events will be in and
parking at Columbia Arena, with a bus full of animals and critters. around Columbia Arena. The
9:30 pm. Also on Saturday and Sunday, festivities end with fireworks at
radio-controlled model airplanes will Community Park. For further
Parade Route: The 49er Days fly behind Locke Park. These planes information, contact Scott Lund at
Grade R ins at the er h School often have wing spans up to six feet 571-3310.
P 9 9 and can fly up to 150 mph. They will
at 7:00 p.m. It heads west on 61st,
then north on 7th, east on
Mississippi, south on Able, and
back to West Moore Lake Drive
and 61st.
An Unusual Job: Creating Fireworks
Un Sunday evening, June 21st, you Hanson, also a Fridley VFW member, unexpected. Part of this year's show
might see arching across the has helped with 49er Days for the past will include fire writing. This is an on-
night sky a dazzling display of four years. Between twelve and the-ground display, such as the
radiating lights — green and red and eighteen people will assist him in the American flag or a cartoon character.
blue and white. If you do, you will be display, which takes two hours to set Hanson summed up his unusual
witnessing some of Gary Hanson's art: up. occupation this way: "I look at it like
fireworks. music: with peaks and valleys and
Designing fireworks is an art. If
Hanson, of Fridley, is a licensed there's too much, people become crescendos. That's what a good
pyrotechnicist. It's an unusual bored. If it's done in a haphazard fireworks show should be."
occupation and one which began when fashion, people leave dissatisfied. So
he was a boy in central Minnesota. in his designs, Hanson strives for a
Since then, his fascination has grown mixture of vivid display and the
from hobby to full-time career.
As an electrical engineer, he began Gary Hanson demonstrates how a
his company Precocious Pyrotechnics shell is fired. The shell (white
four years ago. Located in Belgrade, it globe) is inserted into a buried,
is the largest manufacturer of iron mortar then the attached fuse 5
fireworks in the five state area. is lit.
Although it would seem fireworks
would be a seasonal business, Hanson STRING QUICK
noted their use in outdoor and indoor LONG FUSE COVERED —BURNING FUSE F
concerts, tv commercials, promotional WITH PAPER TUBING BRED PAPER CAP
advertising, and government contracts. _
His company has done shows around
the country, including Expo '86 in
Canada and the Statute of Liberty
Hanson is designing the Fridley 49er /
Days fireworks as a member of
Northern Lighters. This is a non-profit
organization which teaches and _°
promotes the safe use of fireworks.
Work Study Program y
Develops Skills and
Self Confidence m h
Last year, Michelle Kimbler, age 17,
knew nothing about engineering,
street repairs or water and sewer
maintenance. But since last June, she's
learned the difference between asbuilts
and weirs, routinely prepared bids,
and along the way, developed self-
confidence. All this is a direct result of ;
the work study program at City Hall.
Don Holum, Vocational "
Coordinator of Fridley High School, r
began the program back in 1969. He
asked City officials if they were
interested in getting involved. Said
Holum, "They were and they made a
committment. Since then, working at
City Hall has become an excellent
learning experience for our students." Student Michelle Kimbler (seated)
with her supervisor Tery Shields.
The work study program at City
Hall is in conjunction with Fridley's opened up. Michelle is very observant
four school districts. Kimbler, like and because of this, picks up things
other work study students, attends quickly. She's eager to learn and helps Assessor's Corner
classes in the morning and works in out in other departments. As a result, Q• Is my Assessor qualified to
the afternoon. She receives credit for she's versatile in many areas." appraise the value of my property?
her work along with a minimum wage A: Yes. Minnesota State Statutes
salary. Kimbler's confidence is reflected in require that all Assessors and
her schoolwork. In a class project assistants making valuation decisions,
Once she settled in at the Public which dealt with stocks and profits, be licensed by the State. License
Works Department, Kimbler quickly Kimbler sold the most stock (candy)
learned a variety of office skills. As and reinvested that. Said Shields, "My requirements are established by the
she gained confidence, she overcame stock in that candy tripled! Michelle State Board of Assessors.
her shyness. Kimbler credits part of shows great potential in marketing and Qualifications are based on experience
this to the people at City Hall. sales. She's a budding tycoon." In in the appraisal and assessment field
"They're all so patient and friendly," recognition of her more mature, and completion of prescribed
she said. "They go out of their way to assured attitude, Holum asked her to education and related requirements.
help you." But the person who most be the student representative for The levels of certification begin with
influenced her is her supervisor, Tery Fridley High School on the Advisory Certified Minnesota Assessor, then
Shields. Committee. She is the only student on Certified Minnesota Assessment
this committee. Specialist, next, Accredited Minnesota
Shields, who is the secretary for the Assessor and finally, Senior
Public Works Director, was recentlyThe work stud Accredited Minnesota Assessor.
y program at City
asked to be the business representative Hall is a two-way street. For the City, Fridley's Assessor and Appraiserhold the Senior Accredited and
for the District Vocational Advisory the benefits are obvious: an eager Accredited designations, respectively.
Committee, a committee which deals worker curious about how the "real ly, the City Assessor holds
with ways of improving vocational world" operates. For Kimbler, who the title al Certified Assessment
and work study programs. Although graduates this June, the benefits have Evaluator which is conferred by the
she doesn't understate her positive been reflected in her schoolwork — International Association of Assessing
influence upon Kimbler, she credits she made and stayed on the dean's officers. The Assessor and his Deputy
the changes to Kimbler herself. list. She also acquired the skills have a combined total of 43 years u
necessary to compete in today's job in
the tax assessment field and an
"When Michelle came she was very market. But over and above these, additional 14 years in prior real estate
timid, almost introverted. But the Kimbler discovered that she has many practice.
engineers kidded with her and made talents — and with this discovery, the
her part of the team. Gradually, she initiative and drive to develop them.
HIKE tFlAl1.•.... .. . •.. .., .
A/ PICNIC Anoka County Owned
Z,�.••."' t`•PLAYGROUND aX;; DOCK
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Riverfront Park Extends Mississippi Trail Riverfront Park will eventually
connect with a trail across the
Fridley has a new park, called the The celebration and dedication of Minneapolis Water Works to Camden
Mississippi Riverfront Park, the new park will be on June 28th. Bridge and back up the other side of
which extends for sixty acres along the Among the events planned will be the Mississippi River, recrossing at
Mississippi River. Located along East horse-drawn carriage rides, mansion Hwy 694. When construction is
River Road, between 45th Avenue and tours, tree plantings, the Fridley completed on Highway 694, under and
Interstate Highway 694, the new park Community Band and free hot dogs, over passes will be available allowing
is maintained by the Anoka County beans, and chips. Present will be for bike and pedestrian crossings. In
Park System. representatives of the Anoka County the future, Riverfront Trail will hook
Park System, the Hennepin County up with Islands of Peace Park. This,
Riverfront Park has 3.7 miles of Park System, Columbia Heights, in turn, will connect to Rice Creek
paved biking and hiking trails, shelters Hilltop, and Fridley officials. The Park thus extending the trail system
with grills and picnic tables, boat celebration begins at noon and into Ramsey County. Derus Island is
ramps and fishing docks, playground continues until 4 pm. Dedication another recent acquisition of the
facilities, a ball field, an arboretum, ceremonies start at 2 pm. All events Anoka County Park System. Future
and a Swedish exercise course. It also are free. For further information, call plans for this include pontoon rides to
has a guest house which is open for Jim Kordiak, Anoka County and from Islands of Peace Park,
tours and can be rented for parties Commissioner at 788-9651. hiking trails, and camping facilities.
and receptions.
The new hazardous material response HazMat #1 Is Road Read
vehicle is now ready for operation. _ y
The unit, nicknamed HazMat 1, is a
joint venture with four other
communities: Spring Lake Park,
Columbia Heights, St. Anthony, and
Coon Rapids. This venture is a way
of improving service and distributing HAZARDOUS RESPONSE
the cost of the unit. Among its many MATERIALS VEHICLE
features are air sampling equipment,
electrical and flammable liquid —
detectors, and high powered optical
equipment. These will allow
firefighters to handle everything from ❑
spilled nuclear material to toxic and
potentially lethal gases.
1 City Council 2 3 4 5 6
Parks&Rec Planning
Commission Commission
7 8 Human 9 10 11 12 Curbside 13
WResources Appeals Recycling
Commission Commission HRA Area 1
14 15 16 Environmental 17 18 19 Curbside 20
Quality Planning Cable TV Recycling
City Council Commission Commission Commission Area 2
21 22 23 Appeals 24 25 26 27
Commission Curbside
Energy Recycling
Commission Area 3
28 29 30
1 2 3 4
5 6 City Council 7 8 9 10 Curbside 11
Parks&Rec Planning Recycling
Commission Commission HRA Area 1
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Appeals Cable TV Recycling
Commission Commission Area 2
19 20 21 Environmental 22 23 24 Curbside 25
Quality Planning Recycling
City Council Commission Commission Area 3
26 27 28 Appeals29 30 31
Council Energy
Conference Commission
2 3 City Council 4 5 6 Human 7 Curbside 8
Parks&Rec Planning Resources Recycling
Commission Commission Commission Area 1
ID 9 10 11 12 13 14 Curbside 15
Appeals Recycling
Commission HRA Area 2
16 17 18 Environmental 19 20 21 Curbside 22
Quality Cable TV Recycling
Commission Commission Area 3
23 24 City 25 26 27 28 29
Council Council Energy Planning
30 Conference 31 Commission Commission
Curbside recycling pickup dates are highlighted in gold.
The HRA and the Cable TV Commission meet at 7 p.m.
The City Council and other commissions meet at 7:30 p.m.
Street Sealcoating
Some of Fridley's streets will be
sealcoated this summer, beginning in
fJuly,and continuing through August.
For further information on whether
your street is to be sealcoated and
when, call 571-3450, ext. 155.
°a res J
Community Park Events
- Community Park is located on
` University Ave. and 69th Ave., across
Summer Hikes at from Columbia Arena.
Innsbruck Park June 2-3
Join a naturalist for a Sunday hike at Girls Softball State Tournament,
Senior Golfing Fridley's 45 acre Innsbruck Park. On Minnesota State High School League,
The Fridley Senior Center has three June 14, learn about plant habitats; on Class AA.
July 12, use your senses; and on June 26-28
golf leagues: men's and two mixed, 11th Annual Fridley Hockey Boosters
which play at the Hayden Hills Golf August 9learn about animal homes. . Call
Slow-Pitch Softball Tournament
Course in Anoka County. All three All hikes start at 1 pm. The Ken Miller for details,Tournament.
are open to any senior for $30.00 for entrance to Innsbruck Park is on 26
July 24-�
six weeks. This fee includes green and Arthur Street, which borders Totino my 4- Youth Softball
league fees. During the season there Grace High School. For further Tournament.
are two tournaments complete with information, call Springbrook Nature on these or other events,
prizes and catered luncheon. If you Center at 784-3854. call For r times
ext. 120.
are interested in joining or in any of
the other numerous Senior activities,
call the Senior Center at 571-1304.
Movies Under the Stars y
Free movies every Tuesday and
Thursday nights, at dusk, at various
City Parks. A puppet show or band
concert precedes the movie. For times
and places, call 571-3450 ext. 122.
June 16, 18
Apple Dumpling Gang
June 23, 25 1
Care Bears Movie
June 30, July 2
Dumbo p
July 7, 9 ° c �� 1
Fun and Fancy Free �1
July 14, 16
The Many Adventures of
Winnie the Pooh <<< ` Moore Lake Restocked
July 21, 23 Moore Lake will be restocked this June by the DNR. Come and
101 Dalmatians ` (�� fish for northerns, walleye, sunfish and similar game fish from the
July 28, 30 pier or along the lake front.
Mary Poppins
August 4, 6 Moore Lake Beach open from June 8 - August 15
Herbie Rides Again 11:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.
August 11, 13
Sleeping Beauty
Fridley Historical Highlights Photo Contest
The Chamber of Commerce and the
1847 1870 Fridley Jaycees are sponsoring a
John Banfill makes claim, becoming Mahnomen becomes a township in photography contest for a 1988
first settler and proprietor in the area Anoka County. Calendar of Fridley. Thirteen photos
which now includes Fridley, Spring 1879 will be selected, one for the cover and
Lake Park, parts of Columbia Heights Name changed to Fridley by act of twelve for each month. A cash prize
and Coon Rapids. At that time it was Minnesota State Legislature, of which of$100 will be awarded for each
called Mahnomen. Abraham M. Fridley is member. photo selected. Anyone may enter.
1849 1890 Submit prints of Fridley scenes to:
Henry Rice, for whom Rice Creek was Attempt at incorporation fails. Fridley Chamber of Commerce
named, settles in what is now called 6401 University Ave., N.E.
Fridley. 1940 Suite 102
1851 U.S. Census lists 747 residents in Fridley, MN 55432
Abraham M. Fridley, for whom Fridley. During late 30's and 40's For further details call 571-9781. The
Fridley was named, settles in Fridley. people start leaving the city, moving to deadline is October 31st.
more open areas.
1854 1949
Ferry established in Fridley crossing Fridley incorporated as village. First
the Mississippi River. mayor is Carl Hartman, who is also
1855 first fire and police chief.
First special election for representative 1957
to territorial legislature is held. Village becomes city with mayor-
Abraham Fridley elected. council government.
1858 1%5
Mahnomen becomes a county when May 6: Fridley literally devastated by
Minnesota is admitted to the United five tornadoes. After months of re-
States. building, Fridley again becomes a
prosperous community.
Historical Society Seeks Artifacts
Fridley's Historical Society, which was If you have any historical objects
incorporated in 1985, continues its you would like to donate to the
search for documents, diaries, photos, Historical Society, contact Fern Moe
clothing, tools and any other objects at 571-5041.
associated with Fridley's past. Have a safe 4th of July
Summer 1987 Newsletter CITY OF FRIDLEY CAR-RT-SORT
CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 University Ave. N.E. BULK RATE
Fridley, MN 55432 U.S. PPAIDAGE
6431 University Avenue, N.E. Telephone: 571-3450 Minneapolis, MN
Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Permit No. 2886
Mayor ................................William J.Nee
Councilmember-at-large...............Nancy Jorgenson
Councilmember I st Ward..............Brian Goodspeed
Councilmember 2nd Ward .............Dennis Schneider
Councilmember 3rd Ward .........Edward J.Fitzpatrick
City Manager .......................Nasim M.Qureshi
Editor ...............................Marcia Dinneen POSTAL P AT R O N
Administrative Offices/Civic Center............571-3450
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Hotline(activities&after hours) ...............571-9397
Police(24 Hours-Non Emergency) .............571-3457
FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCY................911