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1988 Winter
CITYOF FRIDLEY Winter Newsletter 1988 No. 61 ...,) Meet Bill Burns, Fridley's City Manager Hiring a new city manager is a major step for any city since his actions what is the main directly affect all residents in the city. function the a city He can be compared to the chief execu- manager? tive officer of a corporation, directing the daily operations but ultimately answering to the board of directors(The City Council)and the stockholders(cityurns:In my opinion,the residents). In the case of Fridley, the B main function of the City change was planned and orderly.It was Manager is to bring together the not a case of an unfriendly takeover. different parts of the City organi- zation, to function in a manner William W. Burns assumed responsi- that is consistent with Council bility of daily operations on October goals andpolicy.In this regard,he is the Bill and Debbie Burns 3rd after spending a month acquainting chief planner,chief communicator,chief himself with Fridley and the programs organizer, and head cheerleader. he was going to administer. How will you involve the community in Will a change in City Managment city government? Bill Burns is 46 years old and has a affect the people of Fridley? Bachelor of Arts degree in Political B: One of the tools that 1 have used Science from West Virginia Wesleyan B 1 would ho a ththe eo leo i.s a biennial citizen survey. The survey at College, Master of Arts Degree in p p p f is circulated by mail to a randomly Political Science from West Virginia Fridley will continue to have high quality selected sample of 2,400 or 2,500 citi- University, and Doctor of Philosophy governmental services at a very reason- zens. The object of the survey is to degree in Political Science from Kent able cost. 1 think the citizens can also determine the citizens satisfaction with State University. During the past 12 expect to have a very open,responsive, various kinds of city services as well as years he served as City Manager at and outgoing city administration that to generate citizen input on city issues. Fairborn and Middleton, Ohio. In the seeks to be involved in the community, as well as to involve the community in Communicating ideas and policies to city government affairs. the citizenry is important,how do you I What is your approach to being City plan to do that? "It is my goal that staff and the City Manager? B: For the City Manager,this means Council. . . implement a strategic participating in community organiza- plan within the next six months B. 1 feel it is important that the City tions as well as taking affirmative steps Council exercise a strongpolicy making to get out and meet community leaders role and that the City Manager facilitate on a regular basis and to understand this role rather than promote his own programs and needs of other actors preferences.I believe the City Manager within the community. Additionally, it early portion of his career he taught succeeds best by creating an atmos- means being accessible and available public school for two years and was a phere in which others are encouraged to individual citizens and to organiza- college professor for six years. The to do their absolute best. He also suc- tions.In thepast I have enjoyed speaking following are excerpts from an interview ceeds by being open, honest, and con- to community groups on a variety of conducted shortly after Burns began as sistent in his relationships with employ- occasions and look forward to similar City Manager of Fridley. ees, City Council, and the public. involvement in Fridley. (See New City Manager page 4) CitV Hail Renovation Council - •• .. BackupsSewer PAGE 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1988 City Hall Renovation Improves Access Progress has temporarily disrupted E the orderly flow of everyday business around City Hall. Remodeling of the city offices and construction of the Plaza Parking Ramp has begun,and as a result some Fridley residents have been incon- venienced.We are sorry for any confu- sion, however, when renovation is completed next spring,Fridley residents will have a top notch City Hall with easy access to City Council and city staff. About half of the city staff who regularly ea assist the public have moved to the Plaza Office Building adjacent to City Hall. The police and finance departments stayed at City Hall. Other than being in a different location, the same familiar °= I faces will be there to help. „ „pq I' All City Council and commission Early stages of renovation. meetings will be at the Community Education Building at 6085-7th Street Consult the following table to locate they provide and their telephone num- until further notice. the department you are seeking. Even bers and extensions remain unchanged. though many people moved,the services At the present time the entrance to the City Hall,571-3450 old City Hall is on the south, or plaza Election Information, Finance Department, Fire, side of the building. Inside remodeling Municipal Channel 31, Police, Utility Water Billing will make the route to the Police Department change, but it will still be Plaza Office Building, 571-3450 open 24 hours a day. Room Room 208—Engineering, Public Works Dept. 305—Recreation and Natural Resource Entrance to the Plaza Office Building 209—City Management, Council Dept., Recreation Programs, is on the east, or 5th Street side of that Information Public Information building where two hour parking is 210—Building Inspector, Building 308-D—Assessing,Tax Rates,Property available to anyone using the office Permits, Code Enforcement, Ownership, Assessed Valua- complex. Also, parking is temporarily Recycling tion, Homestead Information allowed on the east side of 5th Street. 310—Subsidized Rent/Housing How Do I Pay My Water Bill? CITYMANAGER _ Question: ASSESSING Now that City Hall is under construe- tion, how do I pay my water bill? PUBLIC WORKS Answer: RECREATIONThere are three ways to pay your bill 3. If you must come in, the Water and to return your meter reading card. Billing Department is located on the lower level of City Hall. 1. During construction the best and most convenient way is to mail them Those are the three ways to pay your to City Hall. utility bill. For the sake of safety, resi- Construction is currently on schedule, 2. If for some reason you want to drop dents are asked to pay water bills and with the Plaza Parking Ramp due to be them at City Hall, a new,temporary return reading cards through the mail, completed in mid-winter, around drop box has been installed on the rather than delivering them in person. February if the weather cooperates. At east side of the Plaza Office Building, When construction is completed in the the approximate time the ramp is com- just after you enter the double late spring,it will once again be conven- pleted, upstairs renovation will also be doors.The new drop box is available ient to pay at City Hall. Until further finished. After the finance department only from 8 a.m.to 6 p.m.weekdays, notice, however, it is difficult to reach moves upstairs, remodeling will begin and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Water Billing Department, and the on the lower level of City Hall. Saturdays. drop box hours are limited. WINTER 1988 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 3 Radon: How To —Cover soil in crawl spaces with plastic and caulk cracks in walls,floors, and around Reduce Its Effect sump openings. —Vent basements and crawl spaces,insula- Lately it seems,everywhere you turn, tion must be used to keep energy costs someone is warning about the haz- from increasing. Ards of radon gas. While it is true that —Fill voids in basement block walls.—Use drain tile suction or pressurize the long term exposure to radon can lead to house. lung cancer, it is also true that its —The effects of radon can also be reduced presence in your home can be reduced. by not smoking and by not using basement areas. Radon gas is colorless, tasteless, and ffi odorless, yet its presence can be easily Before altering your home,make sure detected by an alpha track detector. radon levels were determined using a long term alpha detector. Short term The U.S. Environmental Protection charcoal detectors may give erroneous Agency (EPA) has established four results,since radon levels vary from day picocuries of radon per liter of air as the to day. Alpha track detectors are avail- maximum recommended level in a home. able from many sources, including the They recommend a phased approach to American Lung Association of reduce readings above the safe level, Minnesota for $24.95 by calling using the least expensive methods first. 227-8014. In 1988 the Fridley VFW donated money to buy and outfit a new grass fire fighting Radon reduction can either be done truck. The $23,000 unit will make fire by yourself, or a contractor can be "Minnesota Homeowner's Guide to fighting much easier as the old one was a hired.Take care to hire someone reput- Radon", a free 10 page pamphlet ex- 1958 International. able,because an instance of a fraudulent plains in more detail what radon is and radon business has already been report- its effects, is available from the From left to right, Commander Larry ed. The State of Minnesota does not Minnesota Department of Health by Rundle of the VFW,Fire Chief Bob Aldrich, certify or license contractors for radon calling 623-5323. councilmembers Nancy Jorgenson and reduction. Dennis Schneider,and Mayor Nee. The Fridley Energy Commission is Methods for keeping radon gas out of concerned and wants residents who have your house vary in cost and effectiveness. had radon levels checked or want more Ways to seal radon out include,but are information to call Lisa Campbell at not limited to: City Hall, 571-3450 extension 170. 'Tis The Season of the Burglar As the leaves fall and the year gets old, i the summer burglar begins to get cold. He's upset since Fridley residents were smart, they listened to crime tips and took them to heart. Ah!but the holiday season will soon be here and the burglar knows that many gifts will be near. He counts on people to get stressed out, so they don't lock their doors or secure their house. So take note when you're getting ready for Christmas, it's important to check those locks and security devices. If you plan to spread Christmas cheer by visiting others, call on a neighbor so at your house they will hover. Shut the curtains so the burglar can't see all the gifts you bought for your family. "Tie One On" is a program sponsored by MADD, Mothers If you are unsure about the security of your home, Against Drunk Driving and is supported by the City of then call our department and to your house we will roam. Fridley including the Police Department. Participants tie a red ribbon onto their car as a reminder to all, do not drink There we will give you a premise security survey and drive.from left to right,Bill Burns,City Manager;Joyce and then you will be on your merry way. Jaeger,MADD;Fridley High School students,Margo Sielaff representing the KEY Club and Amy Loschy representing Poem written by Pam Taschuk, a Fridley Police Crime Students Against Drunk Driving and Student Chemical Prevention Specialist.For more information call 571-3450, Awareness team;Dr.Dennis Rens,Superintendent of Fridley extension 100. School District 14;and Officer Craig Gromek,Fridley Police. PAGE 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1988 Which of your qualifications are best What do you consider to be your Senior Programs suited for Fridley? major accomplishment while you were City Manager at Middletown, Ohio? Fuel Assistance B: My experience in economic and B. City Managers achieve and and More community development will be impor- accomplish through the work of other ver 130 different programs are tant as Fridley seeks to maintain the people. In Middletown, I believe 1 was available for senior citizens in strong economic base it now has. 1 successful in working with the Finance Fridley and the rest of Anoka County. place a great deal of emphasis on Director, the Council,and many of the The services are divided into 15 categor- communicating between the City and staff members in an effort to address ies including emergency assistance, various employers that operate within very severefinancialconstraints.During health care, home maintenance, nutri- its boundaries. Although we need to tion, recreation, and transportation. promote Fridley as a location for ex- ternal industry, 1 think it is probably Anoka County Community Action more important that we place ourselves "City Managers achieve and Program (ACCAP) compiles the list in a position to know and respond to accomplish through the work of and acts as a referral service. Once the expansion needs of the companies that others" need is determined seniors are directed are already here. to the programs that fill their needs. Once a senior calls, more than one Do you have a comprehensive plan the course of my tenure at Middletown, service is often used to adequately solve budgets were balanced and cash bal- their problem and improve their life. A for the city? bud g senior is defined as a person 60 years of ances improved by approximately 80 age or older. Bpercent. All of this was accomplished At this point, I don't have a through a comprehensive program of One program that is particularly rele- comprehensive plan although 1 do have service cutbacks, selected revenue vant during this winter season, deals some thoughts about what should be increases, and the implementation of with energy assistance. All residents in done.It is my goal that the Staff and the numerous operating efficiencies. Anoka County including seniors are Council work together to establish and eligible to get a portion of their fuel bill implement a strategic plan within the paid if low income requirements are nextsix months.Iexpect that whatever Do you feel any additional pressure met. The base income is about $8,000 plan is developed would be a long-range as the new City Manager since you for one person living in the home, and plan that very carefully takes into con- are replacing someone who was here increases approximately$2,500 for each sideration the city's internal and for 15 years as City Manager and 10 additional occupant. external environments. years before that as City Engineer? The fuel assistance program and some Early in your career you were a politi- of the other services require that a form cal science professor. Do you ever B. As I begin my tenure as Fridley's be completed.If a senior is unable to get miss teaching and the academic City Manager, 1 do feel challengedby to the ACCAP office,a Senior Outreach world, and do you think the ability to Mr. Qureshi's enviable record of Worker will go to the home. In Fridley, teach will be helpful as City Manager achievement. I also feel committed to that person is Nancy Jorgenson,who is in Fridley? continuing the tradition of providing also a Fridley Councilmember. quality governmental services to Fridley To request a service,or a free catalog citizens. that lists all the programs,either stop by B. While 1 enjoy speaking to groups and teaching an occasional class, 1 the ACCAP offices at 8008 Highway 65 have not regretted a career change that NE, in Spring Lake Park, or phone 1 made more than 12 years ago. Yes, 1 784-2443. do think that many of the skills that are useful in the teaching profession are Many of the services performed in Fridley take place at the Fridley Senior very helpful in City Management. TCenter located at 6085-7th Street. The Teaching requires strong research and e center is multifaceted, sponsoring pro- analytical skills as well as good com munication skills. These assist me day grams that are educational,recreational, in and day out as 1 work with staff health related, and more. Most,but not members, council, and citizens to all are listed in the ACCAP catalog.For resolve local problems. a complete program update,drop by the Senior Center,or call 571-1304 and start =_ receiving their free monthly newsletter. a.a A bridge tournament at the Fridley Senior Center. WINTER 1988 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 5 P� Sewer Backups by Ward I Councilmember, Steven E. Billings " ° ecause problems seldom occur in B Fridley's sanitary sewer system, ` Imost people assume the pipes in their �a. home are clogged when sewer backups happen. Fridley has 10,000 houses and " 102 miles of sewer line,yet only about 60 sewer backups are reported annually. Of the backups reported, only nine resulted from a blockage in a city line Dennis Schneider was re-elected for the during the average year. fifth consecutive term as Councilmember of Ward ll. He was first elected in 1976. Ifou do experience a sewer backua��� Y P p, r _e call the Fridley Public Works Depart- ment immediately at 571-3450 during Ordinance Outlaws the day or 571-3457 at night.Someone is The city line is often blocked because available 24 hours a day to conduct an a homeowner had their line cleared of Snow Birds inspection and determine if the problem roots and failed to inform the city. o you have an extra$50 or so you is in the resident's sewer service or in the Those roots then wedge in the city line, Dwould like to donate to the city the city's line. This service is included in causing a backup in someone's basement. next time it snows or ice has to be your utility charge and could prevent an The city requests, begs, and implores removed from the streets? If money is unneeded sewer line cleaning. residents to call after their sewer lines no object and you want to have a"snow are cleared. The Public Works Depart- bird"for a pet,there is no need to read According to Rusty Silseth, a 30 year ment will gladly flush the city line to further. employee, The most common problems prevent cleared roots from forming a are tree roots in the homeowner's line clog. There is no charge for this service Seriously, the city does not want to leading to the city service,or grease and and it will keep the debris from causing tag and tow cars illegally parked during other materials that gradually build up sewage to backup into a basement, winter snow removal, but it is the only in the line near the kitchen sink. If you maybe even yours. way to maintain properly plowed call us first we will be able to tell you thoroughfares. To enable traffic and Where the blockage is and maybe even Fridley is responsible for the eight emergency vehicles to drive safetly, save you the cost of having the entire inch line running under the streets; streets must be plowed to"full width. line cleaned, when only a few feet near homeowners are responsible for their your drain are clogged." four inch line to the point where it The city ordinance specifies that for connects to the city line. 24 hours a day from November 1st to The tree root problem occurs most May 1st vehicles must not impede the frequently in homes that were connected If you are not sure what is causing the plowing or removal of snow or ice. to the city in the 50's and 60's when tar backup, or if you have roots cleared and caulk were used to seal the sewer from your line, call the Public Works Snow plowing and sanding begins line joints.Tree roots grow through the Department at 571-3450 extension 157 when driving conditions become poor, oakum and quickly close the passageway. during the day,or after 5 p.m.call 571- or at the end of a snow storm. Even if Fewer problems are found in the newer 3457. plowing begins in the wee hours of the connections where gaskets form a tighter morning, residents are still responsible seal. for removing parked vehicles from city streets. Noput emergency has to be For more information or a copy of the Recycle declared to utthisordinanceintoeffect. ordinance call the Fridley Police Department at 571-3457. Remember to recycle. This can be done simply by putting recyclables on your boulevard or they can be taken to the recycling site. The benefit of J taking them there is that aluminum and glass will be purchased. The center is Zwu �OW�rs located on 71st Avenue just east of ,4•s 2 Columbia Arena. Hours are 9 a.m.to 5 \ p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. By recycling you help prevent our v precious landfills from being overfilled. Curbside schedules are listed on page 6. PAGE 6 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1988 WINTER CALENDAR 1988-1989 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Human 2 Curb Recycle 3 Resources Area I Commission North of Mississippi St. !•1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Curb Recycle 10 Planning Area 2 Commission HRA South of Mississippi St. 11 12 13 14 15 16 Curb Recycle 17 Council Appeals Cable TV Area 1 Conference Commission Commission North of Mississippi St. 18 19 20 Energy Env. 21 Planning 22 23 Curb Recycle 24 City Quality Commission Area 2 Council Commission South of Winter Begins Mississippi St. ZS 26 ' 27 28 29 30 31 Christmas Christmas' Day Holiday SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 New 2 New 3 4 5 Human 6 Curb Recycle 7 Years Years Appeals Resources Area I Day Holiday Commission Commission North of Mississippi St. 8 9 City Council 10 11 12 13 Curb Recycle 14 Parks&Rec. Planning Area 2 Commission Commission HRA South of Mississippi St. ' 15 16 Martin 17 Appeals, 18 19 20 Curb Recycle 21 Luther King Energy Cable TV Area 1 Jr.Holiday Env.Quality Commission North of Commissions Mississippi St. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Curb Recycle 28 Appeals Planning Area 2 City Council Commission Commission South of h� Winter Begins Mississippi St. 29 30 Charter 31 Commission Council Conference SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 Human 3 Curb Recycle 4 ResourceArea I Commission North of Mississippi St. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Curb Recycle 11 Parks&Rec. Planning Area 2 Commission Commission HRA South of Mississippi St. 12 13 14 Valentines 15 16 17 Curb Recycle 18 City Day Cable TV Area 1 Council Appeals Commission North of } / Commission Mississippi St. 19 20 21 Environmental 22 23 24 Curb Recycle 25 Presidents Quality, Planning Area 2 Holiday° Energy Commission South of Commissions Mississippi St. 26 27 City 28 Council Appeals Charter Commission Commission All meetings will be at the Community Education Center,6085-7th Street. Curbside recycling pickup dates are highlighted in gold. The HRA and the Cable TV Commission meet at 7 p.m. The City Council and other commissions meet at 7:30 p.m. WINTER 1988 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 7 Briefly. . . Assessor's Corner From the City Council by Leon Madson PC's UPGRADE CITY OFFICES s`'of October 1'' of this year, our The first phase of Fridley's computer office has recorded the sale of 140 upgrading program began on August homes. Analysis of these sales reveals 8th when the Council accepted bids for the following: O 28 new personal computers, software, Average Sale Price $86,365 printers, and training. The equipment Year Built 1961 was delivered in September. Style , Rambler Square Foot Area 1,107 Lot Size 80 x 146 QURESHI HONORED Garage Size 2 car The Council proclaimed November 14-18 as Nasim M. Qureshi week in the City IThe Assessor's Current value on the of Fridley. That week marked the anniversary of his hiring 25 years ago and average home is$76,$52 or 89%of actual honored his many years of distinguished service. Qureshi will officially retire on selling price. January 7, 1989. The,average selling,price at this time one year ago Was$84,847, 9 Homeowners planning 6n,extendir g vacations encompassing :any para of December,t-hrough January 0'should verify their noi€neste stafus before Bill Burns and leaving. Please come tea the. Fridley Nasim Qureshi �. tAssessor7s"ofliceprpall5714450t600id (right)at the needless delays and confusion. October 19 reception. R, DROUGHT CAUSES PROBLEMS This summer's drought occupied quite �p a bit of the Council's time.First watering restrictions were instituted to conserve water in the underground aquifers from COUNCIL WELCOMES BURNS which the city draws its water. Then On October 19th,the City Council hosted a get acquainted reception for William some homeowners on Horizon Circle Burns.All residents and business people in Fridley were invited. 190 accepted and discovered that a layer of clay was welcomed the new City Manager. drying out under their homes, causing them to settle.Winter and spring weather GENERAL FUND will determine what steps, if any will 1989 BUDGET PASSED EXPENDITURES have to be taken in 1989. The City Council held two public hearings where proposed budget expend- a o itures were discussed. Then on October 3rd, the 1989 budget was authorized. ` m ' Included in next year's budget are funds �� $"� Sources of Revenue (in Millions of$) for a second satellite fire station new wells, stabilizing the level of Moore 7.tt°!o Lake, and a park shelter at Creekridge $2.98 Property Taxes/Special Park. cIri Management Assessments .31 Licenses/Permits Of the property taxes collected from 3.32 State Aid Fridley residents, about 12.6% goes Ptt t{i works + .16 Charges for Services .28 Fines and Forfeits toward the City's general fund budget. 33 Interest on Investments The figures for each department include 27 Miscellaneous/Other all salaries, equipment, and supplies. ity council 2.70% .24 Fund Balance $7.89 Total General Fund Budget PAGE 8 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1988 1866—Purchased by Thomas Casey 60 Year Old Picnic 1904—James Casey added to the title. 1922—Casey sold to the Prudential Realty Shelter Completed Company. City y y 1924—Purchased bFrank and Nina Tuttle Channel 31 The Cit of Fridley has a truly beauti- who probablybuilt the house. ful and unique park system. The 1938—Purchased by George Thomas. A Year Of Change most recent addition is a 60 year old 1939—Purchased by Benjamin Petersen. house that was converted into a picnic 1943—Purchased by Charlie Harvey. shelter. It has a huge fully functioning 1953—Charles White bought all of block Z. any changes have recently occurred fireplace for cooking hot dogs or for 1962—William.and Mable Strub bought lot 8 M at Fridley's Municipal cable 9. channel. keeping warm after a hike or cross 1980—Purchased by Donald Findell. country ski trek by the Mississippi River. 1987—The City of Fridley purchased the land The shelter is located in Riverview and the house to add to Riverview The most obvious change was moving Heights Park just off 79th Street,west of Heights Park. An addition to the up to 31 on the tuning dial. A new East River Road,just before you reach original house was demolished and the message generating computer was in- the river. doors and windows were removed to stalled and now clear,colorful,inform- create a feeling of airiness.The outside ative public information messages can brick and the huge fireplace were sand- be sent to Fridley residents who subscribe Renovation of the shelter was paid for blasted to bring back the original color. to cable. Rounding out the year of through a Federal Community Develop- A picnic slab was added and the roof ment Block Grant and the work was was redone with wooden shingles. The changes was the hiring of Terry Kucera done by ACCAP Construction. They picnic shelter and fireplace are now as the Media Specialist to direct channel are a non-profit organization that hires ready for use. 31's programming. unemployed union workers. As luck would have it,just as channel The history of the house is not known 31 began to operate smoothly again for sure,but the title holders of the landLocke House after all the changes, regular program- are. If you have additional information, ming was interrupted because the cables please call the City of Fridley. Now Open going to City Hall had to be temporarily removed during renovation of City Hall. The Banfill Tavern/Locke House is znow open to the public. City Council meetings had to be 1 moved to accommodate construction During December the attractions are and so did cablecasting. Programming a Christmas boutique and a display of and community messages now originate paintings, sculptures and silk hangings from the cable company's building in- designed by four artists. stead of City Hall. This has caused coordinating problems, but soon those An 1890's era Christmas tree welcomes problems will be eliminated and regular visitors to the historic 141 year old cablecasting, including some all new mansion, home of the North Suburban programs, will resume. City Council Center for the Arts. Hours are 1 p.m.to meetings are still shown live on the first December 15, 1856—Franklin Steele,the first 4 p.m.Tuesday through Saturday.Ques- and third Monday of each month at 7:30. private land owner in tions can be directed to John Cascade Minneapolis, sold to Smith, Director of the organization, Call 571-3450,extension 184 to receive John McDirmott, a 572-2392. channel 31's weekly program guide. speculator from the east. CITY OF FRIDLEY' CITY OF FRIDLEY 643>< University Avenue,N.E. 6431 University Ave. N.E. CAR-RT-SORT Fridley, MN 55432 K RATE Fridley,Minnesota 55432 U.S.POSTAGE Telephone: 571-3450 PAID Mayor.. .William J.Nee Minneapolis,MN Councilmember-at-large.. .Nancy Jorgenson Permit No.2886 Councilmember 1st Ward . Steven Billings Councilmember 2nd Ward............ Dennis Schneider Councilmember 3rd Ward...........Edward Fitzpatrick City Manager.. William W.Burns Editor . Jim Froehle CITY©F FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY POSTAL CUSTOME Administrative Offices/Civic Center .>.......'!...571-3450 Office Hours:'8 a.m.to 5 p.m.., Mon.-Fri. 24 Hour Recreation Hotline. .571-9397 Police(24 Hours-Non-Emergency).. .571-3457 FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCY............. .911