1989 Spring CITY OF FRIDLEY Spring Newsletter 1989
No. 62
It's An
Emergency! e
The most dramatic example of an emergency resulted ,
from the 1965 tornadoes when the police,fire,and rescue
units worked around the clock making sure that everyone J
was safe.In fact,that disaster brought about changes in
the way all types of emergencies are handled today.
Like that fateful night many years ago,emergency
units are on call 24 hours-a-day, ready to respond to
emergencies. Today however, police officers and fire- 0 ,
fighters are better trained to handle medical needs, and ,
ambulances are manned by paramedics who have direct
contact with doctors in nearby hospitals. A typical day
will find units responding to 10 emergency calls. Some
will be handled by police, fire, and rescue units, while
others will be answered by only one or two of these units.
Because highways running through Fridley act as a
funnel for traffic entering and leaving the county, city Fridley Minneapolis which has a full time, paid department.
officials worked with the state and Anoka County to Firefight- Class 4 is the best rating a city that has a combination full
install the Opticom System.The receiving equipment is ers return time and paid on call department can receive." The
located on overhead traffic signals at most major inter- from a call communities surrounding Fridley are classified 5 by the
sections.Emergency vehicles activate the system which during -20 insurance industry, which uses a classification scale
stops cars in all directions,providing them with a"green degree ranging from one to ten. Class ten cities have no fire
corridor"without having to wait for the intersection to weather. department while less than a handful of cities across the
clear. During the last two years this system has helped United States boast a class one rating.
improve response times to many sections of Fridley.
To update firefighting facilities, a satellite station
To receive any type of help from the Fire Depart- was built on Old Central Avenue in 1988 to reduces
ment,Police Department,or rescue unit,simply dial 911. response times to the east side of Fridley.This summer
Do not hesitate! Be it a fire, a medical emergency, another satellite fire station will be built at East River
noticing a crime in progress,or feeling what seem to be Road and 77th Way to enhance fire fighting efforts in the
symptoms of a heart attack,call 911. northwest portion of Fridley.
"At a little under$200,00 each,they are a bargain
F r i d I e y's Fire Department when compared with the life, property, and insurance
premiums they save,"says Aldrich.
The perils of fire have been tragically revealed to
everyone in Minnesota this year.To help prevent trage- What does it take to be a firefighter in Fridley,
being on call,not knowing when you will have to respond
dies from occurring,the Fridley Fire Department empha- the next fire,clean up the next chemical spill,or extract
sizes three areas in its efforts to reduce fire losses: fire someone from the next automobile crash?To begin with,
prevention, training, and fire suppression or the actual it requires 80 hours of fire fighting skills training and
process of putting out a fire. another 40 hours learning First Responder Emergency
According to Fire Chief,Bob Aldrich, "Fridley is Care.This training is necessary to care for victims before
rated a class 4 city by the insurance industry,the same as continued on page
Parents Network Fights Drugs
Parents Communication Network is a Commitment:
Fridley organization that was founded on Anyone who joins must be willing to be
the belief that parents are the missing link involved in preventing chemical abuse in
in preventing drug and alcohol abuse. Fridley.Members agree:
-Not to allow their children to have par-
Jesse's Life ties at home or to attend parties if alcohol
Purpose: �
Normally, Jesse would be described as a Pmts Communication Network(PCN) or drugs are present.
bright,outgoing,happy 14 year old with a is committed to creating an awareness - To chaperon parties at home and to
"B"average and lots of friends. amongour families so we can all work support reasonable curfews.
-To communicate by telephone with other
But lately Jesse's grades have dropped, together to prevent chemical abuse by our parents about the activities of their chil-
Jesse's friends have changed and much of children. dren.
Jesse's time is spent withdrawn,depressed, -To work with school and police officials
and hardly eating. What is PCN: to enforce school regulations and public
This behavior has affected family life, A multipurpose support group for par- laws regarding the use of alcohol and
causing great concern. Jesse's younger ents.PCN provides a network of parents drugs.
sister is worried because she smelled alco- with teenagers and professionals to help -To support parent and student education
hol on Jesse's breath. Jesse's parents sus- parents decide if their teenager's behav- programs.
pect chemical abuse, have noticed money for is "normal"or somehow affected by
missing,and are worried about the depres- drugs or alcohol. Cost:
sion and the possibility of suicide. None. PCN's newsletter, membership
In situations similar to this, family Who is PCN: directory, and other programs are pos-
and friends often don't know where to turn The organization is made up of Fridley sible because of contributions from local
for help.Now,Fridley residents and others parents with teenage children who attend organizations including; Fridley Youth
in the northern metropolitan area have a school in any of the four school districts Council, Lions Club, VFW, American
comprehensive solution available.It is called encompassing the City of Fridley,or who Legion,and AAL Branch 5174.
Chemical Awareness,Assessment,Preven- go to private schools.It is for every parent
tion Program and is offered on an inpatient whether or not they have,or think they are Parents Communication Network was
and outpatient basis to 10 to 18 year old having alcohol or drug related problems. started in May of 1988 and currently has
adolescents. The Fridley Police Department also as- 200 members.For more information or to
Mary Jo Popajohn, director of the sists by clarifying laws pertaining to juve- receive their newsletter,call Kathy Devine
program,says that"Parents do not have to niles and with communication between at 571-4809 or Carole Miller, 571-4809
figure out what the problem is.That's the the schools,PCN,and the police. (home)or 636-3434(work).
job of our treatment team."
Mercy and Unity Medical Centers p
developed the program to assist parents in 84 Years Is A Long Time
situations where mixed concerns of mental
health and substance abuse exist. If you
have a son, or daughter, or friend with a Art Groinus and Fred Bebensee have each
problem similar to Jesse's, or you simply spent the last 22 years of their lives as
want more information call the 24 hour Police Officers, helping to keep Fridley's
Care Connection number,422-4650. streets safe for us all. Evelyn Loomis has �.
been the Fire Department secretary for the ,
last 15 years.Nasim Qureshi has been City
Manager and engineer for 25 years.
What do these people have in com-
mon? They have retired from the City of m,
Fridley since January 1 of this year,except
Evelyn who will retire in April. Cumula- Evelyn Loomis will retire after
tively they have 84 years of experience and 15 years with the Fridley Fire
knowledge of the city that will be difficult Department.
to replace.
Emergency! from page 1
the rescue squad arrives,to care for people while they are being pried from
a crashed vehicle,or to help a fellow firefighter.To improve their skills,fire-
fighters participate in a minimum of 24,two hour drills each year and another
12 hours of First Responder training every two years.
Over the years Fridley's Fire Department has remained at the forefront
in developing fire fighting techniques and training its people.In fact,Fridley
was the firstmetro area department to require certification using National Fire
Fighter Standards.
Fridley's Police Department
According to 911 emergency guidelines,police are the initial agency Radio systems are so sophisticated,
notified after a call is received through the 911 service. Because of that Fridley
g Police paramedics are now directly linked with
prioritizing system,they are first on the scene of virtually every situation.To emergency room doctors,enabling them to
handle Fridley's service needs,three patrol teams consisting of nine officers Officer monitor the advanced life support equip-
each,alternate shifts 24 hours-a-day,365 days a year. In the average year they ment in the ambulance.
respond to 18,000 calls for assistance and issue 5,000 traffic citations. com-
pletes a Health One Corporation is the sole
Because police squad cars are constantly patrolling,response time to report provider of ambulance service in the north-
emergencies is usually two and a half to three minutes. after ern metro area. Since Fridley is in the ap-
return- proximate center of Health One's area,re-
According to James Hill,Fridley Public Safety Director,"Throughout ing sponse times are well below the maximum
the years response time has been reduced by adding more officers and from an allowable of 10 ten minutes,and usually fall
installing the Opticom system. Right now we are in the process of adding emer- in the five to six minute range.
another radio channel in Anoka County to improve response time and
communications during emergencies." call cy. According to Noren, they responded
To ensure that officers are fully prepared for encounters with criminals, to almost 1,300 emergency calls in Fridley
last year. To help keep response times to a
an indoor fire arms range will be added later this year. "Adding an indoor fire minimum,Health One has six advanced life
arms range is expensive but necessary" says Hill. "We currently use an support ambulances in the northern area,
outdoor county range,but because of high demand,we use it only four times located in five different cities. or added that
a year.The new facility will be used for proficiency training,officer qualifi- as one ambulance is called,another is proba-
cation,and instruction when we change to automatic weapons this summer." bly being relocated to ensure that an unac-
The indoor range will be located in a section of the police underground ceptable response time is not created in
garage adjacent to the Municipal Center.It will be filly computerized allow- another part of their area.
ing lighting,target distance,and tar- At the emergency site a Health One
get identification to be programmed
for many different situations. Spe- paramedic calls a doctor from the patient's
cialized outdoor training will still be �� °�� � � '
!; hospital to receive assistance with the initial
held at the county range,but will be assessment. If the patient can not specify a
� choice, they are taken to Unity Hospital in
much more efficient,since basic in- Fridley.
struction will have been completed - Tim Noren supervises advanced life support
T ambulances at Health One Corporation.
Plans for the facility incorpo- Besides providing ambulance service to the
rate a high air exchange rate to elimi- a north suburban region,Health One alsoowns
nate smoke, and a noise reduction Unity and Mercy Hospitals.
system so no one outside the police
garage will be disturbed. y
Photo courtesy-Fridley Focus More Information
Both the Fridley Fire Department and
Ambulance Service Health the Fridley Police Department, encourage
One residents,scouts,and other organizations to
"Our goal is to work as a team with the police and fire departments and medics arrange tours of their facilities. Year end
provide continuous care right through to the doctors in the emergency room. help a reports are also available to the public in
What we give is actually one uniform system of care,not services from three Patient limited quantities. Call 571-3450 between
or four separate agencies."--Tim Noren,Health One Corporation. into a 8a.m. and 5 p.m. At other times call 571-
rescue 3455 for the Fire Department or 571-3457
In the late 1960's Fridley decided to use an outside rescue squad serv- squad. for the Police Department to receive more
ice associated with a local hospital instead of using their own ambulance. information.
Old Cars and Tin Cans ''
Did you know that it is illegal to keep non- Plan Your Evacuation
functioning cars in your yard and that gar-
bage must be stored a specific way? It arefully
is true.
When Fridley became a Village 1949 by Couneilmember of Large
a code was adopted to deal with these and
other everyday issues to keep neighbor- Nancy Jorgenson "
hoods healthy and attractive. Fee
Old junky automobiles are one of the since the first of January, 15 people have been "
city's biggest eyesores.City Ordinance 123 killed in home fires in the State of Minnesota.In of excessive newspapers, and other
requires that all vehicles be currently li- all cases the homes had either no smoke detector combustible materials will help to reduce
censed and in street operable condition. or improperly maintained smoke detectors. It fire risks. So will checking all the
Those not meeting this criteria are consid- has been proven that smoke detectors can give electrical outlets in our homes to make
ered to be junk vehicles and one of the you and your family early warning of fire,and sure lamps and appliances have no
following steps needs to be taken: four minutes to safely evacuate your home. frayed or broken cords. Using appli-
1)Improve vehicle to meet code. When you sit down with your family to- ances that are UL listed will also help.
2)Store the vehicle in an enclosed night, please talk about two safe ways to exit This means that the appliances are
structure or garage. from every room in your home.Since some fires approved by the Underwriters Labora-
3) Remove the vehicle. occur during the night hours,people are awak- tory for safe use as directed by the
Do yourself and your neighbors a ened by their smoke detectors.You must check manufacturer.
favor,and give that greasy relic that served your bedroom door before opening it. If your Smoke detectors must be checked
door feels hot,don't open it! This means the fire
you so well, a decent burial. It could to make sure that they are in working
may be just on the other side, instead use a
bring a few dollars and most salvage order.You should vacuum the outside
people will come to your house and pick Window to exit safely. If your door isn't hot, case of your smoke detector once a
it up. crawl on the floor to your exit.This can help you month to keep dust from building up
avoid the dangerous fu nes that build up from on the internal parts. Batteries should
All homes and businesses must pro- the burning materials in your home. They can
be replaced every six months to ensure
vide durable, watertight containers suffi- cause disorientation in a matter of seconds.
cient to store all accumulated trash. These Practice your fire escape plan routinely, that your smoke detector can give you
containers must be securely covered to adequate warning of fire. If you don't
prevent entry by rodents and other nuisance Once you are safely out of your home, have smoke detectors,please buy one
animals and except on collection day,ref- have a planned meeting area for all members of smoke detector for each level or floor
use must be kept in the rear yard,garage,or your household.Do not go back into your home of your home. If you have questions
side yard if it is screened from the street. after you are safely out.Go to a neighbor's house about the placement of these smoke
City Ordinance screened
mandates these regula- and call 11 for fire emergency. If someone is detectors call the Fridley Fire Depart-
tions. still believed to be in the home,let the firefighter ment at 571-3450 days or 571-3457
know where you believe that person is. They evenings and weekends.
Compling with these city ordi- will have the proper equipment to getthat person
nances is an easy way to keep Fridley a out. Smoke detectors have come down
in cost, most can be purchased for
nice place to live. If you have any goes-
ons about these ordinances, or wish I hope you will never to experience a fire about five dollars, and batteries cost
tdiscuss similar issues, call the Code in your home.However,statistics show that one under two dollars.It's a small cost for
Enforcement Officer, Steve Barg, at 571- out of four will have an encounter with fire in the safety and protection of you and
3450 extension 187. their home in a lifetime.Keeping our homes free your family.
April Hydrant Flushing
The City of Fridley will flush hydrants during the month may be stained during washing.
of April.Flushing is done every six months to remove iron Anyone who experiences water dis-
�. and manganese deposits plus many other minerals that coloration that lasts longer than a day
built up in the lines this winter.The serviceability of the should call the Public Works Depart-
fire hydrants is also checked at this time. ment at 571-3450 extension 157,dur-
Flushing may create a disturbance in the water mains ing business hours.
which results in water discoloration.The water is accept- No flushing willbe done on the week-
able for drinking,;though there is the possibility clothes ends or Mondays.
Assessor's Corner
by Leon Madsen
By now you should have received your 1989 property tax state-
ment. If you have been comparing taxes with other Fridley
residences,in various home value categories,you have seen some
wide variations when compared to last year's taxes.The market
values of homes were increased an average of 3%by our office,
m while varied increases in levies were assessed by the County,City
City Municipal Center Open and School Districts(except District#13 which decreased).Nor-
mally these kinds of changes result in rather consistent increases
House Planned for June in taxes for this year.The fact is,due to the 1988 Omnibus Tax
Law,passed in last year's legislative session,some homestead
City g
Renovation of City Hall, or the
The Cit Manager's taxes increased substantially while others actually decreased
from last year.
Municipal Centeras itis now called, Office,Public Works,Com-
and construction of the Plaza Park- munity Development, Rec- The graph illustrates the percentage of tax increases/de-
ing Ramp are on schedule to be
reation,and Inspections are creases from last year to this year.
available for Fridley'49 er Days. still located in the Plaza Office Beginning in May, personnel of the Fridley Assessor's
The upper level of the Mu- Building. Office will be inspecting homes located between 69th Avenue and
nicipal Center is scheduled to be This year's 49er Days Mississippi Street,and between the River and the RR tracks from
completed in the middle of March. festivities will return to the Rickard Road to 61 st Way to determine property revaluations.
At that time the Finance Depart- Fridley Plaza, on the south This project will last through October. As always,be sure
ment including water billing and side of the Municipal Cen- to ask for identification from anyone entering your home.
accounting will move to their reno- ter.As part of the June 14-18
vated offices upstairs. The Police festivities and fun an open istrict#11 ❑ #13 + #14 Q #16
Department will remain on the lower house will acquaint residents 25
level,but will shift to tempory quar- with the new facility. 20
ters next to the Plaza Parking Ramp. Throughout the con-
The Plaza Parking Ramp is struction telephone numbers
basically complete, but will not be and extensions have remained °
finished until warmer weather al- unchanged.Call 571-3450 if 5
lows sonic finishing cement work to you need assistance from city
be done. personnel. °
Fridley City Code states that if you own a dog
it must have been vaccinated against rabies
and it must be relicensed each year.Complete 5
this application and return it to the city. 20 '° 60 Tno sa d= e° °° 'Z°
bme Value
City of Fridley License No.
6431 University Avenue N.E. (leave blank)
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Fee: $5.00—N-N; N-S Vaccination Date: Age: Approx. Weight:
$2.50—N; S
Pet's Name: Color Sex: Breed:
Applicant: Address:
Zip: Telephone No.:
1 2 Human 3 Curb Recycle 4
Resources Area 1 First U.S.
Commission North of Congress 1789
Mississippi St.
5 6 7 8 9 10 Curb Recycle 11
City Council Area 2
Parks/Rec Planning HRA South of
Commission Commission Mississippi St.
12 13 14 15 16 17 Curb Recycle 18
Appeals Cable TV Area 1
Commission Commission North of
Mississippi St.
St.Patrick's Day
19 Palm 20 City Council 21 Energy Env. 22 Planning 23 24 Curb Recycle 25
Sunday Quality Commission Area 2
Spring Begins Commission South of
Mississippi St.
Good Friday
26 Easter 27 Charter 28 Appeals 29 30 31
Commission Commission
All Fool's
2 3 City Council 4 5 Planning 6 Human 7 Curb Recycle 8
Parks/Re c Commission Resources Area 1
Commission Commission North of
Mississippi St.
9 10 11 Appeals 12 13 HRA 14 Curb Recycle 15
go Commission Area 2
South of
91.4 Mississippi St.
16 17 City 18 Energy 19 Planning 20 Cable TV 21 Curb Recycle 22
Council Env.Quality Commission Commission Area 1
Commissions North of
Mississippi St.
23 24 Charter 25 Appeals 26 27 Ulysses S. 28 Curb Recycle 29
Commission Commission Grant Area 2
Louisiana 30 Birthday-1822 South of
Purchase-1803 Mississippi St.
1 City Council 2 3 4 Human 5 Curb Recycle 6
Parks/Rec Planning Resources Area 1
Commission Commission Commission North of
Mississippi St.
7 8 9 10 11 12 Curb Recycle 13
V-E Day Appeals HRA Area 2
Commission South of
Mississippi St.
14 Mother's 15 City 16 Energy 17 18 19 Curb Recycle 20
Day Council Env.Quality Planning Cable Area 1
Charter Commission Commission Commission North of
Mississippi St.
21 22 23 24 25 26 Curb Recycle 27
Charter Appeals Area 2
Commission Commission South of
Commissions Mississippi St.
28 29 30 31
All meetings will be at the Community Education Center,6085-7th Street.
Curbside recycling pickup dates are highlighted in gold.
The HRA and the Cable TV Commission meet at 7 p.m.
The City Council and other commissions meet at 7:30 p.m.
Briefly . . . Planning For �
From the City Council The Year 2000 "
As Fridley becomes a mature eom- By various objective measures,Fridley can be
munity, needs of its senior citizens be-
come a greater concern.At the December described as a very successful community.And
19 City Council meeting,the Council au- in terms of quality of life indicators,efficient
thorized Health Planning and Manage- city services, optimal balance in municipal
ment Resources to conduct a survey of activities, reasonable taxes, and responsive-
Fridley seniors.The study will include tele- ness to individual concerns,Fridley ranks well
phone interviews and focus group inter- ahead of the average community in Minnesota
views which will help determine senior and the nation. First,by the year 2000 we will be
housing requirements.The survey will be Part of the credit for that success should completely out of vacant land to de-
completed by the end of March. go to past community leaders who put a lot of velop.That situation presents profound
effort into the planning process and then acted risks of stagnation and decay if the
SECOND SATELLITE STATION on it. community doesn't recognize the prob-
lem, fails to develop effective strate-
B ut no"plan"is cast in stone.Every plan
A second satellite fire station was gies, and take positive action.
approved on January 9.The station will be has to be able to grow,evolve,adjust.And this
located on East River Road and 77th Way year the City Council will be making a special Second, our"demographics"are
and will reduce response times to resi- effort to update our plans,out to the year 2000 changing and will never be the same as
dents living on the west side of the railroad and beyond.There are at least three major they were back in 1962 when I was first
tracks. concerns to address. elected Mayor.There is a"graying"of
our population. We have fewer kids,
more seniors and empty-nesters.A rea-
SHOWMOBILE APPROVED Sewer Backup: sonable goal is to achieve and maintain
Concerts, dramatic performances, a demographic"balance"compared to
talent shows and special events will now Call the City First the demographic distribution existing
have a convenient place to be held.This in the total metropolitan population.
portable stage will help the Recreation Indeed,as we"gray"in Fridley,we are
Department continue its varied program To possibly save yourself an unwanted sewer approaching an ideal balance. But this
schedule and will protect performers from cleaning bill, call the city Public Works De- fact has important implications in hous-
the weather.The unit will be available for partment first if your sewer line is blocked. ing and other public service.
'49er Days. They will come out 24 hours a day, at no Third, we have to cope with the
charge,to determine where the problem lies.If effects of the huge population growth
MAYOR PRO TEM it is in the city line,they will fix it.If it is in a that will occur north of us in the next 10
home owner's line,they will specify if it is in years.It's a two-edged blade... present-
At the January 9th meeting, Nancy the house orbetween the house and street so the ing us with both "problems" and "op-
Jorgenson was named Mayor Pro Tem for sewer service that is called will be able to solve
1989.The Mayor Pro Tem presides over the problem at the lowest cost to the home-
Council meetings if the Mayor is absent. owner. A growing traffic load is probably
Dennis Schneider held that position in the toughest problem.And even now,as
1988 Many times sewer backups are caused by a member of the Northern Mayors As-
tree roots that were cleared from a home- sociation we're reaching out to the year
owner's line.If you have your sewer line cleared, 2010 and 2020,planning for traffic man-
TERM INCREASED please call the City.A Public Works employee agement and load diversion. But the
A charter change increasing terms will gladly clear the city sewer line in front of effects of that huge new population
of office from three to four years for the your house at no charge.This ensures that those flowing through Fridley must be man-
Mayor andcouncilmembers was passed cleared root remnants will cause no more prob- aged creatively to convert those prob-
at the January 23rd Council meeting.The lems. lems into opportunities.
change was proposed last summer but Call the Fridley Public Works Depart- So this spring the City Council
was delayed so the council could get input ment at 571-3450 extension 157 during the (along with our staff) has plunged into
from the League of Women Voters. This day, or after 5 p.m. call 571-3457 to report a an intensive planning process to man-
change eliminated off year elections, and sewer backup or if you had your sewer line age these changes.I'd say that is"good
will hopefully improve voter turnout. cleared. news"for the people who will be living
It does not affect the November 7, here in 2000,2020 and beyond.
1989 election, it affects elections starting
in 1990.
Win Big $ in '49er Citizens Honored
Contest Mayor Nee honored outstanding contributions to the
lifestyle of Fridley at a recent Fridley Chamber of
Commerce luncheon. Those presented with plaques ,
were Diane Ferry,the Fridley VFW,Onan Corporation,
Again this year a$50 prize will be awarded and University Avenue Associates.
to the person who designs the winning'49er �
Days button. Diane Ferry has worked countless hours to create '
a friendship with Fridley's Sister City,Fourmies France
Contest Rules over the last ten years.
1.Designs should reflectthe Western theme The Fridley VFW Post 363,represented by Rudy
of'49er Days and must include the words: Nessman was singled out for donating a fire truck
-Fridley '49er Days equipped to fight grass fires.It was also noted that they v
-June 14-18, 1989 have donated tens of thousands of dollars to other
- 15th Annual or Our 15th Year worthwhile causes over the years.
- 40 Years-City of Fridley 1949 - 1989 Onan Corporation,represented by Woody Nelson
and Jim Waugh was honored for donating a generator Diane Ferry was honored
2.Design must be submitted in black ink on to the Fridley Fire Department and for their community for her work with the
white paper. Clear and simple designs are service through the years. Sister City Program.
University Avenue Associates donated 1,000 feet
3.Entries should include name, age, ad- of floating boardwalk to the Springbrook Nature. Ac-
dress,and phone number. cepting the award for them were Leon Martin and Harry
Drop off or mail to: Yaffe.
1989 Button Contest
Fridley Community Education Center
6085 -7th Street
University Avenue Asso-
Fridley,MN 55432 ciate
Entries must be submitted by Monday,April donated lk t feet
10, 1989 and will not be returned unless of boardwalk to the
requested.Label the envelope"1989 '49er ' Springbrook Nature
Button Contest." For more information,
call Dorrie Sielaff,574-0470. A good chance to see it
would be at the Spring
This year The City of Fridley will be celebration on March 25,
celebrating its 40th birthday.To honor the or Picnic in the Park on
6 tUY
occasion, this year's Fridley '49er Days b �,� Memorial Day May 29.
will feature a$500 treasure hunt to find one
of the buttons.
6431 University Avenue, N.E. 6431 University Ave. N.E. CAR-RT-SORT
Fridley,Fridley, Minnesota 55432 y, MN 55432 BULK RATE
Telephone: 571-3450 U.S.PAID AGE
Mayor................................William J. Nee Minneapolis,MN
Councilmember-at-large...............Nancy Jorgenson Permit No.2886
Councilmember 1st Ward . . . . .. .. . . . . . Steven Billings
Councilmember 2nd Ward............ Dennis Schneider
Councilmember 3rd Ward ...........Edward Fitzpatrick
City Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William W. Burns
Editor . . .. . . . . .. ... .. .. .. ... . .. . . .. . Jim Froehle
Administrative Offices/Civic Center ...........571-3450
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
24 Hour Recreation Hotline. . . .. . . .. ... .. . . .571-9397
Police(24 Hours-Non-Emergency). .. . . . . . . . . .571-3457