1991 Spring CITYOF FRIDLEY Spring Newsletter 1991 _ No. 70 ��V P C O <040 0 0 LL M Shared Ride Taxi c:i Continues NEIGHBORHOOD , TAXE A BITE OUT OF CRIMEWATCH • m oor-to-door rides are still available to anyone in Fridley wishing to go anywhere in Anoka County. There are,however,a few recent changes. Start- ing April 1, the door-to-door Shared Ride taxi service will operate from 6 am.to 8 pm.Monday through Friday. Weekend and holiday hours are 8 am.to 6 pm. Residential B u rg I a ry Cash fares will increase to $1.50 each way. Since this pilot program is funded by the Regional Transit Board,these minor changes will allow it to continue in light of their budget Reduction GoaI S e t shortfalls. Books of ten Shared Ride taxi discount tickets may be or the past two years Fridley Police Department purchased at the Fridley Senior Center or Fridley City Offices. personnel have been revitalizing the Neighbor- Fridley residents wanting to go anywhere in Fridley, hood Crime Watch program. New Crime Watch Columbia Heights, or Hilltop use a Shared Ride taxi service. signs, McGruff the Crime Dog, and meetings, People wanting to go elsewhere in Anoka County first call the meetings,meetings have successfully kept bur- Traveler which picks them up at the Northtown Mall where the glaries from increasing. During these discus- taxi drops them off. sions,Fridley citizens clearly stated,"We want to feel secure in Standing orders are available. Rides must be requested 2 our homes." hours in advance unless transferring, then call 24 hours in To help accommodate residents'wishes and meet one of the advance. Police Department's goals for 1991, neighborhood police This is a public service with no eligibility requirements. It patrol will be increased. That goal, according to Jim Hill, is for everyone,commuters,teenagers,senior citizens,parents, Director of Public Safety,is to reduce residential burglaries by and children. ten percent in 1991. Some northern Anoka County cities do not have service The plan to reduce burglaries is very comprehensive and Anoka County everyday,consequently excur- will enhance the current Neighborhood Crime Watch effort. qey THEL sions should be planned care- Dave Sallman, Deputy Public Safety Director said,"We will L1NN1O' fully. There is a 50 cent trans- build on the successful Crime Watch program by increasing EAST our patrol and enforcement effort." BETHEL fer fee because Traveler fares are higher. Because vehicle accidents are down slightly, some patrol HAM COLUMBUS time has been reallocated to residential areas. Other strategies LAKE For a taxi ride in Fridley, LINO Columbia Heights, or Hilltopto reduce residential crime include: LAINE LANES call-935-9911. ✓ Use the crime lab more frequently to gather physical For a ride to other areas evidence at crime scenes. of Anoka County where there ✓Increase crime scene investigation training for Officers. is a transfer at the Northtown Mall ✓ Increase the number of house checks for vacationing Oa"„ residents. 'Heights call-464-8883. For General Information about the door-to-door service see Reduce Burglaries or advanced sale tickets,call the Hotline-422-7075. continued on page 4 PAGE 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1991 F Recycling and Waste Reduction By Dennis Schneider Councilmember Ward 2 About a year ago, the City surveyed tion.That statistic along with a successful 400 citizens to help provide more direc- 200 household pilot project provides strong tion for our recycling policy. Wethankall evidence that bins do increase recycling. who responded,and City staff is working These facts helped make the Council's to implement many of the changes refer- decision to approve the bins easier. enced in the survey. The Solid Waste Abatement Program Recycling is an important issue to fee was also investigated in the survey. everyone. Some people recycle for envi- Respondents were split on this question, ronmental reasons; other people have with 42%saying they were willing to pay Survey results also indicated that a different concerns. We all,however,are an additional fee, 45% saying they were majority of residents like our present solid mandated by the State and County to not,while 13%did not know. The addi- waste disposal program. As it operates reduce the amount of solid waste which tional amount they were willing to pay today, individuals contract the waste we place in landfills and incinerate. In each year ranged from$25 to$100,with haulers, and the City contracts for recy- 1990 Fridley residents recycled 1,297 tons. the average being$42. 1, and the rest of cling services. In 1994,we will be mandated to increase the City Council worked to keep this fee An interesting observation from the that figure by an estimated 8,000 tons or as low as possible. Thanks to Anoka survey was that 12% of Fridley residents up to 35% of the waste stream. As a County funding and a grant from the did not know about the curbside program Councilmember, I am obligated to help Metropolitan Council to partially fund the and 38%did not know about the recycling set policy to meet those goals,and I think recycling bins,the yearly fee was held to center. To help increase recycling, re- we are doing a good job of implementing $10. This enables us to continue present duce solid waste, and meet State and workable plans. programs and even increase some. County mandates,please tell your friends By now, most of you have received Many people wanted to have plastic and neighbors. your new blue recycling bins,and I hope included in all recycling programs. Editor's note: they have helped increase your recycling Because of cost, plastics were not in- For more recycling information, call efforts. Survey results showed that 68 cluded in the curbside pickup program, Lisa Campbell,Recycling Coordinator at percent of the respondents said that bins however, any plastic container with a the City,572-3594. The recycling center would either encourage them to start or neck is now accepted at the recycling is located at 350-71 st Avenue and is open increase their current level of participa- center by Columbia Arena. from 9 am.to 5 pm.Tuesday to Saturday. New Fire Chief Chosen n most instances it would be a major problem to replace �> a Fire Chief with 37 years of experience. But because Fridley is fortunate to have an unusually high skill level in the Fire Department, it was possible for the City ' Manager pick a qualified replacement from within. . Four candidates possessing the desired qualifications were considered. The hiring process was quite extensive,consisting of a written portion and a lengthy interview. All had extensive modern fire fighting knowledge,supervisory experience,a well rounded edu- cation,and the ability to motivate and recruit a volunteer department. The successful candidate was Chuck McKusick,a 22 year veteran of the Fridley Department. In 1968 he became a volunteer firefighter. After considerable training he was elected Captain in 1975, and Assistant Fire Chief in 1980. He is a leader in developing firefighter training programs, especially for hazardous material handling. McKusick graduated from the University of Minnesota and the William Mitchell College of Law. SPRING 1991 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 3 1991 Street Projects Fridley Assessor's apital improvement projects Receives Corner are an important part of the By Leon Madsen City's budget and on-going Financial five year plan. The most Assessors are required by state tax visible of these long-term Award laws to physically review every taxable goals are street maintenance and safety property at least once every 4 years,and improvement projects. to review the value basis every year. AgState law also requires that the Asses- City this year, the City of Fridley As part of creating a Fridley Center received The Certificate of Achievement City area and to increase traffic safety,the sor's value be at 100% of the market University Avenue-Mississippi Street inter- for Excellence in Financial Reporting. value. The State Department of Reve- This certificate is the highest form of section will receive a facelift. Dedicated nue recommends that the Assessor's left turn lanes will be added to Mississippi, recognition in the area of governmental values not fall below 90%of actual sales allowing one lane for right turns and the accounting and financial reporting a city price of similar properties, while the other to proceed straight. To improve can attain. The City's year end compre- Anoka County Assessor strives for a safety, the signals and pedestrian cross- hensive annual financial report met the level close to 95%. walks will be upgraded. standards of the program including "demonstratin Many taxpayers ask the Assessor This project should help the southwest g a constructive spirit of "What do you look for in a home to and northeast quadrants develop. Con- disclosure to clearly communicate its make your estimate of market value?" struction will be from July to August,but is financial story and motivate people to Essentially,we look for the same things not expected to drastically disrupt traffic. read it." ''improvement of the Highway 65-53rd The award was presented by the Gov- prospective home buyers look for: the size of the house and garage, lot size, Avenue intersection will improve access to ernment Finance Officers Association. 1-694 and Target. Northbound Highway house style,age, and amenities such as 65 will receive most of the improvements extra baths, fireplaces, porches, decks when a second left turn lane and a third and basement finishing. lane with direct access to 1-694 is added. To accomplish the required assess- 00, Access to the Northco business and ment, the Fridley Assessor's office the Target warehouse should be improved divides the City into 4geographic areas. when 73rd Avenue is widened between The area of Fridley that basically lies University Avenue and Highway 65. To within School District #13 will be improve pedestrian safety, a walkway/ reviewed in 1991. bikeway from Locke Park to Community Park will be added on the south side of the road. The project should begin in June and be completed in August. In the same area of the City, the Melody Manor neighborhood encompass- Household haZordous Waste tip: ing about eight miles of roads will be sealcoated. Automotive Battery Disposal Money used to pay for these projects is Improper disposal of motor vehicle batteries from cars, trucks, motorcycles, collected from many different sources. snowmobiles and golf carts will likely pollute our water supply with toxic chemicals. Benefiting businesses and developments An average battery contains 18 are assessed for the improvements. Basic g ry pounds of lead and a gallon of sulfuric acid contami- nated with lead. When these batteries are recycled instead of dumped on the ground street improvement projects are usually or in your trash,our lakes,rivers,and ground water are spared. - paid out of the General Capital hnprove paid Fund. The gasoline tax returned e- When batteries are recycled,the lead is reused, the plastic case is recycled,and the acid is neutralized. the State to Fridley, goes toward street repair projects. When a project includes a Battery retailers are required to accept up to five used batteries,whether or not you State or County road,that authority often are a customer, according to state law. Auto parts stores, service stations, and pays two thirds of the project. Tax discount stores are some of the places which must take batteries free of charge. increment financing funds projects For more information about household hazardous waste collection programs, recommended by the Fridley HRA. For contact the Minnesota Pollution control Agency at 296-6300. more information about this year's street projects, contact John Flora, Director of Public Works,at 572-3550. PAGE 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1991 Reduce Burglaries Adult Business from page 1 ✓ Use a portable burglar alarm for people on vacation and other high potential crime areas. Ordinance ✓Increase the use of'Crime Alerts"to inform neighbor- hood residents what was taken, where, and how Approved entry was made so precations can be taken. ✓ Increase the number of neighborhood meetings. into the ✓ Notify everyone; residents, businesses, and potential ecause adult businesses are moving burglars, that Fridley Is not the place to come to suburbs, the Fridley City Council passed an commit a crime. ordinance on February 25,1991 regulating those While responding to calls for service is still the number one types of businesses. A temporary ordinance, priority of the Police Department, more emphasis is being passed in January,gave the City time to prepare placed on neighborhood crime prevention. DWI and drug a constitutionally acceptable law. enforcement will continue, as will D.A.R.E. and other police The City Council proceeded cautiously, holding public programs. hearings and seeking citizen input. The permanent ordinance The total number of burglaries in 1990 was 262, which is will help protect neighborhood quality from the effects of sex quite good compared to other metro cities of Fridley's size. businesses. Affected businesses include adult bookstores and This number fluctuates for a variety of reasons, many which adult entertainment establishments. cannot be controlled, including the number of youth living in The ordinance requires adult businesses to be 500 feet from the area, weather, and the number of people passing through residential areas, 1,000 feet from churches,schools, or parks, Fridley. Often,arresting one burglar who is"working"the area and 1,000 feet from other sexually orientated businesses. The preempts scores of other burglaries. ordinance also sets licensing requirements, inspection proce- For that reason,if citizens see something suspicious,please dures,and license fees. Business hours must be between 8 am. call 911. Police Officers would rather respond to a false alarm, and 11m. Other regulations are included in the ordinance.For P g than fill out a theft report. I a complete copy,contact the City Manager's Office. To meet the 1991 goal of reducing residential burglaries by The licensing procedure is similar to licenses for establish- ten percent,Fridley residents and the Police Department must ments which sell liquor. It provides a method for police work together. For more information,or to arrange a neighbor- background checks and City inspections. hood meeting call 572-3629. Dacy Named Director � ,x AN Fridley has a new Community Development Director. B arbara Dacy became a department head in December,direct- �� ing one of seven City departments. Dacy manages staff s NAVNK responsible for planning, building inspection,recycling and solid waste abatement,and code enforcement. As one of the team who direct economic development in Fridley,she assists the City Manager with Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) activities. One of her responsibilities is advising Councilmembers about proposed actions at City , Council meetings. Dacy started with Fridley in October of 1988 as the Planning Coordinator. She has a BA degree from Hamline University and a Masters degree in Urban Planning from Mankato State. City planning experience was acquired from Chanhassen,Brooklyn Park,St.Paul,and Palm Bay Florida. She replaces Jock Robertson who moved to Florida. SPRING 1991 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 5 City Accomplishments q tl Reviewed By Ed Fitzpatrick While many activities are not as obvi- Councilmember Ward 3 ous, they are just as important to the Recently the City Manager,Bill Bums, people of Fridley. One example is the provided the City Council with a compre- work involved to maintain our Aal bond hensive list of City achievements for 1990. rating which is the best a city of our size As a Fridley Councilmember and Fridley can achieve. This rating keeps the inter- citizen, I think many of these accom- est expenses minimal and enables Fridley plishments deserve highlighting, to easily finance capital improvement proj- In all,74 achievements were presented ects. Other projects which are not obvi- velopment Block Grant money to 13 Or- in the report. Obviously,only a few can ous to the casual observer are: ganizations,and developing a senior citi- be mentioned here. The new 1.5 million a comprehensive study designed zen companion program. The Police gallon water tower along with other water to maximize liquor store profits - Department started the D.A.R.E.program system improvements will ensure an ade- money earned in the two stores for 5th graders and organized the 7th quate water supply for many years to directly reduces the property taxes, annual National Night Out which was a come. Other visible accomplishments received two awards which com- part of revitalizing Fridley's Crime Watch include: mended the City's year end neighborhoods. •a new shelter and warming house financial report and the 1990budetOver the years we have come to ex- • at Flannery Park, g pest many services and programs. They revised the City's landscaping upgraded playground equipment ,ordinance and instituted a include the Police Department which re- at 5 parks, systematic code enforcement sponded to 18,147 calls,Fire to 584,and 17,700 people attended 540 pro- procedure. 477 building inspections. We have also grams at Springbrook Nature Cen- provided 450 - 5th graders and become used to our City staff planning for ter, in all, an estimated 125,000 2,000 elementary students with fire the future, preparing emergency plans, people visited the center. safety training, and keeping the City equipment modem- purchased electronic voting equip- Still other programs are aimed at cer- ized. Examples of this are: ment, fain segments of our population, such a new combination ladder pumper, recycled 1297 tons and composted distributing $34,000 in Community De- and radio equipment for the Fire 6,140 cubic yards. Department, signal preemption equipment which allows emergency vehicles to safely pass through intersections. Finally, we try to keep you informed by publishing this quarterly newsletter, e cablecasting our Council meetings, and �� * having a monthly live call-in show where the Mayor or a Councilmember can be asked anything about City government. } Also,five police Block Captain newslet- ters and a Police Depar nient Annual report were written, and four recreation bro- chures were sent to each household. Though the written achievement re- port is divided into City departments, most projects could not have been com- pleted without extensive cooperation be- tween many City employees and most The production crew of Brian Strand,left and Brendan Glynn prepare a special departments. program for Government Cable Access Channel 31. Call 572-3501 for a Citizens interested in obtaining the program guide. Programs include The Video Newsletter,City Council meetings, complete list may contact the City Man- and Call On The Council-a live call-in show. ager's office at 572-3504. PAGE 6 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1991 City Calendar - Spring 1991 Briefly . m Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday from the City Council 1 Recycle 2 Area I-North FIRE TRAINING FACILITY of Miss.St. December 10, the Council agreed to 3 4 5 6 7 8 Recycle 9 enter into ajoint powers agreement with CC Area 2-South 5 other cities to build a fire training PR HR of Miss.St. facility in Fridley. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Recycle 16 BIN PURCHASE APPROVED December 17,purchase and distribution Area 1-North A PL HRA of Miss.St. of 2 recycling bins to each Fridley household and rental unit of 4 or less 17 St. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Recycle was approved. This action is designed Patrick's CC EQE Area 2-South to enable Fridley to meet recycling quotas. Day of Miss.St. FOOTBALL PLAQUE 24 Palm 25 26 27 28 29 30 School District 14 presented the Council Sund y cc A P with a plaque honoring the Fridley football 31 Easte CH team for its State Championship. BILLINGS& FITZPATRICK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January 7,Steve Billings,Councilmember Ward 1 and Ed Fitzpatrick, 1 CC 2 3 4 5 Recycle 6 Councilmember Ward 3,were sworn to Conference Area 1-North four year terms. PR A HR of Miss.St. MAYOR PRO TEM NAMED 7 8 9 10 11 12 Recycle 13 Dennis Schneider was named Mayor Poo CC PL HRA Area 2-Soutf Pro Tem for 1991 at the January 7th opom of Miss.St. meeting. He will perform Mayoral duties 1.0 014 15 16 17 18 19 Recycle 20 if the Mayor is unable to. CC Area 1-Nor PARK LAND PURCHASED .4� Conference of Miss.St. January 28, the Council agreed to 21 22 23 24PL 25 26 Recycle 27 purchase properties for Moore Lake CC Area 2-South Park and Riverview Heights Park. CTV of Miss.St. FERN MOE WEEK 28 29 30 February 11 to 17 was declared Fern Moe Pioneer Historian Week honoring CH her work with the Fridley Historical Society. Fern is moving to Iowa and will be missed. SundayMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday FUND SOURCE REQUESTED February 11, the Council passed a 1 2 3 Recycle 4 resolution requesting that Anoka County HR Area 1-North establish a reliable source for solid waste of Miss.St. abatement and recycling activities. 5 6 cc 7 8 9 10 Recycle 11 PR PL HRA Area 2-South Calendar Code 10�4of Miss.St. 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 Recycle 18Armed A -Appeals Commission Mother's CC A HR Area 1-Nort Forces Day Conference of Miss.St. Day CC -City Council 19 20 CC 21 22 23 24 Recycle 25 CH -Charter Commission CH EQE PL area 2-South CTV-Cable TV Commission of Miss.St. 26 27 28 29 3031 EQE-Environmental Quality&Energy Memorial Holiday A Day HR -Human Resources Commission Observed City open A -Housing Redevelopment Authority The HRA and the Cable TV Commission meet at 7:00 pm. The City Council and all other Commissions meet in the PL -Planning Commission Municipal Center and begin at 7:30 pm. PR -Parks&Recreation Commission The Municipal Center is located at 6431 University Avenue NE. SPRING 1991 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 7 Car Codes April Hydrant y Com ost Site erhaps by now the winter Flushing p cold and snow have taken a Opens April toll on you and your car. If p you are thinking of selling The City of Fridley will flush hydrants the old beast,please be aware during the month of April. Flushing is that certain City codes must done every six months to remove iron and 15 be followed. manganese deposits plus many other min- erals that build up in the lines during the ince no leaves or grass are Fridley City Code 506 limits display- allowed in landfills or in- ing vehicles for sale to private property on Winter. The serviceability of the fire hydrants is also checked at this time. cinerators,the Fridley com- paved parking areas,and the car must be post drop-off site will open registered to the owner or occupant of the Flushing may create a disturbance in S starting April 15. property, the water mains resulting in water discol- oration.The water is acceptable for drink- A fee will be charged, This ordinance was enacted to help however it is different from last year. To preserve civic.beauty,protect health and �ng>though there is the possibility clothes may be stained during washing. make the fee structure more equitable, safety, and prevent unauthorized use of only $2 per car up to 10 bags will be vacant property.Please follow these regu- Anyone who is experiencing water charged. As an added benefit,cars will be lations when you are attempting to sell discoloration lasting longer than a day allowed return trips up to 10 bags in one your vehicle. should call the Public Works Department day with a dated receipt. Formoreinformation,contacttheCit at 572-3566 during business hours. Y Trucks,or trailers will be charged$3 Code Enforcement Officer,Steve Barg,at No flushing will be done on weekends per trip. No free return trips will be 572-3595. or Mondays. allowed for trucks or trailers. Compost site hours are: Tuesday to Saturday 9 am.to 5 pm.;Sunday 1 pm.to Annual Police Auction 6 pm.;closed Monday. The site is located On Saturday,April 13, 1991 Fridley will hold its annual Police Auction at at 350 - 71st Avenue behind Columbia the Public Works Garage located at 400-71st Avenue. Arena. Questions about the compost program can be answered by Lisa Campbell, Viewing begins at 9 am. The auction starts at 10 am. Vehicles,bicycles, Fridley Recycling Coordinator 572-3594. and other equipment will be sold. Call 572-3629 for more information. Fridley City Code man- All Dogs Must Be Licensed dates that all dogs over the age of six months must be licensed and vaccinated Animal License Application against rabies. Furthermore, the tags must be wom by the License period from May 1, 1991 to April 30, 1992 dog. City of Fridley License No. ' 1. Print information on the f 6431 University Ave. (leave Blank form and return it to the Fridley,MN 55432 ' City with proof of current ' rabies vaccination. 2. Fees: Fee $5.00-N-N;N-S Vaccination Date Age: Approx.Weight $5 each year for non-neu- tered or non-spayed dogs. e Pet's Name: Color: Sex: Breed: $2.50 for neutered or Applicaj t: Address: i spayed dogs. ' Zip:---Telephone Number (proof required) Applicant Signature 3. Your license, certificate, ' and tag will be sent to you upon approval. FOR orncE USE ��� w---w---ws----aw-----w------J PAGE 8 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1991 1991 Water Chief Bob Aldrich, along with Mayor Conservation � ° Neebreaking i ' ` round at the last of the two Policy satellight fire stations that he he City Water Conservation Policy passed ; planned. Aldrich j last year will be in effect again this year. , „ retired in January City water customers including residents a after 37 years of and businesses MAY NOT sprinkle during ' _ service to the the hours from 12 noon to 8 pm.from April I Fridley Fire 15 to September 15. Department. There are NO exceptions to this resolution. n To avoid confusion, the odd even side of the street system was not used. This policy is in effect everyday for Chiefeveryone. Aldrich Retire s The specific purpose of this policy is to limit the Bob Aldrich started with the Fridley Fire Department in 1953. amount of water used for lawn irrigation. Sprinkling is i prohibitted from noon to 8 pm.because much of the water 1956-elected Captain of the department 4 used during that period evaporates. 1960-started the City's rescue squad service Water for shrubs, gardens, wading pools, and car 1972-appointed Deputy Fire Chief washing is not restricted by the policy at this time. If 1979-appointed Fridley Fire Chief drought conditions should occur, additional emergency 1991 -retired after 37 years of service. Between the time he measures may be taken. started and retired, the City grew from less than 3,000 to nearly People having private wells or pumps should also 30,000 people. Also in that time he taught many classes, wrote follow the schedule. Private well water is just as precious numerous articles,and responded to thousands of fires and emer- as City water and should be used during the hours that will gencies. Aldrich left a legacy of a well equipped department,well provide the best benefit,using the least amount of water. trained firefighters,and two satellite fire stations. Residents having questions about this policy may call the Public Works Department at 572-3550. +-sweep driveways and sidewalks instead of hosing them Violations of the watering policy are considered mis- Water -do not leave the water running while brushing teeth and shaving demeanors and are subject to theappropriate nalt -purchase water-efficient appliances,including a low-flush toilet y' Saving r repair leaky fixtures on a regular basis Try some of the conservation tips listed in the box to r wash only full loads of dishes and laundry help reduce your water consumption. TIPS - use a bucket and sponge to wash the car instead of a hose -spend less time in the shower 1991 City of Fridley CITY OF FRIDLEY Spring Newsletter CAR-RT-SORT, BULK RATE William J.Nee 6431 University Avenue NE. U.S.POSTAGE,. Mayor ....... ....... .... PAID' Counciltnember-at-large ....................Nancy J.Jorgenson Fridley, MN 55432MN Couucilmember 1st Ward. .., . Steven E.Billings 571-3450 Fermi apo.2 86 Councihnember 2nd Ward .Dennis L.Schneider Permit No,28814 Councilrnember 3rd i Ward.. ......... Edward J.Fitzpatrick City Manager...................................... William W.Bums Editor.................................................. Jim Froehle CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY Administrative Offices/Municipal Center.........571-3450 POSTAL C U STO M E R Office hours: 8 am.to 5 p.m.,Monday-Friday. 24 Hour Recreation Hotline................................571-9397 TDI ................. ......... ..... .............572-3534 Liquor Store....................................................,...571-3480 a Police(24 Hours-Non-Emergency) ... ............572-3629 FIRE AND]POLICE EMERGENCY ___911