1994 Fall CITY OF FRIDLEY Fall Newsletter 1994
No. 84
Many departments and people provide that ounce of prevention
Everyone recognizes police officers in their blue uniforms. j i.
Residents are even getting used to seeing Fridley officers on
bicycles. But an equally important element of police work
requires no weapons experience, no red lights, and doesn't involve
apprehending criminals. These people from various departments work
at crime prevention with citizens who have chosen to keep their families i ; 4
and neighborhoods safe. These are the people and this is their story. r
This team of City employees is unique because they fight crime with
education. School programs for young people are combined with crime
prevention programs for neighborhood residents. Social service agen-
cies are called to intervene in cases of physical abuse,neglect,or sexual
abuse. Listed below are some of the programs which are designed to
improve the Fridley community and reduce crime. For more information
about any of the programs call 572-3629.
Neighborhood Crime Watch Programs:
This program has been in operation since 1980. Currently 42
neighborhoods with over 400 block captains participate, and it is still
growing. Plans are underway to include sworn officers to assist with
block level meetings to expand and encourage communication.
Block Meetings&Neighborhood Meetings: Representatives from the
Fridley Police Department meet with residents in the immediate
block or the entire neighborhood to discuss problems,solutions,and �
ways to work together. Crime Prevention Specialist Liz Chevalier, above left
Crime Alerts: Block Captains receive crime alerts for the designated and Recreation Program Specialist,Debi Campabasso
number of homes they cover. Crime alerts are sent for burglaries escort McGruff to a Bicycle Rodeo.
occurring in the area. Below, Officer Scott Robinson poses with Parkview
Operation Identification:Through the use of a free engraver,property Neighborhood residents and the anticrime art they
is marked with a recognizable number. Stickers displayed at building painted at the National Night Out Celebration. From
entrances advertise participation,deterring burglars. left to right are Shelly Garber who provided the materials
Security Survey: A crime prevention specialist will come to your and Catherine and Sarah Evers who did the work.
business or residence to make specific security improvement recom- Painters not pictured are Kjersten Gorin and Sam.
mendations regarding doors, locks,
windows and other areas.
Youth Programs: -
Elementary programs: Students, pre- '
school through fourth grade receive .
programs twice annually on topics
such as personal safety, antivandal-
ism,theft prevention,nonviolent con-
flict resolution, traffic safety, and
more. ..
Summer Safety Camp 1995: Plans are
n f
underway or two oda m
Y Y safe ca
h' P
Plans are to teach 100 children about
safety, drug prevention, wheelchair
awareness,and more.
see CrIwe Preventlon page 4
Do I NEED A WATER Fi TER by Leon Madsen
Loss abatement:
PERMIT To OPENHoum Did you know that a provision in Minnesota Tax
An open house will be held Law allows property taxes to be abated for the months
HOOKUP GAS Monday September 26 to ex- a structure cannot be used or occupied due to damage
plain the innovative partnershipfrom an accidental or unintentional disaster?
APPLIANCES? which developed a plan to prop The damage must exceed 50%of the Assessor's
errly filter the water coming to value for the structure. Application is made to the
Yes! Abuilding permit orgas line Fridley from the Twin City Assessor and the County Board of Commissioners.
inspection is required when in- Army Ammunition Plant Don't forget!
stalling OR reinstalling natural orpro- (TCAAP). Opening remarks
Homeowners no longer need to reapply, every
furnaces, water heaters, fire- will be made from 3 to 3:45pm.
pane gas year,for their homestead taxes. If your property is
places, ovens, stoves,or dryers. Tours will follow until bpm. now homesteaded it will remain so on Assessor's
This is a safety issue and a The ceremonies will'beheld records until the property is sold or ceases to be
homeowner's chance to inexpensively in New Brighton at the water occupied. Therefore,homestead cards are no longer
make certain that installation is done filtration plant, 680 5th Street mailed each years. The homestead automatically
correctly. To make the process easier for NE,where the water is purified. renews.
homeowners, inspections can be done This plant processes 630` Homeowners must,however,notify the Assessor
after hours. million gallons of water each if they cease to occupy their property as the principal
The homeowner or service company year. For more information call place of abode.
must first come to the Ci offices and the Fridley Public Works
City Department at 572-3552. Call the Assessor's Office,at 572-3537,withyour
complete a very brief form including the p property tax related questions.
make and model number of the new
appliance. When a new gas line is
installed for a furnace two inspections SENIOR HOUSING GENERATES INTEREST
are done. The rough-in is done to ensure
that the gas line has no leaks. On the Their
e three story structure emerging from a ball field where youngsters honed
final examination the inspector checks skills will now be home for senior citizens and handicapped residents.
that the venting, installation, and Construction is running ahead of schedule with completion expected in December.
operation are up to code. Norwood Square, as it will be known, has 47 one bedroom units designed for
According to Chief Building Official seniors and 3 specifically outfitted apartments for disabled individuals. Since this is
John Palacio, some of the common haz- a federally funded project, guidelines mandate that about 30 percent of the tenants'
ards are deteriorating exhaust stacks, yearly income will be used for rent. Though about 200 peopled have shown interest
improper stack size,unguarded gas lines in moving into the Norwood units, occupancy will be on a first come basis using
which could easily be damaged by lawn Federal Preference Standards.
mowers or other means, improper gas Thehousingis "
piping, or leaking gas lines. He also located at 6200
explains,"Make sure that you call in for 5th street just1� "
the final inspection. Right now we are north of St. Will-
calling residents who should have re- iams church. The
quested a final inspection a long time Fridley Housing
ago." and Redevelop-
There is a fee for the permits but,for ment Authority 6
peace of mind and safety,it is well worth (HRA) provided
the money. For reinstallations or new gas an $84,000 grant 3
lines to stoves or ovens the minimum fee to help make the
of$15.50 is charged. The fee for new project feasible.
furnace installations is$30.50. Furnaces Norwood Square y
or air conditioners also require a$15.50 will generate 4
electrical permit and inspection. about $37,000 in w ,
ro �R
For more information or code require- property y taxes
ments, contact the Fridley Inspection each year. -
division at 572-3604 from Sam to 5pm For more in-
weekdays. formation includ-
ing application materials and qualifications, call Nancy Downs at 291-1750.
SISTER CITY by Nancy Jorgenson, Councilmember-At-Large
Each year the Fridley City Council approves funding for repairing and improving
>> our Cityparks. One ofthese improvements is color coating tennis and basketball
SENDS THANKS courts. The coating process is expensive,using a material similar to the Teflon coating
by Mayor Bill Nee on your pots and pans. Last year we spent$13,546 to refurbish and color coat seven court
onight as I write this,my spouse, Unfortunately this year we discovered that several of the courts located at Commons
Kay, and I are making plans to and Madsen Parks needed repairs because of damage,believed to be caused by youths,
visit our Sister City, Fourmies, France. playing rollerblade hockey on the courts. Skateboards,rollerskis,rollerskates,and
The occasion is the celebration of their rollerblades are prohibited from City tennis courts, basketball courts, and the
LIBERATION 50 years ago by American Fridley Plaza by Chapter 513.01 of the Fridley City Code. The reason these
soldiers. They've been planning this recreational devices are prohibited isthattheirwheels pick upsmall rocks during normal
celebration for the past several years be- use The rocks then cut into the color coated surfaces of the tennis and basketball courts,
cause they earnestly want to express their moisture builds up under the surface and cause the material to bubble and crack. The
heartfelt thanks to the United States sol-
bubbles and cracks also cause uneven wearing on the surface of the courts and possible
diers and the American public for giving injury to someone playing tennis or basketball.
them back their freedom and helping
them secure a previously unheard helping
50 This year we approved$23,654 to color coat another 10 tennis and basketball court
years of peace in their town. locations. Of this amount,almost$1,000 is needed just to repair damaged courts that
For the past two years they've been Fere treated last year. We need the support of the people in Fridley to maintain the park
urging Kay and me to participate in the
LIBERATION CELEBRATION as Thisyear a court atFlanery was nearly ruinedby rollerbladers before the new surface
American representatives. Fortunately, had a chance to dry completely. Because a City employee intervened before much
one of their guests will be one of the GIs damage was done a complete repair was avoided. Still the marks will remain until the
who was actually involved in the Libera- scheduled resurface is done years from now. Parents, please talk with your children.
tion of Fourmies. As for Kay and me,we Explain why they should not skate on tennis or basketball courts before more are
both were involved in liberating Europe, damaged. If you notice someone in your neighborhood park misusing the park
but not Fourmies. Kay landed on Utah equipment please call 91 land an officer will be sent out to talk with the individual. With
Beach shortly after D-Day. My Division your help,we can ensure the best use of your tax dollars in our park system.
didn't get into the field until about three
months later. They said that didn't make dll�o FIRE PREVENTION WEEK
any difference...the people of Fourmies SU
just wanted some American guests to d Fire Prevention Week is October 8th to the
carryback their"Thanks"to the people of 15th. To kick off the week, Fridley firefighters
their Sister City. ,I will hold and open house and give demonstrations
In addition to the Model 1944 GIs I f r o mlpm to 5pm on Saturday October 8th.
just mentioned, I understand there will
also be a detachment from American
NATO forces. These fine young Ameri- PLASTIC QUESTIONS
can GIs are servingtoday to make sure the
sacrifices made 50 years ago continue to As the Fridley Recycling Coordinator I am asked many plastic questions each week.
be justified. I would like to take a moment to provide some plastic answers.
Indeed,this celebration illustrates why ? why doesn't the City Curbside Program pick up plastics?
I've been such a constant supporter of our Plastic containers represent only 8%by weight and 18%by volume of the waste
Sister Cities program since we initiated it stream,yet the addition of plastics would increase curbside recycle collection costs
in 1979 ... to make sure we realized the by 15%. Though the market for recycled plastic has improved,the price for it is
full benefits of the peace for which we now just a penny per pound. However,it costs five cents per pound to collect and
fought. Thanks to the hard work ofDiane process plastics. For these reasons the City will delay adding plastics until
Ferry,the Sister City Board,and so many collection costs fall.
Fridley residents,adults and students who 9 Where can I take my plastics?
have been invoved in this project.
Together we're expanding our common Necked plastic bottles maybe,fora fee of 5 cents per pound,taken to the recycling
understanding, reducing conflicts based center at 71st and University Avenue,behind Columbia Arena. Hours are 9am to
on MISunderstanding,and securing the Spm Tuesday to Saturday.
benefits of peace for all of us. For more information contact Recycling Coordinator,Lisa Campbell at 572-3594.
CAERPREDICTS Youth Outreach Worker: This program provides a youth advocate to assist youth in
connecting with resources to help them through difficult problems.
FRIDLEY DISASTER ' D.A.RE. Sworn officers present a 17
part Drug Abuse Resistance Education
CAER stands for Communityto all 5th grade students in Fridley.
Awareness andEmergency Response. It's D.A.RE.for 7th grade: Coming this
a concept that was developed in 1985 by s fall,Kurt Morse will Expand the DARE
the Chemical Manufacturers AssociationProgram into the middle school as well
in response to the tragedy in Bhopal, as becoming a full time School Resource
India. This incident demonstrated the Officer.
need to increase the level of awareness Special Programs
and preparedness in communities.
Fridley CAER was formed in 1992 Turn Off The Violence: Campaign
using the national program as a guide. promoting turning of violence in every-
The mission ofthe Fridley CAER group is day life including TV, movies,
to help integrate existing emergency re- and when resolving conflicts.
sponse plans and procedures of local in- C.A.T. Combat Auto Theft program is
dustry and public safety organizations. designed for people who do not use their
This is done in a spirit of mutual interest
and cooperation. Fridley CAER is com- When not helping young bikers, Kurt ii e
prised of local businesses who use chemi- Morse is the 7th grade D.A.R.E.instructor Crime
cals in their production,produce hazard- and School Resource Officer
ous waste as a by-product, or are they � Specialist,
emergency responders who would assist vehiclebetweenlamand5am. Bydisplayingthe
with a chemical related incident. stickers(Available for purchase for$2.00), po- Julie
lice officers can automatically stop anyone who Swanson
If disaster strikes, residents will be
told to either: 1-Evacuate or 2-Shelter in is driving a vehicle during those hours to deter-
place. Whether residents stay inside or mine if it a stolen.
evacuate the area depends on a multitude Speakers:We offer a wide variety of topics from
of factors including, the weather, the personal safety,to
chemical, its location, the amount, its residential secu-
toxicity,its form(liquid or gas),and other rity, to violence reduction,fraud prevention and more
factors.For more information contact Rose for any age group or type of group.
Griep,Public Safety Projects Coordinator Speed Board: A mechanical readout telling driver's
572-3638. speed reminding them to observe the speed limit.
A disasterwill happen in September. -1, I Residents may request this device for their area.
Yes,you read it here first. No,CAER isn't Tours: For any individual or group of any nature,tours
psychic. CAER is planning a practice of the police department can be arranged. Call for an
disaster spill involving a transportation appointment.
accident. It is an important exercise coor- Outreach Worker,
dinating the emergency responders and Kevin Thomas
industry using a realistic sce-
nario so that they may share
information,equipment,and From left
experience. The drill is also . to right
being done to raise public Firefighter
awareness of potential threats H o w i e
as well as what action can be Simonson,
taken to prevent or minimize Officers
loss of life or injury during a ��� D a n
chemical emergency. Plan-
ning is underway, however, and Don
the date will not be publi- m� Abbott,
cized to keep the drill realis- + � � and
Fir f
tic and to reduce distrac- Rosie Griep with her partner McGruff.
tions encountered by the 250 Rosie is the Special Projects Unit Chuck McKusick present Sarah Benjamin with the
participants. Coordinator and helps coordinate CAER. Young Hero award for saving her brother Matthew
from drowning.
Fndley has 22 merchants who sell tobacco. According to Minn- APPROVED
esota State law, NO person under the age of 18 is allowed to
purchase cigarettes or other smoking or chewing tobacco products. ver the past few years police calls and rental
Unfortunately tobacco sales to minors continues to be a problem. 0complaints have increased at several rental prop-
To encourage compliance,the Fridley Police Department is educat- erties. While these problems are not widespread, it is
ing store owners and sales clerks. On June 10th a letter explaining the important to keep them from expanding. Fridley's rental
code was revised to eliminate rental property problems by:
law and the penalty,a maximum fine of$3,000 and up to one year in jail,
was sent to all merchants who sell cigarettes over the counter or by -. Establishing minimum maintenance standards for
machines. Six weeks later an officer brought a 16 year old to allover the each dwelling whether it is a single family rental
counter locations observing the juvenile purchase cigarettes from seven home or apartment complex.
of the 22 locations. The cashiers were then charged with gross A. Inspecting 1,000 units each year and all rental prop-
misdemeanors. erty every 3 to 4 years. One full-time and one part-
time person will be hired.
After the operation,letters were sent to the merchants telling them ♦ Increasing license fees to cover half the cost of the
of the results and promising that similar checks would be conducted inspection services.
One of the reasons given by clerks for not checking identification Charging owners additional fees for extra inspec-
tions needed because of uncorrected violations.
closely is that people without ID's give them such a difficult time. This A- Holding rental owners accountable for their tenant's
is not an acceptable defense for selling to a minor. It is also a petty conduct. Owners who fail to respond to problems
misdemeanor for minors to purchase OR use tobacco whether it is caused by unruly tenants may have their license
chewed or smoked. To make enforcement of this Minnesota ordinance revoked or suspended.
effective, cooperation is needed from all sides -- minors, merchants, The process leadingto thefinal ordinance was long and
parents,and police. If you have questions about the law call the Fridley thorough with many changes made along the way. Signifi-
Police Department anytime at 572-3629.
cant points leading up to the ordinance change include:
1 Contacted 16 cities with similar ordinances and
3 CAN'T Mlss HoME LOANS systematic inspection programs to develop a work-
able ordinance.
To help more people experience Fridley living,the Fridley Housing Reviewed draft ordinance with rental owners and
and Redevelopment Authority(HRA)offers 3innovative programs. managers coalition on February 2, 1994.
First Time Home Buyer Loans a Held public hearings March 7 and 21, 1994.
Currently the loans are fixed at 7.33%for 30 years for conventional, w Amended the ordinance and sent to the owners
FHA,VA,and conventional mortgage from 6 local banks. Rates may coalition on May 3, 1994 for comment.
change, so call soon. Guidelines are simple: ♦ Received an additional 4 letters and 6 phone calls.
1. Bea first-time home Buyer. (Someone who has not owned a home in which 1 Because of public comments provisions were added
they have resided for the last 3 years.) for ventilation in laundry rooms, exterior electrical
2. Have a household income of$40,800 or less.
3. Buy a home priced less than$92,544. outlets, fee structure clarification, tenant behavior,
4. The seller is charged 1.5 points. emergency repairs, and inspection notices to name
Home Mortgage Assistance a few.
This special program allows a borrower to: A- Rental ordinance Chapter 202 passed July 11, be-
l. Buy and remodel a home or refinance an existing mortgage and complete coming affective August 8th.
repairs of at least$5,000. The revised rental ordinance is one of several compo-
3. Buy a previously rented home and become the owner occupant. nents of the City's housing improvement plan. Other parts
4. All qualified borrowers get a$3,600 to$6,000 interest-free,deferred loan
from the City to help with part of the down-payment,closing costs or home of the plan include:
improvements. 1 Housing rehabilitation.
5. Purchase home less than$126,000 (mortgage limit:$120,000)and make
repairs of at least$5,000 and have a household income of$55,000 or less. 1 Scattered-site acquisition.
Home Improvement Loans ♦ Ordinance amendments for nuisance abatement and
Money is also available for roof repairs,new furnaces,additions,or housing maintenance.
finishing a basement. Ifyou want to make these improvements but can't ♦ Establishment of an Owner/Landlord Coalition.
find affordable financing and have an income of less than$41,000,call Maintaining Fridley's overall neighborhood vitality is
the number listed below for details. an ongoing process. Public comments at Council and
Application forms for all programs are available through the City of Commission meetings as well as written comments mailed
Fridley by calling Grant Fernelius at 572-3591. Borrowers must meet to the City are always appreciated.
normal lending requirements.
City Calendar - Fall 1994 THINK SNOW:PARKING
Acity ordinance specifies that for 24
hours a day from November 1st to
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday May 1st,vehicles must not impede the
1 2 Recycle 3 plowingorremovalofsnoworice.TheCity
HR Area 1-North does not want to tag and tow cars illegally
3-+ of Miss. St. parked during winter snow removal,but
N sometimes it is the only way to maintain
'a 4 5 6 CC 7 PL 8 HRA 9 Recycle 10 properly plowed thoroughfares to enable
Call On The Area 2-South
Council 7pm CH 31 of Miss. St. emergency vehicles to drive safely.
11 12 13 14 15 16 Recycle 17 Snow plowing and sandingbegin when
PR A Area 1-North Constitution driving conditions become poor,or at the
Primary Elec. of Miss. St. 1787 end of a snow storm. Even if plowing
18 19 20 21 22 23 Recycle 24 begins in the wee hours of the morning,
CC E QC PL South of Miss. residents are still responsible for removing
First Day of Fall parked vehicles from City streets. No
25 26oatorlploa.e 27 28 29 30 specific amount ofsnow must fall nor does
see page 2 A a snow emergency have to be declared.
CH After neighborhood collector streets
are cleared,plowingfor each snowfall starts
in a different part of the City. For more
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaV informationabouttheCity'splowingpolicy,
Daylight Savings time ends on October 6th annual Public Access Bloodmo- 1 call the PoliceDepartment at 572-3629 and
23rd. Set clock back one hour. Also, I bile, October 31, noon to Spm. Call request the Snow Bird fact sheet.
replace batteries in Smoke Detectors! 571-3501 to sign up or information.
2 3 4 5 6 7 Recycle 8
C C Ca110n The P L H R Area 1-North >-spm
CH 31 572.3501 of Miss. St. House
9 10 Columbus 11 12 13 14 Recycle 15 FLUSHING
Day observed A HRA South of Miss
OCity oe�s Closed National ire Preve on Week vat—Day he City of Fridley will flush hydrants
City Offices closed Tstarting in October. Flushing is done
16 17 1819 20 21 Recycle 22
P L Area 1-North every six months to remove iron and man-
of Miss. St. ganese deposits plus other minerals which
23 24 CC CH 25 26 27 28 Recycle 29 build up in the water lines during the sum-
- Conf. A CTV Area 2-south mer. Fire hydrants are inspected and leaks
CH 31 Halloween
30 Bloodmobile 311 of Miss. St. and valves are also repaired at this time.
Flushing creates a disturbance in the
water mains sometimes causing water
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda discoloration. Anyone experiencing water
discoloration lasting longer than a day
1 2 PL 3 HR 4 Recycle 5 should call the Public Works Department at
Area 1-North 572-3566 duringbusiness hours.Hydrants
of Miss. St.
� will be flushed on Mondays but not on
6 7 CC 8 A 9 Call On The 10 HRA 11 Recycle 12 weekends.
PR cm-' LIVE 7pm Area 2-South
Election Day CH 3l 572-3501 of Miss. St.
v 13 14 15 16 17 18 Recycle 19 Calendar Code
CC EQE PL Area 1-North A
of Miss. St. i 1 -Appeals Commission
20 21 CC 22 A 23 24 25 Recycle 26 CC -City Council
South of Miss CH -Charter Commission
Thanksgiving Day Holiday T
27 28 29 ��Ak4E:1
V 1 r -Cable TV Commission
CH -Environmental Quality&Energy
The City Council and most other Commissions meet at 7:30 pm. in the Municipal Center located at HR -Human Resources Commission
6431 University Avenue NE. The public is welcome. The Cable and Park&Recreation Commissions HRA -Housing & Redevelopment Authorit
meet at 7 pm. Hearing impaired persons planning to attend public meetings who need an interpreter, PL _Planning Commission
or others with disabilities who require auxiliary aids, should contact the City Manager's Office at
572-3500 ten days before the meeting. The Municipal Center is accessible to disabled people. PR -Parks &Recreation Commission
A city-wide general election will be held
Tuesday,November 8. It will decide who the W39
next Ward 1, Ward 2, and Ward 3 PIV
councilmembers are for Fridley. Voting loca-
tions will be open from 7 am to 8 pm. A state
primary election will also be held on Septem-
ber 13th but will not include City 78th Avon y Osborne Rood
councilmembers. ° °QO
Election Locations i -
WARD 1 PRECINCT 1 > W3 f '
Grace Evangelical Free Church r venue
755 -73rd Avenue Northeast n P2 P1 i r W2
Hayes Elementary School '
615 Mississippi Street Northeast
Fridley Municipal Center P2 P2
6431 University Avenue Northeast , .
Fridley High School ,.
P3 P3
6000 West Moore Lake Drive L W2
--- � y
a >° r .
Woodcrest Elementary School
a ;
880 Osborne Road Northeast W1
Knights of Columbus P4
6831 Highway#65 Northeast ' ° I"tL_
WARD 2 PRECINCT 3 � c W3 1699
St. Philip's Lutheran Church n
6180 Highway#65 Northeast i d P4 n
WARD 2 PRECINCT 4 --------- Ward Boundaries
North Park Elementary School xe Precinct Boundaries
5575 Fillmore Street Northeast Polling Locations
Springbrook Nature Center D
100 -85th Avenue Northeast
Redeemer Lutheran Church d
61 Mississippi Way Northeast
Stevenson Elementary School ELECTION JUDGES
6080 East River Road
Fridley Covenant Church
6390 University Avenue NE Election Judges are needed for the general
Election Questions ??? election on November 8th. This is a paid
Voting locations or answers to election questions can be provided by either Bill position. You are eligible if you are:
Champa,the Fridley City Clerk,at 572-3 523 or the Anoka County elections office ■ able to read and write English,
at 323-5279 during business hours. ■ 18 and eligible to vote,
New voters may register at the City Offices until October 18th for the November E 16& 17 years olds may be assistants,
election or register to vote on election day by either bringing a current driver's ■ Call 572-3523 for more information.
license or a registered voter from your precinct to verify your address.
� F I•
q �
a for a special opportunity in a September
WFndeyFlocusnews a er. All readers will be
P Psked to choose their most important commu-
nity values. Some of the choices could be responsibility/
accountability, caring/compassion, integrity/honesty, self
worth, or respect.
In October a Town Meeting will be held to decide how to
implement the core community values identified by the
survey. The long term goal of the project is to develop All
4 residents of Fridley, Columbia Heights, Hilltop, school
districts, and other interested people are invited. The
CALL FOR Law ENFORCEMENT meeting will be held at the Fridley High School auditorium.
The effort to develop healthy communities is sponsored
ExpLORERS by the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium
(SACCC).For more information about the October program
Do you know what a police officer does? Do you want to learn or SACCC,contact Tim Yantos at 323-5692.
law enforcement from Fridley Officers? Do you want to ride
along once a month and experience what a police officer does daily? LARsoNRETIIzEs
Do you want to learn marksmanship and gun safety? Do you want to
learn crime scene or accident investigation? Police Explorers do this, Gary Larson started with the City of Fridley 34
direct traffic,provide crowd control at community events,and more. years ago in the Public
The Fridley Explorer program is traditionally one of the best in Works Department. ,
Minnesota. This summer at the annual State Conference Fridley He spent the last 24
Explorers placed first and fifth in the Crime Prevention event. At the years as a firefighter
National Conference in Indiana,Christopher McClish placed first in going out on thou-
the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course. sands of calls during
Young men and women between the ages of 14 and 21 may become that time.
Explorers. A Police career does not have be your life's ambition, Thanks for your
though 12 Fridley Explorers have become officers. Explorers must hard work.
maintain a C average in school and refrain from using alcohol, .
tobacco, or other illicit substances. For more information, call the
Fridley Police Department at 572-3629. Gary Larson 34 year
Fridley veteran
1994 City of Fridley
6431 University Avenue NE. U.S. POSTAGE
Mayor......: ...,: .., ...William J.Nee
Councilmember-at-large ......... ....Nancy J.Jorgenson Fridley, MN 55432 PAID
Councilmember Ist Ward.. ..............StevenE.Billings 571-3450 Minneapolis, MN
Councilmember 2nd Ward ...............Dennis L. Schneider Permit No. 2886
Councilmember 3rd Ward. ...............Ann A.Bolkcom
City Manager.......................................William W Burns
Editor...................................................Jim Froehle
Administrative Offices/Municipal Center.......... 571-3450 POSTAL CUSTOMER
Office hours: 8 am.to 5 pm.,Monday-Friday.
24 Hour Recreation Hotline ......... .. .....:......... 571-9397'
TDD........: . ........ ........ ........ 572-3534
Police(24 Hours-Non-Emergency) ................ 572-3629