1995 Summer C11YOFFRIDLEY Summer Newsletter 1995
No. 87
A comprehensive effort to reduce juvenile victimization
and crime
FIL: FRIDLEY'S roject Safety Net's goal,"Develop healthy youth during non school
hours." The collaborative effort among the Police,Recreation De
INFo LINE Ppartment,and schools consists oftwo components:a drop offcenter for
curfew violators and"The Zone"a youth drop in center.
FIL answers residents questions
24 hours a day Curfew Violation Drop Off Center Opened
FIL stands for Fridley's Info Line. FIL is an While parents have the primary responsibility for their children,Fridley
automated telephone service which answers the also has a substantial interest in the safety and welfare of juveniles. For this
most frequently asked questions about City ser- reason Fridley updated its curfew law with the intention of vigorously
vices. This system operates 24 hours a day to help enforcing it. Basically, the curfew law prohibits juveniles from being
residents who have difficulty calling during regu- present in any public place or establishment in Fridley during certain times.
lar City office hours.FIL even gives answers on Because a significant percentage of juvenile crime occurs during curfew
the weekend. The system, however, must be hours, we hope that strict enforcement will curtail a disturbing trend of
accessed by a touchtone telephone. increased crimes committed by and against juveniles. Unfortunately,both
types of incidents are becoming more violent.
Call FIL The curfew for juveniles under the age of 16 is lOpm Sunday through
Thursday. On Fridays and Saturdays the curfew is 11 pm.
The curfew for j uveniles age 16 or 17 is 11 pm Sunday through Thursday.
On Fridays and Saturdays the curfew is midnight.
The curfew drop off center will make it easier for Police Officers to
Q enforce the curfew laws. After picking up a youth for violating the curfew,
c� See Safety Net page 4
C_1J e Thpeople
• • EZ, �� P P
L= V staffing the
curfew center
are: front,
Fridley's Info Line Goldfarb,
Sim 1 touch572-3600to ettothemainmenu. youth worker;
P Y g second row,
If you know which category you want,punch it in Debi
once the message begins. Ifthe category number is Ilii Campobasso,
not known,you will be guided through the system. `s I Fridley
To help keep the system open to other callers,FIL Recreation
allows only four inquiries per call. + Coordinator;
If you want the latest special events informa-
Mary Popelka
tion,touch 320. A complete directory is stapled in and Tina
the middle of this newsletter. Remove it and save x° Johnson, youth
it for future use. Copies are also available at City workers; top
Hall and the library. row, Kevin
If you have trouble accessing FIL from your Youth
touchtonetelephone cal1572-3523durin offcehours.
FIL will become fully operational by the end ofWorker;
June,however,FIL nowhas informationabout'49er Kathleen
Days. See the'49er calendar for more information. Lombardi and
Julie Corcoran,
youth workers.
�l 1
Some people like it,some people hate it,but it truly does
make communication easier. It's called Voice Mail and
the City of Fridley now has it.
Voice Mail is basically a fancy answering machine but
with more options. Instead of getting a busy signal or being " �
transferred to someone you don't really want to talk to,you get
the friendly voice ofthe person you called. Once prompted to Clean-Up Week
leave a message the caller can leave a detailed message or September q - 16
touch 0(zero)at any time during the message to get a real live
person. Callers do not need a touchtone telephone to leave a • •
message,but they do to transfer to an operator. 1�.,W 1 �'
Voice Mail should be especially helpful to reach Fridley's �!
Mayor and City Council. Since they are part time and do not CLEAN UP WEEK
maintain offices in City Hall,they can now be"reached"24
hours a day. The City Council Voice Mail telephone number SET FOR SEPTEMBER
is 572-3511. A short message will guide you through the ids,grandmas,grandpas,moms,dads,neighbors,every
system,or once the message starts touch:l for Mayor Bill Nee; one in Fridley is invited to join in with Fridley Pride
2 for Councilmember-At-Large Nancy Jorgenson;3 for Ward City-Wide this September and clean up Fridley. It's
1 Councilmember Steve Billings;4 for Ward 2 Councilmember not just cleaning up, It is getting the community spirit and
Dennis Schneider; or 5 for Ward 3 Councilmember Ann accomplishing a goal together.
Bolkcom.Under this system the City Council can access their
private Voice Mail box from their home so citizens can be A curbside pickup is planned which will hopefully include
assured of reaching them in a timely and confidential way. old appliances, brush, and things such as old carpet and con-
struction materials. Also,usable furniture will be picked up by
Employees do not use voice mail to screen calls,but only ACCAP. Other specifics still have to be worked out,so watch
use voice mail if they are away from their desks or on the for further information.
phone. To make it easier to know when a call will be returned,
employees make a message if they are out for the day or on A central dropoff area will be at Columbia Arena where
vacation. residents can take scrap metal,tires,concrete and asphalt,and
other materials.Junk cars will be picked up free and owners will
If you have any questions or comments about the Voice be paid a nominal price by Shorty's Towing.
Mail system,call Bill Champa at 572-3523.
Volunteers with pickup trucks are needed to help take items
If calling from a non touchtone phone and you do not want to the drop off area. Volunteers are also needed to help people
to leave a message on a Voice Mail but would rather talk to a who are unable to take their things to the curb for pickup. Call
person,redial 571-3450. FIL-Fridley's Info Line,572-3600 and press extension 330 to
In emergency situations never leave a Voice Mail
g Y � volunteer or get more information. Volunteers will get t-shirts.
message,dial 911 for police,fire,or an ambulance. Many of the activities will occur on September 16th, but
other dates will be used as well—stay tuned for details.
Safety Camp will help reduce the number of accidents and esidents can now license their bicycles similar to how
with emergency situations. '
injuries among our young children and give them skills to cope R cars are registered. Cost is only$10 for three years.
Children will be taught safety in the areas of water, The advantages of licensing your bike:
< ■ if lost or stolen bicycles can be traced to the owner through a
fire,drugs, strangers,safety belts,railroads,ani- ;
mals,electricity,bicycles,first aid,and more. statewide computer system.
■ Law enforcement officials can trace the bike and identify the
Registration for this year's camp is already
rider if involved in an accident.
9 �> filled with the first 150 eight and nine year old Bikes can be registered at the Fridley Municipal Center
"•:4, children who signed up. Instructors were upper level between Sam and 5pm, weekdays, excluding
somewhat surprised by the terrific response holidays. Bike information needed:applicant name,address,
and are hoping for clear weather. The camp phone number, bicycle brand name, serial number, date
will be held at Commons Park on June 27-28. purchased,and other information identifying the bike.
Time Event TjlLocation
J fturadl a �./ul ne 15
1pm Senior Bowling Tourney Maple Lanes
6:25 Two Mile Run St. Philips
6:30 Parade Begins at High School
449ER 6-Close '49er Days Carnival Fridley City Plaza
DAYS Fj3�Lffij�I ft-f JIA�l �!
9:30am Senior 500 Tourney Senior Center
1-4 Sr. Cribbage Tournament Senior Center
)ME 15-18 5-Close Fridley Food Festival Fridley City Plaza
1j 6-9 Wine Tasting Liquor Store-214 Miss.St.
Noon-Close '49er Carnival Fridley City Plaza
6 Golden Lions Bingo Fridley City Plaza
6 3 on 3 Basketball Sports Spree
6-10 Lions Beer Tent Fridley City Plaza
7 Killer Hayseeds& Dance Fridley City Plaza
7 Miss Fridley Fashion Show iNrnorthtown Mall
8�J L011 al&V J -DUM 17
Sam-All day Pro-Am Bike Races Lake Pointe Area
49ER DAYS 8 Softball Tournament Community Park Fields
8-All day Basketball Tourney Sports Spree
This year Fridley celebrates the 21st annual Fridley 9-1 Model Power Boat Races Moore Lake
'49er Days. The parade and fun run will again kick off 9-4 Tennis Tourney Commons Park Courts
the festival,but this year it will be on a Thursday. Of course 9-4 Horseshoe Tourney Locke Park
the carnival will be back. If you have questions,or still want 10 Miniature Golf Tourney Sports Spree
to volunteer, call the '49er Hotline now a part of FIL, 10-6 Craft Show Fridley City Plaza
Fridle 's Info Line at 572-3600 extension 349. 11-Close Fridley Food Festival Fridley City Plaza
Y 1 Concert-Sentimental Journey Fridley City Plaza
• To register for basketball or miniature golf call 571-3000. 3:30 Teddy Bear Band Fridley City Plaza
• To register for the tennis tournament call 572-3570 4 Miss Fridley Pageant High School
before June 14. 4 Free Youth Arts&Crafts,Face Painting,
• Same day registration for pro and amateur bike races, Springbrook Nature Show Fridley City Plaza
flyers at the City Recreation office. Noon-Close '49er Carnival Fridley City Plaza
• State sanctioned horseshoe pitchers call 784-0161 be- 6-10 Lions Beer Tent Fridley City Plaza
fore June 13. 7-11 Rockin'Hollywoods Dance Fridley City Plaza
• Gas powered model boat racers call 1-800-864-3791 On,V-6 sLy Jul n o 1l a
before June 10. 9 Horseshoe Tourney Locke Park
The button designing contest was won by Ann Tiller of Noon Fridley Food Festival Fridley City Plaza
Fridley. Many of the events are made possible by proceeds Noon Craft Show Fridley City Plaza
from button sales and the generosity of many local busi- Noon-5 Exotic Animal Exhibit Fridley City Plaza
nesses. Thank You! Noon-Close '49er Carnival Fridley City Plaza
Noon Basketball Tourney Sports Spree
3:30 City Band Fridley City Plaza
5 Karoake Contest Fridley City Plaza
NEED HELP? The Fridley City Plaza is located at
6431 University Avenue.
T f you need some sort of help or social service,but do not Call FIL Fridley's Info Line at 572-3600 and enter category
1 know where to turn,call First Call ForHelp. This is a free 349 for '49er Days general information. For specific event
United Way service and operates 24 hours a day and on information enter these categories
holidays. O 322 for parade, carnival & food info;
They will give you the name and telephone number of O 323 for music;
almost every conceivable program or service from food to Q 324 for senior & youth;
counseling,you name it.
O 325 for Miss Fridley events;
The First Call For Help telephone number is 783-4880. Q 326 for other '49er Days information.
Fridley Public Works
�Gq °0ruy` NIGHT OUT trucks are now a safe
i refuge in case someone is
in trouble or needs
PLANNINGNow assistance. It is called the
National Night Out is Tuesday, August 1st McGruff Truck.
�� The McGruff Truck can
from 6pm to 8pm. This is the night to give be flagged down by
crime a going away party.Ifyou need help setting "' �` �
anyone,especially children,
up a party or if you want to invite a police any time by raising both
representative to it, call Julie Swanson at arms over the head and
572-3634. moving them back and
forth. This signals that
you feel threatened or are
lost or hurt. The driver
CRIME ALERTS FAXED will stop and call for
assistance immediately.
A decal like the one on
nyone with a FAX machine at home or work Ken Holmstrom's truck is
Acan now receive Fridley Police Crime Alerts
and crime prevention tips. Specific categories of attached to trucks whose
people such as landlords,pharmacists,Block Cap- drivers have been trained
as McGruff drivers.
tains,or retailers can be FAXed specific informa-
tion. So far 48 people are on the Fridley portion of
the Network.
To get on the network or for more information,
Safety Net from page 1
call Rosie Griep, �
Fridley Crime Fridley the Officer will take the violator to the drop off center which will then allow
Prevention the Officer to return to regular patrol. In the past, an Officer had to either
Coordinator locate the parents,take the violator to a detention center,which is probably
at 572-3638. Alert ® not in the youth's best interest,or stay with them at the Police station for hours.
The drop off center is open from 10 pm to 3 am and staffed by experienced
youth workers. The first step will be for the youth worker to contact the parents ,
requesting them to pickup their child. Secondly,the youth's situation will be
assessed to determine if the violation is a symptom of other problems
occurring in their life. The youth workers are trained to work with the youth
D pp'_ and their families and to identify potential problems. The center offers peer
POLICE BIKE (X. PARI and adult mentor services to youth who need this support.
The curfew drop off center is located in the meeting rooms in the lower
level of Fridley City Hall next to the Police Station.
"The Zvne' Drop in center to open June 23
Again this summer Police Officers and
Community Service Officers will be The drop in center will provide positive recreation opportunities for youth
touring City parks on bike and on foot. The in grades 8 through 12 on Friday and Saturday evenings between 9pm and
Park Patrol program was instituted to help midnight. The drop in center gives youth an alternative to sometimes
Fridley citizens feel safer while using the parks destructive behavior which results from unstructured leisure time. Zone
and trail system and to provide information programs are currently being designed by the kids who will be going there,
about our parks and recreation programs. because who knows better what they want. i
The officers are there to make your park This part ofProject Safety Net will use volunteers and some of the people j
visit an enjoyable experience. Feel free to stop who work at the curfew drop off center. The drop in center will open June 23
any of the Park Patrol Officers and let them and is located at the Community Education Center at 6085-7th Street. ,
know your comments and concerns. For more information about the curfew ordinance or Project Safety Net,
contact Youth Outreach Worker Kevin Thomas at 572-3643. Because Kevin
works irregular hours and at night,feel free to leave a message on his voice
ENTERTAMMENT ridley requires that ALL animals,including dogs and
hursday evening entertainment kicks off at 7pm at Fcats, must be confined to their owner's property by
Tcommons;Park with Rich&the Resisters on June 22nd. fencing or leashing. Animals which leave their property can
After that,for the next 6 Thursdays bands for adults and kids be impounded and the owners can be criminally charged.
and an ice cream social are featured at Moore Lake. Criminal charges issued for animal related offenses require
a mandatory court appearance.
To avoid impoundment, impound fees, and criminal
charges make sure your animal is confined to its property.
When walking your dog or cat,the animal must be on a leash
FREE PUPPET SHOWS no longer than 8 feet at all times including while in city or
county parks.
The traveling puppet wagon will visit Fridley parks every For further information,or to report a free running pet,
week this summer,June 27 to August 3. call a Police Department Community Service Officer at
Tuesdays- Flanery Park,9:30am;Rice Creek Townhouses, 572-3629.
10:30am; Briardale Park, 11:30am. If your dog or cat is missing, first call the Skyline Pet
Thursdays- Stevenson School, 9:30am; Commons Park, Hospital at 574-9892. All loose running dogs and cats are
10:30am; Moore Lake Beach, 11:30am. impounded and brought to the clinic. If the pet is not at the
clinic call the Police Department at 572-3629 to report it
missing. To help ensure that your pet is returned,make sure
that it has a current license.
Marking personal property makes it worthless to i�7DOOR SALES
You've heard McGruff say it before, but it's true, "Put aF MUST E LICENSED
permanent identification mark on your personal property
and it keeps burglars from taking it." ummer seems to be a busy time for door-to=door solicit-
How do we know?According to Fridley Police Investigators, S ing. However, you are under no obligation to talk to
in the past few years only one person who marked their property anyone who comes to your home trying to sell a product or
had it stolen and in that case it was recovered in Robbinsdale. solicit funds.
Most burglars steal things so they can get quick cash. Some + All door-to-door peddlers and solicitors must be li-
take it to apawn shop to get the cash. Ifproperty has an ID number, censed by the City and are required to carry a copy of
though,it is usually worthless. the license which you can ask to see.
In Minneapolis and Fridley 3,500 items pass through these + Fridley does not endorse any ofthe products or services
stores each month so it is easy for clerks to miss things on a stolen being sold. The license means only that the City is
property list. aware that a person or organization is in the City. (City
The Fridley Police Department has an engraver for large items Code Chapter 14,Peddlers)
and a special invisible marker for leather and fur coats which any * Althoughthe City cannot refuse to license an applicant,
Fridley resident can use free. If you move, your Identification the City Council canrevoke a license ifgiven justcause.
number can still be used by simply lettingthe Fridley Police know If someone comes to your home selling a product or
your new address. Your personal ID number can be traced soliciting contributions and you find they are not li-
anywhere in the United States through the National Criminal censed bythe City,call 9-1-1 andtellthe dispatcherthat
Information Center computer network. an unlicensed seller is in your neighborhood. A squad
So far 3,504 people have registered throughthe Fridley Police car will be sent to inform the seller of the City ordi-
Department. Who wants to be 3,505? Simply drop by the Police nance.
Department and get your ID number and an engraver. For more A complete copy ofthe ordinance is available for reading
information, call Rosie Griep at 572-3638. If she is not there, at City Hall during normal business hours from 8am to 5pm
leave a message on her voice mail. and at the Anoka County Library in Fridley.
City Calendar - Summer 1995 BUILDING INSPECTION
To make it more convenientto get
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda home building projects inspected,Frid-
'49er Days is June 15th To June 18th. 1 2 Recycle 3 ley Inspection Department hours have
The Parade is on Thursday,June 15th at 6:30. HR Area 1-North been extended. If requested 24 hours
See article and calendar on page 3. of Miss. St. in advance,building,mechanical,elec-
cn 4 s PR 6 A 7 PL s HRA 9 Recycle 10 trical,and plumbing inspections can
Area 2-South be done from 5pm to 8pm,Mondays to
0 of Miss. St. Thursdays. Call the Fridley Building
Callon 15 '49er 16 17
Inspector at 572-3602 to make ar-
� 11 12 CC 137heCouncil, 14
LIVE 7pm CH35 Days Area 1-North rangements or for more information.
s72-3501 Parade of Miss. St.
er's 19 20 EQE 21 22 23 Recycle 24 RENTER INSPECTION
Day A Area 2-South
25 26 CC 27 28 29 30 Ifyou have acode complaint about
your rental unit in Fridley, first con-
tact your landlord. If after a reason-
able amount oftime that does not work,
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday call the Fridley Rental Housing In-
spection Department at 572-3616. A
Do you have a group you need to take somewhere? Try the 1 message may be left after hours.
Anoka County Traveler dial-a-ride van for door to 7=
door service. Call 422-7075 for information.
2 3 4 Rohday 5 PL 6 7 Recycle 8 The community values program
Independene Area 1-North tY P g
Da of Miss. St. developed by the Southern Anoka
9 10 CC 11 Cal On 12 13 14 Recycle 15 County Community Consortium or
The Council,
PR LIVE 7pm CH35 HRA Area 2-South SACCC now has a name and a logo.
s72-3501 of Miss. St. The name is Values First.
16 17 CC is EQE 19 PL 20 21 Recycle 22
A Area 1-North Y&UES
COnf. of Miss. St.
23 24 CC 25 26 C'j'V 27 28 Recycle 29
Area 2-South Columbia Heights* Hilltop*Fridley
130 31 of Miss. St. The seven community values cho-
sen by the 130 active participants are:
❖ Responsibility ❖ Integrity
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday Saturda Caring ❖ Selfcontrol
❖ Respect
. Non-Violence
` l A 2 PL 3 HR 4 Recycle 5 ❖ Citizenship
ON of MissArea ssvolunteer. St.
^ Tolunteer or toJ oin one ofthe nine
-, 6 7PR 8 9 10 11 Recycle 12 subcommittees,call Kelly Swanson at
HRA Area 2-South 636-5694.
of Miss. St.
13 14 CC 15 Call on The 16 PL 17 1 g Recycle 19 Calendar Code
CCH A 572 350m Area 1-North
A -Appeals Commission
A, E E of Miss. St.
20 21 22 CC -City Council
23 24 25 RJee6
CC c°°f Area 2- CH -Charter Commission
of MissCIV -Cable TV Commission
F 28 CC 29 A 30 31 EQE -Environmental Quality&Energy
IheCity Council meets at7:30pminthe Municipal Center locatedat6431UniversityAvenueNE.Thepublic HR -Human Resources Commission
is welcome.The Cable,Charter,and Park&Recreation Commissionsmeet at7pm.Hearing impaired persons HRA -Housing&RedevelopmentAuthority
planning to attend public meetings who need an interpreter,or others with disabilities who require auxiliary aids,
PL -Planning Commission
should contact the City Manager's Office at 572-3500 ten days before the meeting. The Municipal Center
is accessible to disabled people. P R -Parks&Recreation Commission
by Steve Billings, Councilmember Ward 1 PARK ORDINANCES
When metro papers or news sta- Because ofFridley's many busi- To
help keep the parks safe and for everyone
tions report on Crime Rates in the Twin nesses, every crime attributed to a have an enjoyable season in our parks,
Cities we receive calls asking why business such as shoplifting, theft please follow these ordinances or laws.
Fridley's rate is high There are two by check, or theft by credit card All parks open at 5am and close at 10pm.
reasons for this,many businesses and a increases the numerator,and along No overnight parking is allowed.
slightly decreasing population. with it,the Crime Rate. Increasing ,o Dogs are not allowed at Moore Lake Beach,
A large business community is good the number ofbusinesses does noth- Community Park, or Springbrook Nature
for Fridley,providing convenient shop- ingto increase the denominator. In Center.
ping and a large tax base, keeping fact,the 1994 Fridley Crime Rate Dogs are allowed in other parks, but must
residential taxes down. Some crime is increased by 11/2%over 1993 sim- be on a leash. Owners must clean up after
inherent with any business,however, ply from crimes committed at one their pets.
the Crime Rate should not be con- new retail store. ❖ Small cooking fires are allowed in barbe-
fused with citizen safety in Fridley. In 1980 with a population of cue grills only. No open pit fires.
Fridley businesses are not dangerous about 30,000 people Fridley was ❖ Golf is not allowed in any City park.
or crime ridden and in most cases busi- third among Twin City Suburbs at ❖ Skateboard, rollerskis, rollerskates or In-
ness related crime has little to do with 150 crimes per 1,000 people. The line skates are not allowed on any public
residents'safety. 1994 rate was 198 crimes per 1,000 tennis court or basketball court because
Fridley has historically had a"high" people ranking Fridley first among they ruin the surface.
Crime Rate and will likely always suburbs in a Star Tribune article. Alcohol is not allowed in any City Park.
have a high Crime Rate when com- Fridley actually had fewer offenses ❖ Parking is allowed in parking lots only, no
pared to other Twin City suburbs.Why? reported in 1994 than in 1980, but vehicles allowed on the grass, sidewalks,
To answer that question people need to because the population(denomina- etc.
for declined to 27 864 the Crime s Reservations for picnic areas do not grant
understand how a Crime Rate is cal- )
culated. Crimes are classified into two Rate increased. exclusive use of the park.
categories, Part I and Part Il. Part I In"bedroom"communities,ones Thank you for your cooperation.
Crimes are the more serious crimes not having a proportionally large
such as murder, sexual assault, rob- number of businesses, crime in-
bery, serious assaults, burglary, lar- creases relative to population, and Fridley residents can rent the new picnic
ceny(theft),auto theft,and arson. Part the Crime Rate remains fairly con- shelter, pictured below, atCommons Park
II Crimes are the less serious crimes. stant. While there is still vacant or one at Moore Lake Beach, or Flanery
People who report on Crime Rate land in commercial/industrial zoned Park by calling 572-3570. Springbrook
sometimes use just Part I Crimes and areas,little undeveloped residential Nature Center has a picnic shelter which
often use both;but in all cases it is the property exists.The result will likely can be rented by calling 784-3854.
number ofcrimes compared to the popu- be future increases in Crime Rate, Anoka County also offers shelter rentals
lation ofthat city. This produces a rate but that should not be confused with in their parks located at Locke Park,
which may be viewed as a fraction. the safety of people in Fridley. Riverfront Park, and Islands of Peace
Miles per hour or hits per at bats are If anyone(group or individual) Park by calling 757-3920.
examples of rates. The Crime Rate wishes to dis-
fraction has the number of crimes as cuss this issue
E �
the numerator and population as the further, call
denominator. Dave Sallman, �
NIm>em OF CxnmEs(numerator)_Crime
POPULATION(denominator) — Rate lic Safety at
Crime Rate is usually expressed in 572-3625.
terms of crimes per 1,000 people so
that comparisons may be made be-
tween different sized cities.The Crime
Rate can increase by increasing the
number of crimes or by decreasing the
population and keeping the number of
crimes constant.
OUTLINED he channel which brings you City Council meetings,Fridley Police:
The following road construction projects have T Beyond The Badge, Call On The Council, and much more is
already started or will start shortly. For More moving. Not far though,only from channel 31 to channel 35.
information,call 572-3552. Paragon Cable,the owner ofFridley's cable system,is aligning all of
Street Reconstruction Projects their channels in the same position throughout the metropolitan area.
• 68th Avenue from Monroe St.to Brookview Drive. Paragon says that they can offer better information and programming to
• Arthur St.from 64th Avenue to Mississippi Blvd. their viewers iftheir systems in Minneapolis,Bloomington,Fridley,and
Street Overlay Construction elsewhere have the same numbers.
• 69th Avenue from Old Central to Stinson Blvd. The move will occur toward the end of June. So watch for more
• Industrial Blvd. and 52nd Way from East River information about FMTV 35. For more information or a free monthly
Road. FMTV 35 guide call 572-3501.
Sealcoating Streets
• Street sealcoating area north of 57'/2 Avenue to
Mississippi Blvd.eastof University Avenue to High-
way 65.
Bikeway/Walkways FM 1'�
• West side of Old Central from 69th Avenue south,
extending along Moore Lake Parktothe intersection 35
of Old Central and Hwy 65.
• Westside of University Avenue from 73rd Avenue
to 85th Ave.
Watermain & Sewer Projects
Reconstruct watermain on Washington Street 500
feet north of 69th Avenue.
• Reconstruct sanitary sewer line on 79th Way from
East River Road to the Burlington Northern railroad
Anoka County Road Projects
• Reconstruct East River Road from Hartman Circle
• Reconstruct Osborne Road turning lanes and sig-
nal west of University Avenue to Commerce Circle.
Bhaven't,y now most people have fertilized their lawns. However, if you
FREEHOUSEHOLDHAZARDOUS and when the next application is needed,remember the
following facts about phosphorus.
WASTE DISPOSAL Phosphorus from fertilizers runs off lawns and ends up in area lakes
and wetlands where it promotes algae growth which can turn a blue lake
Ifhousehold chemicals are improperly dumped,either green and damage or kill the lake's ecosystem. Just one pound of
in the trash or outside,they could easily get into the phosphorus in a lake,creek,or river can yield 500 pounds of algae.
groundwater. To help keep groundwater and the envi- If you don't live near a lake, stream or wetland, should you be
ronment safe, Anoka County is collecting household concerned about using phosphorus-free fertilizer?
hazardous waste the second Saturday of each month yes! No matter where you live,runofffrom your lawn flows into the
through October. There is NO charge. storm sewer system. The storm sewer system empties directly into lakes,
Household hazardous waste including pesticides, wetlands,and streams.
solvents,gasoline,herbicides,paint,and varnish can be The make-up ofall fertilizers is indicated by a series ofthree numbers
taken to the Anoka County Fairgrounds on Saturdays on the package. The middle number indicates the amount ofphosphorus
from I Oam to 5pm. Dates are:Saturdays,June 10,July the fertilizer contains. Look for a middle number of"0"to be sure you
8, September 9,and October 14. are buying phosphorus free fertilizer.
Household hazardous waste only,no business waste. In some parts ofthe country,soils need phosphorus to sustain healthy
Must be an Anoka County resident. Identification re- plant development—but that's not true in Minnesota which has soil rich
quired. For more information call Anoka County at in phosphorus. In fact,a recent study showed that levels were so high,
323-5733 during office hours. A message requesting the vast majority of lawns tested did not need any phosphorus.
information may be left after hours.
Paper recycling mills are now able to recycle thin boxes RECYCLE TEXTILES
called boxboard. Just flatten them and put them in the bag
or bin along with your recycled junk mail and magazines. 11 types of clean cloth and clothing are now recyclable at
Boxes you may think of as thin cardboard are called Ayour curb with the rest ofyour recyclables. All textiles are
boxboard. They are gray,white,or tan on the inside. Com- given to Goodwill Industries which sorts the clothing from the
pletely empty out all boxes;remove any plastic liners or other rags and then distribute it to the appropriate outlet.
plastic parts;and flatten. Preparation:
Boxes made to go in the freezer or refrigerator have a . Place in a plastic bag, seal tightly and place next to your
plastic, foil, or wax coating which makes them difficult to other recyclables.
recycle. They are also likely to be contaminated with food. . A textile sticker will be placed on your bag and given to
Please throw all these boxes in the garbage. An easy way to Goodwill.
remember is that if a box is stored in the refrigerator, it is • A new sticker will be left behind for future recycling.
generally NOT recyclable. Not accepted!!
The following list groups boxes into recyclable and • Clothing or cloth with paint, grease, gasoline, or mildew.
nonrecyclable. If in doubt,throw the box away. It is better to • Cloth pieces smaller than 5 x 5".
recycle fewer boxes than to contaminate the batch with a few
questionable boxes.
Save all types of boxes listed below: SUMP PUMP USERS
Recycle dry food boxes such as: COOPERATION APPLAUDED
Cereal, cracker and cake boxes etc.
Potato chip, pretzel &snack boxes c ewage disposal costs are rising so it is in the best interest of
Noodle&pasta boxes S everyone in Fridley to reduce the flow rate. Since some of the
Recycle dry goods boxes such as: additional water comes from sump pumps,the City began a campaign
Tissue boxes to disconnect all sump pumps from the sanitary sewer system.
Toilet paper& paper towel rolls InFebruarythe City Council passed an ordinance making it illegal
Aspirin, medicine, soap &toothpaste boxes to connect sump pumps to the sanitary sewer.
Detergent boxes-empty all soap& remove plastic handle
In April a brochure was sent to all residents and businesses
Recycle other boxes such as: explaining the situation and offering a solution.
Pop,water& beer boxes H More than 3,000 households returned the survey and another
Shoe, toy, game, and gift boxes 1,200 called to either ask questions or to report their sump pump.
Do not recycle freezer or Because of this cooperation,75 sump pumps have been rerouted
and are no longer connected to the City sanitary sewer.
refrigerator boxes or cartons:
No freezer boxes or cartons City workers are now surveying neighborhoods,checkingtomake
No Frozen tv dinner boxes sure sump pumps are not still hooked to the sewer system. To find
No Ice cream cartons people at home inspections are conducted in the evening from 4:30 to
No Juice boxes 8pm, Monday through Thursday. To avoid tracking dirt in, no
No Juice concentrate tubes inspections are done on rainy days. Inspectors wear City shirts and
No Milk or juice cartons City identification.For the safety ofyour family and property,please
No Parmesan cheese containers ask to see I.D.of any stranger entering your home.
No Juice boxes
No Sour cream or yogurt cartons As an incentive,until December 31,1996,the City will refund one
Do not recycle these boxes! half of the cost up to$450 to disconnect illegal connections from the
sanitary sewer. You may choose to have the City make the discon-
No egg cartons nection and assess your cost over a 3 year period. For assistance
No boxes with food stuck on or in them inspecting your system or disconnecting a sump pump,call the Public
No foil wrapped cereal boxes Works Department at 572-3566.
No foil, plastic wrap, or wax paper boxes
No paper plates, cups, napkins or paper towels Effective July 1, 1995 failure to disconnect illegal connections
No pizza boxes will result in a $300 per quarter surcharge until the violation is
ANNUAL S Y by Leon Madsen
Form M1 PR, The Taxpayers Friend
e Six Cities Watershed Management Organization Minnesota property tax laws provide numerous ways for taxpayers
regulates creek and storm water runoff and to reduce the net amount of taxes they pay. Minnesota Department of
reviews surface water problems in major portions of the 6 Revenue form MIPR provides 5 different forms of property tax
southern cities in Anoka County. The organization meets reduction:
quarterly on the third Thursday in February,April, May, 1. Refunds a portion of taxes which exceeds a certain tax/income
and November at 1:30 pm in the Fridley Municipal Center. ratio. If your adjusted gross household income does not exceed
This past year,the organization met eight times. $61,000,you may qualify for a partial refund.
The extra meetings were held to discuss rewriting the For example:
Watershed Management Plan to bring it into compliance If gross household income is approximately$35,000 and your home
with current laws and accepted procedures. To date, the value has increased over the years to about$95,000, you could be
organization has reviewed the major portions of the plan and eligible for a refund of approximately$50.
is currently developing the WMO's assessment of problems 2. Refunds the portion of a renters rent which represents taxes.
and strategies to deal with surface water issues to the year 3. Refunds to mobile home owners who rent their parking space,the
2000. . portion of rent which represents taxes.
A major accomplishment in Fridley by the WMO has 4. Refunds to nursing home residents the portion of their room rent
been the Joint Powers Agreement project between Fridley that represents taxes.
and Columbia Heights for the 52nd Avenue Floodway/ 5. Refunds a portion of taxes paid that exceed a 12%increase over
Clover Pond Diversion. This project except for sodding and last year's taxes paid.
landscaping was completed last fall. The final touches will
be completed this spring. For more details, obtain a copy at the Fridley Assessor's office,
Blaine, Coon Rapids, Fridley and Spring Lake Park local banks, post offices, or contact the Minnesota Department of
jointly,applied for a Springbrook Creek water quality grant Revenue at296-378 1. Ifyou received a refund last year,a copy ofform
through the WMO. The WMO is the sponsor with Fridley M1PR was included with your Minn.Income Tax form packet.
administering the project. It is hoped that funds for this If you are a homestead property owner who is legally blind,totally
project will be obtained in early 1995. disabled, or a paraplegic veteran, you may qualify for a reduced
The WMO also applied for a Stonybrook Creek Erosion property tax classification. Contact the Minnesota Department of
grant for the City though it was not successful in achieving Revenue for information at 296-0204.
that funding. Negotiations are continuing with Spring Lake
Park to initiate a joint resolution to the /(,
Stonybrook Creek problem. WA'T'ER METERS CHECKED
To comply with Legislative require-
ments,Six Cities processed the Joint Pow- FAssessor
orthe pastthree years afterappraisingthe value ofahome,the City
ers Agreement Re- has been reading the water meter. The City has deter-
statement in 1994. Six mined this to be the most cost effective means ofdetecting faulty meters
Cities Watershed's an- or improper readings. Since our water and sewer system is operated as
nual budget of$10,000 a business enterprise,it is important to assure meter accuracy for the
6 Cities has not increased since following reasons:
Water- 1991. 1. Leaky,damaged,or old meters either read too much or too little
shed For additional in- water passing by. To ensure an accurate reading,meters needing
Manage- formation about the repair are reported to the Public Works Department which re-
ment organization, contact places them at no charge to the homeowner.
district any of its members
is 2. Ifwaterreadings are inaccurate,unfortunately sewage charges are
shown listed below or attend too since they are based on the winter water reading.
its meetings.
in The vast majority of meters and the readings are accurate,however,
blue. Chairman John Flora,Fridley (572-3550); Vice approximately 200 faulty meters have been identified and replaced.
Chairman Ben Ferguson, Coon Rapids There was even a case where a water meter was bypassed. Inthiscase,
(755-2880);Treasurer Kathy Young, Co- the water costs had been borne by the rest of the Fridley water
lumbia Heights (782-2882); Secretary customers.
Chuck Lenthe, Blaine (784-6700); Joe By checking meters periodically during the Assessor's annual review,
Anderlik,Spring Lake Park(636-4600);and we have instituted an inexpensive system similar to ones used by cable
Pete Molinaro, Hilltop(681-1914). companies and other utility companies to monitor usage.
by Dennis Schneider, Crime and Fear—Positive Actions
Councilmember Ward 2 Apartments—Some Bold Actions I am excited about Project Safety Net.I
Early this year,we took a bold initiative. am also encouraged by the grantmoney we
Last fall I wrote about the crucial After much discussion and consideration of received under the Federal COPS FAST
decisions facing our community;the cross- alternatives,we decided to promote the rede- program. This will allow us to hire an
roads of action or inaction. I indicated velopment of a fourteen-acre parcel in the additional police officer who will comple-
that it was time for actionto regain control southwest corner of University Avenue and ment the three new police officers added in
of our future and a time for decisions-- Mississippi Street. The Council and the 1994.
some that are controversial, some that Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Au- I am additionally encouraged by the
pose some risks,and some that are costly. thority agreed to remove current businesses response of our citizens to the Community
I received numerous responses and com- (including the City's liquor store)and apart- Values program. This multifaceted pro-
ments;all of them supportive and urging ment complexes on this parcel in order to gram seeks to link schools, businesses,
us to"get started." allow Rottlund Homes to develop owner- churches,and the governments of Fridley,
occupied townhome units and senior condo- Columbia Heights and Hilltop in a pro-
minium units.at the first milepost of our minium units. - gram that bolsters basic values in all as-
journey. It's been six months, and it's
time to discuss where we've been and
I strongly support this action. This site is pects of our community.
where we're going. We've made good "Downtown Fridley." Some of the present Sense of Communitv
progress in some areas; but we've hit businesses and apartments are run-down and/ Fridley Pride City Wide! That is the
some detours as well. or substandard. Replacing"used up"struc- name of our city-wide community cleanup
tures with new construction priced in the
Housing--A Rough Road $80,000 to$110,000 range makes economic week scheduled for this September. De-
On the positive side,we've purchased sense to me. And what better place than the tails will follow,but our goal is to spruce
eight substandard homes through our scat- center of town to show our dedication to the up the City,while encouraging citizens to
future? volunteer and spend a few hours to help out
tered site housing program, and in most in the clean-up. This will be an opportu-
cases have demolished the homes to make In government,nothing is as simple as it pity e get rid p.refuse,tires,batteries,old
way for new construction. Our home seems. There are numerous Federal regula- furniturebrush,etc. It's one more step to
improvement gramprogram ,has also been tions regarding the relocation of the people saying w, care about our community.
successful. Approximately$400,000 in displaced from the apartments as well as the
Community Development Block Grant businesses. In order to relocate these people, Our Next Mile
funding has been used to rehabilitate 34 we hired a specialist. Somehow, however, The mood ofthe country,as reflected in
homes in the last two years. issues got complicated. We have been faced the recent elections,is for less government.
The home improvement loan program With extraordinary relocation payments and a We also know that if we stand by and do
has been less successful. Thus far, only threat of legal action under the Federal Fair nothing,the problems we have today will
ten households have taken advantage of Housing laws. Since this matter is poten- pale in comparison to tomorrow's prob-
the lower interest rates that are available tially a case for litigation, I have difficulty lems. So,the question is how to solve this
through a combination of City and Min- saying more on this subject. I will say, paradox.
nesota Housing Agency fix-up funding. however,thatthe circumstances are very frus- From my point of view, we need to
In order to fix the f indin we have con- trating for those of us who are eager to see
g, move forward with school districts and
ducted focus groups with program reci i- Fridley move forward.
g P P g P other governmental as well as nongovern-
ents and non-recipients. The object ofthe In addition to the redevelopment of the mental organizations toward meeting com-
focus groups was to evaluate our pro- southwest quadrant,our City has been mov- munity objectives,particularly in the areas
grams and determine how they might be ing forward with the implementation of the of housing and control of crime.
changed in order to make them more suc- recently passed rental housing code. While
cessful. We will also hire a rehab counse- the progress has generally been positive, What do you think. Should we con-
some apartment owners have resisted our tinue to go down the action road? Should
for to assist people with rehab questions
and information, and are establishing inspections. To be fair,some of our inspec- wecontinue toinvest money for our future?
evening work hours to answer questions tors have been over zealous in their interpre- Should we continue to take bold steps,
tation of the code. As we move forward,we understanding that the bolder the step,the
about rehab programs. Additionally,we need to work carefully with apartment own- greater the risk? I'd like to hear from you
are establishing evening work hours for regarding these and an other questions or
building inspectors to perform inspec- ers and tenants to make sure that the City's g g Y
tions so that residents do not need to take objective ofpreserving rental property is met issues you may have. Please call me at
time off from work. Finally, we have While at the same time causing the least 571-7059, 572-3511 (voice mail), e-mail
added more banks to our loan programs. inconvenience possible to apartment owners meat71206.25@CompuServe.com,orwrite
and tenants. to me at 6190 Stinson Boulevard N.E.
HRA Annual
ach year the Fridley Housing and
Redevelopment Authority (HRA) What is the HRA?
presents an annual report to Fridley
citizens. Thisyear'sreportprovides he Fridley Housing and Redevelopment
Authority or HRA encourages housing
information about our rehabilitation Tdevelopments and businesses to expand or
programs in 1994 and some of the projects locate in Fridley. The HRA provides incentives to companies
we have already started in 1995. such as special financing, soil correction allowances, or land at
The HRA encourages every citizen to a reduced cost.
participate in shaping its housing policies
Often, this land would remain unused or in a blighted state
if some kind of assistance were not used to nudge a developer
aswell as economic development strategies. into improving the property. In fact, taxes collected after these
Attracting new industries to Fridley is property improvements are made more than repay the
inducements. New developments increase the tax base, which
important because it provides jobs and reduces residents' taxes.
strengthens our diversified tax base. Fridley's Housing and Redevelopment Authority is a nonprofit
Center City's Southwest OUddrdnt
ignificant progress has been made redeveloping the southwest
corner of University Avenue and Mississippi Street.
During 1994, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority �
reviewed the "vision" of the Center City Redevelopment Plan. After `
researching the commercial market and talking to residential developers,
the HRA determined that a mixture of residential housing would fill a ',� �
housing demand in Fridley and made the most sense for today's r rr rF r r
economy. rr-� r-r
Rottlund Homes Incorporated submitted the most appealing plan Fr_
and was chosen to develop the site. The HRA also retained a design consultant Designer's drawing of the single
to help prepare design criteria for the appearance and placement of the housing unit townhomes.
units in relation to University Avenue and Mississippi Street.
In the meantime
arrangements have
been made to demo)ish _ �
the rest of the
commercial buildings `
on University Avenue.
Tenants will have �
moved out by May 29,
1995and will hopefully'
relocate in Fridley.
Burger King, for
example, will move to
the former Pizza Hut
building on 57th
Avenue. The newest addition to Fridley's Center City is Stonegate shown above in a computer
generated drawing. Stonegate will be a mixture of single unit and multiunit condominiums,
HRA page 2 townhomes,and senior housing. Approximately 130 units will be constructed on the site.
Neighborhood Focus A Study
1994 the HRA repeated what it did 18 years before, assess the physical
ondition of Fridley's single family and multiple family homes. In 1976 it
was the basis for the 1980 Comprehensive Plan. Now that the HRA has
several rehab programs underway,the condition study will help prioritize where
the HRA funds will help most.
The Study
A "windshield survey" of 6,073 single family dwellings and 365 multiple
family structures was completed by City planning staff observing exterior
conditions of the homes while driving through neighborhoods. Homes were Farr Housingranked using a system, similar to the 1976 study, scoring properties as being in
Good, Fair,or Poor condition. This commonly used system evaluates the siding,roofs, garages, and other structural conditions. For All
Single family home results
■ About 85% or 5,163 of the 6,073 single family homes showed no exteriorA ccording to Minnesota and
problems and were considered to be in good condition. Federal laws, landlords,sellers or
■ 864 or 14% had one or two items needing repair. realtors CANNOT discriminate based
■ 45 or less than 1% of 6,073 had more than three to four items needing repair. on race,color,religion, national origin,
■ Roofs and siding comprised 64% of the items needing repair. Improvements sex,marital status,disability,or reliance
to garages, gutters, windows and doors were needed on the rest. on public assistance. To provide fair
Multiple family home results housing the national policy declares it
is illegal to discriminate by:
■ Multiple family properties included duplexes,triplexes,and other small and O refusing to sell, rent or negotiate,
large apartment buildings. O altering terms or conditions,
■ About 34% - 125 of 365 had no exterior problems and were rated in good O advertising that housing is available
condition. only to certain person,
■ 44% or 160 had one exterior condition requiring repair, 22% or 80 of 365 O denying that housing is available for
showed at least two to four items needing repair. inspection, sale or rent, when it re-
* 43 buildings needing repairs were ranked in Fair to Poor condition. ally is.
Next Ste If you think your rights have been
Step violated you have one year after the
Based on the above analysis, the HRA will use its financial resources in three violation to file a complaint. Contact
ways: either the:
1. Focus rehabilitation programs on specific areas or neighborhoods. O U.S. Department of Housing and
The first proposed neighborhood will be the Hyde Park area,which is west Urban Development Development O Housing and Urban Developp
of University Avenue,south of 61 stAvenue, north of 59th Avenue and east Hotline 1-202-708-2618
of Main Street. O Minnesota Department of Human
To help assess specific neighborhood conditions two randomly selected Rights 296-5663
focus groups were conducted in March,1995withsinglefamilyhomeowners Both tenants and landlords have
and multiple family owners. A mail survey was sent to the multiple family certain rights. For a free booklet
tenants. These results are currently being evaluated by the HRA and the explaining how State laws affect
City Council. landlords and tenants,ask your landlord
If this focus area approach is successful in Hyde Park,other neighborhoods or call the Minnesota Attorney General,
will be selected by the HRA for similar redevelopment assistance. 296-3353.
2. The HRA will continue to use its financial resources for housing rehab
programs to all Fridley residents. Existing programs are being studied for
possible changes and improvements to expand their use. 112r
3. Over the next 18 months the HRA will provide education and information
resources to residents:
■ Hire a rehab counselor to assist homeowners with remodeling projects.
■ Develop educational information about home improvement issues.
■ Holding a rehab/remodeling fair.
H RA page 13
Home Improvement Loans
Home Mortgage Assistance
Need to fix your roof or replace that old furnace? Maybe
you want to remodel your kitchen or bathroom? Acave you thought about buying a home but are
low-interest home improvement loan may be the answer. concerned about repair bills?
The Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority in Maybe the home needs a new kitchen or more space for
cooperation with Fridley State Bank and Northeast State a bedroom or family room. The Home Mortgage Assistance
Bank are offering home improvement loans at interest rates Program offers the following options:
from 2% to 8%, depending on income. Qualified 1. Buy and remodel a home.
homeowners can borrow up to$15,000 for up to 15 years. 2. Refinance and improve your home.
The loans can be used for most home remodeling 3. Buyarental homeand become the owner-occupant.
projects and you can even do some of the work yourself. To The benefit of this program is that you can combine both
qualify for this program, you need to meet the following the purchase (or refinancing) of a home, plus remodeling
guidelines: costs into one mortgage loan, at one interest rate. To help
1) Maximum income: $41,000 per year you with the down payment and closing costs, the City is
2) Good credit offering a deferred loan without interest. The deferred loan,
3) Be able to meet normal bank underwriting standards. which can be as much as$6,000,doesn't have to be repaid
Formore information oran application call GrantFernelius until the home is sold.
at 572-3591. To qualify for this program, you need to meet these
■ Have household income of $55,000 or less per year.
■ Have good credit and meet normal bank standards for a
home mortgage.
■ Purchase a home for less than $126,000.
Housing Program update ■ Plan to make minimum repairs of $5,000 or more.
Borrower's need to furnish estimates for the required
he City of Fridley and HRA sponsor several housing repairs along with a copy of their purchase
programs in cooperation with local banks and Anoka agreement. Applicationsand
County. Last year 35 homeowners took advantage of these additional information are
programs. Below is summary of the loans,grants,and mortgages available through the
which were made. City by calling Grant
Program Number Made Amount Fernelius, 572-3591.
Home Improvement Grants 17 $225,600
Home Improvement Loans 7 $ 48,450 0..
1st Time Home Buyer Mortgages 11 $867,140
Total 35 $1,141,190
Specially designed low income senior citizen housing was Tenants must be at least 62 years old with an
completed in the fall of 1994. To help get the 50 unit annual income less than $15,000-$16,000. Rental
$2,580,000 project going, the Fridley HRA provided an assistance is provided by HUD Section 202 Capital
$84,000 grant. Norwood Square, located at 6220-5th Street, Grant for low income seniors.
will generate $37,300 a year in property taxes. H RA page 14
Scattered Site Acquisition Progrdm
ACCAP Housin To help stabilize and improve Fridley neighborhoods,the Fridley HRA
g1 began to acquire and remove abandoned, blighted or severely
deteriorated homes. In 1994, eight single-family homes were voluntarily
noka County Community Action sold and removed. This year, five of those properties were sold and
Program (ACCAP) is a nonprofit construction will begin this summer. Whitney Homes, Inc. will construct
corporation which provides numerous the homes with a minimum sales price of$80,000 per home. The HRA and
services to Anoka County residents. builder entered into a development agreement to ensure that the homes
Among the services they provide are will be built on schedule and meet design standards.
Head Start, Child Care Referral, Senior The new homes will provide new housing opportunities for Fridley
Outreach, Home Weatherization & residents, preserve neighborhoods, and maintain property values.
Rehab, and Energy Assistance. This year the HRA plans to acquire another 7 to 10 homes. In fact, 3
Additionally,they provide 200 units homes have already been purchased and negotiations are progressing on
of affordable single family and multiunit 3 more.
housing throughout Anoka County.
Recently ACCAP purchased three Shown below are two
bu i Id i ngs i n the Hyde Park ne ighborhood ofthe home styles chosen
located at 5908 and 5916-2 1/2 Street to replace HRA acquired y t `
and 6008 - 2nd Street, two seven unit houses. Each home has
buildings and one fourplex. By fall 1,800 finished square'
ACCAP will have replaced windows, feet, two bedrooms with �'. ^
roofs,gutters,soffits and fascia,redashed
expansion available inthe
the stucco, as well as rehabilitated all basement. �o
the units for a total cost of approximately
$200,000. o000
Current residents ~ .r
will likely stay, but
since the units
r are only 75%
- occupied, new
tenants will be �O�ooO
�= movingin around OO�1�l�II
September. The oa_IIQo
' residents will form
a leasehold
cooperative, an
organization managing their rental HRA Members
homes. They will meet monthly to
discuss common management issues, Tpromoted
he HRA is a five member citizen committee. Through the years it has
establish renter criteria, and hopefully Fridley and secured many quality developments for the City. The
develop a sense of community. City Council appoints each member to a five year term.
Participants in the cooperative will
receive a rent reduction, as will low Larry Commers chairs the commission. He is an attorney with the law firm of
income residents. Mackall Crounse and Moore, and has served on the HRA since 1979.
ACCAP carefully screens all Virginia Schnabel, the Vice-Chair, is a Financial Litigation Technician with the
applicants, has resident managers at U.S. Attorney's office. She was appointed to the HRA in 1985.
each location,and tries to maintain high John Meyer is an engineer with the Minneapolis engineering firm of Meyer,
quality affordable rental housing. Fridley Borgman, and Johnson. He is an original member of the HRA and was
residents interested in applying for the reappointed in 1986.
Hyde Park housing orthose having other Duane Prairie is past President and CEO of Park Construction Company and is in
questions about ACCAP's Fridley his foruth term after being appointed in 1978.
property may contact Jeff Johnson, James McFarland is the newest member of the HRA appointed in 1992. He
ACCAP Housing Specialist,at 783-4732. worked for Norwest Bank for 16 years in North Dakota before moving to
Minnesota in 1977. In 1981, he accepted a position at Northeast State Bank
H RA page 15 where he is currently the President.
Lake Pointe Development
Selecting a Remodeling
The 33 acre Lake Pointe property at the corner of 1-694 and
Highway 65 is a prime site for a corporate headquarters. As the Contractor
Metropolitan area continues to grow, office space needs also
grow. Hopefully, the office space glut of the past decade is nearing an
end. In fact the Fridley HRA has had inquiries from two large companies 1project,
f you are planning a home improvement
who are interested in developing the land. Even if these do not pan out, selecting the right contractor is as
the future is bright for getting a quality business development in place important as selecting the right tools and
because Lake Pointe is: materials.
♦ One of the most accessible and visible Some things to remember as you plan your
locations in the Twin Cities. home improvement project:
♦ Totally improved — prepared building 1. Research your job and find out what type
sites,service roads,and sewer and water. of work is i nvolved,the type of materials to
The land is ready for building. be used and their cost.
♦ Located in a Tax Increment Financing 2. Getthe names of several contractors. Begin
District. with friends or neighbors to get the names
♦ Easily adaptable for multiple corporate or institutional users. ofcontractors. Manyhardwareand building
supply stores have business relationships
♦ Built for employee satisfaction,jogging paths are part of the complex with contractors and may be able to offer
and parks are within walking distance. some suggestions.
♦ Fridley has one of the lowest property tax rates in the Metropolitan 3. Get several estimates for the work. Prior to
meeti ngwith a contractor prepare a detai le
♦ 15 minutes to Minneapolis, 25 minutes to St. Paul and 30 minutes list of what you envision, including the
to the international airport. type of materials to be used. This will
♦ Medtronic, Onan, FMC, Target already have corporate offices in serve as a guide when talking with
Fridley. contractors and minimize the chance of
misunderstand ingabout what is to be done.
4. Carefully compare estimates to make sure
that they include everything that you want.
HRAA Report 5. Contact the Fridley Building Inspection
Department at 572-3604 to determine what
permits will be necessary.
& Additional information can be found in a
free brochure called "Hassle-Free Home
Building and Remodeling" which is available
Summer City Newsletter 1995 from the Attorney General's office by calling
HRA page 16
Summer 1995 - Fridley CITY OF FRIDLEY
Mayor.................................................. William J.Nee i
6431 University Avenue NE. BULKRATE
Councilmember-at-large..................... Nancy J.Jorgenson U.S.POSTAGE
Councilmember 1st Ward................... Steven E.Billings Fridley, MN 55432 PAID
Councilmember 2nd Ward ................. Dennis L. Schneider 571-3450 Minneapolis, MN
Councilmember 3rd Ward.................. Ann A.Bolkcom Permit No. 2886
City Manager...................................... William W.Burns -
Editor.................................................. Jim Froehle
Administrative Offices/Municipal Center.......... 571-3450
Office hours: 8am to 5pm,Monday-Friday. POSTAL CUSTOMER
FIL—Fridley's Info Line..............................572-3600
24 Hour Recreation Hotline................................ 571-9397
Liquor Store........................................................ 571-3480
Police 24 Hours-Non-Emergency) 572-3629 PRINTED USING SOY BASED INK ON 100% RECYCLED