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k M ���-,esv�o Re istrot�on No -3959 � � • �� ��tv ev cHK- ev
; � CE,PT/F/�.qTc� OF SI�,P�/ES�
�'y�4�P'L�S «OO�I/
DATE , �v���� -���� DRAWN BY �C �.� �c.� OF
p `, i
P�� Coa�miasiou M�aetia,.ga,_• Decac�ber 10� 1964 Pa�e 3
MOT'LON by Bandel� saaa►ndad bq Johaason, thaC the Plannis� Coa�iseioa
reca�a�enda a buiidin� permit be epprArved for 8o Ca Ulberg, 7035 8ast 8ives
. Road, on Che Basterly postion of Lot Z2, also kaatim ae PaYcal 2560, eub3oct
to a dedicaCion af a utilitiy e�semoat and privata rosd oaesmsnt for scceae
to 70tt� Way, Upoa a voice vote� all votiag aye, th4 motfon curriad.
g� AD��_3?,�TS IIID Aff,L„�G$. 0.S M�LBS: 53rd Avenue from Uuivera ity
Avornu to Mai� Strest and 63rd Aveaua framn 7th Streati to Univarsity Avenueo
MD'TIOtd 1ry Johaason, e4conde�d by Baadel, ta aonfirm ths m�tioa of
tha Strsete and IItilitieg Sub-Comni.ttoo rec�sndiag that 53rd Avenue
from Uni.v�rsity Avanus to Main Street, aad 63sd Av�nua from 7th strs�t
to Uaivessity Av�uue bs deei�n�at�d as Minaesota 3tsts Aid StYeata. Upon
a votce vote9 nii �oz�� 8yaa rhe mo�son carriaao
Mre Ber�n eat�a
�9,� �_,I�iTI�t s L i S. �64•2G v CHASLSS CRO�N:
Mro Chaslas Csaon and Mso Kaith Harstad were praesnto
It was �cplaiYiad that Mr, Croon avas getting fiv� fest from thQ lot
Ca th• W�t to �ivs him a 77 fooC fs�pntgge. The Cammissi�on diaceiesad th4
ps�o�sdus� ia this csee aad woadoted whsthar or not a c�rti,ficats of �urvoy
waa �cessasy.
MOTIOt,t by BaadsZ� sscandad by Johaasot►, that ths Planain� Cammi�eion
s�cam�,and apps�val of the Lot split �64-268 Part of LaCe 2 aud 3� M�loland
Gsrd�pasa Crooa� eub,��ct to havia� a asrCi�icate of eurv4y whsa
pseseat�d to ths Canncilo IIpan a voice votes ali voCi� ayaa tho motioa
1Q�/ ST�B'r VACATIO�tt SAV �f64•07p 6 AVBNUB, 3YLVAN �T.TS. PL�AT 5� GIBT
Y�IT'IO�I by Ber�a ssaond�ed by JohaaeonA Cbat tha Plaaaiag Con�iseion
=g�COmmBitd tipp7cOv81 of the veaatiou request, 3A9 #64�07a Cift HOues St�s�
?,�c., 64� Avsnua N.B., Sylven Iiills Addition, Plat S, an th� baeis that
�il a�uttiag propesty own�cs bo ttw preseat etreQt hsva sgsoad to tbo
sfarsot vacationo Upo� a voiae voto, all votiag ays, tha m�tion carriade
118i SPIDCZAL US8 PBBZtCTt DOUSLS BUNC�lIaO�� �A�LA� B�RBY s I,ota 1 Chru 7 0
B1oalc i9 pet�ma a 3rd Additiane rth sidr of gickory Drivs from F.sst
Rivar B�oud to 706Ff Hicicory Driv�o)
Tha Co,�iesion diseuseood tb� ar�a, oapeoialiy ths etroat psobl�►,
ZfOTI0P1 by B4tgmane secoad�d try Band�l, that ths Spaci,al Us� Yasmit
for a double bua�alaw9 Bsziaad Daszy, T.�te 1 thru 7a Bloek 1� Ostma�a'e
3zd /�lddit3on, t� daf�red and s�sfsszad to Stss�ts ead Utilitias Sub�
Coaumitta far chackin� on atzeet pattarna, the aligiroo�at of Hickory
Driv�� 73sd Av� and 8ast 8iv�r 8�oad. Upon a voice voe�, ali voting
aya, Chs m�tioa easr3sd,
. -
Fage 43�
Moti� by Wright to authorf.ze purchase of Lot 16, &lock 6, Carlsan's
Su�nmit Manor, South Additi,on for the sun of $2984a83 and accept a Quit
Claim Deed fro�n Lot 17, Block 6, Carlsonf s Surmnit Manor, South Additione
S�conded by Kirkhame Upon a voice vote, there being np nays, the nwtgon
carried �,maniwously o
MaYor Nee req�sted a m�tion to waive Notice of Hearing for park purposes
o� the Bronson-Erickson escrow.
Motion by Kirkham to wafve No�ice of Hearing to cons3der the B�onson_
�ickson escrow for park purposeso Seconded by Sheridane tipcm a voice
vote, there being no nays, the m�tion carried unanimouslyo
Councilman Sheridan stated that under the original platting, this area
was to be set aside far park but the awner was to put a swale or ditch oN.y
after it had been developed as a drainage sys�em for the area arul it was
low land, that he had u�derstood there was 35 feet of peet i,n one areao
He further stated he d3d not recall any tim� element as far as the escrow
but it was just a pro�ection for the City to try and y+et the original
agreeraent put through that there would be primarily on the storm drainag�e
problem to make sure the swale was set up to the East and up to the creeko
Councilman Sheridan added he did not know 3.f thea�e was any further agree-
ment with the City to hav� this further leveledo The City Manager replied
there was no further agre�a�ent and this dated back to 1958o Counc3lman
bdright asserted that par� of the City t s point w�uld be if they prc�ttised
to level, grade and then l�v�]. the land and the owners had taken out a lot
of black dii� in there and he had be�n told an excavato� would not go in
txie area wifih maehi,neryo Councilmar► Sheridan explained that he did not
think with anY Park P�P�rtY turn�d over to fihem that they required a
developer to develop i� to a park site and the City had accepfied ld�+� areas
b�fore but if it was in wo�se s,hape then it taas previously he felt they
should at l�ast came back up �o standard and the rough grading shoul,d be
brough�G backo He asserted if the administratio�n thought the only way
��c�ou�l.d g�t this dane would be to hold the money9 they would do so but
greement could be work�d out tha� the vwner would do this without
the escrow that wouid also b� satfsfacte�rry but �hhe agreement should be
brought backo The City Manacrer replied he fel� certain the awner w�ould
agree to nothirtg either waye Mayor Nee inqu�.red if there were a way of
forfeiting ao the City Could c�b�ain �he escraw moneyo The City Manag�er
suggested the City Couneil. nc�t tak� action this night and they would have
the agreement ch�eked again4
Motion by Wright to table the Bronson-Erfekson Escrow for park purposes
to the next r�gular meetingo Second�d by Sheridano tlpon a voice vote9
there being no nays, the motion carried unanimotzslyo
�,� The City Manager explained to the City Co�cil there had been a lot
� ,�' �pl3.t request befor� the Planning Canmission this night arhd th�ae persons
�° vaould 1ik,e the Cauneil to c�nsider ito He e�cplained �he Planning
Co�i$$ior� had telt the lot splft was acceptable but wanted a surv�y of
! .
Page 440
the lot from which the split was be3ng made arLd it was his is�clerstanding
they applied for a building permit and want to build the garag+e right
up to the lineo �ity Engineer Qureshi explained the area in questiono
' Mayor Nee inquired if this could not be resolved by the fvllowing Morrdayo
Councitman Sheridan explained to the contractor and owner present the
re�son tne Mayv� Had asked was that the City Council would be having a
� special meeting that night and if they had all the prablems resatved
, this could be taken care of at that t3meo A discussion was held relative
! to what would have to be presented for the building permit and lot splito
iCouncilman Kirkha�n added they would have to have a survey of the lot
that is being split. 2he Qu�estion was rai.sed if the contractcm cou7.d
dig the footings ar► tha same basis as Mr. Salfterman had a�d be given
permissicrn in this mannero Counci].man Sheridan replied �hey could not
because they would have to go before fih� Board of Appeals on the side
ysErd requirements and it wQuld take longer than thisproced�a It was
generally agre�d to hold action on this itQm until the fal.ltvwing Monday
� ev�eningo
There being no fu�rther business Mayao� Nee declared the Special Council
M�eeting of Thursday, December 10, 1964 a�d j ourned o
ResPectfully Sulxnit:ted,
Sue Miskowic
Secretary to the Co�cil
� �age 45.
SP�t'.IAI+ COL1D1�`+IL �S'I'ING - DSC'�b�SR 14 a 1964r
Z'tte meetis�g was call�c] to order by 1Kayoac N�e at 10:04 PoM,
M�bezs Presert: DTaaB KirkhamB 5hasidar�e Wriqht
M�abers 1�►bs�nt: None r
` l1 S F S - 1 - S
x �ID�3 g, �I.A�iD,�G,_,ARDENS ADDIT I�
� �
Mr o Croan si�awed the Council tbat he had the d�cl foac the east �iv� foet
Of Lot 3. Ma�t3on by Wrlght, S�concled by Sh�ldan, �hat �he lOt split bQ
approvod. U�oti a voice vot�ee thara beinq no naya, �tayo� DTea doclared
the motion carried,
...�, ,,..�
N�otiwn by Sh�ridan, sscoaide�d by Kl�kham, that the Couneil waive the
twelvo-hour maeti�g notice to consider ax� add�.tio�al ite� to those list�cl
on the agauda. Upon a soll cal� vote, those voting aye, Dt�, Kirkham,
Sheridar►o Wzigbto Ptayag non�o K�yar Nee dsclared the motion carriecle
Mr. Richard Herdez preaent�c7 a writt�n proposal by a gz�at�p of citizens
propositig establishm�en� of a Suman Rela�ians Co�ttae, aAd also, a notic�
from tho Chaitman of the Republican Party to the Fridley R�publican Party
stating that ths party app=oves this proposal. Mr. 8erder etatad thia
proposal had the a►pproval of botYi major political parties and also tl►8
Fri.dley Mi.nisterial Associatione Motion by Wright, secondsd by Sheridano
to receive the proposal on a Human Relations Caa�ittes co�mprised of tean
points ancl dealing with a �roposed Com�aittee on Human Relations, and to
request the City J►ttorn�y to prepare a resolution settinq up such a
committes fos the next regula� mee�ting. Upon a voice vate, there being
no nays, Mayor DTee declared th� �otior► carried.
Z'his it�m was tabl�ed to tbe next regular Council mee�ting on Dec�mber 21,
z'her� being no further business o Mayor DTee declar�ed the meeting ad j ourneed
at 10s45 PoM.
Sarl Pe Wagner Actinq Secretary to the Cot�ncil