Meter Swap . Request Number: 12030 Public works Division Service Request Problem Address: 1361 Mississippi St Requested By: Mason&Jill Department: WATER Address: No address provi�d Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 571-7779 SchedWed Date: 2016-09-27 Scheduled 13me: 09:00:00 �-.., � � � � ACTION NEEDED:AMR ._ Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2016-09-26 ACITON TAI�N: . ..__...._��i.C__l_..'_�.5�..."....�.r..'��.____—____.�� �6�.�_��_ ...__...._o'�__ ...__....:....:..............rv_.::-�._____.__C�..CP�1...._�s�................._.______.____��_..�.......__._._......_�... ..............I�_��n,....�.y.....—r........."�z�-_.__.._�"f�..._�_�...._.�.___.�._��.___._._ ...............��_��.G��-..._..�__....___........__.__._ ._._........_..._._....._._....__ ._. ____._._.._______.__._.._._..._....__ � z�'._._..�___ b���...�`��.�.__..._..__...________. _ _.__................�...._.......... � - _._..............__..__._............. ...__...w_. _._._....______.._.___�.- Status: In Progress Submitter Hxs Been �., Contacted Date Completed: Completed by: ��� � , � Cii���Fridiey - . . __ ... S�la#�r Depaets�►�nt _ :. . .�.. 64�1 Unirr�rsifi/Avenue NE Frid(ey,AtIN 55432 {753)57Z-3565 tEwe here6y author�ae the C�tY af fridtey and jor its employees to do wh�is necessar�ta r�place the water rneter. l�nderstand that the property awner �c I;ab1e for the water(ine from d�►e mairr to the premise and a�m�riar plum6ing. (Pec CiiY code 402,��j i.a(s+�h�ld the Ca[y of�rtdtey and jits employees harmte�for any amages may c�7-r" while doing this operaticrn. This t+n indudet but not limited ta;valves,F�pi»g.u�ls,floors ar the curb stop box and senrice line. 8 understand 1 arn also�required to o��ain a perrnit pr�or to any�rork�if necessa+y. . Finai m�ter reading(old meter) � `�� � � �� Name• Address• 1���' 'V`�'�5' Rhone 1Vumb Date: ` y�`'�� Signature: Witness gn re• �ItIDLEY CITY C�DE C�6�PTER 40�s 1NA�'E�t,5�'f]R!V{WAT�R,AND�ANCfAI�Y SEWER ADMlNISTRATIQN (Ref Ord�la 11.3,464,565;56�,6�.9,fi38,56�,9ZZ,988,1144,1156,119I) 4i��.05.PERMiI'FEE � Prior to can�trucEing t�r repair af any water or sewa���nE e°nnecfmgthe exi�tting municipat�ystem and any house ar 6ui(ding f�r uvhich the app{ication is made,the awner or co�rac�tar shali be required to obtain a pem�i�for such conrrecdan,and shall pay a permit fee as prr�uided in Cf�apter 11 ofthis Code. After such cannectlan has been made,the Water and Sewer Departmeot sha11 be natifted. It shall he unlawful tQ caver any r.onnecting Gne untii an inspection has 6een made and such conn��tion and�he worlc snade�thereto has been appr�ved by the Ctty as a prtiperand su'rtat�Ie connect�on. 40�.06.REPAtR5 AND MAINTENANCE T6�CON�IECCi'i�td -A�r�a�-iRi#i�. ,__L,�F�nr[ef Mwas+ the water service curbstop bgx Q�the sewer lead atthe propert. fine ar a water service or sewer lead has heen exterided to the property line for cannection�the a�pticar�,owner, ar the occupant or user ofi sucM premise�shail be iiab(e for all�epahs re�uired to eny water fine and sewe�lin+es necessary for connectian of the prernises from the main to the premises. if the propetty owner requests maiafienance service dr repairs 6e perforrned hy f6e City;the prop�ty awner shall be charged for the costs af t�ie . maintenance andJor repairs, including any neces�ary street repair�at a rate set ennuallyby�n adrninis�ati�e policy. It shalf be the responsihitity afthe app4icant,owner,occupa�tor user ta perForm s�andard rnein#enance of ` the sewer servic�e Cne from tt►e premises#°the main including de6ris clearing or raot cutting and td maintairi the water servic�cur6 stop hox for operability and et such height as uu�i ensure that it remains a6ove tfie finished . . . - - . -- _:`�,act"e of�'ri�tand or-�rn���4y.�(R�6�8,�.��,t���:� _. _ ._ _ . .. . _. .