Meter Swap I 13��� �' `���9 ��
Request Number: 9365
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 6035 Main St Requested By: Jim Dropps(manager for property)
Bank owned
Department: WATER Address: No address provided
Problem/issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 763-464-4371
Scheduted Date: 2014-11-OS SchedWed'I3me: 10:30:00
ACTION NEEDED:2014 AMR Lockbox:7607 Lockbox is on front door.
Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2014-I 1-03
Old meter# 18423272 Old reading 380 80 New meter#44921578 ERT#35171875
Status: Completed Resident Contacted C
Date Completed: 2014-11-OS Completed by: RyanJohnson
Request Number: 9906
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 6035 Main St Requested By: Sandi H
Department: WATER Address: No address provided
Problem/Issue: FINAL METER READING Phone Number:
Scheduled Date: Scheduled Time:
.,�_ _.._,`
ACTION NEEDED:Final reading. losing 3/27i15 E 35171875
Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2015-03-26
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Status: In Progress Resident Contacted �
Date Completed: Completed by:
• � ��"��� -
Hiatt, Wend�
From: � Hara, Sandra
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 2:21 PM
To: Hiatt, Wendy
Subject: final AMR Reading needed
! need the AMR read at 6035 Main St for a closing on 3/27/15. The ERT#is 35171875.
Sandi Hara
City of Fridley
Utility Billing
f .
Request Number: 9365
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 6035 Main St Requested By: Jim Dropps(manager for property)
Bank owned
Department: WATER Address: No address provided
ProblemlIssue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 763-464-4371
Scheduled Date: 2014-11-OS Scheduled Time: 10:30:00
�� � 3
ACTION NEEDED:2014 AMR Lockbox:7607 Lockbox is on front door.
Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2014-11-03
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S, In Progress Resident Contacted ❑
Date Completed: Completed by:
� � ��s �,� ��,�, ��`�
✓ �
- City of Fridiey
, Wat�r Dppartment
_ ._: _ .
.... ._
6431 Univecsity Avenue NE
Fridley,MN 55432
�/We hereby authorize the�h►of Fridley and/or its
� employees to do what is necessary to replace the water meter, 1 understand tha#the property owner
is liable for the water line from the main to the premise asd ali int�r�or Plumbtng. (Per�ty cude
402.Q6� 1 alsa hold the City of Eridley and/'�ts empioyee�s hanniess or any amages may o -
whife doing this operation. This to intlude,but not limited to;valves►p�Ping,walls,floors ar the curb
stap 6ox and service{ine. {understand 1 am alsa required to olrtain a t�esmit p�+o��any wurk,if
Final meter reading(old metery �s��d��D
Name: Address: lfJ U 3� -'�1��c� `�'�'
Phone Number� �e• �� ��y
Witn�.ss Signature:
(Ref Ord Na 11�,464,565,566,b29,638,662t 922,988,1144,1156,1191)
Prior to constructing or repair of any water or sewer line connecting the existing municipai system and any house
or building f�r which the applicatian is made,the owner or contractar shall be required ta obtain a permit far such
connectian,and shall pay a permit fee as pruvided in Chapter 11 of this CAde. After such connection has 6een
made,the VUater and Sewer Department shall be natified. it shall be unlawful to cover any connecting tine until an
inspection has been made and such tonnection and the work incident thereto has been approved by the City as a
proper and suitabie connection.
���a�Q��,.�,,,,,,.�;��has►,oa�Made to the Warer service curh staa box or the sewer lead at the propert'
line or a water service or sewer lead has been extended to the property line fnr connectian,the applicant�awner,
or the occi�pant or user of such premises shall be liable for alt�epain required to any wate�line and sewer(ines
necessary for connection of the premises from the main to ihe premises. if ihe propgtty owner requests
maintenance service or repairs be performed by the�ty,the praperty awner shall be charged for the costs of the
maintenance and/ar repairs, inctuding any necessary street repairs,at a rate set annually by an administrative
poticy. it shail be the responsibitfty af the appficant,awner,occupant or user to perfarm standard rnaintenance of
• the sewer service tine ftom the premises to the main including debris clearingor root cutting and to maintain the
water senrice cur6 stop box for operability and at such height as wifl ensure that it remaSns abave the finished
�"gra�e of ti�e land or-praperiy.�(Ret 6��,-1�5,�'��`��� _- � -