Meter Swap � I _ d� . �`6 �f ��{�-y��S� Request Number: 9460 Public Works Division Service Request , ...�..........�......��.._....��_........_..._a����������....��..�_�_������_��..�_���.��..���_..��_��.__�v_v._��._���.._�___.��_....���..�..����_����_��...�_._....���____��_�_..���._.����_��._._...__.�...._..�...�_�.�..�. Problem Address: 100-58th Ave Requested By: John Keppler I Department: WATER Address: No address provided ! Problem/Lcsue: INSTALLAMRMETER PhoneNumber: 612-965-1120 Scheduled Date: 2014-11-24 Scheduled T3me: 10:00:00 ACTION NEEDED:AMIi Install Created by: Cheryl Pellegrin Date Created: 2014-11-13 I' ACTION TAI�N: ✓ Old meter#35510532 Old readin .0323 00 New meter#44920955 ERT#35159314 I ...................................................................................................._...........................................�..._____...__................................_.._..._.._..._.._.................._....._�._.._...�......._......._._._..__.._.__...........__.__._....__..........._..._..............�.. ...................................................._..__......___..........._._........_____._._.._..._.................._.._......._._..................._........._._.__..._._......__..__.._.........................................__................_.....__....._......_.._..�..._....._....._...._..._..____.____� ......................................._...._........................._.._................................................................_................_.........._..__................................._........_..........._.._.__..___._.�._.........._ �..._..�.._......�..._._____.___._.__..�... Status: Completed Resfdent Contacted !"" Date Completed: 2014-11-24 Completed by: Joseph Katzung I Hours �� `/� paubi g G�' ���,,,r ') S :sX�eu�ag ; � �.,,-�ti� axEy1 �uauza�Etdag p butp2ag �uau�a�EZdag , 'C ��O �°H �uau�aa�tdag i � ` � bccip2a� �a�ay� PTO T� /�� £- `T�aquinK .za�aL�I PZO / � ��• ` ! a�E� ,..� a�/ �+yp(� auzEN .i� l � '•n� 7�„�✓S ��� �sa�FP�d �: �*�r a,�,'„� : � Xi�'�4 �� �, . x �` ,f i�k n eZ� � � � .;s� � ;F�,... ���' �:. �� s - ,� Request Number: 9460 Public works Division Service Request Problem Address: 100-58th Ave Requested By: John Keppler Department: WATER Address: No address provided ProblemJIssne: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 612-965-1120 „ Scheduled Date: 2014-11-24 Schedu�iqd Time: 10:00:00 v . �` �C�,� ACTION NEEDED:AMR lnstall � Created by: Cheryl Pellegrin Date Created: 2014-11-13 ACTION TAI�N: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_..._.......___.....�......__.._........................:........._..._..._..........._............._......._ _ ,..� .,- -� _.......:..�a!_d...........r��-..1.-�:.r............:�...............:........_....:�..�.............�.__._....1�.....s...:........,�.�........................................................._..................................._......._........_.......................___..................... � .. . ` ..................Q..�....................:�er,�.�-_::...__�_:��:...:�..q.._o�..............._.........................................................................................._. ...._.._lv.c�:%1.,�...........y:�.7.�:::��..........`:...........:../..y�at���''....................................................................................: ..................�r��..�i.l.................�:e�a:d:�,�: '.....�:::-:::.�...................._.............................................................................:......................................._. p � .......................�.C.l�........_�'.......'�:....a.7..5��.....�.....�.....q..�1......�.�.....:.............................................................___._......._..................................................................................._...__...................................__....__....._ 1 � Statns: 1nTrogress Resident Contacted ❑ Date Completed: • Completed by: . ,r�a� �� � ��� C � ,:� � � - City of�ridfey - . ,, V�atFr D�partment _ . . _ 6431 University Avenue NE Fridfey�MN 55432 (763]572-3566 �/We hereby authorize the��1►of F�idley and/or its employees to do what is necessary tc replace the water meter. I understand that the property owner �s liabte inr the water(ine from the main to the prem�e and ail interior plumbi�. (Per Cit�t code 402.06) I.alsa hold the C'ity of Fridiey andJits employees harmlessfar any damages tnac may�T- while doing this aperetion. This to include,but not limfted to;vaWes►P�p��B,�Ils,floors or the curb stop box and service fine. I undersrand i am afso required to ohtafn a permit prior to any work,ff , necessary. Finai meter readtng(old meter) �3 ��q 0� Name: Address•, i�'" 5�.� ��' — Phone Number Date• �+�02��1�/ Signature: 1Nitness Signature� - �RIDI.tY CITY CODE CHAPTER 4i?2.WA7ER,57URM WA7ER►ANO SANiTARY SEWER ADMINiSTRATION (Ref Ord No 113,464,565,566,629,638,66Z,922,988,1144,1156,1191) 402.05.PERMIT FEE � Prior to constructing or repair of any water or sewer line connecting the existing municipal system and any house ar buifding for which the application is made,the owner or contractor shall be required ta obtain a permit for such conttection,and sha{t pay a permit fee as pravided in Chapter 11 af this Cade. After 5uch connection has been made,the Wat�r and Sewer Department shall be notified. ft shait be uniawful to cover any cannect+ng line until an inspection has been made and such connection and the work incident thereto has been approved by the Qty as a praper and suitable connection. � -�s, 40t.06.REPAIR5 AND MAIN'fENANCE TQ C4NNECTIt7N �����p����� a +�+s,tl WarPr service curh stop bnx or ihe sewer lead at the propert� fiaan m^�� fine or a water service nr sewer lead has been extended to the property line for cannechon,the applicant,owner, ar the occupant or user of such premises shatf 6e tiable for af{repairs required to any water line and sewer lines necessary for connection af the premises from the main ta the premises. if the prope�ty owner requests maintenance senrice or repairs be periormed 6y the City,the pruperty owner shal{be charged for the casts of the maintenance and/ar repairs, induding any necessary street repairs,at a rate set annually by.an administrative policy. it sha11 be the responsibit'rty of the applicant,owner,occupant w user to perfarm standard maintenance af - the sewer serv�ce line from the premises to the main induding de6ris dearing or root cutting and to maintaln tf►e water senrice curh stop box for operabifitY and at such height as wili ensure that it remains above the finisfied . . . _ . _ - - ,,grade of'tF}e�1arrd or�rdpE�fy.�{Ret 630,]��55,.t�9�:) .. �- � - � - �